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Egyptian Armed Forces

The F-35 is garbage btw. Junk piece of military equipment.
One F-5 aggressor Pilot I know said that they are got an upgraded radar that can detect F-35s from 80KM. To begin with, I find the best way of stealth is though active cancelling and not through radar wave dispersion, there are promising plans of detecting a stealth aircraft like placing land based sensors that can detect reflected radar waves and work out the position of the reflecting aircraft (stealth). If you can have a network of AESAs across the country say for example on the border with Libya or Gaza and Israel they would detect the stealth fighter throughout its journey but from a radar to another, having a capability of firing missiles from aircrafts and having the ground based radar network guide it will be very good but would also work on anti jamming equipment - too. The previous point can also be repeated by IRST network that would detect the head signatures from aircraft engines. Any airframe that traps radar waves can be detected by emitting ones with long wavelengths, if you have a radar with long wavelength waves and a modern receiver it can also be a good asset as long as it’s hard to jam.
The rest of your post is equally idiotic.
One does not get a week pass by without coming across one of you lads... You are to express views on thoughts and not the posts and the points of view, on weapons and the Armed Forces and not how people view them! :hitwall:
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One F-5 aggressor Pilot I know said that they are got an upgraded radar that can detect F-35s from 80KM. To begin with, I find the best way of stealth is though active cancelling and not through radar wave dispersion, there are promising plans of detecting a stealth aircraft like placing land based sensors that can detect reflected radar waves and work out the position of the reflecting aircraft (stealth). If you can have a network of AESAs across the country say for example on the border with Libya or Gaza and Israel they would detect the stealth fighter throughout its journey but from a radar to another, having a capability of firing missiles from aircrafts and having the ground based radar network guide it will be very good but would also work on anti jamming equipment - too. The previous point can also be repeated by IRST network that would detect the head signatures from aircraft engines. Any airframe that traps radar waves can be detected by emitting ones with long wavelengths, if you have a radar with long wavelength waves and a modern receiver it can also be a good asset as long as it’s hard to jam.

Yep and really both the Protivnik-GE and Resonence-SE (but I think more so the former than the latter) have been highly touted being low frequency L-band radars to being able to pick up stealthy aircraft and Egypt currently has the entire 1000 km radius of that radar stationed right in Ismailiya I believe or somewhere near there where the radar covers HUGE areas, the entire Sinai and I think all of Israel into the entire eastern Mediterranean and half of Libya into Jordan and parts of Iraq and Syria with its crazy range.

We've talked a lot about this and really we're burnt out on the subject of the F-35. Suffice it to say that when I first saw the F-35 at an airshow, I couldn't believe the size of the nozzle and can only imagine what the heat signature is that comes out of that bunghole lolol. Lemme see if I can find some pics of it.

I thought I had a photo of it when it went by us on the tarmac and I do have a bunch of those but none of the rear end. But this one when it first took off and tried one of the F-22 super vertical from straight right after takeoff and that afterburner lit up like a Christmas tree. You can see how large that nozzle is even in this pic.

IMG_0668 (2).JPG

Actually I do have a few of the rear and to really appreciate how large it is, is when it goes by you and you see the back end. That F-135 engine is the largest you'll ever see.

In the end, though, I think if you read enough from all sides and pile up as much information as you can of the pros and cons, I think that no matter who you are, you can't refute the fact that the F-35 is one hell of an aircraft and at standoff ranges with its highly touted avionics and data fusion capability, it's a formidable aircraft to deal with and there really isn't much question about that. Only thing I see is of course its subpar agility compared to aircraft like the Rafale, MiG-35, EFT and SU-30/35 etc. (but then again I think we're all aware that it't not meant to play the dogfighting role like the F-22) and it's heat signature must be tremendously large because of all that fuel it needs to burn and the size of that nozzle.


You can just visualize that bunghole and how large it is and how much heat it generates that most heat seeking missiles wont need any mid-course adjustments when they sense the heat coming off of that huge A-hole LOL!


One more for the road.


One does not get a week pass by without coming across one of you lads... You are to express views on thoughts and not the posts and the points of view, on weapons and the Armed Forces and not how people view them! :hitwall:

Yeah a lot of haters but what are you gonna do. The guy didn't even take into account the member was new to the forum and just expressed his view and then you get this nastiness. But this is the normal in this day and age, you just gotta deal with it and crush it like the mosquito it is. :lol:
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Remember this cool little snipit from one of the Army Spokesman videos? In real time it's about 1/64th of a second but slowed down into 3 images, it's really something.

