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End Iran sanctions, says Dubai ruler


I went and rechecked your post again, actually I think you misunderstood my previous post, I actually meant GDP based on PPP: its $13,300 for Iran and $6,100 for Jordan.


Iran's nominal GDP 2012 est. (after shrinkage): $548.590bn
Jordan's nominal GDP 2012 est.: $31.35bn

Its about 17.5 times smaller than that of Iran.

So, I stand corrected! :D

Ending sactions against Iran would be a welcome move. I do not know how Saudis benefit from sanctions on Iran?

Very simple:

1- Saudi rulers see Iran as their rival in the region, so its natural for them to have Iran weakened;
2- Less Iranian oil = More Saudi oil at more expensive rates, so more income for the Saudis;

At the moment, Saudi government is spending a lot of money, Saudi economy is heavily dependent on oil sales, so if the Iran oil make a return that would mean much less oil revenue for the Saudi, and less revenue means there will be less money to spend.

For example: Saudi offer scholarship to any Saudi citizen who can maintain a CGPA of 2.80 when studying abroad, that costs the Saudi government nearly $2bn a year.
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I went and rechecked your post again, actually I think you misunderstood my previous post, I actually meant GDP based on PPP: its $13,300 for Iran and $6,100 for Jordan.


Iran's nominal GDP 2012 est. (after shrinkage): $548.590bn
Jordan's nominal GDP 2012 est.: $31.35bn

Its about 175 times smaller than that of Iran.

So, I stand corrected! :D
That's what I meant actually. This is not the actual income of Iranians, they get money much less than what Jordanians pars get.
Let's take poverty for instance, in Iran the percentage of people who get less than 2$/day is 8.03% (more than 6 million) and that was in 2005 which means it's higher now while in Jordan it's 1.59% (about 90k) in 2010.

And for the GDP, Iran is an oil exporting country while Jordan import all it's energy needs, and it's population is more than Jordan's by 12 times, so it's less than normal that Iranian GDP is more by 15 times ( not 175 times, math teaching must be poor in Iran:-))

You should not put all your security bets in that basket, and assume Iran will forever be isolated.
If you do that, its going to be hard for you to adapt to inevitable changes.
Its in the Arab worlds interest that you accomodate Iran and co-exist. lol
Which changes? We don't need you under any conditions.
That's what I meant actually. This is not the actual income of Iranians, they get money much less than what Jordanians pars get.

Actually, No. For instance: Salary of a retired elementary school teacher used to be $750 before sanctions with the rate of (USD)940: So he made (Iranian Toman)705,000 a month, you divide that by the today's rate which is 2960 (the rate was 3500 before Rouhani was elected), so he now makes more like $238 as compared to before. But the people who have not been retired are making good money, moreover you have to consider the currency devaluation.
Let's take poverty for instance, in Iran the percentage of people who get less than 2$/day is 8.03% (more than 6 million) and that was in 2005 which means it's higher now while in Jordan it's 1.59% (about 90k) in 2010.

Prices of commodities in Iran are less compared to other countries in the region, used to be much lesser in early 2000s, as a matter of fact each country has different rate for its "Poverty Line" in Iran, since the government used to subsidize heavily before 2009 people used to have less Salaries, but actually commodities were a lot cheaper.

And for the GDP, Iran is an oil exporting country while Jordan import all it's energy needs, and it's population is more than Jordan's by 15 times, so it's less than normal that Iranian GDP is more by 15 times

Iran is an oil exporting country that is not exporting half of its capacity, and is not getting any hard currency in return either, so your comparison is wrong. Moreover its not 15 times more than Jordan, its 17.5.

( not 175 times, math teaching must be poor in Iran:-))

No, its actually quite good. Actually I meant to place a decimal point, but I missed it. My mistake.
lol the camel lover doesn't understand the concept of purchasing power parity and the concept of exchange rates. The 300 dollar salary is actually 3-4 times higher in terms of what it gets you in Iran compared to Jordan where the PPP factor is lower. Of course Iranian people aren't doing good, but they're still doing better than people in Jordan. You also have to factor in the generous benefits that Iranian workers get, like insanely long pregnancy leaves with full pay, very generous retirement deals where you get your full month's salary after you retire.

btw, Iran's Human Development Index score is way higher than Jordan's. This index factors life expectancy, health care, GDP etc... Basically it's an indisputable fact that life in Iran is better than life in Jordan.

