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Egyptian Armed Forces

Funny you said that. I said the same exact thing to someone peddling that rumor on Twitter and it pissed me off so I told them that I thought they must be crazy if they think Russia is that stupid or desperate as you said to think that the 26 or even possibly 30 Su-35Ss that Egypt ordered for $2.1 Billion would be a fair trade for 100 UAVs/UCAVs. And 100 is actually a lot of drones, but the aircraft value is much more because of the impact of one Su-35S loaded with much heavier and more powerful A2G weapons is 18 times that of 20 drones. So it didn't make sense, but it was still disconcerting enough to cause grief.

I'm also of the opinion that our air force has been strong-armed by the US and has cowered in the face of threats of CAATSA when going for those aircraft and the MiGs they bought was the whole idea of having the optional sources and not be dictated by the US. They have sadly failed in that and I'm sure I speak for a lot of Egyptians that it's very disappointing to see them fail at countering the US' threats.

Shame on them for letting this BEASTMODE get away........

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How could they possibly let these get away?

The shape of this thing, from the tip of the rear stinger to the point of that huge radome which was specifically changed from previous Su-27 & Su-30 models to this rather large one -- which is quite noticeable -- so that it can accommodate the massive IRBIS-E radar. And despite what we think we learned about that radar, it doesn't matter at this point anymore since they need to decide if they're going to accept the delivery of these aircraft or not! That's much more important now and if yes, then get them and deal with possible radar upgrades later.

If not, then they need to make the US pay for the threats of CAATSA by offering the F-15 at super cheap prices and with the best weapons with none of the crazy usage restrictions, especially the ridiculously insulting basing options which if true, were about as retarded as can be. All these factors, including the Iran rumors are what's driving us CRAZY about this whole saga.

The way the forward fuselage drops down is similar to the way they designed the Su-30MK, called the "Swan" look, since it resembles the neck & beak of a swan which was also a trait designed in the Concord because of the length of the nose & radome, made it difficult for the pilots to see the runway upon landing. So they dropped the nose very effectively like that.

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That swan neck clearly makes all the difference in this photo.

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Then the lethality aspect of this aircraft is really the bottom line for the pressure from the US, more so really than CAATSA. This aircraft presents a much larger threat paradigm to Israel which is why they were very eager to promote the F-15 to Egypt, which they fought tooth & nail in the previous EAF requests for that aircraft. Now they encourage it? The fact that they even have any say in that matter is enough to spit on. Who cares what they think and that's one of the main reasons for going after this deal. It's also a gross disrespect for Egypt's unwavering adherence to the peace treaty. It's a filthy spit on that fact if there is still some sense of mistrust towards the Jews. That is so insulting beyond belief.

Egypt should have the ability to source its equipment from whomever it chooses. Disgraceful that they gave in to the pressure since I'm sure they could've fought back the threats very successfully. Instead, they seem to have been strong-armed rather easily and without making the US pay for that threat whatsoever. Nothing but shameful.

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Having 24 or 30 of these would complement the lethal power of the EAF's MiG-29M/M2s to be a force to recon with. Add the eventual 54 Rafales with MICA NGs and possibly the meteors and the 176 or so F-16s would make the EAF the strongest it's ever been and an eventual contender for the top tier AF in the entire region if the Typhoons also end up being part of the EAF's combined Eurocanard package, regardless of the fiscal improbability of that purchase. But that's how important this fighter contract execution has become for the EAF.

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These fighters with their incredible weapons must come to the EAF ASAP. This is not even a discussion. The only thing discussed is why aren't they?

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So I saw this earlier and reminded me of your post.


The text is stating in a question type manner, in what looks like two Su-35's in this image.

I am not good wit aircraft at all and I figured you are, so does it look like Su-35's in this sat image?
What's that epic place at 2:18?

To add to @Ghostkiller 's answer to your question, the Mohammad Naguib military base is named after the first ever president of Egypt, Mohammad Naguib, who was the first president of Egypt and one of the leaders of the Free Officers Movement who led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, and who became president of Egypt on June 18th of 1953, which became the day Egypt declared its independence as a Republic.