Supposedly taken by the camera of an EAF Wing Loong flying above the EAF F16 that's flying close to mach-1 and probably just under it when releases (probably a GBU-10 or 12) and hits the target building head on kaboom. Good stuff.

In proper sequence. Click on image to get full size pic.



Remember this cool little snipit from one of the Army Spokesman videos? In real time it's about 1/64th of a second but slowed down into 3 images, it's really something.

Supposedly taken by the camera of an EAF Wing Loong flying above the EAF F16 that's flying close to mach-1 and probably just under it when releases (probably a GBU-10 or 12) and hits the target building head on kaboom. Good stuff.

In proper sequence. Click on image to get full size pic.



It was a good way to start one of the MoD videos. I think they were targeting Israeli mines and bombs in the hands of ISIS? Hopefully the wall being built around Gaza will decrease the weapon and militant smugglings...
I'll look for it and tag you when I find it. It was a couple years ago, at least.
Check this out, I just saw this today! Maybe this is the upgrade the ambassador was talking about, overhauling all the engines on the F-16s!

Egyptian F-16 engine upgrade underway
Written by defenceWeb -
30th Jul 2019

An Egyptian Air Force F-16.
General Electric Aviation has started upgrading F110 engines for the Egyptian Air Force’s F-16 fleet.

General Electric Aviation said on 26 July that the first F110-100 engine was overhauled last week and a ceremony held in San Antonio to mark the occasion, with personnel from the United States Air Force (USAF), Egyptian Air Force, General Electric, StandardAero and DLA-Aviation attending.

In May, the US Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Aviation and the USAF awarded a Pacer Pharaoh Programme support contract to GE Aviation valued at more than $79 million for Engine Structural Integrity Programme (ENSIP) repair and Service Life Extension Programme (SLEP) upgrades of F110-100A and B engines to the F110-100C.

The F110-100C SLEP upgrades critical components, including the combustor, high pressure turbine, compressor and augmentor. These enhancements combine to extend the service life of the engine, reduce operating cost, increase reliability and improve safety. The programme is designed to provide a significant time-on-wing increase, 25% improvement in cost per flight hour, and a 50% extension in engine phase inspections, General Electric Aviation said.

This is the first F110 engine maintenance, repair and overhaul relationship between GE and Standard Aero. It will allow GE to provide complete SLEP/ENSIP repair capability to their customers. StandardAero will provide engine level disassembly, reassembly and test portion of the workscopes. GE will provide engineering, material and the depot-level repair support at its facility in Winfield, Kansas.

In October 2018, General Electric Aviation was awarded a $275 million contract to upgrade the engines of Egypt’s F-16 Fighting Falcon fleet. Work was expected to be completed by 30 October 2023.

The F110-GE-100 engine is the alternate power plant for the Block 30/32/40 variants of the F-16, powering the fighter from 1985 after the US Air Force encountered maintenance problems with the original Pratt & Whitney F100.

According to Jane’s, the Egyptian Air Force received 36 F110-GE-100-powered F-16C and 81 F110-GE-100-powered F-16D Block 40 aircraft between October 1991 and June 2001, as well as other F100-PW-220 powered F-16s.

The Egyptian Air Force is one of the largest F-16 operators in the world, with 220 aircraft in service. It is Egypt’s primary frontline fighter, although it is being supplemented by Dassault Rafales and MiG-29s.

The patch was worn by a pilot from the 79th Sq. This squadron operates Block 40s since a long time ago... guess it’s either an engine upgrade or a block upgrade to a more advanced block. There appears to be AMRAAMs on the wingtips too.
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Out of the context, I wonder those who are obsessed with the Israeli supremacy, what if your nation has the ability to give orders to USA, Germany and almost all western nations regarding the type of armament that shall be provided not only to its neighbors, but to almost all countries in middle east region?


