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Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

Everytime a Turk talks about history, especially as it pertains to Armenians, I want to throw up. You saying that Hunchak and Dasknaks were the ones that started provocations is like saying that America declared war on Japan, and in response the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Nobody cares about your archives because we know what is in them. Are you aware that there is also hard evidence that the Holocaust does not exist? But it relates to something so specific and obscure that, while true, it does not alter the reality of the situation.

Don't waste your time trying to push your denialist history on me. UN will recognize the Armenian Genocide by 2015, as will most intellectuals in Turkey.

"In TRNC Turks were the victims and as for Kurds they are equal Turkish citizens since the establishment of the republic. Pretty much the same with Istanbul Armenians."

I'm done talking about history with you. But Kurds are not equal Turkish citizens. Are you saying that they have the exact same rights as you do?

As I am a Kurd, how dare u talking about Kurds?
We have equal rights, maybe we origins are not Turk, but we set up Turkey together in 1923. Maybe we are speaking Turkish but other origins are speaking Turkish like Turkish citizens-Armenians-Greeks-others. Because a counrty has only a language for communication. If a country has two languages or more, how they can talk? I know Turkish and Kurdish. Lastly, Kurd pop 95% has been glad with living together. My father and mom are Kurd but my aunt is a Turk and brother-in-law is a Turk.
PKK(terrorist organization) is only 5% pop of Kurds in Turkey. Sincerely I say Kurds are side of Turkey. I am sure Armenia has supported PKK(terrorist organization).
And you do? What, because your Turkish? I'll tell you, Turkish dumb@sses are a dime a dozen around here. You ignored every single point I made in the post because you also acknowledge Turkey's hypocrisy.

"It's not." Yeah, like you are some kind of expert. There is hard evidence of Turkish discrimination (in regards to Kurds, Armenians, ethnic minorities), hypocrisy (contradictory viewpoints on, say, NKR and TRNC), and genocide.

But wait! Turkish internet troll Legionnaire says "It's not." Your persuasive powers are magical.

You have lied zillions of times before.
Try to come with something new,allways the same genocide claims.
Dont you get tired of it?
Who told you to side with our enemies?
Oh yeah they prommised you a country,well you have one be happy and get over it and hope that Russia will be there for you allways.
You and evryone knows what will happen if not.
Dont worry we will do nothing,because we dont care.
It would help alot with a different attitude dont you think?
Dont get personal,state facts.
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