As you know, Egypt is really the largest hub of military exercises in the Middle East since post 1973 and the start of the 80's when it agreed to host Bright Star military exercises with the United States and invite 10s of other countries to participate in what would end up being biannual and became a huge operation. Tens of thousands of military representatives from all over the world including so much of their equipment would arrive for these great & friendly exercises and of course, since Egypt is the hub of tourism in the ME as well, became a great opportunity for many servicemen & women to enjoy the sights of ancient Egyptian history and where the classic of all classic photo ops of fighters flying over the pyramids was basically made a staple.

Because of the success of Bright Star and 40 years later, there have also been many other exercises with close friends and allies such as yourself, of course, and exercise Medusa etc. that once Sisi became president, he and the military decided that it would be the best thing to build a spectacular, all-encompassing base to host all these visitor servicemen & woman and it would not only have the ultimate and best housing facilities, but it would also have anything and everything else needed to create the ultimate comfort & experience for the guests in our country. And so they designed it and built it in 2017 it had its inauguration & grand opening and that auditorium you see in that quick snippet of that video is merely a sample of the most incredible amenities in the base.

Dorms, cafeterias, that opera house sized auditorium and amphitheater, cinemas, VIP lounges, meeting rooms, Olympic-size swimming pools, volleyball, basketball, football, indoor/outdoor sports etc. Then there are all the military facilities including an airbase of course, shooting ranges of all types, armored courses, COIN training sectors, artillery landscape etc., etc., etc.
The base consists of a production unit to achieve self-sufficiency with 379 feddans (approx. 393 acres) of fruit trees and 1,600 feddans (approx. 1660 acres) of seasonal plants and vegetables.

Good link right HERE on US/Egyptian exercise at the base with many cool pics.

I believe @The SC opened an entire thread about it with all the info and pics etc. maybe he can link it for us.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has inaugurated a set of 1,155 buildings and 72 training camps in the presence of diplomats and princes from other Arab countries.

The Egyptian Armed Forces now have the largest military base in the Middle East and Africa. It is named after the first president of the republic, Mohammed Naguib, and is located west of the historic city of Alexandria (northwest of the country).

The base was inaugurated on Saturday by the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, the President of the Republic, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, reports the Website Youm7.

The military test at Africa's largest military base
The event has been accompanied by the graduation ceremony of hundreds of students from military academies and universities and a military magazine. An exhibition of tanks, helicopters and other available war equipment has also been organized. A concert closes the agenda of the day.





TVC is mainly used to attain a very high angle of attack in order to slow down the airplane and thrust vector controlled rotation of the fuselage into the direction of the opponent (Herbst maneuver), an airplane can turn much quicker and, consequently, shoot earlier. This is critical for winning in air-to-air combat.

Sure. I did forget to mention that besides being automatically part of the FBW system and it operates with the horizontal stabilizers, that's really only relegated to pitch authority like I mentioned but since they're 360-degree operating TVC nozzles, they also operate with the stick command for yaw directional movement, meaning they also move with the rudders. So not only with the H-stabs for pitch, but also with the rudders for yaw and a combination of the two for in-between flight positions.

The Byelka AESA radar is operational on the SU-57


I've posted the confirmation here or on another thread for a version being made for the SU-35..

That graph & pic is incorrect for labeling a rear-facing radar, ma bro. If this is something they're thinking of doing in future Su-35s, that might be the case. But more often than not, a lot of fellas falsely claimed that not only the Su-34 had rear-facing radars, but so did the Su-35 when neither of them do. And actually, the Su-34 has electronic warfare and jamming sensors & systems along with a drag chute. The drag chute also takes A LOT of space in the Su-35's stinger where it also houses the rear-facing MAWS (the two protruding missile approach warning systems). But no radar and neither will you see any radiation emblem marks on any of the stingers in all those aircraft. That right there alone is enough to show there is no radar there. But hopefully this is something they plan to do to that aircraft, but I certainly wouldn't hold my breath looool! :D
To add to @Ghostkiller 's answer to your question, the Mohammad Naguib military base is named after the first ever president of Egypt, Mohammad Naguib, who was the first president of Egypt and one of the leaders of the Free Officers Movement who led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, and who became president of Egypt on June 18th of 1953, which became the day Egypt declared its independence as a Republic.

