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Enlist Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism: US Congress committee



WASHINGTON: Top US lawmakers on Tuesday called for cutting financial aid and imposing sanctions against Pakistan while prominent think tanks said it is time to consider putting Pakistan on the list of state sponsor of terrorism.

"Patience (on Pakistan) is growing very thin," Congressman Matt Salmon, Chairman of the Asia and Pacific subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said.

Just cutting off the funding is not going to be enough, he said and sought for additional measures.

"Those who suggest giving aid to Pakistan need to give justification for using the tax payer’s money," Congressman Brad Sherman, Ranking member of the subcommittee joined Salmon and other lawmakers for actions against Pakistan.

Congressman William Keating, Pro India member of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-Proliferation and Trade argued that there is little reason to believe that Pakistan is going to change its policies of using terrorism as a tool to meet its strategic needs.

Two of the top al Qaeda leaders have been killed in Pakistan, he said.

Keating that the US arms supply to Pakistan is unlikely to help it in the fight against terrorism, but would arm it to be used against India.

Meanwhile, former top diplomats and think tanks said it is time that US consider putting Pakistan on the list of state sponsor of terrorism.

American lawmakers and experts said Pakistan has been treating the US like chumps.

"They are making chumps out of us. They see us we are being so stupid. It seems like paying the mafia," said Congressman Matt Salmon, Chairman of the Asia and Pacific subcommittee of House Foreign Affairs Committee. "If I may use an undiplomatic term. We have been patsies," former Bush era top diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad told lawmakers along with others how Pakistani leadership had gamed the American system for decades.

"Patsies chumps. Most Americans see out of this and yet our so called leaders do not really get it," Salmon added.

Bill Roggio, senior editor of the Long War Journal Foundation for Defense of Democracies along with Khalilzad called for cutting aid toPakistan and put them in the list of State Sponsor of terrorism.

"Pakistanis are very clever in manipulating us. I have to say that," said Khalilzad, sharing his experience of dealing with the Pakistani leadership when he served in various diplomatic position in the Bush era including the US ambassador to Afghanistan and the Permanent Representative of the US to the UN.

They reach out to distinguished members of the Congress, they invite them for visits, they charm them, they promise once again and they extract statements from us that are "surprising" in the face of facts, he said.

Asked why the US continued with its same policy, Khalilzad said that Pakistani ability to manipulate by their actions in part had been a factor.

"My experience in dealing with Pakistan is that they will only give you something, when they know that they are going to get something," the former top American diplomat said.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said the Pakistani government and the Saudi Arabia created the Taliban and the Haqqani network. Rohrabacher said the US' aid giving to Pakistan was "ridiculous".

"People of Baluchistan are being slaughtered by this corrupt oppressive regime. People of Baluchistan should understand that the US is on their side for their independence and self-determination from a corrupt, viscous terrorist supporting regime," Rohrabacher said.

"Same with the Sindhis. Same with other groups in Pakistan. So we got a regime that murders and represses and is corrupt with their own people and yet we still continue to give them some type of support... absolutely absurd," Rohrabacher said during the Congressional hearing.

Salmon said he personally believed that as the first step, the US should completely cut off aid to Pakistan. "That would be the right first step. If we do not make any changes, we move some of the other suggestions, state sponsor terrorism, possible economic sanctions. I personally believe we have the worst policy that we have and what we are doing is rewarding thugs," Salmon said.

On the other hand, spokesperson of the Pakistani embassy in Washington has stated that United States and Pakistan are ‘friends’ and have common goals in war on terror.

He further said that leadership of both the countries have acknowledged sacrifices rendered in war on terror by each other.


kid forget to highlight this part

Congressman William Keating, Pro India member of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-Proliferation and Trade :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Yea sure if you call cashing your strategic significance. There are no free lunches in world politics. Last time I checked who bailed out US in last bubble burst?
Great state motto

kid forget to highlight this part

Congressman William Keating, Pro India member of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-Proliferation and Trade :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ya... Label him as well.

