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Egypt plans to procure additional Rafale fighter jets

That tiny nuclear armed state is an outpost of the US (undisputed superpower)

If thats the case then why not take action against the U.S like not spend hundreds of billions buying their weapons

If arabs act like beaten dogs even when slapped in the face then people wont respect them even if the beaten dog weara a gold collar

It wasn't to help finance Cairo's Dassault Rafale fighter purchase, as the rest of the article you're quoting clearly proves. It was exactly for the reasons I stated in my first post.

There you go. Financing the rest outside the loan are through periodic payments based on Egypt's military purchasing finances and not the money that Saudiya and the UAE provided which was to pump up the central bank's funds which were at a disastrous low, and was also collateral to the $2 billion IMF loan Egypt was seeking at the time and was granted.

There you go. If the Saudi & UAE money was used in any way, it was simply money in the bank to show collateral and that's it. And collateral to mainly the IMF loan and secondary to other investments and procurement.

Yep, Coface is pretty much the monetary institution that is financing the Egyptian Rafale deal(s).

And this was 2014-15. Current budget deficit stands at 4.4%. A far cry from 17.7% wouldn't you say? :-)
And GDP growth is currently at 5.4% slated to reach 7% by 2019.

They must've worked wonders since the deficit is much lower than that predicted 12.5% and is actually at 4.4% like I mentioned. https://www.reuters.com/article/egy...half-fy-2017-18-down-to-4-4-pct-idUSC6N1M6009

So either way, I think it's pretty clear that the money from Saudiya, UAE and Kuwait was not use to purchase the Rafales. If they had any influence of some kind, it was strictly a collateral purpose but even that doesn't work very well in the case of arms purchases that include financing terms that extend into many years, since money in the bank can evaporate easily. What's more important is the economic status and it's future growth and sustainability that insures such contracts. If those weren't in a good place, none of these Rafales or other arms purchases would've happened simply based on available money in the bank.

Its the same thing

Whatever GCC gave those billions it allowed Egypt to divert funds on jet purchases
All the Israeli components are actually visible to the eye. The Russians replaced it all with French and their own stuff.

In Algeria's case, they received Indian Mission Computers with Israeli interfacing in them. But there were no Israeli technologies to interface with. It was just the Russians being careless because it was actually not an issue.

Once cleared up, it didn't bother them anymore because they simply ordered more MKAs after that.

So there's nothing Israeli-made in the current Su-30SM is what you're saying?

Even so, in Egypt's case, I still think the Su-35BM is a better option. Nothing wrong with air superiority. Multirole is already covered in an even greater extent such as "omnirole" in the Rafales and multirole in the MiG-35s and the slew of F-16s, despite their neutered status without the AIM-20 but rather the AIM-7.

We have confirmation about ordering SCALP and Meteor.

No confirmation about MICA being ordered. We have ordered 493 MICAs through the M-2000 upgrade, so we don't have immediate need for it.

And we definitely didn't order AASM, we are going for the Israeli SPICE + Litening combo instead. AASM + Talios combo is an option and can be exercised later.

Apart from that, all Indian stuff.
Astra - BVR
Brahmos NG - 800Km range
Nirbhay - 1500Km range
AAW - 100Kg glide bomb with 100Km range
ARM - 150Km anti-radiation missile
NG LGB with 50Km range
Gravity bomb - nuke

That is an impressive list. How much Israeli tech is in the ASTRA?

Its the same thing

It's hardly the same thing. Not even close.
If thats the case then why not take action against the U.S like not spend hundreds of billions buying their weapons

If arabs act like beaten dogs even when slapped in the face then people wont respect them even if the beaten dog weara a gold collar

Its the same thing

Whatever GCC gave those billions it allowed Egypt to divert funds on jet purchases

Using such an idiotic and childlish logic why do you not free all of Kashmir? India is light years away from the power of the USA and West. Even tiny Israel is a more technologically advanced country than 1.35 billion big India.

If 500 million Arabs are beaten dogs with golden collars what are you exactly? Did someone in this thread cry about racism earlier?:pdf:

Bro, but there are many who are silently watching that all. Dont ignore them.

I am solely referring to the usual suspects, bro, some of which visited this thread and started spreading their deep knowledge (trolling) as usual.
So there's nothing Israeli-made in the current Su-30SM is what you're saying?

Yep. Zero Israeli input.

Even so, in Egypt's case, I still think the Su-35BM is a better option. Nothing wrong with air superiority. Multirole is already covered in an even greater extent such as "omnirole" in the Rafales and multirole in the MiG-35s and the slew of F-16s, despite their neutered status without the AIM-20 but rather the AIM-7.