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As you know, Egypt is really the largest hub of military exercises in the Middle East since post 1973 and the start of the 80's when it agreed to host Bright Star military exercises with the United States and invite 10s of other countries to participate in what would end up being biannual and became a huge operation. Tens of thousands of military representatives from all over the world including so much of their equipment would arrive for these great & friendly exercises and of course, since Egypt is the hub of tourism in the ME as well, became a great opportunity for many servicemen & women to enjoy the sights of ancient Egyptian history and where the classic of all classic photo ops of fighters flying over the pyramids was basically made a staple.

Because of the success of Bright Star and 40 years later, there have also been many other exercises with close friends and allies such as yourself, of course, and exercise Medusa etc. that once Sisi became president, he and the military decided that it would be the best thing to build a spectacular, all-encompassing base to host all these visitor servicemen & woman and it would not only have the ultimate and best housing facilities, but it would also have anything and everything else needed to create the ultimate comfort & experience for the guests in our country. And so they designed it and built it in 2017 it had its inauguration & grand opening and that auditorium you see in that quick snippet of that video is merely a sample of the most incredible amenities in the base.

Dorms, cafeterias, that opera house sized auditorium and amphitheater, cinemas, VIP lounges, meeting rooms, Olympic-size swimming pools, volleyball, basketball, football, indoor/outdoor sports etc. Then there are all the military facilities including an airbase of course, shooting ranges of all types, armored courses, COIN training sectors, artillery landscape etc., etc., etc.
The base consists of a production unit to achieve self-sufficiency with 379 feddans (approx. 393 acres) of fruit trees and 1,600 feddans (approx. 1660 acres) of seasonal plants and vegetables.

Good link right HERE on US/Egyptian exercise at the base with many cool pics.

I believe @The SC opened an entire thread about it with all the info and pics etc. maybe he can link it for us.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has inaugurated a set of 1,155 buildings and 72 training camps in the presence of diplomats and princes from other Arab countries.

The Egyptian Armed Forces now have the largest military base in the Middle East and Africa. It is named after the first president of the republic, Mohammed Naguib, and is located west of the historic city of Alexandria (northwest of the country).

The base was inaugurated on Saturday by the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, the President of the Republic, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, reports the Website Youm7.

The military test at Africa's largest military base
The event has been accompanied by the graduation ceremony of hundreds of students from military academies and universities and a military magazine. An exhibition of tanks, helicopters and other available war equipment has also been organized. A concert closes the agenda of the day.

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Sure. I did forget to mention that besides being automatically part of the FBW system and it operates with the horizontal stabilizers, that's really only relegated to pitch authority like I mentioned but since they're 360-degree operating TVC nozzles, they also operate with the stick command for yaw directional movement, meaning they also move with the rudders. So not only with the H-stabs for pitch, but also with the rudders for yaw and a combination of the two for in-between flight positions.

That graph & pic is incorrect for labeling a rear-facing radar, ma bro. If this is something they're thinking of doing in future Su-35s, that might be the case. But more often than not, a lot of fellas falsely claimed that not only the Su-34 had rear-facing radars, but so did the Su-35 when neither of them do. And actually, the Su-34 has electronic warfare and jamming sensors & systems along with a drag chute. The drag chute also takes A LOT of space in the Su-35's stinger where it also houses the rear-facing MAWS (the two protruding missile approach warning systems). But no radar and neither will you see any radiation emblem marks on any of the stingers in all those aircraft. That right there alone is enough to show there is no radar there. But hopefully this is something they plan to do to that aircraft, but I certainly wouldn't hold my breath looool! :D
Now that you showed the photos,I remembered the name as well. Yes,I've heard about him in documentaries.
To add to @Ghostkiller 's answer to your question, the Mohammad Naguib military base is named after the first ever president of Egypt, Mohammad Naguib, who was the first president of Egypt and one of the leaders of the Free Officers Movement who led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, and who became president of Egypt on June 18th of 1953, which became the day Egypt declared its independence as a Republic.

