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Egyptian Armed Forces

hes trying to get famous by being an idiot
I just saw an ex egyptian air force captain.

If he was really in the military he would also answered to all this question. Why would the army leaks the investigation of the mosque attack. Plus we don't need to know the leader of the terrorists to fight them.
And about the Mansi death, Egypt had to have the permission of Israel to bomb the area with our multiple F-16 waves. He should already know why Egypt doesn't have a big army on area B and C. Why we bought the Rafales.

@Gomig-21 @The SC your thoughts?
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I just saw an ex egyptian air force captain.

If he was really in the military he would also answered to all this question. Why would the army leaks the investigation of the mosque attack. Plus we don't need to know the leader of the terrorists to fight them.
And about the Mansi death, Egypt had to have the permission of Israel to bomb the area with our multiple F-16 waves. He should already know why Egypt doesn't have a big army on area B and C. Why we bought the Rafales.
theres multiple occasions where israel protested to america peace deal violations of airplanes going about and at one occasion locking on an israeli F-15 that went to intercept an egyptian f-16 that crossed the border bombing fleeing terrorists. And There was already heavy troop presence in area B we only made it official on the agreement after the troops were increased. This is not an EAF pilot, this is stolen valour
You know, that's obviously a great point, SC. Another fella posed the same question to me as I made my same point to him as well on another forum and what I told him was that the situation would be entirely different because of one reason only and that is in this case with the Su-35s, the US was able to offer an alternative in the F-15.

But Egypt played it really smart when they officially made a request for the F-35 knowing quite well it would be shut down and denied in a heart beat so that it would open the door to pursue the Su-57 or Su-75. That being since now the US really has no alternative to offer Egypt in exchange for a Russian 5th generation aircraft and Egypt has all the right to get into that field. That's the leverage Egypt would have against the US and CAATSA with either of the Russian 5th gen aircraft. Where they might have problems with is the MiG-35s. That's because the US already wants them to give up the ENTIRE fleet of MiG-29M/M2s AND S-300VM to Ukraine.

In exchange, the EAF would get the F-15EX for the MiGs and the S-300 would be replaced by either the latest PAC III Patriot or THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Air Defense).

Check this article out, SC, @Philip the Arab , @ARCH٤R , @joker87 , @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , @Hydration , @Ghostkiller and anyone else who would be interested, please read that article.

This is SCARY bad what the US is trying to do to Egypt and this is probably the biggest test Sisi and co. will ever go through.

The US wants the EAF to give up its entire fleet of MiG-29s to the Ukraine in exchange for expedited F-15EXs and the EAD to give up all its S-300VM batteries to the Ukraine as well in exchange for "more" PAC-IIIs and/or THAAD.

If there is any truth to all this (which seems to be the case), then not only do we need to find out if these F-15EXs are on top of the ones exchanged for the Su-35s? Or is Egypt simply giving up the Flankers for nothing now? A7A!!!!! And the S-300VM as it is the most advanced version of the S-300 series and go all American? Our SAMs need to be other than US built ones for specific reasons. That is exactly why the Jews lost their minds at the Germans for selling us the IRIS-T-SL.

This also means that Russia needs to step up to the plate and make her voice heard!!! It needs to come in with counter-offers if it wants to protect Egypt as its client and continue to supply it with hardware it wants. Especially since it got itself into this crazy war with the Ukraine and has drained itself in many ways. It definitely needs to come in and counter the US or this will get ugly for everyone except the richest of the batch, and we all know who that is. Let me know what you fellas think because this is some scary shhhhtttuuff!

That's even crazier than my suggestion, my bro LOL! :D Look at what the US wants now, they want to purge all the advanced Russian weapons out of the Egyptian Armed Forces this is getting really bad! I think a lot of people predicted this correctly; you give them an inch, they take a mile! Egypt will have to rock the tree and take its chance with CAATSA if the US keeps on this ridiculous path.

I don't disagree with any of that whatsoever. They're also a bit unreliable to a certain extent and their stuff is not as good as western or US products, I think we can all agree on that. And if there is any truth to that Zhuk-AE replacement they promised to make but never came through, that is the kind of thing that they're kinda known for. Not to mention the ancient avionics in the Su-35 AND let's not forget what they did with the Algerian MiG-29 SMT.

Of course all the good outweighs the bad by a large margin, but the occasional bad leaves a bad taste and makes one a bit apprehensive.

