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Egyptian Armed Forces

T-55E MkII Ramses
T-55E MkII (9).jpg

So did they change the cannon on this T-55 to make it the E Ramses? It's definitely a T-55 despite the smoke evacuator being in the center of the cannon and not at the tip like most T-55s.

And only picture from 90s I have, T-55E MkII Ramses
T-55E MkII (10) - kopie.jpg

Same with this one which also shows the lager, uneven gap between the wheels towards the front like all T-55s do, while the T-62 has the uneven larger gaps towards the rear end of the tank. The cannon must be an upgrade of some sorts.


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Egyptian army training in Sinai recently

They've been doing this exact training since Mubarak's early days, or more precisely since they created the Rapid Deployment Forces to cross the canal to prevent the invasion of Sinai. Sisi altered and reshuffled the forces in 2014 to make it more than just a rapid deployment into Sinai and gave it broader responsibilities with the western and southern borders as well as anti-terrorism duties.

But the reality of their primary function is a massive combined arms forces and a HUGE formation that includes deployment forces from all 4 branches from the EA, EN, EAF & EAD.

As I'm sure you very well know, this is a HUGE element of the armed forces and they used to close the canal for a day every once in a while and have this crossing practice back in the 90s - 2000s and wlad el 3am used to get really pissed off about it because they knew who it was geared towards and they didn't appreciate it LOL. You should've seen the articles that were printed in the Jerusalem Times and them yelling in the keenest. :D They would claim that this wasn't the behavior of someone who was sincere about peace! Oh really?! After you sucker punched us from behind and tried to permanently steal our land as if we're weakling idiots trying to embarrass even more than the cowardly attack, and constantly go out of your way to prevent the US and other countries from selling us top notch weapons to keep us weaker than you (which seems to be something the Egyptian army is fast gaining on that parody) that we're supposed sit there with our ding dongs dangling and do nothing about it until it happens again? Very glad they formed this force and they practice it often as well as add new tactics and elements as these new things arrive into the military. It's also great that they're cognizant of prying eyes.

Because speaking of cousins, I can guarantee you that whatever they're showing on that earth map simulation is nothing even close to the real plan because of obvious reasons. Electric eyes, in the skies with prying eyes watching all the times....no one even knows exactly how big the entire force is. Some claim the ground forces alone are made up of 8 divisions between armored, artillery, infantry and mobile SAM units. It's quite elaborate but it's good that they're taking the protection of our biblically historical land that saved Musa (AS) and w'lad el 3am's ancestry by giving them the parting of the Red Sea and safe passage through Sinai and the passes and which also hosts St. Catherine's monastery where the Christian's sacred burning bush mentioned in the Bible has lived there for centuries and continues to live there.

Many people don't realize how special Sinai is and it is Egypt, why the land-grabbing thieves wanted it under the false pretense of an Egyptian military threat. Well, that is guaranteed to never happen again.

Thunder Boat: Inside the French Navy's amphibious helicopter carrier "Tonnerre" (L9014)​

I posted this same video about 15 pages or so ago and said people should watch it because it shows details that many just don't know about. They only know what they read or whatever was said on Egyptian TV and newspapers etc. which is nowhere near the detail mentioned in this great video.

The way the ballasts work to drop the stern to allow water to come in the back and assist those landing crafts coming in a leaving. Then there is the fully rotting 360 degrees propeller pods (eliminates the need for any rudder which is a HUGE plus, we can get those on our recreational bowrider and cabin boats so I was not too surprised when I saw them on this huge ship) and also with the bow thrusters which combined with the pods, they help the ship not only stay completely stationary no matter the chop or current or waves with GPS tracking and that unique propulsion combination (just like they did with Sisi and MBZ were on board for that incredible combined arms exercise at Bernice naval station), but also to allow the Mistral to move sideways with those pods and bow thrusters and it can position itself nice and easy and slowly onto any dock in the world as well as get out of shallow waters much easier without the need of a single tugboat.

