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Egyptian Armed Forces

there should be a huge purge for ncos leading those people they seem to not incoperate any of the training they learned this is just horrendous. i get it that it was a suprise attack but cmon where are the damn cover for these people
I think DAESH attacked a place where it wasn't very secured area. A place that isn't that important to "secure". So it was an easy target. Like I said DAESH is weak so they will have to do a score so they can show that they are still alive and aggresive.
I think DAESH attacked a place where it wasn't very secured area. A place that isn't that important to "secure". So it was an easy target. Like I said DAESH is weak so they will have to do a score so they can show that they are still alive and aggresive.
according to some sources 50 terrorists pulled up with pickup trucks with dushkas in a suprise ambush on pull up station used to provide water for 400k hectares of crops in north and medium sinai in the end more than half of them were killed and the rest ran away and then we lost 11 soliders
This is most definitley carried out by the MB after they were exposed in recorded sound and sight videos theyve been planning for a while\
cant blame the cassulties 50 trained people with duskas in a suprise attack is difficult

@joker87 whats ur opnion on this
They also have a huge tendency to purposely exaggerate, like their shootdown claims among many things lmao.

On these tank deals, my guess is that they're looking into the K2 to eventually replace the M60A3s (which is a very tall order since there's somewhere around 1700 of those tanks in the EGY army) as it wouldn't change so much of the logistics and needs between the Abrams and the K2s just like the M60s fit as well. Same fuel (assuming the Egyptian tank crews are running the Abrams versatile Honeywell ATG-1500 engine with diesel which is the same as the only fuel the K2 is capable of using.) The ATG-1500 can run of either diesel, unleaded gasoline or even jet fuel/kerosene.

I remember you and I having this argument with Frogman about the compatibility of the T-90MS with the Abrams and M60s, but now that the Black Panther is also in the picture, things fall into place a bit better provided that is the way they will replace them.

The T-90s can just replace the current Russian tanks in inventory and operate strictly under diesel fuel and keep their duties completely separate from those of the other two, so that this issue of logistics doesn't interfere with their compatibility or performance.
That's all true..And you can see the T-90SM like the Mig-29M-M2, While the M1A1 as the F-16 maybe BLK 52, if it got that level we've talked about the M1A1/2-E.. The K-2 will be like the a well equipped F-15..

according to some sources 50 terrorists pulled up with pickup trucks with dushkas in a suprise ambush on pull up station used to provide water for 400k hectares of crops in north and medium sinai in the end more than half of them were killed and the rest ran away and then we lost 11 soliders
This is most definitley carried out by the MB after they were exposed in recorded sound and sight videos theyve been planning for a while\
cant blame the cassulties 50 trained people with duskas in a suprise attack is difficult

@joker87 whats ur opnion on this
There was another attack in Sinai about a month and a half ago.. with a number of soldiers killed too..
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according to some sources 50 terrorists pulled up with pickup trucks with dushkas in a suprise ambush on pull up station used to provide water for 400k hectares of crops in north and medium sinai in the end more than half of them were killed and the rest ran away and then we lost 11 soliders
This is most definitley carried out by the MB after they were exposed in recorded sound and sight videos theyve been planning for a while\
cant blame the cassulties 50 trained people with duskas in a suprise attack is difficult

@joker87 whats ur opnion on this
Plus killing half of them and making the rest to run away that is good sign. That they died by showing resistance etc... what can stop a fucking attack with DShK and 50 terrorist. It is hard to repel. And I am sure that DAESH choose the easy pray because I am sure the area of attack isn't that important. I hope that we will avenge their death with heavy acts on DAESH.
Let's be clear; no one -- least of all me -- is taking anything away from these brave soldiers who fought and were wounded and who died unfairly like that. But there are always responsibilities for successes and failures, especially when failures are repeated over and over. That's a major factor.

Even if there was 1000 of those scum-sucking maleficent cretinous cockroach hogs, where was the intel? Where were the preventative measures to deal with such high potential of terrorism happening to essentially what was a military garrison guarding the water lift plant? Everyone + their cousins knows that there is still HUGE potential for terrorist attacks like this to occur wherever there are military personnel and/or sensitive complexes that are guarded.

And despite coming out and declaring the northeast cleansed of bugs and insects, there will always be a threat of terrorism as long as the ideology is not defeated. So they can never relax or get complacent. If anything, they should get BETTER at defeating this filth.

These should be the easiest targets to defend. The difficult ones are areas such as markets, large gatherings (unfortunately like masjids) and vulnerable areas where suicide attacks take place. Those are very difficult to prevent although there should be top of the line intel happening all over the peninsula and beyond to learn about such events before they happen. Preventative measures in place to reduce the aspects of deadly equipment reaching scum like that. Intell should be way ahead of big acts, especially one that involves a large number of cretins. Unacceptable.

What is also unacceptable is what seems to be a lack of specific training after all these years, over a decade almost. This is not the first time a 10-pack of soldiers are unfortunately killed like this. This has happened numerous times already and to not see any adjustments is beyond ridiculous.

Let's give them credit for fighting with everything they had, absolutely. But let's not give those responsible a free ticket anymore. There is so much more they can do to prevent such losses to these poor kids and they're not doing them. Why? It's beyond me.
The operation is a fatal intelligence mistake, in contrast to the successes that have been achieved, but this operation does not forgive those successes.
EXPECT AN OPERation lets hope they wear headcams so we can see what theyre doing lol
I think it would be more an airstrike than "boots on ground" because according to the spokesman, our army has encircled those terrorists in area.
so hezbollah and the muslim brotherhood condemned the attack
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