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End Iran sanctions, says Dubai ruler

Tiny little Jordan has one of the oldest histories and continuously inhabited cities on earth. It has 4 World UNESCO Heritage Sites and immense beauty. Its land is full of history. Only ignorants would claim the opposite. It has historical sites from all 3 Abrahamic religions as well.

@BLACKEAGLE Jordan actually has many fertile lands, historically it was very fertile like most of the ME and there are large decertification projects in the country. Jordanian olive oil, vegetables etc. are quite famous in the Middle East.

Agriculture in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Jordan was as rich in naturals like many of the countries of the ME it would be a very well off.


The GCC GDP is 6 timers bigger than that of Iran and is growing rapidly. The population is also going to increase rapidly in the upcoming years. The GCC countries are less reliant than Iran when it comes to their natural resources. They are moving forward while you are moving backwards.

In the last 35 years the GCC has not needed Iran at all. If Iran stopped being a pariah state it would probably only increase the growth of the GCC indeed but the GCC do not need Iran by any means.
Tiny little Jordan has one of the oldest histories and continuously inhabited cities on earth. It has 4 World UNESCO Heritage Sites and immense beauty. Its land is full of history. Only ignorants would claim the opposite. It has historical sites from all 3 Abrahamic religions as well.

@BLACKEAGLE Jordan actually has many fertile lands, historically it was very fertile like most of the ME and there are large decertification projects in the country. Jordanian olive oil, vegetables etc. are quite famous in the Middle East.

Agriculture in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Jordan was as rich in naturals like many of the countries of the ME it would be a very well off.
Actually less than 10% of Jordanian territory is arable. I'm hopeful about the future with making use of our oil shales.
Actually less than 10% of Jordanian territory is arable. I'm hopeful about the future with making use of our oil shales.

That is enough to be self-sufficient besides many lands can easily be turned into arable lands with simple decertification methods. The Jordanian government is already implementing those projects.

Watch this below:

Besides Iran suffer from this too on a large scale. Only the Northern areas are somewhat fertile. The remaining part suffer greatly from scarce water.
Not under your current regime. Trust is impossible with it.

Frankly, I dont like the regime. I want change, like many others here.
But lets cut to the chase. Its not the regime you hate. You simply hate the nation state of Iran and its people, full stop.
Frankly, I dont like the regime. I want change, like many others here.
But lets cut to the chase. Its not the regime you hate. You simply hate the nation state of Iran and its people, full stop.
I don't care about Iran or Iranians, they are non of my business just like Uruguay or Mongolia. But since your regime doesn't seem to mind his own business, we have the right to be hostile toward you.
I don't care about Iran or Iranians, they are non of my business just like Uruguay or Mongolia. But since your regime doesn't seem to mind his own business, we have the right to be hostile toward you.

Based on your previous posts, Iran is all you care about. Borderline obsession.
And we do mind our own business. But we have legitimate interests just like everyone else.
Frankly, I dont like the regime. I want change, like many others here.
But lets cut to the chase. Its not the regime you hate. You simply hate the nation state of Iran and its people, full stop.

Arabs will only love you if you bend over to them and bow down to them as slaves. See how they claim to love Pakistanis when my fellow country men bend over to them? even though the reality is that they hate all Non-Arab Muslims and consider themselves as true Muslims and Pakistanis as converted Hindus and low life.

Coming back to the topic i just hope the Mullah regime collapses one day so people of Iran can live in freedom. Iran has great potential to be leader in Middle East.

It is understandable for Saudis to be beating their chests. Last thing they need is strong Iran challenging them in fields of economy. Even the Mullah regime cannot match Saudis in exporting terrorists all over the world.

The GCC GDP is 6 timers bigger than that of Iran and is growing rapidly. The population is also going to increase rapidly in the upcoming years. The GCC countries are less reliant than Iran when it comes to their natural resources. They are moving forward while you are moving backwards.

In the last 35 years the GCC has not needed Iran at all. If Iran stopped being a pariah state it would probably only increase the growth of the GCC indeed but the GCC do not need Iran by any means.

GCC is doing fine without Iran, I acknowledge. As for economy comparisons, lets come back and talk when Iran is not sanctioned. Iran has sanctions on banks (including central bank), petrochemicals, oil, gas, automotive industry (one of the largest in Asia) and cant get hard currency because of sanctions on bank and exclusion from SWIFT. And whole range of other sanctions. Lets come back and talk when that dynamic does not exist, and the playing field is equal, eh? ;)

And like I said, its not about needing. Its about having a stable region. Peaceful co-existence is the only way to stability.
Anyway I can only say this so many times, useless to repeat it over and over again.
The reality is that the Mullah's in Iran are not needed and never were. Iran will never reach the living conditions of the GCC simply because they have a significantly larger population and because they are so far behind in virtually every parameter.

Look at all the international studies conducted. In 2070 KSA is expected to move FORWARD from a place in the top 19-18 to somewhere around 13-14 place in THE WORLD.

Already a G-20 major economy member state. KSA has come to stay. Let alone if GCC merged into one single country. They would completely dwarf Iran. Small UAE alone has nearly as big a GDP as Iran. Don't make me laugh.

LOL at comparing Jordan, one of the smallest Arab countries out of the over 20 Arab countries, which Iran a country that lives on oil and gas.:lol:

Kazakh nomads:lol:
Jordanian have no honor living on salary of USA and look who is talking I remember your kings were paid by the British before the oil and gas

Why is that ???

People generally prefer to go to more established and experienced Doctors, so they won't really give the young ones much of a chance, so if you're new and young your good bet is to go work in government hospitals, clinics, remote villages, etc..., there you will not gain much money, but you gain plenty of experience and in 4, 5 years you have seen most of what you are going to see in Iran and you are ready to start your own medical practice.
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Poor Iranian started fantasizing over having great relation with UAE... already..:haha:
The title is misleading, he didn't say sanction should be left but said "if Iran reached a final agreement with the west, and the sanctions were left, everybody will benefit".

Now go back to your corner.:big_boss:

Well he also said that Iran is telling the truth and that Iran's nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes.In short he dared US and he supported Iran.
I wonder why Iran is treated like a pariah state??
A welcome statement ..... a visionary diplomatic move ..... :tup:
Hes a visionary...and we need more down to earth leaders like him.
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