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Enlist Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism: US Congress committee

Usually I'm not one for too much jingoism but all this talk of Pakistan lately shows our enemies must be worried. Look how the Indians and Afghans are huffing and puffing about us so much lately- for all the propaganda and malevolent policies to Pakistan they won the battle but lost the war. Remember what has happened in last few years and do you remember how bad Pakistan was in 2008 or so ?
Cut to 2016 -We have had massive security and stability improvement-Their NSG bid failed and lately are feeling pressure in Kashmir and their attempts to isolate Pakistan and have it declared a rogue state have fallen flat time after time. Our anti-terror operations have been a huge success and our most dangerous enemies like TTP have pretty much been annihilated with major anti-Pak assets like Baitullah Mehsud and Umar Naray who did most devastating attacks against Pakistan state are dead.
The Pakistan army has finally asserted itself taking control of our frontier areas by fencing and gating it and reinforcing Durand line. Giving the middle finger to Afghanistan and a little border spanking in the process and starting to control movement this will severely hamper their anti-Pak activities. CPEC and Gwadar will bring economic development and integrate our most underdeveloped province more with the rest of Pakistan. All these things combined have probably caused them a serious case of butthurt so they are throwing a fit lol. Meanwhile relations that were previously frosty like Iran and Russia are getting warmer by the day.

You have hit the nail on its head. This anger stems from many failures. Things just haven't gone to their planning.

Not so long ago US generals were predicting the demise of Pakistan. Without a shred of a doubt, Pakistan has succeeded in dismantling the infrastructure and hideouts of militants wreaking havoc on its soil. This success can be easily gauged by the halt of major terror attacks inside Pakistan. At times, we see desperate attacks against innocent Pakistanis planned across the border. However, these attacks are limited in their effectiveness.

Without going into specific details, massive investment is taking place in Pakistan by our ally China. It is not a secret which countries are opposed to Pakistan China cooperation. On the contrary, our neighbor Afghanistan is reeling from its opium based economy.

Afghanistan is today unstable largely due to failed policies. It is a bitter pill to swallow. Warlords are busy infighting. Its economy is in tatters despite billions of investment throughout the previous years. Drug production is at an all time high. The Taliban are running amok and its leadership is clueless on how to run its affairs. Pakistan has done very wise to build a fence and start the process of repatriation.
You seem to have confused your asinine opinions as facts.

more like you don't want to face the facts. After all when your country has been proven to be a double dealing untrustworthy place that doesn't think twice about using terrrorism to accomplish its unholy goals, I can understand why such facts will be too shameful and hurtful.
This is my first post in the forum so please, no offences. :-)

Why do you drag India in anything and everything happening against Pakistan ?? Isn't it true that Pakistan also try to do the same level of lobbying against India ( remember NSG membership incident ) then what do you expect in return ??

Isn't true that almost all top leadership of al-qaeda or Taliban are either fished out or eliminated from the soil of Pakistan, then how can you guy's be so naive ??

Moreover why are you guy's always getting carried away while you talk about CEPC, it's just a USD 40+ billion project and another on of it's kind. There are lot many projects and investments happening around the world that count in Trillions ( For eg: India's "Make in India" alone fetched around USD 60+ billion in 2015 alone. :).

No one especially the USA will ever damn think about CPEC I suppose. LOL

Welcome to pdf forum, the reason why I have mentioned India it's because it's the Indian caucus in the US Congress that is trying it's best to label Pakistan as a terrorist state, secondly I am not really concerned about the investments that is taking place in india since its already a large economy , as for pakistan cpec really is a game changer whether you like it or not.
Syria isnt even over yet and they armed "moderate" terrorists just a few days ago again because they keep "losing" their equipment and men, who run over, to the "bad" and "undecided" terrorists who conveniently fight enemies of the U.S.A. and they already point fingers at others again.
Instead of making blank statements how about these fools actually see the ground realities like McCain did. Putting their frustration on Pakistan won't save their sorry asses. Terrorism has SIGNIFICANTLY reduced over the past 3 years in Pakistan (no thanks to Uncle Sam) and it has only escalated in the ME (Thanks to Uncle Sam) in the name of bringing "Demoncrazy" and "Freedumb" to an already reasonably stable region. Bravo, the most powerful nation on earth could not stop a bunch of rag tag thugs who can't shoot AKs properly. Yet you make a disgusting statement on Pakistan while their own internal issues of racial tensions have not be sorted out as well? Shameless creatures.
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Son, you really need to check your facts.

Most of it was payment against services rendered.

Now bug off to your hole and dont quote me again. Shoooo!

Pakistan provided 25 billion dollars worth of service rendered? Hell 1 billion worth of service rendered would be questionable . :rofl:
Prove it.

What's the matter, answering just doesn't agree with the denial you have nursed for so long?
Do get off your high horse.

