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Egyptian Armed Forces

Although he does use the term "martyred", and MG wrote the numbers down as "Killed in Action" & "Wounded in Action", those two would lean more towards individuals who fought and not really civilians.

I like how at the end he mentions the purpose of revealing these numbers in a very nice way, despite not ever doing that in the past and the reason is he worries that people will forget the sacrifice of these individuals. Then he finished by saying "don't forget" which I thought was really well said.

BTW, Hydration, take a look at the patch of the pilot to the right who is speaking into the microphone, not the older one to the left with the 2000-hour patch, but the one to the right and let me know if you recognize that patch?

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Speaking of Sinai, I believe this was taken by either military personnel or a civilian while this F-16 was screaming and banking while carrying what appears to be a pair of AGM-65 Mavericks.

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Oh definitely not, lol. We are the untrustworthy pariah that poses a constant threat on the Jewish state; go figure that one out?!?! since we were the ones who were attacked twice and have only defended our land.

BTW, the Egyptian Army has been very smart about the Italian mega deal offer they made and instead of refusing the whole thing and upsetting the Italians because most likely the EAF didn't want to purchase the 24 Eurofighter Typhoons, but were interested in most of the other items such as the 4/6 Bergamini FREMMs, possibly the military satellite (not sure what they're thinking is on the 20 Falaj II OPV Corvettes) and it seems they're negotiating with Leonardo on the 24 Aermachi M-346 Advanced Jet Trainers and Light Combat Aircraft.

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That would be good for them to acquire those so that trainees can train of a modern aircraft to go with all the modern fighters in the fleet. Right now they're sharing duties between the Alpha jets and the L-59Es although we haven't seen much of the latter.

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This is the drone you were asking about, right? No one knows what it is except the speculation is that it's an indigenous design and project and used as a recon UAV.

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@The SC , this Ka-52K Katran was most likely the testbed for the Egyptian Navy's tender/order because of the OLS under the nose. It's the same one the EAF requested on their Alligators instead of the other one the Russians use. You won't see any other katrans with that OES-52 shaped more like a disc than a ball. It also appears they were testing it in Syria since I don't think there are any palm trees in Russia, right? lol

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Some additional info on that particular OES-52 that the Egyptian military specifically requested on its Ka-52s.

The French gyro stabilized Safran STRIX targeting sensor used by the Tiger attack helicopter. Testing of the OES-52 system on a Ka-52 commenced in January 2015, and the system entered production in 2017 for Ka-52E helicopters delivered to Egypt. The OES-52 performs similar functions as the GOES- 451, but also houses five sensors; an infrared camera, an electrooptical camera, a laser rangefinder/ designator, laser beam riding for air-to-ground missiles, and a laser spot tracker.

Real mistery on the status of the Katran for the Mistrals, or if they're leaning towards a different helo for CAATSA reasons or simply that they're looking for something different now?

@ARCH٤R , I still can't find that pic of the Egyptian Ka-52 with the Kh-35 on it. IIRC, it was part of the group of photos taken when President Sisi visited one of the air bases and was wearing the helicopter uniform and helmet and sat in one of them. Not sure if he actually went for a ride lol! I would hope so if he went through all the trouble of dressing up for the occasion. But I bet the secret service told him to forget about that! Anyway, maybe one day it will turn up (just like I happen to accidently stumble on the rare one with the Vikhir missiles) but we know the Kh-35 is part of the EAF inventory since we've seen the MiG-29M/M2s carrying them and even launching one in a video, and here is another pic of a Russian Ka-52 with the massive Kh-35, so it is capable of doing so.

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A few more pics of the Tahyia Misr FREMM and EN with the Alexandria Corniche in the background.

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And speaking of Alexandria, back in November of '21, the French destroyer Paul Chevalier and the ENS Alexandria performed a PASSEX exercise in the Red Sea.

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Even the older Oliver Perry Class frigates in the EN are very well maintained, despite being quite active. You can really tell all the branches have upped their training to a lot more in the last decade or so.

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This is one of two types of Egyptian-made RIBs sold to the Bangladesh Navy. This was taken at the Egyptian factory prior to shipping to Bangladesh. They come with the Yamaha 75HP outboard motor.

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@ezerdi2 , fenak ya habibi? :-) Is this towing test/exercise by Thyssenkrupp of the first Egyptian Meko the same thing that the Algerian navy was performing in that one exercise and people thought that the ship was disabled and then commented that it must've been due to bad maintenance and things of that sort? lol, amazing how reality can be twisted, by accident or on purpose. The Algerian navy is one of the most disciplined and well maintained navies in Africa & the Middle East. To mistake a towing exercise for a disabled frigate due to improper maintenance is a travesty!

That hatch that's opened up at portside bow is something I haven't seen before on any of the other ships. Most likely makes for easier viewing and access to docking and towing lines. Can't wait to see these arrive in Egypt, which should be relatively soon since they're almost done building the 3rd one I think, with the 4th being built in Alexandria.
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Apparently China bought 36 K-52K in 2020 ..way after Egypt's acceptance of the Russian bid..


Maybe Egypt wants a Special Edition..
Don't think that this is indigenous because if it we would have showcased during EDEX-2021. I think it is maybe Lipán M3 or M4 from Argentina.


Lipán M3


Aukán - UAV Clase I


None of the Argentinian UAVs look like the Egyptian..


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AIO is going to produce this 30mm RWS in the future under license from Spain.

Use this on Sinai-200, and you have an IFV capable of replacing older BMPs with a capable platform that can destroy tanks and armored vehicles.

You can theoretically replace the T-62 turret with something like this, and use it as a heavy IFV. It would have much higher armor than BMP or Bradley’s. A concept like this would have saved many soldiers lives in the Sinai if the vehicle is up armored with composite and ERA using the weight savings from the turret removal.