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As you know, Egypt is really the largest hub of military exercises in the Middle East since post 1973 and the start of the 80's when it agreed to host Bright Star military exercises with the United States and invite 10s of other countries to participate in what would end up being biannual and became a huge operation. Tens of thousands of military representatives from all over the world including so much of their equipment would arrive for these great & friendly exercises and of course, since Egypt is the hub of tourism in the ME as well, became a great opportunity for many servicemen & women to enjoy the sights of ancient Egyptian history and where the classic of all classic photo ops of fighters flying over the pyramids was basically made a staple.

Because of the success of Bright Star and 40 years later, there have also been many other exercises with close friends and allies such as yourself, of course, and exercise Medusa etc. that once Sisi became president, he and the military decided that it would be the best thing to build a spectacular, all-encompassing base to host all these visitor servicemen & woman and it would not only have the ultimate and best housing facilities, but it would also have anything and everything else needed to create the ultimate comfort & experience for the guests in our country. And so they designed it and built it in 2017 it had its inauguration & grand opening and that auditorium you see in that quick snippet of that video is merely a sample of the most incredible amenities in the base.

Dorms, cafeterias, that opera house sized auditorium and amphitheater, cinemas, VIP lounges, meeting rooms, Olympic-size swimming pools, volleyball, basketball, football, indoor/outdoor sports etc. Then there are all the military facilities including an airbase of course, shooting ranges of all types, armored courses, COIN training sectors, artillery landscape etc., etc., etc.
The base consists of a production unit to achieve self-sufficiency with 379 feddans (approx. 393 acres) of fruit trees and 1,600 feddans (approx. 1660 acres) of seasonal plants and vegetables.

Good link right HERE on US/Egyptian exercise at the base with many cool pics.

I believe @The SC opened an entire thread about it with all the info and pics etc. maybe he can link it for us.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has inaugurated a set of 1,155 buildings and 72 training camps in the presence of diplomats and princes from other Arab countries.

The Egyptian Armed Forces now have the largest military base in the Middle East and Africa. It is named after the first president of the republic, Mohammed Naguib, and is located west of the historic city of Alexandria (northwest of the country).

The base was inaugurated on Saturday by the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, the President of the Republic, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, reports the Website Youm7.

The military test at Africa's largest military base
The event has been accompanied by the graduation ceremony of hundreds of students from military academies and universities and a military magazine. An exhibition of tanks, helicopters and other available war equipment has also been organized. A concert closes the agenda of the day.

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Sure. I did forget to mention that besides being automatically part of the FBW system and it operates with the horizontal stabilizers, that's really only relegated to pitch authority like I mentioned but since they're 360-degree operating TVC nozzles, they also operate with the stick command for yaw directional movement, meaning they also move with the rudders. So not only with the H-stabs for pitch, but also with the rudders for yaw and a combination of the two for in-between flight positions.

That graph & pic is incorrect for labeling a rear-facing radar, ma bro. If this is something they're thinking of doing in future Su-35s, that might be the case. But more often than not, a lot of fellas falsely claimed that not only the Su-34 had rear-facing radars, but so did the Su-35 when neither of them do. And actually, the Su-34 has electronic warfare and jamming sensors & systems along with a drag chute. The drag chute also takes A LOT of space in the Su-35's stinger where it also houses the rear-facing MAWS (the two protruding missile approach warning systems). But no radar and neither will you see any radiation emblem marks on any of the stingers in all those aircraft. That right there alone is enough to show there is no radar there. But hopefully this is something they plan to do to that aircraft, but I certainly wouldn't hold my breath looool! :D
Bro..the SU-35 apparently has a Phazotron N-012 Rear-Facing-Radar which supplements the warning systems and provide mid course guidance for missiles while performing defensive maneuvers.


Here is a good read:
"The Su-35 BM also has a radar in the tail, and for this function there are available the Phazotron NO12 and NO15 and Leninets VOO5 used in the Su-34."


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Bro..the SU-35 apparently has a Phazotron N-012 Rear-Facing-Radar which supplements the warning systems and provide mid course guidance for missiles while performing defensive maneuvers.


