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Egyptian Armed Forces

The one story about the Soviet ship arriving in Alexandria on the 24th I think the date was, has been circulating for a while. This is supposedly CIA information but the actual items offloaded has not been 100% verified. However, what else could it be?

The other thing is Egypt is a member of the NPT, so possession of such weapons is a gross violation and could result in a huge problem. If it does indeed have them, it needs to keep them completely hidden at all times and never discuss them and deny deny deny!

The ballistic missile program, though, is most certainly active. We've seen some of those pics or underground testing of the propulsion on a couple of them.
This was 50 years ago..when Usrael sent rumors of mobilizing its nuclear weapons, meaning the "US ones sent to to them".. Egypt then got the same from the USSR.. not sure they are still in Egypt.. and why not..!

Something off note : like I said DAESH attacked the station where it is located in the middle of nowhere. I have a video of the attack.
DAESH like any other guerrila warfare, they choose the easy target and not bases etc... Just really **** them and inshallah they will go Hell. @Hydration I think you are right look at the building you can see the bullets penetrated deeply in the wall
Allah yerhamhom.

And plus we aren't that stupid to sell our MIG M/M2 and our most advanced SAM to Ukraine IFFF we do it, we just admitted that we are in USA side and not neutral like we always did.
The MIG M/M2 with its equipments (BVR-Cruise Missile) and SAM S-300VM (one of the most advanced of its S-300 variants) are matter of national security.
Some reliable sources say that it takes 45 minutes for the Egyptian fighter planes to intervene in Sinai.. that is OK.. but what about the UAVs..LoooooL
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This was 50 years ago..when Usrael sent rumors of mobilizing its nuclear weapons, meaning the "US ones sent to to them".. Egypt then got the same from the USSR.. not sure they are still in Egypt.. and why not..!

Some reliable sources say that it takes 45 minutes for the Egyptian fighter planes to intervene in Sinai.. that is OK.. but what about the UAVs..LoooooL
what about the air defence

This was 50 years ago..when Usrael sent rumors of mobilizing its nuclear weapons, meaning the "US ones sent to to them".. Egypt then got the same from the USSR.. not sure they are still in Egypt.. and why not..!
didnt this ship arrive after the collapse of the ussr
@The SC
UAE learned lessons about ambush from Yemen which is why they developed the Hunter loitering munitions.

Egypt should develop something similar so that troops are more well prepared against ambushes.

I think something like this can prevent and stop ambushes.

didnt this ship arrive after the collapse of the ussr
Nope it arrived in 1973..

@The SC
UAE learned lessons about ambush from Yemen which is why they developed the Hunter loitering munitions.

Egypt should develop something similar so that troops are more well prepared against ambushes.

I think something like this can prevent and stop ambushes.

You can't have these loitering 24/7.. it is possible in an open war.. but these were very cunning surprise attacks.. not ambush..
You can't have these loitering 24/7.. it is possible in an open war.. but these were very cunning surprise attacks.. not ambush..
Not loitering 24/7 but on standby to launch within a couple minutes.

Egyptian command posts should be made with concrete and heavy materials to protect against said ambushes as well.
long time no see @sami_1 wheres your enhanced articles misssed them
Egyptian anti-tank missiles since the early sixties

These vehicles were primarily used by the Soviets in anti-tank batteries that served alongside motor rifle regiments. They were also exported to other countries. AT-1 vehicles were used Egyptian forces in the Six-Day War in 1967, and in defending Greek-controlled Cyprus against the Turkish invasion of 1974.


More than 24,000 missiles of the "Falanga" series were exported to 16 client nations, almost all of them as part of ammunition supply contracts for Mi-25 helicopters. The only missile exports for ground launchers were to Egypt and Syria, to complement their small contingent of 2P32 tank destroyers, all delivered in early 1973 in preparation for the upcoming war with Israel.