It depends on what you are looking for. The SM comes with two seats and adds an extra eye in the sky in terms of battlespace management. It's extra helpful in recce and strike missions. The Su-35 is simply another fighter.

That is an impressive list. How much Israeli tech is in the ASTRA?

Nothing. We used a Russian seeker to develop and it and has since been replaced with an Indian seeker.
Egyptian airforce is making wise decision on this one.I think india should follow egypts example here.instead of purchasing too many at the same time which is hard because it requires alot of money,they should go with purchasing a few at a time and keep evaluating these jets until they reach their target numbers.
Using such an idiotic and childlish logic why do you not free all of Kashmir? India is light years away from the power of the USA and West. Even tiny Israel is a more technologically advanced country than 1.35 billion big India

India is 1.35 billion as you say, 7 times larger in population. In 70 years we have given india nothing but emnity

We have against all odds developed nuclear weapons and sophisticated ballistic and cruise missiles to ensure this enemy is turned to ash if it takes us on

We have freed a portion of Kashmir and Azad Kashmir and GB is under Pakistani control whilst we continue to support the people of Kashmir against their occupiers and keep india as a enemy

What are the arabs doing?

The israelis are beating you, right!
The Americans are beating you, right!

So in response the brave arabs are ploughing in hundreds of billions into the U.S economy, buying very expensive weapons rather then developing your own and acting like utter slaves as israel and U.S slap you

No one is saying Pakistan is perfect, but considering the arabs size, resources and money available arabs have been beyond pathetic

I repeat whats there to respect about a beaten dog even if it's wearing a collar made out of gold

Pakistanis have always held Saudi in high esteem, we have even partaken in "islamic alliance" but FATF happens, U.S tries to harm Pakistan because we refuse to follow their defeated strategy in Afghanistan
All we need is 3 votes to block action against us
Turkey stands with us
China stands with us
Oh good the Saudis our old friends, of course they will stand with us thus blocking U.S ill intentions
But alas no, U.S snaps its fingers Saudi dogs go woofing to their side.
What worth are you regardless of oil and money

U.S declares Jerusalem a city muslims have protected for over 1000 years as part of israel, arabs respond by scheming and plotting with the U.S and jews to attack a muslim nation

You think money or fancy foreign weapons or shiny palaces buy you respect

A begger with self respect is worth more than the money rich Arabs at the moment
India is 1.35 billion as you say, 7 times larger in population. In 70 years we have given india nothing but emnity

We have against all odds developed nuclear weapons and sophisticated ballistic and cruise missiles to ensure this enemy is turned to ash if it takes us on

We have freed a portion of Kashmir and Azad Kashmir and GB is under Pakistani control whilst we continue to support the people of Kashmir against their occupiers and keep india as a enemy

What are the arabs doing?

The israelis are beating you, right!
The Americans are beating you, right!

So in response the brave arabs are ploughing in hundreds of billions into the U.S economy, buying very expensive weapons rather then developing your own and acting like utter slaves as israel and U.S slap you

No one is saying Pakistan is perfect, but considering the arabs size, resources and money available arabs have been beyond pathetic

I repeat whats there to respect about a beaten dog even if it's wearing a collar made out of gold

Pakistanis have always held Saudi in high esteem, we have even partaken in "islamic alliance" but FATF happens, U.S tries to harm Pakistan because we refuse to follow their defeated strategy in Afghanistan
All we need is 3 votes to block action against us
Turkey stands with us
China stands with us
Oh good the Saudis our old friends, of course they will stand with us thus blocking U.S ill intentions
But alas no, U.S snaps its fingers Saudi dogs go woofing to their side.
What worth are you regardless of oil and money

U.S declares Jerusalem a city muslims have protected for over 1000 years as part of israel, arabs respond by scheming and plotting with the U.S and jews to attack a muslim nation

You think money or fancy foreign weapons or shiny palaces buy you respect

A begger with self respect is worth more than the money rich Arabs at the moment

Dear Lord.
No comparison. Saudiya has many more islands for sure, even total coastal line, if we add all of Egypt proper's Red Sea coast and all of east and west coasts of Sinai doesn't come close. And there are really many out-cropping and isolated beauties in Saudiya's coasts that are really not found anywhere else in the world. Those can be tapped for incredible tourism.

Yes, for sure. I always thought of that and how it must be difficult for Saudiya to find that happy medium. But it looks like you're heading in the right direction, thanks to the man himself MbS.

Amazing. That entire area sits on the line of some sort of jet stream that separates that harsh weather in both extremes. Like I mentioned before, we are blessed MashAllah walhamdulillah.