EDIT: One super important thing that just occurred to me after posting this post is the only way the EAF can save the MiG-29 fleet from being pressured off to the Ukraine, is to hopefully have a clause in the contract with Russia and MiG corporation that none to the birds can be sold to a 3rd party for whatever reason. If there is such a clause (which we all know the US is the BEST at putting in all those types of clauses to keep full control of their product from reaching other unwanted or undesirable hands) then that would help the EAF to pull it out and throw it in the US' face and tell it to take a hike! Not gonna happen because I would die it we saw those beauties do to the Ukraine and get thrashed in that war of pigs! Oood AstaghfurAllah.
The US did not ask Egypt to transfer MiG-29s to Ukraine, and doing so is pointless on all levels.
The Article’s body is just wishful thinking from the author’s side, relying partially on the wishful thinking of another supposedly more intellectual person in the field.
There is a huge difference between the Ukrainian MiG-29s and Egyptian MiG-29s in pilot’s interface alone that would make a short, unprofessional operating duration from Ukrainian pilots impossible practically, their best bet would be fueling the Egyptian MiG-29s with holy water before climbing to the cockpit.
I find it funny that some Americans still think that they intend to sell weapons to Egypt
The F15 version C after its age for the body is what was presented to Egypt and not the ex and in large numbers
No quality weapon was presented with it except for a non-excellent copy
No weapon is dispensed with and the response has reached them in a timely manner
The Su-35 is being maintained and modified by a defensive order that has been taken. Among the developments is the new radar.

Egypt is under unprecedented pressure, and many things have been rejected
The Middle East will soon face sanctions
US and Israeli documents confirm that Egypt has nuclear weapons

@Gomig-21 and all Egyptian brothers..:coffee::coffee:
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US and Israeli documents confirm that Egypt has nuclear weapons

@Gomig-21 and all Egyptian brothers..:coffee::coffee:
With all due respect to you and everyone, no one knows anything about the Egyptian missile program or any of the modifications that have been made to it.
I repeat, no one knows anything about this program or even about the origin of Jabal Hamza
US and Israeli documents confirm that Egypt has nuclear weapons

@Gomig-21 and all Egyptian brothers..:coffee::coffee:
We don't have nuclear at all. Maybe in the future if Iran built it but now we don't have. And for the BM we only know what we had and some BM claimed by CIA etc.. Our BM project is secret. But what is sure is that we are expanding Jabal Hamza BM facilities. So expanding the facility = expanding our BM project and maybe Cruise Missile project if we have in mind.
Dassault Store now has Egyptian Rafale scale model!

Rush to buy! I can tell you that it's quality stuff!

We don't have nuclear at all. Maybe in the future if Iran built it but now we don't have. And for the BM we only know what we had and some BM claimed by CIA etc.. Our BM project is secret. But what is sure is that we are expanding Jabal Hamza BM facilities. So expanding the facility = expanding our BM project and maybe Cruise Missile project if we have in mind.
no one knows and no one will know. We are not iran flexing every single weapon even if it is a mock up remeber that iranian 5th gen mock up plane? lol
@Gomig-21 @The SC your thoughts?

Well, he's pretty much saying the same thing I was saying, about who's responsible for this monumental failure that resulted in the death of ten poor soldiers and an officer. He does mention other things like all the newly purchased equipment from the helicopters to the submarines etc. were acquired under the pretexts of fighting terrorism and creating stability in the region and so where were these assets? Why wasn't a batch of attack helicopters or F-16s scrambled to bomb the heck out of the terrorists? He made some good points and the one about finding the top source of who is funding these animals is not a difficult thing to do. If they trace some of the dead cretins' weapons origins or check the shell casing (forensics) and things of that sort, they can trace their origin and perhaps find the culprits whom are funding these cretins. They're must be doing that anyway I can't imagine them not. But it's a fair point IMO.

@Gomig-21 and all Egyptian brothers..:coffee::coffee:

The one story about the Soviet ship arriving in Alexandria on the 24th I think the date was, has been circulating for a while. This is supposedly CIA information but the actual items offloaded has not been 100% verified. However, what else could it be?

The other thing is Egypt is a member of the NPT, so possession of such weapons is a gross violation and could result in a huge problem. If it does indeed have them, it needs to keep them completely hidden at all times and never discuss them and deny deny deny!

The ballistic missile program, though, is most certainly active. We've seen some of those pics or underground testing of the propulsion on a couple of them.

I find it funny that some Americans still think that they intend to sell weapons to Egypt

Why? Did the Armed Forces decline any deals with the US? I haven't heard anything yet, have you? If so, post it please.

The F15 version C after its age for the body is what was presented to Egypt and not the ex and in large numbers
No quality weapon was presented with it except for a non-excellent copy

The last built C version would be 37 years old! They stopped producing them in 1985 and these airframes are rated for 6000 - 8000 hours maximum, which is why a few of them started cracking a few years ago and the USAF had to ground the entire fleet for over a month or more, I forget. But it was a long time until they went through all the aircraft and made upgrade.

These are no longer viable airframes and if that is true that the US offered the very old and used F-15C, then shame on them and worst if the EAF accepts them. They shouldn't settle for anything less than the EX model.

The Su-35 is being maintained and modified by a defensive order that has been taken. Among the developments is the new radar.

That's because that IRBIS-E radar is a piece of crap. Sorry to be so blunt. The L-band AESA strips on the leading edge of the wings are fine, so is the IRST even though it's not at good as the ones on the Rafale and EFT, but it's still good enough. But Sukhoi has over-hyped the IRBIS-E for detecting and tracking several targets at 400km when it could only detect 1 at 260km and couldn't track it until it reached under 200km. So it underperformed by a HUGE margin. This is one of the reasons why I'm not very impressed with the Su-35s technological capabilities.
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