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Egyptian Armed Forces

So now it is guided? What I meant of advanced MLRS was like Polonez WS-2 etc...
With this guidance kit, what is the range of the rocket/missile
its literally guidance kit not an extra rocket boosster lol. same range
I know the thread I checked it multiple times but what I mean is that all equipments are speculation and we don't know if they talked about those weapons yes or no
Those were tangible offers.. it was up to Egypt to take them..
So did they change the cannon on this T-55 to make it the E Ramses? It's definitely a T-55 despite the smoke evacuator being in the center of the cannon and not at the tip like most T-55s.

Same with this one which also shows the lager, uneven gap between the wheels towards the front like all T-55s do, while the T-62 has the uneven larger gaps towards the rear end of the tank. The cannon must be an upgrade of some sorts.

View attachment 840970
Yes, both pics I shared were T-55s, addition of M68 105mm gun (US license modified copy of famous British L7) makes them T-55E MkII Ramses, E means Egyptian and Mk.II is the only version of Egyptian T-55 that features M68 105mm gun, unlike the earlier examples that still retain the old 100mm gun with bore evacuator at the end of the barrel. M68 has bore evacuator more to the middle of the gun. There were some older variants called E too, like T-55E Mk0. Only difference I noticed is addition of Telefunken AEG infrared/white searchlight, addition of DShK to examples that didn't have it, Yugoslav Iskra rangefinder and some water storage boxes added, some also had stowage rack at the back of the turret for canisters. Some sources also claim new Soviet engine but I personally didn't notice any changes to the engine bay. One more thing to the M68 gun, they weren't fully fitted but rather fitted to modified original 100mm gun parts, because M68 wouldn't fit in the turret and it would be costly. Similar thing was done by Israelis on their Tirans.

Beware, this pictured example is T-54E and not T-55E Mk.0 - T-54E modifications appeared prior to 1973/Yom Kippur war. Only difference is the typical T-54 features, otherwise they are the same as T-55E Mk.0 modification. I haven't seen any T-55E Mk.0 from Yom Kippur war though, but to be fair I haven't even looked for any so it's possible they made them around the same time as T-54Es.

Egypt then probably deemed T-54 as not worthy of any advanced upgrades, so they only updated them with new antennas and radio equipment, some new boxes to the sides of the turret were also added. Yugoslav Iskra rangefinder also saw some addition of new tubular device I have yet to identify. Some examples don't have it though. Some examples also didn't have the AEG Telefunken searchlight installed back in 2011. It's also possible Egypt didn't bother with describing them as T-54Es anymore and instead referred to them as T-55Es.

Here T-54E Model 1951 in Aswan, 2011

Then came T-55E Mk.I - All the upgrades from earlier version remained, but it saw addition of those features later E upgrade for T-54E brought, such as additional boxes and antennas. I haven't observed any tubular devices installed on these T-55s but they could have gotten them. They likely also received new engine and mainly, smoke launchers of the same type as T-62Es had received. Wikipedia mentions some more features like additional armour, but I doubt this feature was ever installed on them. I couldn't find any pictures of them untill I saw these examples delivered to Libyan LNA. I believe these pictured examples are T-55E Mk.I Ramses tanks.
T-55E Mk1 (3).jpg

T-55E Mk1 (2).png

Disclaimer, I'm no expert and I don't speak Arabic (I know, shame on me), so big portion of this is just speculation based on available info, so take me with a grain of salt. It's also worth mentioning any information on Egyptian modifications is very, very rare and even Egyptians I spoke to had no idea about each variants. Very few, if any, are even interested in them, which is in my opinion sad. Unless I see any official documents or read something from crews that used them, I cannot be certain. But I believe my identification skills might be fairly accurate.

One more thing to keep in mind, it's commonly spread, for some reason even wikipedia pages mention this, that Egypt has Ramses II tanks. This is not true! Ramses II was prototype only, mating T-55 turret with M68 and modified M60 hull and some features. It was never adopted by Egyptian military and no pictures outside of trials exist of them. People often misidentify T-55E variants as Ramses II. I believe since at least 2018 T-55E Mk.II tanks are not in service anymore and are stored. Numbers of T-62E tanks are also shrinking and are awaiting replacement.
The specifications and capabilities of the Egyptian Corvette CC60


In the beginning, news and pictures of the Egyptian corvette CC60 appeared at the EDEX-2021 exhibition. It is considered a very strong start for the Egyptian military marine industries, from the category of industries dedicated to combat, and preceded by heavy industries, but they were from the category of giant ships of the category of ro-ro, transporting supplies and soldiers, the most famous of which is the huge freedom ships, the pride of the Alexandria company industry .

We can say that the Egyptian combat corvette and the specifications listed so far are initial specifications that can change for the better, in the CC-60 light Egyptian patrol corvette, which will be equipped with radars from the French company Thales.

• The first and main radar is the Smart-S MK2, which is a tracking and detection radar for air and sea targets of the 3D class of PESA radars, with a maximum range of 250 km, which is the same as the Gowind radar. It can detect marine targets at a maximum range of 80 km and can detect and track up to 750 targets together and operates in the S-BAND frequency.

