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Egyptian Armed Forces

You believe that Egypt can purchase Astra missile with or without ToT or Israel will lobby?


The ASTRA missile is based on Russian technology and the Chinese missile is SD-10 Israeli-Indian cooperation related to BARAK missiles. Israel will not be able to compensate India with deals worth billions of dollars. Israel is an obstacle to Indian arms exports.
Even America, for example, when Israel found an obstacle to UCAV exports to India after Israeli offers for local production, America offered production licenses for more than one model to India, MQ-1C/Mojave, and also allowed export in return for purchasing MQ-9

Israel is a functional, temporary state, entity, and a foreign body that is not viable, no matter how the West tries to support it, and the major countries see this matter well
Egypt can obtain technology from more than one country if the will is there, legally or illegally
Regarding the Indian offers, do you think that China will leave the Egyptian defense market to India easily, in the context of competition?
I will explain to you an important point. Our criticism of the Indian policy of lending made China think about canceling the African countries, and what if China canceled debts worth 8 billion dollars on Egypt in exchange for the Egyptian contract for planes such as the FC-35/L-15/CH-7 with a package worth 8 billion dollars An alternative and with a local production licence, the cooperation programs offered by India increase the international competition for cooperation with Egypt

China will not leave big deals that it can win against Indian offers, and India and China know the requirements of Egypt
Things are not as simple as some let me give you a simple example
We get it from everyone
When I discussed with the Chinese about their support for Ethiopia, we said that Egypt refuses to cooperate with China because of China's support for Ethiopia. The Chinese told us that Ethiopia is not comparable to Egypt and that Egypt is better for them than Ethiopia despite Chinese investments in Ethiopia and considers it a tool for controlling the Horn of Africa. Countries compare what they can You give for what you get

Frankly, the comparison between the two planes is ridiculous because it is not correct The LCA is a light multirole fighter
It cannot be compared to the Korean plane because it is still a training plane because there is simply no superiority for the Korean plane unless the 20mm 3-pipe cannon is considered something valuable.


The following table is a real comparison between the two planes without prejudice to either of them clarifying the reality of things Numbers are always the truest proof

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The ASTRA missile is based on Russian technology and the Chinese missile is SD-10 Israeli-Indian cooperation related to BARAK missiles. Israel will not be able to compensate India with deals worth billions of dollars. Israel is an obstacle to Indian arms exports.
Even America, for example, when Israel found an obstacle to UCAV exports to India after Israeli offers for local production, America offered production licenses for more than one model to India, MQ-1C/Mojave, and also allowed export in return for purchasing MQ-9

Israel is a functional, temporary state, entity, and a foreign body that is not viable, no matter how the West tries to support it, and the major countries see this matter well
Egypt can obtain technology from more than one country if the will is there, legally or illegally
Regarding the Indian offers, do you think that China will leave the Egyptian defense market to India easily, in the context of competition?
I will explain to you an important point. Our criticism of the Indian policy of lending made China think about canceling the African countries, and what if China canceled debts worth 8 billion dollars on Egypt in exchange for the Egyptian contract for planes such as the FC-35/L-15/CH-7 with a package worth 8 billion dollars An alternative and with a local production licence, the cooperation programs offered by India increase the international competition for cooperation with Egypt

China will not leave big deals that it can win against Indian offers, and India and China know the requirements of Egypt
Things are not as simple as some let me give you a simple example
We get it from everyone
When I discussed with the Chinese about their support for Ethiopia, we said that Egypt refuses to cooperate with China because of China's support for Ethiopia. The Chinese told us that Ethiopia is not comparable to Egypt and that Egypt is better for them than Ethiopia despite Chinese investments in Ethiopia and considers it a tool for controlling the Horn of Africa. Countries compare what they can You give for what you get
So for you shortly, Egypt will have their BVR missile with ToT?

Frankly, the comparison between the two planes is ridiculous because it is not correct The LCA is a light multirole fighter
It cannot be compared to the Korean plane because it is still a training plane because there is simply no superiority for the Korean plane unless the 20mm 3-pipe cannon is considered something valuable.