That's Su-34, ma bro.


And it's actually the exhaust for the APU.




If I remember correctly, on the original design of the Su-34, Sukhoi did want to install the N-012 Phazotron rear-facing radar as part of the aircraft cumulative radar system and they did on the first one or two models and eventually did away with it. They needed the room for the APU exhaust which actually has several other ports to release the tremendous amount of smoke and exhaust caused by the APU upon startup of the aircraft. So they made additional ports on the side of that stinger you can see them in that closeup pic that shows the angled exhaust pipe. They're the square louvered openings on the side just before that hinged end cap.

Really after that they haven't used that radar on any aircraft until the Su-57 which has a plethora of radars all around that aircraft like you said. That thing is going to be sick man, would give my left toe and maybe part of my right ear to see the EAF contract that 5th gen in the future, or even sooner.

Su-35 basically has a hinged cone cover at the end of the stinger which houses the drag parachutes.


Those two protrusions on the sides are the rear-facing MAWS.



The interesting thing is that none of the EAF's 220 F-16 that were delivered by the US through the 40 years of its history in Egypt did a single one of them have a drag chute. Considering every single one of them had the flush ends at the bottom rear of the vertical stabilizer or tail until they ordered the 20 F-16 block 52s. Those are the only F-16s out of all 220 the EAF procured that have the housing extensions on the bottom of the tail fins (vertical stabilizer) and even then, they didn't opt for the drag chute to be housed in them. Very strange and can't figure out why they never requested the drag chute to be part of the aircraft and especially in the block 52s since they had those extensions where they could fit the chutes.


Compared to all the block 40s and prior models where there isn't even an extension let alone a housing lol. Nothing but a blunt closed up end.


I know the MiG-29M/M2s have drag chutes but I'm not sure about the EAF Rafales. Can't remember seeing them deploy any chutes on landings, but then again, pics are somewhat rare. They just land and stay on their back wheels for as long as possible until the front drops and the brakes slow the bird down. I don't even think these things have air brakes at all. At least the F-16 has those silly little pair of folding air brakes between the nozzle and H-stabs but Rafale doesn't have any air brakes. That's rather wild now that I think of it.



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So I saw this earlier and reminded me of your post.

View attachment 874211

The text is stating in a question type manner, in what looks like two Su-35's in this image.

I am not good wit aircraft at all and I figured you are, so does it look like Su-35's in this sat image?

They look more like Mirage F-1s, Stryker. Which airbase in Iran is this?
@Gaafar NIce catch but is it a reliable source?

MAn we are good at hiding stuff
But isn't SS-10 an ATGM?


Poland to buy 212 South Korean K-9A1 guns worth $2.4 billion
While Egypt contracted the same version with 216 cannons, worth only $1.65 billion
The Polish deal is part of a deal that includes 180 K-2 Black Panther tanks worth $3.4 billion and 212 guns worth $2.4 billion for a total of $5.8 billion.

Looks like we got downgraded one exactly like @sami_1 said in previous posts.
Looks like we got downgraded one exactly like @sami_1 said in previous posts.

How did you come to that conclusion ya M3alem? One says: 'While Egypt contracted the same version with 216 cannons'

The same version but with 4 more cannons and the other says: 'The Polish deal is part of a deal that includes 180 K-2 Black Panther tanks worth $3.4 billion'

One deal has 180 additional Black Panther tanks of course the deal will be worth much more. But nothing suggests Egypt got any downgraded equipment especially when it says the same version. If anything, it sounds like we were the much better negotiators and got the better deal as a result. We just never bought the tanks thank goodness Lord knows we don't need them!
One deal has 180 additional Black Panther tanks of course the deal will be worth much more, But nothing suggests Egypt got any downgraded equipment especially when it says the same version. If anything, it sounds like we were the much better negotiators and got the better deal as a result. We just never bought the tanks thank goodness Lord knows we don't need them!
We need K2 Black Panther to replace the old M60 A1/3 and old T-54/55/62.
How did you come to that conclusion ya M3alem? One says: 'While Egypt contracted the same version with 216 cannons'

The same version but with 4 more cannons and the other says: 'The Polish deal is part of a deal that includes 180 K-2 Black Panther tanks worth $3.4 billion'

One deal has 180 additional Black Panther tanks of course the deal will be worth much more. But nothing suggests Egypt got any downgraded equipment especially when it says the same version. If anything, it sounds like we were the much better negotiators and got the better deal as a result. We just never bought the tanks thank goodness Lord knows we don't need them!
It is most likely because of the delivery time..