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The October War star used 700 platforms in the October war, including 300 on BRDM-2 vehicles
It was produced locally at the end of the seventies in cooperation with North Korea and China, and developed in the eighties in cooperation with Taiwan, and has been in production in Egypt for a long time. For infantry, It is believed that Egypt was using 1,400 Sagger missile launchers
100 platforms of vehicles BRDM-2 were replaced with AT-5 missiles, to BRDM-2M96i developed by Poland


Upgraded Sagger

AT-4 Fagot

Fahd with AT-4

Even with its tense relations with the Soviet Union, Egypt maintained the purchase of anti-tank missiles, whether from Eastern European countries and even North Korea, as a front for Soviet products at the end of the seventies or since 1983 directly from the Soviet Union, and the same was true for the various types of RPG launchers that followed the RPG-7


Egyptian self propelled Swingfire ATGM launcher based on Land Rover 101 truck

Egypt, in cooperation with England, has produced more than 13,000 Swingfire missiles, which have undergone many developments to increase penetration capacity up to 100 cm in armored steel with a head weighing 7 kg. It is believed that the guidance systems were developed in cooperation with a German company
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Egypt exported small numbers of it to Sudan, the Sultanate of Oman and perhaps Iraq in the eighties, and the Egyptian army obtained about 10,000 missiles, including 260 quadruple launchers on American jeeps.
No way Egypt will give their MiGs to Ukraine, that would be political suicide and a very stupid move imo.

What makes that article at the least intriguing, is that not only has that question even been posed by several local military analysts, but it also raises very valid points.

The first being that Russia has, in many ways, shot itself in the foot with this war in Ukraine. Whatever the reasons it had, valid or not is unimportant at this point because it actually had many defense ties with equipment supplies from the Ukraine that helped it source a lot of its helicopters' electronics and ships and a lot of other military equipment it outsourced from Ukraine. That's all come to a complete halt now.

The other, and the bigger problem is that all the sanctions and deliberate stoppage of supply chains and economic deals and diplomatic and economic ends that many countries have started and will participate against Russia for many years to come (regardless of whether this war continues for a while or ends soon) will impact Russia's ability to produce military equipment and make export deals. Many of its customers are probably tweaking out at the moment scared out of their minds at how they're going to be able to continue supply lines for spare parts and any other military associated items. Countries whose military is heavily dependent on Russian imported equipment such as Algeria are probably freaking out right now.

That brings us to Egypt: Will the EAF be able to maintain this rather large fleet of MiG-29s? What about spare parts and problems with engines etc.? All the other Russian origin equipment? These are not easy issues despite many here seem to think so.

Then there's the Su-35. Who in their right mind would actually accept that aircraft now? That story with the radar is absolutely true there is no doubt about it and if there is any truth about them changing it to an AESA like in that post by Joker, good luck waiting for that to happen!

Look at how long they haven't been able to develop the Zhuk-AE for the MiG-35 and had to make the EAF settle for purchasing a lesser variant in the 29M/M2 until they finish it and upgrade all the MiGs but they never came through. Not only that, but the PAK-FA's radar was a flaming disaster in its development. We haven't seen anything about it or the stealthy engine that is supposedly being tested. 14 years since the PAK-FA took its maiden flight. There are reasons why these things haven't been able to be developed and the bigger problems now are with the country mired in a horrible war and its economy taking a pounding which will only get worst in time with much harder and broader sanctions, how on earth would anyone purchase 26 Su-35s and not be worried? What if they start developing major problems and need to be grounded for repairs? Those thrust-vector engines? How long will it take Russia to respond in kind and help fix these potential problems until Egypt is capable of performing at least 50% of those duties on its own? What if Russia can't or it takes months? The planes will sit in their hangers and be worthless. That's a terrible and frightening proposition. So that article brings up all these points in general, but once you think about them in detail, you start to realize this could be a major problem to deal with Russian equipment.

Anyway, never posted before pics of the magnificent Bernees Bergamini FREMMs.




Port Said Gowind.


Anyone know why there's that round hatch and charring soot burn mark on the center of the hull right at the water line? Is that where the MEKO Al Aziz fires its torpedos? @The SC or anyone else?


Hopefully these guys get the upgrades they deserve very soon ISA.


Bright Star 21 AA refueling qualifications.


Speaking of air to air refueling, we should be seeing the two Airbus MRTTs tankers really soon, I would think, right?

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AT-4 Fagot

Good ol' versatile Fahd. They should build a newer, maybe 6x6 or even a tracked version with heavier armor and weaponry. Why they haven't further developed on the success of that vehicle is strange.