Just remembered this as they are currently blaming Netanyahu of "approving" such deal, and I wonder, are Germany or USA Israeli protectorates to wait their orders? lol
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Out of the context, I wonder those who are obsessed with the Israeli supremacy, what if your nation has the ability to give orders to USA, Germany and almost all western nations regarding the type of armament that shall be provided not only to its neighbors, but to almost all countries in middle east region?


Just remembered this as they are currently blaming Netanyahu of "approving" such deal, and I wonder, are Germany or USA Israeli protectorates to wait their orders? lol

And if you think about it, if there is any truth to this pile of steaming crap lol, shame on Germany for being pussy-whipped like that!? I mean seriously!?!?! WTF does Israel have on Germany besides the Holocaust which happened 75 years ago and I would think Germany has paid enough reprimands for that by now!?!?! I mean, shame on Germany for being held by he nuts like that. Now it makes sense to know why Sisi was spying on Merkel and didn't even care about being caught. Maybe even wanted to be caught to show her and them that he knows what's going on before this type of news even comes out in the papers of Twitter or wherever. Crazy.
The patch was worn by a pilot from the 79th Sq. This squadron operates Block 40s since a long time ago... guess it’s either an engine upgrade or a block upgrade to a more advanced block. There appears to be AMRAAMs on the wingtips too.

I did mention the 79th which is part of the 272 TFW out of Gianaclis AFB along with the 75th and 77th. So there are 3 squadrons of F-16s blck 40 within that tactical fighter wing and if only the 79th is wearing that patch and not the other 2 squadrons, then this might be a very specific upgrade they're doing on some type of experimental basis because why wouldn't the other 2 squadrons be involved? Or are they and we just don't know? What about the rest of the fleet?

And what is "Detached" and its meaning?

I think the question is where did you find that pic, Facebook? And what were they talking about where you found it?
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Out of the context, I wonder those who are obsessed with the Israeli supremacy, what if your nation has the ability to give orders to USA, Germany and almost all western nations regarding the type of armament that shall be provided not only to its neighbors, but to almost all countries in middle east region?


Just remembered this as they are currently blaming Netanyahu of "approving" such deal, and I wonder, are Germany or USA Israeli protectorates to wait their orders? lol
They don’t, at least not as much as you think. Mind that Netanyahu has some struggle back in Israel and would like to get some popularity, and many Israelis found Egypt a rival despite peace and criticized the Land for Peace theory - it could be a way to please the public back in Israel. Does any German source state that?

Let me give you an example, in 1977 we had Mirage Vs and Sidewinders on our MiG-21s, this was before peace, Sadat had promises from the US that they would deliver American weapons since early 70s (before 1973) and if you claim that the US is pro Israel look at Iran. The US signed a nuclear deal that not only did Israel oppose, but the Arab Gulf States too. Now Israel and Saudi Arabia are blamed for the accidents in Iran.

Let’s be honest, no country gets AMRAAMs and other equipment without signing the CISMOA, Israeli pressure could be a cause but it’s just one of the causes... get what I’m trying to explain? The Israelis put effort to make the QME a thing in early 90s, before that F-16s of the two countries were nearly equal.
I find lobbying the US a better solution rather than buying similar weapons for Russia.
Here is something that I found written in one of the forums, a part of an article before 2003;
‘The JSF will be the ideal replacement for the F-16s to the US allies including Jordan, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Only Israel will be able to acquire the F-22 Raptor as it can afford the F-22 for its large military aid.’ - the text here is rephrased but shows that if Israel obtains a weapon that other countries do not, then it’s because it can afford it unlike the rest. No mentioning of QME or such here...
A few things I want to share is that AIPAC is considered a National Lobby because it defends the rights of Jews and Israelis in the US, one person who has been to an AIPAC arrangement wrote ‘... they lobby the US to oppose the Iranian Nuclear despite the majority of the Jews in the US agreeing to it’ same goes to the NIAC - who lobbied the US to sign the Nuclear Deal and had claimed that they lobby the US in the name of Iranian Americans. The are more than 1 million Egyptians in the US but there is no effective lobby?
Note: AIPAC’s Lobbying is aimed towards the Congress while the NIACs Lobbying is aimed towards the Democratic Party.
If the NIAC convinced the US to signing the Nuclear deal I don’t find a reason why an Egyptian Lobby wouldn’t be able to convince the US of ignoring the QME.

Apologies to anyone who reads this reply, it’s significantly off topic and if you want, I will remove it.

