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Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

What TurAr said was a realpolitik strategy not trolling. whether this strategy works or backfires is not clear.
Instead of fighting, I would wait for the French police report that may be a realpolitik strategy instead of a real report.
What TurAr said was a realpolitik strategy not trolling. If this strategy works or backfires is not clear.
Instead of fighting, I would wait for the French police report that may be a realpolitik strategy instead of a real report.

My advice would be: never trust the French.
Unlike OT, i didn't say it out of my hate, but because in my opinion it is the logical thing to do.

Doesn't really matter if Iran involved in this incident or not, it is a proven fact that Iran is in favor of this conflict and did everything it can do to prolong it. This is just one of the many ways to make Iran pay.
Iran will pay. One way or another. They think history will forget itself. History will never forget itself. History has proven Iran only understands share power. With the will of God/Allah I will see this in my life time.
Iran will pay. One way or another. They think history will forget itself. History will never forget itself. History has proven Iran only understands share power. With the will of God/Allah I will see this in my life time.

with your irrational pan-turkicism and your fanatic hatred of nobler civilizations in china, persia and elsewhere, i say the destruction of your kind is much surer than whatever harm may come to iran. the two leading eurasian powers are on iran's side in its resistance to the rootless races' zionist design against iran and even europe has shown its restraint in bangwagoning with anglo-americans and jews. by contrast, a coalition against pan-turkicists can be easily built, and i dare say the jews and anglo-americans wouldn't be able to stand in its way in its quest to annihilate pan-turkics everywhere in continental eurasia. the persians have survived in persia for thousands of years whereas the nomadic turkics were tossed around like used toilet paper, so i bet they know a thing or two about political friendship and being neighborly that the turkics don't.
with your irrational pan-turkicism and your fanatic hatred of nobler civilizations in china, persia and elsewhere, i say the destruction of your kind is much surer than whatever harm may come to iran.

Let me wake you up Chini.

China is not a super power and will never be. You can't support Iran. The moment you side against Western interest, China will fail very bad. Once your economy is destroyed, China will be splintered in a thousands pieces like a Cheap Chinese dish.

We have more alliances against China than you think. Don't forget about Japanese / Turkish brorthership and mutual interest to limit in the Chinese pest from spreading.
Let me wake you up Chini.

China is not a super power and will never be. You can't support Iran. The moment you side against Western interest, China will fail very bad. Once your economy is destroyed, China will be splintered in a thousands pieces like a Cheap Chinese dish.

We have more alliances against China than you think. Don't forget about Japanese / Turkish brorthership and mutual interest to limit in the Chinese pest from spreading.

lol, nipponzi-turkic friendship, and a few years back there was also this ghana-taiwan alliance against china - in this kind of comical far-fetched, delusional and utterly irrelevant "coalitions" one could only smell fear and desperation. china certainly has nothing to fear from it. conversely, the unity of continental powers can crush any resistance because they are all linked by land, not to mention russia and china - and iran to a lesser degree but certainly also proved itself on this point - are very much autarchic. militarily, the outcome of the confrontation of the rootless races (and their insular supporters in nipponzi and anglo-americans) and the continental powers can only be the utter destruction of all turks, everywhere.

by the way, don't ever again start a thread to predict china's disintegration again. i know you luckless, rootless turkics were just projecting your lingering bitterness over the demise of ottoman onto wishful thinking about china, but that was because you built a tyranny based on your own rootless character and your dominion was never going to last long and disintegration was in ottoman's destiny. but a real continental power built by civilized rather than turkic, nomadic peoples never vanishes like that. the sophisticated, civilized peoples of continental eurasia know how to earn their keeps, and they will start by extinguishing turkic subjects in their realms.
lol, nipponzi-turkic friendship, and a few years back there was also this ghana-taiwan alliance against china - in this kind of comical far-fetched, delusional and utterly irrelevant "coalitions" one could only smell fear and desperation. china certainly has nothing to fear from it. conversely, the unity of continental powers can crush any resistance because they are all linked by land, not to mention russia and china - and iran to a lesser degree but certainly also proved itself on this point - are very much autarchic. militarily, the outcome of the confrontation of the rootless races (and their insular supporters in nipponzi and anglo-americans) and the continental powers can only be the utter destruction of all turks, everywhere.

by the way, don't ever again start a thread to predict china's disintegration again. i know you luckless, rootless turkics were just projecting your lingering bitterness over the demise of ottoman onto wishful thinking about china, but that was because you built a tyranny based on your own rootless character and your dominion was never going to last long and disintegration was in ottoman's destiny. but a real continental power built by civilized rather than turkic, nomadic peoples never vanishes like that. the sophisticated, civilized peoples of continental eurasia know how to earn their keeps, and they will start by extinguishing turkic subjects in their realms.
What are you talking about Chini? Who learned you history? Who made China what it is today? Genghis Khan did. Chinese are actually rootless. You can all look the same but that is because of incest. Nothing to be proud of. Ghenhis Khan is your father. Clear?

The truth is that China is being ruled with Iron hand. No democracy, no freedom, no human rights, no humanity. Once the Iron hand start loosing control everything will fall apart in to ruin. People want freedom, not Chini dictatorship. As I told you before you should try your luck. You can commit genocide on helpless people like you like to mention in every thread of yours but the moment you start playing with the big guys such as Japan, you will utterly fail. Turkey is a growing power, so soon you will face a strong Japanese Turkic alliance which stretches back thousands of years. Chini people like you won't have a chance.