In any case, the removal of the sanctions is an inevitable fact here. One day, probably before 2020, the sanctions will be gone. At that point Iran will leave every major country in the region in the dust. Camel humpers need to stop crying.
The reality is that the Mullah's in Iran are not needed and never were. Iran will never reach the living conditions of the GCC simply because they have a significantly larger population and because they are so far behind in virtually every parameter.

Look at all the international studies conducted. In 2070 KSA is expected to move FORWARD from a place in the top 19-18 to somewhere around 13-14 place in THE WORLD.

Already a G-20 major economy member state. KSA has come to stay. Let alone if GCC merged into one single country. They would completely dwarf Iran. Small UAE alone has nearly as big a GDP as Iran. Don't make me laugh.

LOL at comparing Jordan, one of the smallest Arab countries out of the over 20 Arab countries, which Iran a country that lives on oil and gas.:lol:

Kazakh nomads:lol:
Of course Iranian people aren't doing good, but they're still doing better than people in Jordan. You also have to factor in the generous benefits that Iranian workers get, like insanely long pregnancy leaves with full pay, very generous retirement deals where you get your full month's salary after you retire.

Yeah, he is right, if you are employed by Ministry of Education, Oil and Gas, etc... in Iran, in terms of insurance everything is usually taken care of, you don't pay a penny even for Major Surgeries.
That's what I meant actually. This is not the actual income of Iranians, they get money much less than what Jordanians pars get.
Let's take poverty for instance, in Iran the percentage of people who get less than 2$/day is 8.03% (more than 6 million) and that was in 2005 which means it's higher now while in Jordan it's 1.59% (about 90k) in 2010.

And for the GDP, Iran is an oil exporting country while Jordan import all it's energy needs, and it's population is more than Jordan's by 12 times, so it's less than normal that Iranian GDP is more by 15 times ( not 175 times, math teaching must be poor in Iran:-))

Which changes? We don't need you under any conditions.
camel lover, I shall introduce you to the International Olympiad competition. See all those podium finishes and even the first place finish?
International Mathematical Olympiad

Jordan doesn't even have a team. I can make this even more embarrassing for you so go back to herding your camels, shoo.
Besides of course Dubai wants to have Farsis spending in their country instead of Mullahistan. Common sense. UAE are gaining from this while Mullahistan further falls behind. Non-citizens even that can be thrown out every second. Win, win.

UAE's exports to Iran are four times greater than its imports from Iran.[7]

If Jordan had the oil and gas that Iran has and population they would be 2-3 times better off. Even now the differences are not huge, LOL, and Jordan is the least resourceful Arab country in the world.
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Jordan doesn't even have a team. I can make this even more embarrassing for you so go back to herding your camels, shoo.

It was my bad, I forgot that decimal point and he assumed that I'm utterly stupid. I can make up for that. Just hit me with any difficult mathematical problem :P
Which changes? We don't need you under any conditions.

Need or no need, co-existence is paramount for a stable region. Off course you can chose not to have better relations with Iran or any relations under any conditions for that matter. You can continue your hostile attitude and vile behavior. That's your choice. What Im saying its not in the benefit of yourselves or the region as a whole.

And like I have said. If you are betting on Iran to eternally remain isolated, then its just dumb.
If you are revising your strategic and security interests based on the assumption that Iran will forever be isolated and sanctioned, then its not a wise bet.

Thats not to say things will change this instant minute with these negotiations. In fact, these nuclear negotiations may fail (probably will imo) but in the longer term it will be increasingly costly to exclude Iran from regional affairs.
Iran is a nation of 80 million people, placed in a very strategic position. It will be impossible for the US to keep Iran down forever. They will eventually not want to, because Iran is too important.

Im just giving sound advice to you. Change your attitude towards Iran. Its in your own long term interests.
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If Jordan had the oil and gas that Iran has and population they would be 2-3 times better off. Even now the differences are not huge, LOL, and Jordan is the least resourceful Arab country in the world.