View attachment 874003
The following table is a real comparison between the two planes without prejudice to either of them clarifying the reality of things Numbers are always the truest proof
View attachment 874015
View attachment 874001
No.. no and no.. you are just no familiar with the F-50 variants,, although I agree to the superiority of the Tejas offer on paper.. I will not disregard the F-50 light fighter capabilities ever..
The main ones that come to mind are: since it is the first time EAF is getting an air supremacy fighter..the pilots and technicians need a very sound training to become "fluent" in handling the SU-35E Super Flanker and all its aspects.. for example, Just that thrust-vectoring needs quite some time to master..

Hey forgive me my brother for disagreeing with you on some of these matters as that makes matters a bit contentious for us and that really isn't my intention whatsoever, especially since we are mostly in agreement on almost every single matter out there and I hope you only see this as a friendly & honest disagreement because of the huge respect I share for you, but you realize that the TVC is part of the FBW system, right? They don't operate manually or separately and only function as part of the cumulative computer sensor to the pilot's stick movement. They move in conjunction with the horizontal stabilizers and not independently nor with the ailerons. So they're really not that much of a learning curve TBH. The only adjustment to standard non-rotating nozzles is that they provide much faster pitch authority to the aircraft. Instead of relying strictly on the ailerons and specifically the horizontal stabilizers, the TVC provides almost a mechanical form of moving surfaces.

6 - 8 months tops for training pilots on that aircraft, honestly.

add to that 2 radars .. a forward one and a rear-facing one (if we don't count those 2 more AESA radars in the wings edges..which makes it 4 radars) this is something else to master for one pilot (since we know it is a single seat fighter)..

There is no rear-facing radar in the Su-35, SC ma bro. You're thinking of the Su-57. Su-35 does have the two additional AESA L-band linear radars in the leading edge flaps of the wings, but no rear-facing radar. I remember you were the first to show us all about those incredible AESA L band linear radars they installed in the leading edge flaps that also serve as IFF among squadrons and friendly aircraft which automates the concept of Identifying Friend or Foe and negates having the pilot use the interrogator and go through the entire conventional process. That was a great thread you opened up about that and I remember it very well.

Other than that..there is the fact that the SU-57 Belka AESA radar will be used to design other AESA radars versions.. which is confirmed for the SU-35..

Where was it confirmed for the EAF Su-35s. bro? I remember hearing about that but as far as I remember it was all rumors, especially because of the twisted story about the IRBIS-E being jammed by the EAF's Rafale when it turned out to be the BARS radar on the Su-30MKI that was hit badly by an Indian Rafale's SPECTRA and not the Su-35's IRBIS-E.

I remember very well the huge fuss they made about that whole story and twisted it to make it sound like an EAF Rafale was the one that jammed an Egyptian Su-35SE and that was eventually debunked because neither of those two aircraft were ever together at any point in time. So it was eventually decided that it was impossible and that the source was in one of the French & Indian joint exercises. Eventually that made the IRBIS-E radar change also a myth and no truth to it at all, unless you saw some legitimate source about that?

There was also another story by that infamous EGYPT fake sympathizer Tom Cooper about the EAF MiG-29M/M2s and a "supposed promise" made by MiG Corporation and the Russians to upgrade the Zhuk-ME to the AESA Zhuk-AE within 5 years of the 46 aircraft purchased and that 5 years has come and gone and nothing was ever done about that which kinda soured relations a little bit between the EAF and MiG. As I said, the source was the infamous Tom Cooper so take it with a grain of salt but it also ties into all this mess or rumors about all these radars that are probably not true at all. I haven't seen anything concrete to suggest any IRBIS-E replacement in the Sukhois. I honestly think they're rumors simply created out of thin air to justify the delay in delivery and to side-step the fact that it's really all about CAATSA unfortunately.