He spoke truth ^.
I did mention the 79th which is part of the 272 TFW out of Gianaclis AFB along with the 75th and 77th. So there are 3 squadrons of F-16s blck 40 within that tactical fighter wing and if only the 79th is wearing that patch and not the other 2 squadrons, then this might be a very specific upgrade they're doing on some type of experimental basis because why wouldn't the other 2 squadrons be involved? Or are they and we just don't know?

I think the question is where did you find that pic, Facebook? And what were they talking about where you found it?
I found it on IG, I follow an Egyptian K-8E pilot who share this photo of him and an F-16 pilot.
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And if you think about it, if there is any truth to this pile of steaming crap lol, shame on Germany for being pussy-whipped like that!? I mean seriously!?!?! WTF does Israel have on Germany besides the Holocaust which happened 75 years ago and I would think Germany has paid enough reprimands for that by now!?!?! I mean, shame on Germany for being held by he nuts like that. Now it makes sense to know why Sisi was spying on Merkel and didn't even care about being caught. Maybe even wanted to be caught to show her and them that he knows what's going on before this type of news even comes out in the papers of Twitter or wherever. Crazy.

Shame on Germany, shame on USA, shame on the entire western nations. I was astonished to know that they even tried with the US to put some pressure on France in order not to deliver the Meteor to Egypt. Even France the most independent European nation in arms production.

And then some squareheads come and ask why the Israelis are superior to their neighbors :sarcastic: Just imagine if we have all those superpowers at our service, providing us with everything we need without any sort of restriction, all of them are obligated to the so called Israeli qualitative military edge, left us to make nukes but say gave them made to us (France), and not even that, we also determine what our neighbors/possible rivals can acquire and approve their deals in advance. What a joke!

Imagine the United States and Israel combined can't guarantee the Israeli security if Egypt possesses Amraams, they feel its security will be threatened :sarcastic: despite the fact that Israel is given most advanced F-16s, F-15s and F-35s, but this is not enough to protect their security lol.
They don’t, at least not as much as you think. Mind that Netanyahu has some struggle back in Israel and would like to get some popularity, and most Israelis found Egypt a rival despite peace and criticized the Land for Peace theory - it could be a way to please the public back in Israel. Does any German source state that?

Why they find Egypt in particular as a rival? why they don't find any rival among all the other Islamic nations? and what this has to do with western nations trying to impose restrictions on Egypt in particular?

Let me give you an example, in 1977 we had Mirage Vs and Sidewinders on our MiG-21s, this was before peace, Sadat had promises from the US that they would deliver American weapons since early 70s (before 1973) and if you claim that the US is pro Israel look at Iran. The US signed a nuclear deal that not only did Israel oppose, but the Arab Gulf States too. Now Israel and Saudi Arabia are blamed for the Accidents in Iran.

May be the situation was better during Sadat's era and at the beginning of the Egyptian shift towards the US, to attract Egypt and pull it away from the Soviets. Mubarak was completely different, I don't think Sadat would have accepted these restrictions, just as Al-Sisi is not accepting them right now that's why he tries to get each possible alternative to the American weapons. The Egyptian people feel the same towards the US, they are not allies, they are only concerned with the Israeli orders and requirements.

Let’s be honest, no country gets AMRAAMs and other equipment without signing the CISMOA, Israeli pressure could be a cause but it’s just one of the causes... get what I’m trying to explain? The Israelis put effort to make the QME a thing in early 90s, before that F-16s of the two countries were nearly equal.
To some this up, I find lobbying the US a better solution rather than buying similar weapons for Russia.

The Americans used to use the CISMOA as an excuse rather than speaking frankly about the Israeli QME. It's said that Egypt signed the CISMOA in 2018, yet there are no Amraams till now, no F-15s, and the Americans refused an Egyptian request to get F-35s that's why we went to Russia to get Migs and Sukhois.

Take a look on this article from a former US soldier confirming that CISMOA was just an excuse, but it's actually about Israel's QME, and I don't know why this QME should be against Egypt in particular, not any other nation in the region. I know Israel is kept with edge over all of them, but no restrictions are imposed like those imposed on Egypt.