How did you come to that conclusion ya M3alem? One says: 'While Egypt contracted the same version with 216 cannons'

The same version but with 4 more cannons and the other says: 'The Polish deal is part of a deal that includes 180 K-2 Black Panther tanks worth $3.4 billion'

One deal has 180 additional Black Panther tanks of course the deal will be worth much more. But nothing suggests Egypt got any downgraded equipment especially when it says the same version. If anything, it sounds like we were the much better negotiators and got the better deal as a result. We just never bought the tanks thank goodness Lord knows we don't need them!
Mubarak era wanted the K9 negotiations were cancelled in 2011 and restarted in 2014-2016. We got the K9A1 most likely and if you want to compare prices https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K9_Thunder#K9A2
I think the Egyptian is the best in this list also heres another intresting topic
If someone did buy the article it would be wonderful
We need K2 Black Panther to replace the old M60 A1/3 and old T-54/55/62.

I thought the 500 T-90MS' were for that purpose? Or is that out the door now? I was under the impression that T-90MS production line in Egypt was going to solve all those problems unless they changed their minds once they saw the 678 turrets in Ukraine go flying 300 feet in the air and realized there is a major design flaw in Russian tanks vs new & modern ATGMs and cancelled that contract?

Mubarak era wanted the K9 negotiations were cancelled in 2011 and restarted in 2014-2016. We got the K9A1 most likely and if you want to compare prices https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K9_Thunder#K9A2
I think the Egyptian is the best in this list also heres another intresting topic
If someone did buy the article it would be wonderful

They should be starting assembly very soon, almost now actually according to the contract.

Another one of the many lessons learned from the Ukraine war is how valuable guided artillery has become on the battlefield. Most of the damage done from both sides seems to be from this one particular type of weapon. Combined with drone tech performing recon and target positioning, mobile artillery has literally dictated the battleground. Although I'm quite positive the Ukrainians wouldn't have been nearly as successful as they have been, not only with 7 units of the highly improved HIMARS, but much more importantly is the intel they're getting from Uncle Sam. Without that, the Russians would be having a field day.

So, I certainly see the Egyptian Army's motivation to pursue that weapon and specifically the technology because of its battlefield effectiveness and it pulls us away from the M-109 howitzer which is not as good, and its maintenance has become a huge and costly burden.
I thought the 500 T-90MS' were for that purpose? Or is that out the door now? I was under the impression that T-90MS production line in Egypt was going to solve all those problems unless they changed their minds once they saw the 678 turrets in Ukraine go flying 300 feet in the air and realized there is a major design flaw in Russian tanks vs new & modern ATGMs and cancelled that contract?

They should be starting assembly very soon, almost now actually according to the contract.

Another one of the many lessons learned from the Ukraine war is how valuable guided artillery has become on the battlefield. Most of the damage done from both sides seems to be from this one particular type of weapon. Combined with drone tech performing recon and target positioning, mobile artillery has literally dictated the battleground. Although I'm quite positive the Ukrainians wouldn't have been nearly as successful as they have been, not only with 7 units of the highly improved HIMARS, but much more importantly is the intel they're getting from Uncle Sam. Without that, the Russians would be having a field day.

So, I certainly see the Egyptian Army's motivation to pursue that weapon and specifically the technology because of its battlefield effectiveness and it pulls us away from the M-109 howitzer which is not as good, and its maintenance has become a huge and costly burden.
Who wouldnt like 100km ranged guided artilery
No one respond to me. Leh el tarnasha di hahahaha. How we extended the range of SS-10 when it is an ATGM? @Gaafar
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