Says the country with the largest oil reserves in the world, while its people are still wandering like illiterate desert wanderers. Your ape-looking people are renowned for their suicide attacks in the region, even against their fellow Arabs. Iran's non-oil market is much more potential than which non-oil market in the Middle East whatsoever.
lol the camel lover
Camel is a great animal. BTW, what's the problem between you Iranians and animals? Please calm down, I'm sure animals didn't mean to hurt you. :lol:
doesn't understand the concept of purchasing power parity and the concept of exchange rates. The 300 dollar salary is actually 3-4 times higher in terms of what it gets you in Iran compared to Jordan where the PPP factor is lower. Of course Iranian people aren't doing good, but they're still doing better than people in Jordan. You also have to factor in the generous benefits that Iranian workers get, like insanely long pregnancy leaves with full pay, very generous retirement deals where you get your full month's salary after you retire.
PPP doesn't reflect the actual income purchase ability for average Iranians at all. You barely can afford food man.
List of countries by percentage of population living in poverty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
btw, Iran's Human Development Index score is way higher than Jordan's. This index factors life expectancy, health care, GDP etc... Basically it's an indisputable fact that life in Iran is better than life in Jordan.

Life Expectancy

2013 est.

2013 est.
The World Factbook



total population: 95.9%


total population: 85%

The World Factbook
In any case, the removal of the sanctions is an inevitable fact here. One day, probably before 2020, the sanctions will be gone. At that point Iran will leave every major country in the region in the dust. Camel humpers need to stop crying.
Lol at the Blackeagle with his shithole country. Anyone who has ever set foot in that undemocratic monarchistic country knows the shithole it is. Besides Petra, your country has nothing to to offer. It is one big, poor-like and irrelevant country in the region. Comparing Jordan with Iran is hilarious. Iran is 10 times more developed, even under mullah-regime, than Jordan will ever be.
LOL, Mullahistan are inferior on every level. You Kazakh nomads have the biggest brain drain in the world. You just have to look no further than the Iranians here of which the majority are Azeri Turks that you do not consider countrymen.

Anyway you are a Kurd. You people don't even have a state.

The literary rate is higher in KSA just like about everything else.


Comparing the GCC with Iran is like comparing the GCC with a slightly bigger Somalia that is oil and gas rich. That's all.

All the Somalians that are worth anything have also left the country just like the Iranians.


The GCC GDP is 6 timers higher than that of Iran and is growing rapidly. The population is also going to increase rapidly in the upcoming years. The GCC countries are less reliant than Iran when it comes to their natural resources. They are moving forward while you are moving backwards.

In the last 35 years the GCC has not needed Iran at all. If Iran stopped being a pariah state it would probably only increase the growth of the GCC indeed but the GCC do not need Iran by any means.
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camel lover, I shall introduce you to the International Olympiad competition. See all those podium finishes and even the first place finish?
International Mathematical Olympiad

Jordan doesn't even have a team. I can make this even more embarrassing for you so go back to herding your camels, shoo.
I refer you to my previous post, and calm down please. I will figure out a way to mediate between you and animals..:partay:

Lol at the Blackeagle with his shithole country. Anyone who has ever set foot in that undemocratic monarchistic country knows the shithole it is. Besides Petra, your country has nothing to to offer. It is one big, poor-like and irrelevant country in the region. Comparing Jordan with Iran is hilarious. Iran is 10 times more developed, even under mullah-regime, than Jordan will ever be.
My man, Jordan doesn't have any kind of resources at all, even arable lands and water are scarce, however it beats Iran in several fields although you have almost everything from water, vast arable lands, oil, gas...etc. I think you should be ashamed a little more of your incompetence.

Need or no need, co-existence is paramount for a stable region. Off course you can chose not to have better relations with Iran or any relations under any conditions for that matter. You can continue your hostile attitude and vile behavior. That's your choice. What Im saying its not in the benefit of yourselves or the region as a whole.

And like I have said. If you are betting on Iran to eternally remain isolated, then its just dumb.
If you are revising your strategic and security interests based on the assumption that Iran will forever be isolated and sanctioned, then its not a wise bet.

Thats not to say things will change this instant minute with these negotiations. In fact, these nuclear negotiations may fail (probably will imo) but in the longer term it will be increasingly costly to exclude Iran from regional affairs.
Iran is a nation of 80 million people, placed in a very strategic position. It will be impossible for the US to keep Iran down forever. They will eventually not want to, because Iran is too important.

Im just giving sound advice to you. Change your attitude towards Iran. Its in your own long term interests.
Not under your current regime. Trust is impossible with it.
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