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Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist

These people are always anti islam and anti muslims
U.N will always sleep
Instead countries like France will whine about a fake Genocide that never happened. France is historically blind if it ignores its own past.
Chini, Are you proud you committed genocide on peoples? Because it sounds like it.

there is violence that i condemn (the thuggish pan-turkicists going around killing kurds and armenians and the criminal jews going around killing palestinians) and then there is - was - violence that was so originary and constitutive of what civilized world looks now. the foundational violence of noble peoples of china, persia, greece, the violence and triumph of order over rootless chaos typified by the turkics and jews - all this is completely beyond the moral judgment of moderns whose morality and very conception of what humanity is like and what politics is like are a gift of the originary violence that banishes the unnamed evil of chaos and civilizes the civilized.

the bonzi, the viets, the indians we fought and taught a lesson but only killed out of reluctance because they still belong to the established of human civilization. jews, turkics, anglo-saxons are enemy to this very order, and every war against them must be annihilatory by definition and by necessity. it is legally possible and imperative to distinguish chinese violence on turkics and turkic violence on kurds, just like it is legally possible and imperative to distinguish arab killing of jews and jew killing of arabs.
Please ignore Iaijj... He does not represent the Chinese community in PDF or anywhere else for that matter. Back to topic; It would be quite hypocritical for Erdogon accusing the French leader of habouring terrorist learderships while the AKP is actively supporting the FSA and it's political establishment, some FSA are hardcore salafist.
Turkey is making a fool out itself with such hypocrisy. Erdoğan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist while his country is hosting and training Free Syrian Army. Hypocrisy at its best!
Turkey is making a fool out itself with such hypocrisy. Erdoğan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist while his country is hosting and training Free Syrian Army. Hypocrisy at its best!

as much as i love and support Turkish Republic and Turkish people, you do make a valid point here. Not gonna lie.

despite the fact that Assad is also an animal for dropping bombs on his own population
as much as i love and support Turkish Republic and Turkish people, you do make a valid point here. Not gonna lie.

despite the fact that Assad is also an animal for dropping bombs on his own population

Assad has been supporting PKK for years. This is also counts for other neighbors such as Iraq and Iran. Maybe you know the old saying: what comes around go's around. Everybody who supported PKK will pay the price.

I hope I answered your question.
Assad has been supporting PKK for years. This is also counts for other neighbors such as Iraq and Iran. Maybe you know the old saying: what comes around go's around. Everybody who supported PKK will pay the price.

How many times have I heard you saying; 'they are going to pay the price', while a) you are not in the position to make any decisions and b) Turkey hasn't done anything against those countries for centuries, and I can't see why they will do something now. So or you somehow manage to become the successor of Erdogan, everybody should take your posts with a grain of salt. You're nothing but a Dutch guy with a big mouth, living in the Netherlands, far away from Turkey's problem, thinking he is a hotshot.
Turkey is making a fool out itself with such hypocrisy. Erdoğan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist while his country is hosting and training Free Syrian Army. Hypocrisy at its best!

France consider PKK as a terrorist organization, while Turkey does not consider FSA as such. Let alone that, according to our government FSA is the true representatives of Syrian people.

Wrong or right, which in my opinion it is wrong, but that is not the case here...
Iran will pay the price for this. Their reign of terror will end, the days are coming closer. After that day, a new day will arise where their ***** washes away and everybody will live in peace.
Hurriat articles blame NATO, PKK.


Todays zaman generally blames Iran, accuses MHP of being pro-Iranian. Is MHP really pro-Iranian?

1) Totally blames Iran:
What will Iran do?

2)Paris assassinations and the
Considers Iran as a possibility (after EU and Israel) (Huseyin Gulerce is a really good geostrategist, in my opinion)

3)The PKK bookkeeper and cover-up
Considers Iran as a possibility

Another article mentioning Iran as a possibility:

Many Kurdish rebels said they believed that Turkish nationalists were behind the killings. But there were competing suspicions. Some rebels speculated that Iran sponsored the attack as a way to destabilize Turkey, which has taken a stand against an Iranian ally, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.

Those Kurds can take a big one. Nobody listens to them any way.

A lot of groups have reasons to do this:
PKK, France, EU, Iran, Armenia, Greece, Israel, Turkish groups

The worst part is you can not trust the French police reports. It may be only made up to put turkey in a new problem.
Nobody is putting the blame in Turkey's shoes. Even the French authority deny that and says it is internal PKK violence. Please don't listen to Surenas.
Iran will pay the price for this. Their reign of terror will end, the days are coming closer. After that day, a new day will arise where their ***** washes away and everybody will live in peace.

Somebody's nappy time is approaching.

Everytime you miss nappy time you start saying dumb crap Ottoman Turk.

Even your bros think you're retarded.
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