• The second radar, STIR-1.2, also produced by Thales, is dedicated to fire control and is an integrated radar with optical systems. The radar operates on two different frequencies. It can operate in the K-BAND frequency and has a range of more than 35 km. It directs medium-range air defense missiles. It operates on the L-BAND frequency and has a range of up to 120 km and can direct long-range missiles.

• The Corvette is also fitted with an electro-optical system

Corvette initial specs:

The Corvette has a design based on the best modern international standards, as it has a complete ghostly hull characterized by a low radar signature, and its design has taken into account the low level of the driving bridge from sea level, which allows to increase the degree of stealth radar

It has a displacement of 750 tons, a length of 60 meters, a width of 10 meters, a speed of 30 knots, and a maximum range of 2,400 nautical miles. Corvettes can stay at sea for 3 weeks

corvette armament:

The corvette will be armed with a 76mm main gun and two 30mm DS30M Mark 2 guns that can hit air and sea targets at a range of 5 km. Each cannon has 5 to 7 short-range air defense missiles with a range of 9 km, a speed of Mach 1.5, and a warhead of 3 kg.

The CC-60 Egyptian corvette can be equipped with several types of surface-to-air missiles for air defense.

The corvette is equipped with 8 air defense cells and can carry 8 Mica NG missiles with a range of 40 km or 8 Aster-15 missiles with a range of 30 km, or it can carry 32 Italian CAMM-ER air defense missiles with a range of 40 km, where each cell can carry 4 missiles.

The corvette will be armed with 4 Exocet Block 3 anti-ship surface-to-surface missiles, and the corvette will be equipped with torpedo launchers, as well as a hull sonar and a towed sonar. The corvette is equipped with a helipad for taking off and landing drones on board. The corvette also carries a special forces boat..
It is a great system, and UAE is involved in it with the Skyknight in a JV replacing Denel Dynamics.

That's right, I didn't make the connection but now that you mentioned it, I remembered what a great idea Skyknight was. Pack all those missiles in several boxes and unleash them to quickly clear the air.

The specifications and capabilities of the Egyptian Corvette CC60

And a great name! Compact Combatant! Gotta love that.

Disclaimer, I'm no expert and I don't speak Arabic (I know, shame on me),

Why would you? You're Czechoslovakian, unless you're part Egyptian or Arab. But even so, no shame in not speaking it if you haven't been raised with it.

But I believe my identification skills might be fairly accurate.

I would say so!

One more thing to keep in mind, it's commonly spread, for some reason even wikipedia pages mention this, that Egypt has Ramses II tanks. This is not true! Ramses II was prototype only, mating T-55 turret with M68 and modified M60 hull and some features. It was never adopted by Egyptian military and no pictures outside of trials exist of them.

Really great and very informative post. Does that mean the didn't modify 425 tanks into Ramses IIs like it's claimed in many sources?
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Arab International Optronics D69 Thermal for vehicles and static use it is comparable to French and Turkish thermal imagers. AIO has more images from this brochure about other thermal imagers I can post if you like.

Could theoretically be use on an armored vehicle such as the Sinai-200

Why would you? You're Czechoslovakian, unless you're part Egyptian or Arab. But even so, no shame in not speaking it if you haven't been raised with it.
Something for you, there is nothing called Czechoslovakian because this country died exactly like Yugoslavia hahaha. Now it is called Czech.
Why would you? You're Czechoslovakian, unless you're part Egyptian or Arab. But even so, no shame in not speaking it if you haven't been raised with it.

Really great and very informative post. Does that mean the didn't modify 425 tanks into Ramses IIs like it's claimed in many sources?
Thank you for your kind words!

They didn't, if they did, we would have seen at least a few during 2011 and some years later. Despite Egypt being quite secretive with some of its systems, you cannot hide 425 tanks. There was also a really good article on them, I'll link it later if I manage to find it.
I think Egyptian side cancelled the project because Teledyne, the company that made the prototype(s), faced bankrupcy. Later on, Egypt eyed for options in Russia (some photos emerged shortly before rumors of Egypt buying T-90MS tanks), where they proposed some more prototypes, but none saw any production. Ramses II would have been much better than T-62Es Egypt currently has. And if the army had 425 tanks that were supposed to be modified in 2004-2006, I'm certain they would have been showing these instead of T-62Es during displays. Meanwhile, only 1-2 prototypes of Ramses II were made and it is unknown what happened to them, but I doubt they were accepted in service. Either they were scrapped, sitting in some graveyard or in storage.

While similar, and I can understand why people mistake T-55Es for them, there are key differences, as you can see.


I cannot deny it's beautiful looking tank, despite being Frankenstein's monster.
Does anyone know if the rumors of Egypt buying T-90MS tanks were true? I honestly don't belive in them anymore, since Egypt wants to acquire K2 tanks, but military acquisitions are sometimes very strange.
I made this, I got a data sheet for a thermal optic for the AT-3 Sagger missile as well.😂😂🤣

I will post this soon, it has pretty good performance and makes the system day and night capable and with good range as well.


They also make thermal weapon sights I will upload all the spec sheets for their products soon.
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