And please stop your delusion about helping Iran. China is not interested in doing that. Chinese people won't disapoint me. If they will, which they won't, China will face big problems. Everybody in the world will try to destroy China and once your economy is detroyed your country will fragment like a cheap Chinese fake Porcelain doll that is being thrown on the ground. Chinese are dependent on Japan. Chinese are dependent on US. Chinese are dependent on the West.
What are you talking about Chini? Who learned you history? Who made China what it is today? Genghis Khan did. Chinese are actually rootless. You can all look the same but that is because of incest. Nothing to be proud of. Ghenhis Khan is your father. Clear?

The truth is that China is being ruled with Iron hand. No democracy, no freedom, no human rights, no humanity. Once the Iron hand start loosing control everything will fall apart in to ruin. People want freedom, not Chini dictatorship. As I told you before you should try your luck. You can commit genocide on helpless people like you like to mention in every thread of yours but the moment you start playing with the big guys such as Japan, you will utterly fail. Turkey is a growing power, so soon you will face a strong Japanese Turkic alliance which stretches back thousands of years. Chini people like you won't have a chance.

And please stop your delusion about helping Iran. China is not interested in doing that. Chinese people won't disapoint me. If they will, which they won't, China will face big problems. Everybody in the world will try to destroy China and once your economy is detroyed your country will fragment like a cheap Chinese fake Porcelain doll that is being thrown on the ground. Chinese are dependent on Japan. Chinese are dependent on US. Chinese are dependent on the West.

by virtue of their sheer sizes, russia and china are always the most autarchic powers. by virtue of their size but more importantly their pride and intelligence, iranians have managed to survive in economic isolation for the past few decades as well. by the way, trade embargo was often the first measure chinese took when starting a war against turkic nomads two thousand years ago. look where china is now and where turkey is now. for an economically and technically inferior race, turkics sure like to talk crap about trade wars, hahahaha.
by virtue of their sheer sizes, russia and china are always the most autarchic powers. by virtue of their size but more importantly their pride and intelligence, iranians have managed to survive in economic isolation for the past few decades as well. by the way, trade embargo was often the first measure chinese took when starting a war against turkic nomads two thousand years ago. look where china is now and where turkey is now. for an economically and technically inferior race, turkics sure like to talk crap about trade wars, hahahaha.
You seem to know somethings about history but not all of it. You probably forgot the days when Turkics were mowing you over Turkic people were smaller group but managed to conquer almighty China, how is that possible if we are inferior? Chini people can only be copycat but you can only be so far. Today's China is built upon Gengkis Khan's d1ck with his Turkic warriors. China is desperately trying to hold on to what Gengkis Khan has built but it will be all in vain. Chinese will never be Turks. Once Chinese authoritarian Iron hand loose its grip, it will be all over. This is the faith of all tyrannic goverments. Japanese, Uighur, Tibet and other victims of Chini unhumanity will celebrate.
by virtue of their sheer sizes, russia and china are always the most autarchic powers. by virtue of their size but more importantly their pride and intelligence, iranians have managed to survive in economic isolation for the past few decades as well. by the way, trade embargo was often the first measure chinese took when starting a war against turkic nomads two thousand years ago. look where china is now and where turkey is now. for an economically and technically inferior race, turkics sure like to talk crap about trade wars, hahahaha.

In terms of per capita income China is actually very Behind turkey.
In terms of per capita income China is actually very Behind turkey.

Plus Turkey is a growing market and growing population. (youngest in Europe). While Chini people have oldest population in the world and China's forecast doesn't look good. They are only growing because of western demand for cheap labor. Once demand stops, China falls.
Turkey is making a fool out itself with such hypocrisy. Erdoğan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist while his country is hosting and training Free Syrian Army. Hypocrisy at its best!

as much as i love and support Turkish Republic and Turkish people, you do make a valid point here. Not gonna lie.

despite the fact that Assad is also an animal for dropping bombs on his own population

Are you aware how ridicules comparing PKK and FSA is?

PKK is recognized as "terrorist organization" in the world. On the other hand, FSA is recognized by USA, Turkiye, most European and Arap countries as representative of Syria. Besides, let me ask you this question. When did Syrian people begin fighting against Assad? Let me tell you. While the Syrian people protested and demanded their rights, Assad soldiers fired on them and killed the civilians. Today, Assad continues killing innocent people in Syria. FSA did not start this war but the baby killer Assad did. Have you ever heard or seen while kurdish citizens of Turkiye protested the government of Turkiye to demand their rights, Turkish soldiers fired on them and killed the nonviolent civilians?

Also you blame Turkiye for being hypocrite. Since the beginning, Turkiye has tried to prevent all these awful things. But Assad did not listen to her and started killing people. After he killed around 60.000 people, he accepted some of the turkish proposal. Noone can call Turkiye as hypocrite. Turkiye has been trying her best and now sheltered 150.000 Syrian refugees. In addition, before the uprising Turkiye was the one who back up Syrian Government against US and EU pressure and encouraged Syria to make reforms. But Turkiye learned a good lesson. "The dictator is the dictator". As you can see, one of the remaining dictators who murdered thousand innocent people to just maintain his dictatorship in Syria.

However, at the end his end will be more awful than other dictators` end.
There is no such stupid thing like FSA is supported by america or another western country. FSA is own product of Syrian people. They have enough of the injustice. There is no benefit for the western country of the fall of assads or his regime continues to exist.. Look Kaddafi! They had invested billions in Libya and thet attacked Kaddafi for that. What has assad?

what assads regime do is zulm lika a zalim. And what i dont understant how can people support a racist baas regime like assad?

nobody can tel me that FSA is supported by western countries. The weapons they have are from KSA and Turkey. The fal of assads is benefit for Turkey. If western country wanted to destroy assad they had long time do it.
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