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Egyptian Armed Forces

Corner Shot is essentially a hinged chassis, into which a pistol such as a Glock, Beretta 92, or other handgun is installed. A video camera is boresighted to the pistol, providing a live feed to the shooter, and a built-in tactical light provides illumination in dark spaces. There is a separate provision for installing a visible aiming laser.

Yes sir, outstanding! Who makes it, though. Specifically the one in the pic which is slightly different. 🙂
China, South Korea, Iran, India and Pakistan make their own..and some say it was developed in Usrael first..with US financing!

That's what I was getting at - I highly doubt they're using the Israeli one and the buttstock looks different as well as the overall size. It would be cool to know which make it is.

Egyptian Police ladies packing the Scorpion Evo & UMP.

That's what I was getting at - I highly doubt they're using the Israeli one and the buttstock looks different as well as the overall size. It would be cool to know which make it is.

Egyptian Police ladies packing the Scorpion Evo & UMP.

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If you go slow motion pic by pic..it looks like a modified Scorpion Evo from the buttstock part..

What police!..these are female SWAT team..lol
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If you go slow motion pic by pic..it looks like a modified Scorpion Evo from the buttstock part..

Exactly what I was thinking! The reason for the buttstock looking just like the one on the Evo, even the rest of the body/receiver.

What police!..these are female SWAT team..lol

You're right! They don't mess around.



They also participate in UN peace-keeping missions all around Africa.


I'm still bummed out about this BTW.....:(:mad::tdown:

Sweet pic of single seat EM #9356 assigned to 203rd Tactical Fighter Wing (Silent Death).


Nice pics of EAF Mirage 2000 carrying Al Tariq PGMs. @BON PLAN



DM Rafales.




Brand new Abrams, LTVs and IFVs fresh out of Helwan Factory 200.


2 versions of the Egyptian ST500 Light Tactical Vehicle.



ST500 IFV.


EGY Navy. Mistral with a couple of Ka-52s and an Apache.


Gowind and Type 209 with a pair of ships from the Hellenic Navy.


The Monster IL-76MF. I wonder if they don't get the Airbus A330 MRTTs if they can modify these guys (or one of the two) into an air-refueler.



The IAF is in Egypt for Exercise Bright Star 2023, with 5 MiG-29UPGs, 2 C-17s, 2 C-130Js and 2 Il-78MKI tankers.


UPGs look good. They'll most likely be flying with the EAF MiG-29M/M2s and doing air to air refueling qualifications with the IL-76s etc.

The C-17s and Hercs will perform mass tactical paratroopers jumps which they always do with other participants.

This was with the US in the late 90's early 2000's.




Back in the 80's, Egyptian paratroopers would wear these funny hats.


Then they switched.

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I learnd something today !
these bombs came from UAE ?

Yep. There's something going on as far as these precision guided munitions are concerned because as far as I know, the EAF is the only one (besides the UAE) testing and using those. Denel -- the parent co. of the Al Tariq line of weapons systems -- was bought I believe from South Africa by the UAE and Egypt has some kind of involvement but not sure to what degree. There are rumors that those are what took out the Turkish Hawk batteries in Libya but nothing concrete about that.

The other interesting thing is the EAF has integrated these on its F-16s (most likely the Block 52s) to essentially be a "domestic" form of JDAM, being that the US has not allowed the EAF to acquire the joint direct attack munition from it. So this seems to be an excellent alternative if all the above scenarios are legitimate.

Blk 52s with Al Tariqs.

Ya @Gomig-21, you mentioned your from Boston, whats the best way to reach out to ya, since it would be crazy to see young tut the second in real life 😂

Hahaha, I'm the one who would be bending the knee to the Great Pharoah Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose! :D


Looks like a budding friendship with India happening right in front of our eyes.

The exact aircraft they're coming with for Bright Star.


New pic to me that I hadn't seen before. From 1982 BS, Sea King Commando.

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