Then there's the hospital which is a critical element to have and all the other amazing technologies and amenities. Everyone should watch that video in its entirety.




Billip, I meant to tell you that reminded me of another item the EGY army is interested in that is not so much a 25mm - 50mm RCWS IFV cannon, but more like a smaller but faster BRRRRRTTTTTT similar to the Shilka but designed more to bring down drones and aerial assets!

This is the MK3 Oerlikon Revolver Gun (in both fixed & mobile configurations - talk about innovation!) which Rheinmetall was offering this multipurpose state of the art gun to the Egyptian military since 2018, which subsequently has been very interested in adopting the contract including ToT to build them in Egypt. Supposedly the reason Egypt was showing great interest in producing it locally was to complement the IRIS-T GBAD (or SLT?) SAM system which Egypt has already ordered 7 batteries of those. That's the one system that the Israelis, along with the 4 Type 209 submarines were not very happy that Merkel and Germany sold them to Egypt and then what does she do? She signs off on the 4 MEKOS as well right before she retires while giving them the middle finger lol. Goof for her and apparently either she didn't care much when she found out Sisi and the Egyptian intelligence was spying on her, or Sisi sincerely apologized to her and she let bygones be bygones?

Anyway, what do you think of this setup? I think this is the first time I've seen a modular weapon system that you could basically mount on a large flatbed truck, shoot down a couple aircraft then take it off and go put it on top of an S-200 or HUMVEE or even a UAV command center roof and knock down a couple hundred drones lmao and move to the next asset!? The versatility of this thing is incredible, and its rate of fire is insane!




Video is a bit long here, but you can skip and go to the sections where they fire and knock down the drones.

IRIS-T SLM GBAD system | Egypt’s choice to boost air defence – PHOTOS & VIDEO
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Billip, I meant to tell you that reminded me of another item the EGY army is interested in that is not so much a 25mm - 50mm RCWS IFV cannon, but more like a smaller but faster BRRRRRTTTTTT similar to the Shilka but designed more to bring down drones and aerial assets!

This is the MK3 Oerlikon Revolver Gun (in both fixed & mobile configurations - talk about innovation!) which Rheinmetall was offering this multipurpose state of the art gun to the Egyptian military since 2018, which subsequently has been very interested in adopting the contract including ToT to build them in Egypt. Supposedly the reason Egypt was showing great interest in producing it locally was to complement the IRIS-T GBAD (or SLT?) SAM system which Egypt has already ordered 7 batteries of those. That's the one system that the Israelis, along with the 4 Type 209 submarines were not very happy that Merkel and Germany sold them to Egypt and then what does she do? She signs off on the 4 MEKOS as well right before she retires while giving them the middle finger lol. Goof for her and apparently either she didn't care much when she found out Sisi and the Egyptian intelligence was spying on her, or Sisi sincerely apologized to her and she let bygones be bygones?

Anyway, what do you think of this setup? I think this is the first time I've seen a modular weapon system that you could basically mount on a large flatbed truck, shoot down a couple aircraft then take it off and go put it on top of an S-200 or HUMVEE or even a UAV command center roof and knock down a couple hundred drones lmao and move to the next asset!? The versatility of this thing is incredible, and its rate of fire is insane!
It is a great system, and UAE is involved in it with the Skyknight in a JV replacing Denel Dynamics.

It will be a very good system for countering PGMs, UAVs, Cruise missiles, etc and serve as a protective shield for longer range air defense systems I think it will be able to defend much better than the Pantsir.
There is a new system that appeared in the last video to inspect the Military Technical Institute, a distinguished video with a quadruple launch system

Serbs are offering something Egypt could buy the license for and produce. In fact Egypt should buy the license and produce the 400mm, and 262mm rockets under license.
You have any source? Because the thread that we did about the Egypt Serbia military protocol isn't a one because all we did was speculation.
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