Egypt did not cancel the deal and did not buy a replacement, but only requested the AESA radar, which is the N-036 radar, to be installed on the plane, and the Russians agreed to the amendment. 20 last planes When a ban on delivery of planes occurred when the planes were released, Samar requested some modifications to the planes when they were delivered

What does that mean "20 last planes when the ban on delivery of planes occurred when the planes were released"? If you're implying that the EAF requested the N036 and the Russians are replacing the IRBIS-E, there is absolutely nothing that suggests that is the case. Please provide a credible source for that because that is nothing but rumors and simply an excuse for the delay.

It will be a MIRACLE if those Su-35s are ever delivered, let alone delivered with the Su-57's AESA radar lol! We can all hope and dream but nothing whatsoever says anything of the sort is or will happen.

Unlike the South Koreans, they are very greedy, with exaggerated prices, and this printed the Koreans. We even saw 10 years to agree on the transfer of the K-9A cannon technology.

You're talking about the K-9 Thunder Howitzer? I know it's been a long time that's very true lol. Not sure it's been 10 years lol, but it has been a long time and one of the samples was in Egypt being tested about 4 years or so ago. So it has been a few years but no way near 10 years. And honestly, if that's the case then shame on us for allowing that crap to drag on for that long! Think about it, who is it really a sorry reflection on? If something like that takes a decade and we didn't tell them to go f**k themselves, then we're the complete idiots for letting them milk us for that long! A7a ya3ni what are we, frigging donkeys in heat? 7aga khara awi bsaraha!

An air force like the Egyptian requires 6 BVR missiles for each fighter. Any air force like the Egyptian has 400 articles, which means 2400 missiles.

More than that. You have to take into account live training exercises which also uses up at least 4 missiles per aircraft, pre pilot per year to keep your pilots in tip-top shape. Using aerial targets and decoys etc., proper actual training requires essentially about 10 missiles per aircraft which would include a basic stock for wartime and one for training. The latter is actually one that continues to be supplied on a regular basis and not a one-time acquisition. There is only so much a simulator will do for pilots as well as live simunition training using ACMI pods and live simulation training etc. But in order to develop a top-of-the-line fighter pilot teams that are on their best performance is to allow them to train in real live munition which depletes stocks rather quickly, not to mention the rate of attrition during wartime engagement which is astronomical. Nothing would be worse than running out of missiles in this new, BVR world. The jets effectively become completely useless once that specific ammunition runs out.

The pinch and keep-down is not only relegated to Egypt, actually. Look at Saudi Arabia and the US only allowed 300 AIM-120s I think? Same with the UAE, despite what appeared to be a very nice and cordial and trusting relation with the US providing them with what appeared to be a better F-16 model than what the Jews have in the block 60 vs block 50 for the IDF, they still limited all the high-end weapons to low numbers that limit their live training abilities as well as adequate wartime attrition recovery. Even Pakistan IIRC was only allowed to purchase 500 AIM-120C-5s.

Like you said, the only way to execute the proper numbers is to create a local production line that produces a product that can be interchangeable amongst ALL the model aircraft one's air force possesses. There are only a few countries that have that capability, and the Jews happen to be one of them. France & MBDA will never allow either MICA to be locally produced so another option for the Rafale needs to happen but not only for the Rafale, for all the other fighters which should be one standard model fits all. I've been screaming about doing that for almost 2 decades now.

No.. no and no.. you are just no familiar with the F-50 variants,, although I agree to the superiority of the Tejas offer on paper.. I will not disregard the F-50 light fighter capabilities ever..

100%. It may be way over-priced at $60 mill per, but it is hardly a slouch by any means and I certainly agree and hope they do chose the Tejas over the FA-50. Not only is the effectiveness of the fighter on a better level, but the ammunition choices takes the US out of the game and really only leaves India with a slightly nuisanced decision via the Jews which it could easily tell them to go kick rocks, especially if Egypt holds its ground and predicated any deal to be free of any Jew interference, The minute the Indians start saying "oh we can't do this because of the Jews" OOOOPPPPP! FORGET IT, GOODBYE! Then they'll realize the Jews are only slowing and impeding them from making such huge deals that could put them on the export map. Talk about a cancer, that is the exact definition of that.

I would be grateful if sami tells us what does he work, his nationality and his sources.