Good job
if pakistani awam is so frustrated then why don't the GoP take a firm stand. who is stopping you to say BIG NO to US.
on one hand you don't need assistance from US and ends up saying you gonna milk US. first be firm with your stance.

who told u that the GOP do what the people of Pakistan want ???? its basically a corrupt govt, who got there through corruption and which don't actually represent the people of Pakistan, infact it represents that there is a strong corruption in our system that is putting idiots incharge of the country.. and for that no one has to blame, but us.. and yes, the GOP is stopping the GOP to say a BIG NO becoz they want the money in their accounts... 90% of the aid goes to the swiss account...
Dear uncle Sam,
This is what defending national interest is and doing it in difficult times. Your frustration is just. You are not used to countries standing up to you and not getting bombed to oblivion in the process.

Now you may not need us as much so now you bicker, no worries we will find another way to survive. Our existence is our success. We don't need pot bellies and brain dead nation hooked on to credit and vacation craze to make us feel good about our lives. We will live with little but with dignity while milking you once in a while.

A Common Pakistani.

Bravo man....your post was awesome and charged me up.....
The only thing which is evident from this statement is only our eastern neighbors are jumping in joy to hear such feel good articles because they know only Papa USA can do something about Pakistan for them there will be a tit for tat response. Though these are the same handful of people who tried blocking the aid and they had to bite the dust when over whelming majority of congressmen approved the bill just recently.

The thing is Pakistan is too strategic to be isolated, how many more allies does US want to lose in Asia ? As for Afghans we will take very good care of them just wait and watch.
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THEY DON'T HAVE THE BALL TO DO SO. when they did that last time they later realized that taliban were controlling afghanistan. aid is in USA interest if it wouldn't have been then they would not have been giving it to israel enemies like egypt.
It was a farce hearing from known anti-Pakistani elements, just look at the panel and tell me that there was a balanced view.

Every single member of this "hearing" were and are known anti-Pakistanis.

YES, billions of dollars every year for the last 10 years if you take the average.
In 2009 it reached its peak where US gave pak around $3 billion.


Pakistan ‘received $25.91b’ from US since 9/11
Most of it payment for services rendered. You don't host supply lines for the largest military power in the world for free, and expect to not suffer any financial losses. This money was payment to Pakistan for letting the US use Pakistani territory.

The US has employed this strategy a number of times. We were threatened and sanctioned the same way during the '90s, mainly brcause of nuclear tests, but also because ot what was going on in Afghanistan. Then 9/11 happened, our relevance increased and the US came running back to us. There probably wont be another 9/11 happening but I also think the US doesn't want to create another potential enemy. The key here is to not come running back like Mush did after 9/11 when the US showed signs of rapprochement.
The US doesn't want another Iran situation, one that will be far harder to deal with. Iran never succeeded in acquiring nukes, Pakistan already has them. Plus, Pakistan's economic situation is becoming less and less depended on the US, and with China's help, its potential is extremely high. By 2030-40, I fully predict that Pakistan's economy will be powerful enough to tell most great powers and the US, to **** off, without major economic consequence (Basically, Pakistan will be where India is today).
YES, billions of dollars every year for the last 10 years if you take the average.
In 2009 it reached its peak where US gave pak around $3 billion.


Pakistan ‘received $25.91b’ from US since 9/11

Son, you really need to check your facts.

Most of it was payment against services rendered.

Now bug off to your hole and dont quote me again. Shoooo!
@That Guy : you live in USA right ???
Damage assessment , if any ???
How's local media reporting it
I live in Canada, but I have family in the US. They didn't even know about this little meeting.

Apparently, most of the media is barely covering it. In fact, looking at cnn's and foxnews' website front pages, there is no mention of this at all. The only mention of Pakistan is about the death of the terrorist behind the aps attack, which is on foxnews' website.
then you should not count death of your soldiers..payment is made
Or, you know, most Pakistanis think that Pakistan should be rejecting US aid, because the losses aren't worth the money.

I know it's hard, but try and be a little compassionate to those that have lost their lives.

@Indian009 It seems that Pakistani media seems to be the main group covering this. US media seems to have no interest, neither does Canadian media.
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