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Egyptian Armed Forces

I think that it is safe to say that nobody can trust Erdogan and his government again. As soon as he gets the chance,he might start something in Libya,he wants to have operations again in Syria,he wants to expand in Central and East Africa...well,we all know the economy became so bad,that he folded and started asking for friendship with almost everyone.

The new S-400s deal though might cost them a lot more politically,diplomatically and militarily. I heard they started having problems with lack of spare parts for the F-16s.

Egypt,be on your guard!

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What a force.... Looks like MAHABHARATA KAURAVA force.... No body can dare to mess with them....
Had to read the posts before going in, no way would we lose out on those su 35s, thats just madness. Also, t50s are only good if another nation sorts out the American parts for say, Korean or European ones.
Either Egypt will give up on SU-35 in case if we have alternatives like EFT F-35 etc.. For FA-50, we can use local korean AESA radar, Leonardo radar etc... But the problem will be the armaments.
@Gomig-21 @The SC @Hydration @Foinikas. Things are getting tense or what hahaha. Maybe the renormalization is arriving soon. But still Greece will be always a brotherly country to our country.

Just like you said, he'll need to apologize for the idiotic & arrogant comments he made about Sisi first, then Sisi can decide what to do. Totally up to him since he was the one who was disrespected by that guy.

Egypt,be on your guard!

Ever see a fly get swatted, bro? :D

In egyptian dialect, it is hena not hona (hona=modern standard arabic).

Well, he was close if we were speaking Lebanese but needed to lose the A at the end and just say "hon". Just like they say there in Brumana - Shu hatha hon? lol?

Personally,I'd prefer if Egypt got those. We don't really need them.

No no no, bro. We don't need anything from that gas and sand state whatsoever. If it was Saudiya? Absolutely. UAE? Sure, shokran gazeelan. Qatar? La2a, abadan!

Was looking at this pic the other day and was really interested to see 10 F-16 blk 40s and every one of them mounted with a LANTIRN pod and I can only see one fighter with an AIM-9M/L on one of its wingtip rails and assuming they all are armed with at least one AIM-9.

But the LANTIRN is acronym for Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night and is a combination navigation & ground targeting pod. So all those EAF pilots doing pre-flight inspections on their falcons are off on a specific training mission but without any ground munitions seems to be specific training on using the navigation aspect of the pod only. A lot of very neat things you can notice in many of these pics if you pay close attention.

What's your honest opinion on this thing for the EAF and for any other AF?

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I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I think its just an all right aircraft for third world nations and those without the money to buy more expensive aircraft.

For Egypt, its good as trainer aircraft nothing more nothing less.
I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I think its just an all right aircraft for third world nations and those without the money to buy more expensive aircraft.

For Egypt, its good as trainer aircraft nothing more nothing less.

No worries, anyone is more than welcome to reply. There's on one individual here that I will never reciprocate to after the filthy post he directed towards me. Other than that, everyone else is perfectly fine.

Agreed about the FA-50 and really the same would apply to the M346 simply by virtue of being light attack aircraft. They're roles would be very limited in a full-scale conflict where the skies are filled with air superiority fighters. Although they could be used in tactical combat scenarios as decoys with escorts even as lures in BVR combat. So they do have a bit of potential. I think the ToT portion matters as much as the airplane's capabilities for the EAF.

I do think the Tejas is combat worthy, though, and not just a trainer with some attack roles attached to it,

Egypt, KAI, radars purchase and ToT


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be in talks with the South Korean defense company Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) for a comprehensive agreement that includes purchase, transfer of technology (ToT), and joint training programs for radars.

Egypt: Mitsubishi Electric, and radars ToT


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be in talks with the Japanese company Mitsubishi Electric regarding a transfer of technology (ToT) and license agreement for the local manufacture of one of Mitsubishi’s radar systems.

However, Mitsubishi Electric needs approval from the USA to proceed with a ToT agreement, as the radar in question is based on U.S. designs.

Excellent news, imagine having AESA radar ToT from SK. This will enhance our industry capabilities. Same thing with Japanese radar.

@Gomig-21 @The SC
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And french mirages are advanced as well, should just stock up on mirages from almost every nation that used them, Taiwan won't give them up for obvious reasons. India has second hand refurbished aircraft so wouldn't that make it cheaper to get those? I think we should work something out with france to have the mirages upgraded to modern standards even if its expensive, it'll be worth it. Would love the greeks to give us their mirages if it were possible. Qatar only uses like a dozen of them so idk.
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