Well, his IP address shows him posting out of Egypt, so he's most likely Egyptian and when he first started posting his stuff, he used to cite Israeli sources which was very interesting. He has since either stopped using their sources or just doesn't list them.

All IP address's locations of this forum users appear when I log onto this forum on my phone, but not when I log in on my laptop. On my Samsung it shows the country flag right next to the username just like yours is in Egypt, same with @ARCH٤R and @Ghostkiller (although he lists his location as France), maybe he travels between the two but currently it's showing him out of Egypt. @The SC shows Canada, mine shows the US so does @Philip the Arab and @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose etc.
No.. no and no.. you are just no familiar with the F-50 variants,, although I agree to the superiority of the Tejas offer on paper.. I will not disregard the F-50 light fighter capabilities ever..

Personal opinions are not taken into account
Buying military equipment is not a personal whim
But after studies and comparing them to the satisfaction of reality

I know more than you expect about the two planes. There is a difference between dreams and reality
I gave many indications of its superiority, even in the wildest dreams of the FA-50 BLOCK 20.
As for a story that surpasses paper, it is the only truth and reality
We're not here to talk about opinions about a sweet blonde girl or a handsome guy
We are talking about specifications and capabilities, but there is more than what I have presented in terms of specifications for the aircraft only is the initial specifications of the LCA-MK1/A
I also did not give anything new about this plane
In price, India announces its ability to reduce the price of the aircraft by 4 million dollars

electronic warfare systems
The aircraft will equip a Self Protection Jammer (SPJ)
The unified electronic warfare suite (UEWS) will provide capabilities for electronic countermeasures (ECM) and ECCM (electronic counter-countermeasures), with an extended band of operation for threat detection and jamming capability.

“The EW capability will increase the survivability of the aircraft in a networked environment. With the integration of an external jamming pod, the aircraft will be able to do its duty as offensive air combat platform,” he added.

More real estate

Additional features that are getting on board Tejas Mk1A, boosting its precision warfighting capabilities, include a digital moving map with 2D maps and 3D perspective view, provision for GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System), the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)-based positioning system, GAGAN (GPS-aided geo-augmented navigation) and SBAS (Satellite-based Augmentation system).

There is a capacity to save 400 kg in the weight of the aircraft to be added to fuel or armament payload
The plane is very flexible in carrying most types of Russian, French and Indian munitions, as well as the ability to integrate other munitions
The plane and the process of integrating and testing many weapons continues on the LCA plane
And we didn't even talk about the LCA MK2 plane

The rate of climb of the LCA MK1 is 268 meters per second
Or 55000 feet per minute

The rate of climb of the FA-50 is 198 meters per second 39,000 feet / minute

As for the FA-50 plane
Forbid the integration of the APG-83 radar, because Korea does not have an AESA radar. It has not been implemented on the ground, but is not even available to Egypt, and it will raise the price of the plane higher than the price of 60 million dollars.
With which the plane is now sold, no one is convinced of it as a fighter. As for the Polish contract, Poland can only get a Western fighter at a price of 60 million dollars, except for the unfortunate FA-50, with modest performance and capabilities.
On the ground, the plane is equipped with the AIM-9 missile
You didn't give the FA-50 a single advantage as a fighter over the Indian LCA TEJAS in any version.

lca vs fa5011111.jpg
So for you shortly, Egypt will have their BVR missile with ToT?

Egypt will most likely go to more than one missile, as there is a purpose to produce the MICA missile because it is on many sea and air platforms

In general, the production of BVR missiles has spread to countries South Africa, India, Japan, China, even turkey
Things are no longer a threat to France, America, Europe and Russia, and the more forums there are, the greater the competition.

Egypt in the eighties was assembling the Magic-2 missile, then it moved to assemble the Chinese PL-7 missile with the K-8E plane, and to arm the Chinese F-7 planes.