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Yeah that thing is awesome.

Both the Sinai 200 IFV and the ST-500 LTV are going or have already gone into production from some of the local news.

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Reminds me that Sisi also met recently with the head of the Belgian Defense Company for a possible joint defense cooperation on some of the items they produce, specifically the turrets and remotely controlled guns in 25 to 120mm caliber for APC/IFVs and naval vessels.




Egyptian army has over 1000 YPR-765s which is a little less than the total number of Abram tanks it has. Plus an unknown number of BMP-1s ( I would say at least 300 probably more) and a huge stock of APCs they've been using with IFVs.

They also have 250+ Pegaso BMRs they use a lot. Since they were seen in the streets of Cairo during the revolutions, they've been all over the place and used in Sinai also.




They recently received over 1100 RG-33 MRAPs from the US's surplus of military equipment and they used them in Sinai quite effectively in the same role as IFVs. These things are supposedly quite resistant to IEDs.


They also have a Chinese 6x6 IFV/APC I forget what it's called and it's rather rare, not too many people know about it but it was seen and used extensively in the last Bright Star exercise. @Amun might know what it is but I know the pain in the butt Amir Pharoah who opened this thread definitely knows about it.

Heck they even turned a batch of Fahd's into IFVs.


Putting that RCWS turret on a T-62 reminds me of the old saying - "Even if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig!" :D
Apparently China bought 36 K-52K in 2020 ..way after Egypt's acceptance of the Russian bid..


Maybe Egypt wants a Special Edition..

I saw that bro, man those Chinese are starting to piss me off! lol. They have the Su-35s while we don't and now they're getting the Katrans while our Mistrals are empty?! Their power and worldly standing makes them capable of challenging ridiculous impositions such as CAATSA and such. They probably laugh at that.

Someone made the comparison with India (I think it was @joker87 ) but I think the difference is that India is not as involved with the US as Egypt is. Egypt has a lot more cooperation with the US in all sorts of fields, especially military where it would be affected a lot more than India would.

BTW, apparently the T-90MS is somewhat attractive to the Egyptian army because of its weight. Did you hear that? It's about 10 tons lighter than the M1A1 hence it would work out better on the Mistrals. Obviously it has other qualities they seem to like (I think the 3-man crew instead of 4 is one of them) as well as some of the automated things. But hopefully it has blast doors that separate the ammunition compartment from the auto-loader and the inside of the turret since that's pretty much the reason why those turrets on the T-72s are blowing off like soda bottle caps. I can't imagine what those tank crews were going through when they were hit with ATGMs and the amo cooked off inside the tank and blew the turrets off like that!

None of the Argentinian UAVs look like the Egyptian..

Yeah I don't see it there either. Pretty sure it's locally designed and produced.

always thught that disc was a downgrade glad to hear otherwise. The aggressor squadron

Yep, that's what it looks like.
I don't blame you for thinking the OES-52 is a downgraded version of the one used by the Russians on their Ka-52s lol! We always have that weariness of getting shafted with downgraded crap LOL! :D
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I saw that bro, man those Chinese are starting to piss me off! lol. They have the Su-35s while we don't and now they're getting the Katrans while our Mistrals are empty?! Their power and worldly standing makes them capable of challenging ridiculous impositions such as CAATSA and such. They probably laugh at that.
Can't we operate the Apache AH-64 and Ka-50/52 on the Mistrals. Or AH-64 can't operate on them?
@Hydration "Think about your advice towards india" (Turkish F-16s are going to Greece thread). You are f*cking savage. But this also apply with our beloved cousins in our east borders hahahah
Can't we operate the Apache AH-64 and Ka-50/52 on the Mistrals. Or AH-64 can't operate on them?

They could, but the Apaches would be limited to just however many they can operate on top of the deck only since their rotors don't fold for storage below.

Some of the Alligators had their props modified to fold so they can stow them below, but there's still the problem of salt water and corrosion. The Katrans have a special anti-corrosive coating on them to protect them from the effects of salt water which are devastating. I have 1st hand experience with that stuff and it is like cancer.

Besides, those two current attack helicopter groups belong on land for duties and missions related to the army, so taking from their stock would reduce their strength. The Apache was really designed to be a nighttime attack helicopter, why most of them are painted black.

They really need to purchase a mixture of at least 35 naval attack, reconnaissance, SAR, ASW and EW helicopters for both ships.
They could, but the Apaches would be limited to just however many they can operate on top of the deck only since their rotors don't fold for storage below.

Some of the Alligators had their props modified to fold so they can stow them below, but there's still the problem of salt water and corrosion. The Katrans have a special anti-corrosive coating on them to protect them from the effects of salt water which are devastating. I have 1st hand experience with that stuff and it is like cancer.

Besides, those two current attack helicopter groups belong on land for duties and missions related to the army, so taking from their stock would reduce their strength. The Apache was really designed to be a nighttime attack helicopter, why most of them are painted black.

They really need to purchase a mixture of at least 35 naval attack, reconnaissance, SAR, ASW and EW helicopters for both ships.
Indeed, the Egyptian deal includes modifications to the hull, monitoring systems, and folding of the wings. Otherwise, it would not have been relied upon in an operational situation on the Misteral.
As for the AW149, its numbers were increased with another deal in the last exhibition, and it has completely different equipment and not unified copies.
Pictures will be added soon
@Hydration "Think about your advice towards india" (Turkish F-16s are going to Greece thread). You are f*cking savage. But this also apply with our beloved cousins in our east borders hahahah
We are not having a warm peace with the "Welad el 3am" not in a million years i doubt they will survive this decade

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