Here is something that I found written in one of the forums, a part of an article before 2003;
‘The JSF will be the ideal replacement for the F-16s to the US allies including Jordan, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Only Israel will be able to acquire the F-22 Raptor as it can afford the F-22 for its large military aid.’ - the text here is rephrased but shows that if Israel obtains a weapon that other countries do not, then it’s because it can afford it unlike the rest. No mentioning of QME or such here...

Saudis can't afford it? We in Egypt can afford it too, a lot of money was paid for Rafales, Migs, Sukhois and many other deals. We can pay some in addition the military aid if that is the sole problem.

A few things I want to share is that AIPAC is considered a National Lobby because it defends the rights of Jews and Israelis in the US, one person who has been to an AIPAC arrangement wrote ‘... they lobby the US to oppose the Iranian Nuclear despite having the majority of the Jews in the US agreeing to it’ same goes to the NIAC - who lobbied the US to sign the Nuclear Deal and had claimed that they lobby the US in the name of Iranian Americans. The are more than 1 million Egyptians in the US but there is no effective lobby?
Note: AIPAC’s Lobbying is aimed towards the Congress while the NIACs Lobbying is aimed towards the Democratic Party.
If the NIAC convinced the US to signing the Nuclear deal I don’t find a reason why an Egyptian Lobby wouldn’t be able to convince the US of ignoring the QME.

Actually Israel and its lobbies along with the US act as if Egypt is the major threat menacing their existence, which is strange compared to the current geopolitical situation in MENA region.

Apologies to anyone who reads this reply, it’s significantly off topic and if you want, I will remove it.

I think it's something related to the Egyptian arming too, but no problem if there's another place in which we can discuss such issues.
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Italian Minister Confirms Sale of Two Frigates to Egypt, with option to add two more.

"The initial sale could be followed by two additional FREMMs, for a total of four, with a value of about €2.4 billion."

"The initial agreement with Egypt now being finalized calls for Fincantieri to modify and deliver to Egypt two frigates which it built for the Italian Navy but which have not yet entered service. These are the ninth and tenth Italian FREMMs, Spartaco Schergat and Emilio Bianchi, which were launched in January 2019 and January 2020 respectively. Both are being outfitted by Fincantieri. The modifications will include removing NATO-specific and Italian-specific equipment, and fitting instead new equipment specified by the Egyptian Navy – a process will require some time.

Guerini told the committee that "preliminary contractual activities" between Fincantieri and the Egyptian government on the frigate sale began in the first half of 2019, and in February 2020 Fincantieri selected the two ships. The sale was then cleared on national security grounds by the Unità per le autorizzazioni dei materiali di armamento (unit for the authorization of armament matériel, or UAMA) and was subsequently approved on March 27 by the Defense General Staff."
You people should try and read
"The initial agreement with Egypt now being finalized calls for Fincantieri to modify and deliver to Egypt two frigates which it built for the Italian Navy but which have not yet entered service. These are the ninth and tenth Italian FREMMs, Spartaco Schergat and Emilio Bianchi, which were launched in January 2019 and January 2020 respectively. Both are being outfitted by Fincantieri. The modifications will include removing NATO-specific and Italian-specific equipment, and fitting instead new equipment specified by the Egyptian Navy – a process will require some time.

Guerini told the committee that "preliminary contractual activities" between Fincantieri and the Egyptian government on the frigate sale began in the first half of 2019, and in February 2020 Fincantieri selected the two ships. The sale was then cleared on national security grounds by the Unità per le autorizzazioni dei materiali di armamento (unit for the authorization of armament matériel, or UAMA) and was subsequently approved on March 27 by the Defense General Staff."

I do hope as well that a deal for two additional Fincantieri FREMM Frigates is made aside to be built at the Egyptian Shipyards, for the Egyptian Navy. Although i think that this part of the Mega deal.
You people should try and read

I do hope as well that a deal for two additional Fincantieri FREMM Frigates is made aside to be built at the Egyptian Shipyards, for the Egyptian Navy. Although i think that this part of the Mega deal.
They seem a bit confused in that article.. there are more Italian FREMM coming.. but they will be made in Italy (with some construction ToT for Egypt!?)..20 Falaj class will all be made in Egypt.. You know you can't just jump from corvettes to heavy frigates of 6000 tons.... but the good news is at least one MEKO 200 will be made in Egypt ..hopefully still..
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