Things here are related not only to an aircraft, but to a training aircraft, a light fighter, an integrated training system, ammunition and aircraft CATS / LOYAL WINGMAN


The last deal for the Egyptian F-16 was the F-16 block 52 with 20 planes

The answer came very quickly. The LCA-MK1 plane that was offered to Egypt includes the ASTRA-MK1 missile, which is currently available for production within the visit that the Indian Defense Minister will pay next week to discuss the details of the plane’s production in Egypt within the Indian offer to Egypt

In the news, India also offered Argentina to sell the plane in local currencies away from the dollar, which is also in the interest of Egypt, which can easily solve its economic problems by dealing with India in local currencies, with Russian in rubles, and with China in yuan. The deficit and

Egypt does not do this to avoid the wrath of the United States, despite the damages of the control of the US dollar on labor trade, making it a monopolistic trading currency that manipulates the economies of countries

Hey forgive me my brother for disagreeing with you on some of these matters as that makes matters a bit contentious for us and that really isn't my intention whatsoever, especially since we are mostly in agreement on almost every single matter out there and I hope you only see this as a friendly & honest disagreement because of the huge respect I share for you, but you realize that the TVC is part of the FBW system, right? They don't operate manually or separately and only function as part of the cumulative computer sensor to the pilot's stick movement. They move in conjunction with the horizontal stabilizers and not independently nor with the ailerons. So they're really not that much of a learning curve TBH. The only adjustment to standard non-rotating nozzles is that they provide much faster pitch authority to the aircraft. Instead of relying strictly on the ailerons and specifically the horizontal stabilizers, the TVC provides almost a mechanical form of moving surfaces.

6 - 8 months tops for training pilots on that aircraft, honestly.

There is no rear-facing radar in the Su-35, SC ma bro. You're thinking of the Su-57. Su-35 does have the two additional AESA L-band linear radars in the leading edge flaps of the wings, but no rear-facing radar. I remember you were the first to show us all about those incredible AESA L band linear radars they installed in the leading edge flaps that also serve as IFF among squadrons and friendly aircraft which automates the concept of Identifying Friend or Foe and negates having the pilot use the interrogator and go through the entire conventional process. That was a great thread you opened up about that and I remember it very well.

Where was it confirmed for the EAF Su-35s. bro? I remember hearing about that but as far as I remember it was all rumors, especially because of the twisted story about the IRBIS-E being jammed by the EAF's Rafale when it turned out to be the BARS radar on the Su-30MKI that was hit badly by an Indian Rafale's SPECTRA and not the Su-35's IRBIS-E.

I remember very well the huge fuss they made about that whole story and twisted it to make it sound like an EAF Rafale was the one that jammed an Egyptian Su-35SE and that was eventually debunked because neither of those two aircraft were ever together at any point in time. So it was eventually decided that it was impossible and that the source was in one of the French & Indian joint exercises. Eventually that made the IRBIS-E radar change also a myth and no truth to it at all, unless you saw some legitimate source about that?

There was also another story by that infamous EGYPT fake sympathizer Tom Cooper about the EAF MiG-29M/M2s and a "supposed promise" made by MiG Corporation and the Russians to upgrade the Zhuk-ME to the AESA Zhuk-AE within 5 years of the 46 aircraft purchased and that 5 years has come and gone and nothing was ever done about that which kinda soured relations a little bit between the EAF and MiG. As I said, the source was the infamous Tom Cooper so take it with a grain of salt but it also ties into all this mess or rumors about all these radars that are probably not true at all. I haven't seen anything concrete to suggest any IRBIS-E replacement in the Sukhois. I honestly think they're rumors simply created out of thin air to justify the delay in delivery and to side-step the fact that it's really all about CAATSA unfortunately.
No worries bro.. we all learn..




TVC is mainly used to attain a very high angle of attack in order to slow down the airplane and thrust vector controlled rotation of the fuselage into the direction of the opponent (Herbst maneuver), an airplane can turn much quicker and, consequently, shoot earlier. This is critical for winning in air-to-air combat.

Only Russian Elite pilots are flying the SU-35.. meaning it needs experienced pilots..

The Byelka AESA radar is operational on the SU-57


I've posted the confirmation here or on another thread for a version being made for the SU-35..
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