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Egyptian Armed Forces

Honestly don't think they have any intention of doing a serious airforce upgrade in Iran. traditional Airpower is neglected in Iran, and focus is almost entirely on UAVs. Part of the reason is the country is sanctioned to hell and beyond, and as we all know, airpower is money thirsty.

I think the fact that their has no transfer so far, is probably an indication that they do not want them. if Russia actually trades 100 UAVs for 20 something Su-35's then they must be crazy desperate, because I think the value of 3 Su-35's exceed 100 UAVs. I don't even think this UAV news is true either, probably bad intel from US state department.

Good chance they might sell those Su-35's to someone else though!

Funny you said that. I said the same exact thing to someone peddling that rumor on Twitter and it pissed me off so I told them that I thought they must be crazy if they think Russia is that stupid or desperate as you said to think that the 26 or even possibly 30 Su-35Ss that Egypt ordered for $2.1 Billion would be a fair trade for 100 UAVs/UCAVs. And 100 is actually a lot of drones, but the aircraft value is much more because of the impact of one Su-35S loaded with much heavier and more powerful A2G weapons is 18 times that of 20 drones. So it didn't make sense, but it was still disconcerting enough to cause grief.

I'm also of the opinion that our air force has been strong-armed by the US and has cowered in the face of threats of CAATSA when going for those aircraft and the MiGs they bought was the whole idea of having the optional sources and not be dictated by the US. They have sadly failed in that and I'm sure I speak for a lot of Egyptians that it's very disappointing to see them fail at countering the US' threats.

Shame on them for letting this BEASTMODE get away........



How could they possibly let these get away?

The shape of this thing, from the tip of the rear stinger to the point of that huge radome which was specifically changed from previous Su-27 & Su-30 models to this rather large one -- which is quite noticeable -- so that it can accommodate the massive IRBIS-E radar. And despite what we think we learned about that radar, it doesn't matter at this point anymore since they need to decide if they're going to accept the delivery of these aircraft or not! That's much more important now and if yes, then get them and deal with possible radar upgrades later.

If not, then they need to make the US pay for the threats of CAATSA by offering the F-15 at super cheap prices and with the best weapons with none of the crazy usage restrictions, especially the ridiculously insulting basing options which if true, were about as retarded as can be. All these factors, including the Iran rumors are what's driving us CRAZY about this whole saga.

The way the forward fuselage drops down is similar to the way they designed the Su-30MK, called the "Swan" look, since it resembles the neck & beak of a swan which was also a trait designed in the Concord because of the length of the nose & radome, made it difficult for the pilots to see the runway upon landing. So they dropped the nose very effectively like that.


That swan neck clearly makes all the difference in this photo.


Then the lethality aspect of this aircraft is really the bottom line for the pressure from the US, more so really than CAATSA. This aircraft presents a much larger threat paradigm to Israel which is why they were very eager to promote the F-15 to Egypt, which they fought tooth & nail in the previous EAF requests for that aircraft. Now they encourage it? The fact that they even have any say in that matter is enough to spit on. Who cares what they think and that's one of the main reasons for going after this deal. It's also a gross disrespect for Egypt's unwavering adherence to the peace treaty. It's a filthy spit on that fact if there is still some sense of mistrust towards the Jews. That is so insulting beyond belief.

Egypt should have the ability to source its equipment from whomever it chooses. Disgraceful that they gave in to the pressure since I'm sure they could've fought back the threats very successfully. Instead, they seem to have been strong-armed rather easily and without making the US pay for that threat whatsoever. Nothing but shameful.



Having 24 or 30 of these would complement the lethal power of the EAF's MiG-29M/M2s to be a force to recon with. Add the eventual 54 Rafales with MICA NGs and possibly the meteors and the 176 or so F-16s would make the EAF the strongest it's ever been and an eventual contender for the top tier AF in the entire region if the Typhoons also end up being part of the EAF's combined Eurocanard package, regardless of the fiscal improbability of that purchase. But that's how important this fighter contract execution has become for the EAF.


These fighters with their incredible weapons must come to the EAF ASAP. This is not even a discussion. The only thing discussed is why aren't they?


@Foinikas ancient brothers

@Hydration akhret el "resistance" hahaha

Trans : Today, it was confirmed the killing of the terrorist Basil Khaled Sheikh Eid, nicknamed Abu Maslamah Al-Ghazawi, one of the "legitimate" leaders of the organization and a resident of the Nuseirat camp in the Gaza Strip. He was killed during combing and anti-terror operations in the village of Jalbana in North Sinai.

The Egyptian Al Fahd Armored Surprise wins a new third export contract (50 in 4 years) and new export opportunities for Egyptian-made weapons..

Or what is your opinion?

Maybe the SK FA-50 really hasn't been chosen yet? Even if that model was next to the commander and they had the pyramids airshow with the Golden Eagles etc. Seems like the Indians are making a hard push at theirs.
Maybe the SK FA-50 really hasn't been chosen yet? Even if that model was next to the commander and they had the pyramids airshow with the Golden Eagles etc. Seems like the Indians are making a hard push at theirs.
I think either India is making a hard push to finalize the deal (more negotiations so more ToT etc...) or either the EAF finalized the deal and making only the last clauses etc..
Not sure how Egypt would have the Tejas at this stage...
Egypt is looking for an advanced trainer as is supposed to select one by 2023: Hence the whole M346 and T-50 news we come across.
Let's agree that ToT is not a priority as much as performance, avionics and weaponry and so far an F-16V upgrade - should it happen - would make the Tejas useless. If not, any possible AMRAAM, AIM-9X acquisition would mean the tejas falls behind prolly all the EAF F-16 variants in terms of performance and weaponry.
I also hope Helmy's appointment as a Civil Aviation Minister is unrelated to possibly any opposition by him regarding Tejas and/or F-15s offers.
Asdak eh?
Let's agree that ToT is not a priority as much as performance, avionics and weaponry and so far an F-16V upgrade - should it happen - would make the Tejas useless. If not, any possible AMRAAM, AIM-9X acquisition would mean the tejas falls behind prolly all the EAF F-16 variants in terms of performance and weaponry.
Asdak eh with this part?
Asdak eh?

Asdak eh with this part?
With AIM-120 and AIM-9X Egypt’s F-16 fleet would be better than the Tejas overall, and considering the reports of Egypt negotiating for AIM-120s, AIM-9X might come too.
Egypt: Three marine deals with America that include dozens of marine units with local manufacturing
With AIM-120 and AIM-9X Egypt’s F-16 fleet would be better than the Tejas overall, and considering the reports of Egypt negotiating for AIM-120s, AIM-9X might come too.
You really think that Egypt will get AIM-120/9. Da yeb2a 3ala goseti hahahaha. Ya3ni I hope ofc and inshallah we will get it but still small probability

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