Most of it payment for services rendered. You don't host supply lines for the largest military power in the world for free, and expect to not suffer any financial losses. This money was payment to Pakistan for letting the US use Pakistani territory.

Most of it.
How much?

Pakistan rendered services worth over 25 billions?
Please don't joke, or prove with a valid link.

From the link.

A report presented to Congress reveals that Pakistan received a total of $25.91 billion from the US in terms of military and economic aid since Sept 11, 2001.The US had budgeted approximately $17.22 billion in military and $8.68 billion in economic assistance to Pakistan during the period; thus making it the largest source of bilateral aid to Pakistan, says the report presented in April this year by Congressional Research Service for the US Congress.The break-up of security related aid shows that from 2002 to 2012 Pakistan got $10.68 billion as Coalition Support Fund, $2.75 billion as Foreign Military Financing, $2.35 billion under Pakistan Counter insurgency Fund, $312 million for global training and equipment, $265 million out of Counter-Narcotics Funds of Pentagon, $27 million under International Disaster Assistance, $717 million under International Narcotics Control and Law, and $115 million under Anti Terrorism Assistance.The details of economic aid under different heads show that Pakistan got $6.61 billion under Economic Support Fund, $704 million International Disaster Assistance, $572 million as Food Aid, $286 million as Development Assistance, $249 million for Child Survival and Health, $248 million under Migration and Refugee Assistance, and $17 million under Human Rights and Democracy Funds.According to an explanatory note as written in the said report, Congress also authorised Pakistan to use the FY2003 and FY2004 ESF allocations to cancel a total of $1.5 billion in debt to the US government. Apart from this assistance, the US also sanctioned approximately $1.2 billion in economic assistance to Pakistan for 2010, with another $300 million pending through the president’s supplemental request.In the next few years, the US expects to spend more than $1.5 billion a year, as authorised by the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009. Through this bill, better known as the Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill, Congress authorised (but has not yet appropriated) a tripling of US development assistance to Pakistan to $7.5 billion over five years to improve Pakistan’s governance, support its economic growth, and invest in its people.The report also details the Foreign Military Sales agreements with Pakistan worth $5.4 billion for FY2002-FY2010 (in-process sales of F-16 combat aircraft and related equipment account for more than half of this). The US has provided Pakistan with more than $2.1 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) grants since 2001 (including FY2010 funds). These funds are used to purchase US military equipment for longer-term modernisation efforts.Major post-2001 defence supplies provided or soon to be provided under FMF include eight P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft and their refurbishment (valued at $474 million; four delivered, but two of these were destroyed in a March 2011 attack by militants); about 6,312 TOW anti-armour missiles ($186 million; at least 2,007 delivered); more than 5,600 military radio sets ($163 million); six AN/TPS-77 surveillance radars ($100 million); six C-130E transport aircraft and their refurbishment ($76 million); the USS McInerney; an ex-Perry class missile frigate (via EDA, $65 million for refurbishment, delivered); 20 AH-1F Cobra attack helicopters (via EDA, $48 million for refurbishment, 12 delivered); and 121 refurbished TOW missile launchers ($25 million).Military Training and Law Enforcement:In 2007, the Pentagon began using its funds to train and equip the FC, as well as to increase the involvement of the US Special Operations Command in assisting with Pakistani counterterrorism efforts. Americans have also engaged in training Pakistan’s elite Special Service Group commandos with a goal of doubling that force’s size to 5,000. These efforts continued under the Obama Administration.The US programme to train Pakistan’s paramilitary forces reportedly has been hampered by Pakistan’s reluctance to send troops who are needed for urgent operations elsewhere. Some analysts also contend that only US military personnel (as opposed to contractors) can effectively train Pakistani soldiers.Comparison with Chinese aid:The report also makes a comparison between the aid provided to Pakistan by the US and the one coming from China. “A close and long-standing ally of Pakistan because of its own rivalry with India, China has provided some aid and loans to Pakistan, but nothing close to the level of the United States and other major donors”, says the report.It says between 2004 and 2009, China provided only $9.0 million in grant assistance and $217 million in loans to Pakistan. “China, through large-scale and mainly extractive investment projects, stands to gain access to resources in Pakistan, and may even benefit from a planned pipeline that would deliver Iranian natural gas through Pakistan”, says the report.Other international donors:Nearly all of Pakistan’s major multilateral partners have committed to increase their funding to Pakistan over the next few years, according to the report. The World Bank tripled its committed support for Pakistan in FY2009, reaching an all-time high of $1.7 billion. The ADB, which disbursed a record $1.9 billion in 2008, plans to loan an average of $1.5 billion annually through 2011. The UK’s Department for International Development has pledged to double assistance to Pakistan to approximately $250 million per year. Thus, the increases in US aid are part of a larger phenomenon of increased international support for Pakistan’s development, the report says.
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Welcome to the forum.