Even with its tense relations with the Soviet Union, Egypt maintained the purchase of anti-tank missiles, whether from Eastern European countries and even North Korea, as a front for Soviet products at the end of the seventies or since 1983 directly from the Soviet Union, and the same was true for the various types of RPG launchers that followed the RPG-7

Yep, even as recent as 3 years ago or so, the US called on Egyptian authorities to seize a cargo ship coming into the southern entrance of the Suez Canal which was a North Korean ship sailing under Vietnamese flags I believe and once seized, it contained 100,000s of RPG-7 rounds made in DPRK on their way to.......lol. Of course, with the UN embargo on NK, any country caught purchasing any military equipment from it would be in serious trouble, so we had to deny, deny deny! :D

Egypt, in cooperation with England, has produced more than 13,000 Swingfire missiles, which have undergone many developments to increase penetration capacity up to 100 cm in armored steel with a head weighing 7 kg. It is believed that the guidance systems were developed in cooperation with a German company

I bet you they still operate the super versatile swingfire on several platforms. We posted pics of when they adapted them on the T-62s post October war. They seem to have used them on several other platforms as well.

توباز مطور ببرج ورشاش 30 مم وصواريخ كونكورس.png

The AT-5 Konkurs missile is widely used after its development on armored vehicles

And on Toyota Land Cruiser jeeps

Russian military motorcycle

India has offered Egypt to supply it with new batches of these missiles for years, along with Milan missiles


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The French Milan missiles Egypt bought a large batch of 4000 in the early eighties with 220 launchers, then Egypt bought another batch in 2001. The total number of launchers is now 345 launchers available on Egyptian Cheetah carts and jeeps


BDL managing director V Udaya Bhaskar told Hindustan Times that the defence public sector undertaking was in preliminary discussions with countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and Myanmar to tap the export potential of the weapon systems.

“We are exploring opportunities to export Konkur and Milan ATGMs as well as Akash surface-to-air missiles. The ATGMs are built under license from Russian and French firms, and they will give us country-specific export clearance,” Bhaskar said. BDL has already inked a deal with Myanmar for supplying light-weight torpedoes.
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Egypt makes a thermal sight that has refitted the AT-3 Sagger and can refit other ATGMs as well.


This takes the system from being useful only in the day to day and night effectiveness in bad weather conditions.

It looks similar to this through the scope


In 2009, Egypt and Ukraine signed a contract to develop 200 OT-62 armored vehicles and supply them with about 2,000 SKIF R-2 missiles.​


Egypt Plans to Buy Ukrainian ATGMS​


Egypt is considering the purchase of advanced anti-tank guided missile system “Skif”, an export variant of the Ukrainian ‘Stugna-P’, and Corsar light portable missile systems. “We have been invited by the Egyptian defence forces for an in-country demonstration and user trials, and we are currently undertaking these amid negotiations, “Anton Pashynskyi, Head of Marketing and Foreign Relations Department at Ukroboronprom’s State Kyiv Design Bureau Luch, told GBP Show Daily. Skif is completed with 130 mm and 152 mm caliber missiles in transport and launching containers with tandem hollow-charge and high explosive fragmentation warheads. The maximum range of fire is 5000 meters.


The Egyptian Army is also looking at buying the Corsar, which has missiles in transport and launching containers with tandem hollow-charge (RK-3K) and high explosive fragmentations (RK-30F) warheads.

“ATGMs and Remote-Controlled Weapon Systems are in great demand in the region
especially in Egypt. We have participated in several tenders in Egypt for such
systems and are awaiting the outcome,”
Pashynskyi said, adding, “We expect the
order to be big as the infantry is also huge.”

Turkey and several countries in the MENA region including Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, Qatar, Jordan are currently using Ukraine-built ATGMs. State Kyiv Design Bureau Luch is also completed the first round of negotiations with Egypt for Vilkha M multiple launch missile system.

The Vilkha M is an advanced version of its Vilkha, which is designed to destroy armoured, lightly armoured and unarmored vehicles, enemy manpower, command posts, communication centres, military-industrial facilities, above ground facilities for store and purposes at long distances. The advanced version has a maximum firing range of 110 km, while Vilkha has only a maximum range of 70 km. State Kyiv Design Bureau Luch is also trying to sell its Neptune 360ST missile system. It’s a land-based cruise missile system with anti-ship missiles, with a maximum range of up to 300 km.

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