Thank you. :)

Indian membership if NSG would close the door for Pakistan forever. We lobbied to protect our interests and our stance was on merit. India does not deserves the seat because it does not meet the criteria (just as Pakistan). Either you award membership to both or none. Exceptions to principle is not the right thing.

What merit are you talking about ??? How can you forget the A.Q Khan episode. Now you would as all normal Pakistani's claim that it was this man alone who did the proliferation and the government, establishment and you intelligence agencies never had any clue. So why wasn't he tried for such grave crime and given a presidential pardon ???? Just because he bailed out the country by accepting all crimes alone, a quid pro quo ???

Moreover Libya has given up their pursuit of nukes in 2003 and Libyan officials have said it n record that they obtained the gas centrifuges for black markets including Pakistan, an IAEA inspection in Libya as well as Iran has proof beyond doubt that the centrifuges with both these countries are "Pak-1's" the same gas centrifuges invented by Mr. Khan during your atomic bomb project.

After all this do you still expect that your country have any merit to be a member of NSG which has not allowed India just because we are not NPT signatories though India never have a track record of proliferation unlike Pakistan.

Hunted and killed almost entirely by Pakistani agencies. No nation has mauled Al-Qaeda harder than Pakistan. You need to read views of OBL about Pakistan military, released and available online by US agencies. In OBL views, there was no worst enemy of his organisation than Pakistan. He hated Pakistan military with vengeance. We brought down his empire of terrorism.

I never knew that Predator drone where operated by Pakistan and not US. LOL:p:
The world know that Pakistan is playing a double game when it comes to handling terrorists, can you please enlighten me what "Kunduz Airlift" was meant for ?? Quetta shura is a reality, as usual Pakistan first denied but in 2009 your own then defense minister Mr. Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar acknowledge that fact that it actually exist and which is on record. Moreover is your take on the latest incident of the Last Taliban chief being droned within your territory ?? Doesn't it show Pakistan's duplicity handling terrorists ???

Let's not forget, Afghanistan is the original home of Al-Qaeda. If it weren't for US invasion, they would stay there.

Agreed, but if not for Kunduz Airlift and similar such incidents, if the AQ and Taliban were fighting the US forces with the back to the wall, they wouldn't have existed now. From where do you think they still acquire weapons to conduct operations in Afghanistan ?? Given that fact that Afghanistan is landlocked and Taliban has no other means but to depend on immediate neighbors for weapons and assistance. And you Pakistan expects the whole world to be idiots ???

There is no evidence that Pakistan was sheltering OBL. If you have it, please share with us. Why would OBL hate the people sheltering him? He was missed by our intelligence agencies just like 9/11 and Paris attackers were missed by respective agencies. Not our best performance but such things happen.

Agreed for the sake of the argument, but then why is Mr. Shakil Afridi still under custody ?? That too under a flawed trial ??

Moreover terror attacks are something else and sheltering person is something else. Attacks happen that too for a limited time frame, but god know's who long he was living there that too under the nose of your army, and if still ISI was not able to track or know that he was inside your territory, Pakistan will have to say that ISI is the worst intel agency in the whole world. LOL

Good for India. CPEC is nothing more than a port and connecting infrastructure. But it has the potential to drive economic growth if we get it right. It is the largest project running in Pakistan right now and we have reason to celebrate it. Do you think Pakistanis will celebrate 'make in india'? Or indians will celebrate CPEC?

Surely you have reasons, and I seriously hope let it become a game changer as expected and beyond, good luck Pakistan. :)

US has good reasons to be wary of CPEC. It connects Pakistan to China at a whole new level. It brings China smack at the mouth of Gulf region. It sees Pakistan slipping out of her hands and into Chinese. Presence of Chinese on the only viable supply route of US forces in Afghanistan should not be cause of concern for US? Loosing influence over only muslim nuclear power of the world should not be of concern to US?

There you go, a country with self-esteem, how-much rich or poor it may be will not play is the hands of others and you are just talking about that. That's why there are thousands of drone strikes happening in your country and your government and establishment are helpless. No country with self respect will allow it's territory to be allowed against others or any other military, you are just allowing that, sad but true. :-(

Note: A lie repeated thousand times never make it true. And don't expect the world to buy all the stories that Pakistan tries to sell, there are more smarter guys around. LOL :p:
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more like you don't want to face the facts. After all when your country has been proven to be a double dealing untrustworthy place that doesn't think twice about using terrrorism to accomplish its unholy goals, I can understand why such facts will be too shameful and hurtful.

lol. pot calling the kettle black.
lol. pot calling the kettle black.

not at all. Pakistanis do not want to understand that thugs and cops both use hard tactics but the thugs are criminals being punished and the cops are doing the punishing as it is their duty.
I am talking about transportation and logistics. Geez, stupid Indians stay away from my posts.

but Pakistani always cry about army personnel died for USA...it is easy to say stupid anybody

I am always compassionate with any death but I believe Pakistan army/govt should be more compassionate
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