I am concerned, ma bro. With all the projects they're putting up at the speed of light (and these aren't small little rinky dink ones, either, these are MEGA PROJECTS) along with the new gas/oil discoveries they just made and Suez economic zone project and canal traffic increasing exponentially, that there will inevitably be an impact of some kind. I can only hope that we have brilliant ecologists who can advise on the best way to protect these immaculate waters. With all these projects and traffic comes a ton of pollution and that's essentially what has killed all the other corals in the world. You bring up a great point but I am worried to tell you the truth. A lot of these people see $$$$ signs and just trample or squeeze their way around rules and regulations that are in place to protect that vital eco system and beauty that who knows if they even exist in the first place.


Speaking of the actual thread topic loooool.... apparently MBDA is set to launch the MICA NG by the end of this month and it will become the standard on the Rafale F4 which is what I'm assuming India has ordered? Do you know if this is part of the weapons package for the Indian Rafales? And what is exactly the entire weapons package anyway, do you know?

The Rafale F4 is only to be available after the Indian Rafales are delivered.
For saying that the usual Pakistani suspects in this thread (trolls) are bullshitting? You have a very funny definition of racism or are you already predisposed in this regard?

One of the users who thanked your post (a compatriot) earns his daily breed in the UAE, an Arab country, so it can't be that bad can it! There are literally 50 + Pakistanis here who live in Arab countries. Amazing.
No its not the post on this thread, just a general comment. whenever ive seen your posts and someone doesnt agree with you, you seem to act like some king just because you are from SA and have a pre set prejudice against Pakistanis. Maybe because you are used to seeing the labour class working in SA you seem to think we are all your slaves.

i know us pakistanis havent got the best reputation but neither have you saudis. we know what The West really think of you arabs no matter how much money you pump into the west by buying luxurious items. To them you are no different
No its not the post on this thread, just a general comment. whenever ive seen your posts and someone doesnt agree with you, you seem to act like some king just because you are from SA and have a pre set prejudice against Pakistanis. Maybe because you are used to seeing the labour class working in SA you seem to think we are all your slaves.

i know us pakistanis havent got the best reputation but neither have you saudis. we know what The West really think of you arabs no matter how much money you pump into the west by buying luxurious items. To them you are no different

Don't project your own insecurities onto others. Just a friendly advice.

As for your nonsense opinion, I don't give it any thoughts as I find it laughable.
friendly advice, you are no king nor are you any better then any of us. quit the king vs slave mentality its not a good look.

the same pakistani slaves you abuse and show off your masculinity against would beat the $hit out of you arab masters as soon as you leave saudi borders. everyone is a Lion in their own home, we see the real insecure coward arab here in the west.


There are like 10 times as many Arabs in the West and nobody messes with Arabs in the West either. Have you ever been outside your little UK? If not, I suggest visiting France, Spain, the Benelux countries, Germany, Italy, Greece and Scandinavia to see if Arabs are insecure.:lol: You have Arabs living in the West in the richest areas of Europe, Arabs who are performing incredibly well academically and then you also have the most feared "ghetto/no-go areas" in Europe inhabited by those same Arabs that you claim would be afraid of Pakistanis. Then you have all the "normal Arabs" (majority).

Sure you would. For the first time in history. Unlike the other way around.

Why don't you deal with your own insecurities and leave this section and thread alone if you don't have nothing to offer but nonsense?

BTW most Arabs in the UK are well-off people living mainly in London (better parts of it moreover) or foreign students. Add to that the small minority of Yemenis (oldest Muslim community in the UK), Egyptians, Libyans and Iraqis.

I am not aware of large Arab communities in cities such as Bradford etc. where some Pakistani "gangs" are apparently rooming in. So your fantasy "dealing with" is just that, a fantasy. Nor do I believe that many Pakistanis in the UK are anti-Arab (rather the opposite) to begin with or vice versa for that matter.

As I wrote, deal with your own insecurities that you are struggling with, your projecting, your assumptions and your laughable comments. It's all your own doing and problem. Not mine.
It's only when insecure people like you are around that anything remotely negative emerges.

Now, I believe, that it would be better to return to the actual topic of this thread and avoid the idiotic nonsense comments of KSA funding 20+ Arab countries militaries.
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That tiny nuclear armed state is an outpost of the US (undisputed superpower) and West and the Israeli/Jewish elites are dominating the most important sectors in the very same West. We don't have to mention what that same undisputed superpower (USA) have done to your country.

Don't worry, I am already active on Arab military forums (several times larger than PDF) but I am active here as well from time to time but not for the sake of your likes.

For saying that the usual Pakistani suspects in this thread (trolls) are bullshitting? You have a very funny definition of racism or are you already predisposed in this regard?

One of the users who thanked your post (a compatriot) earns his daily breed in the UAE, an Arab country, so it can't be that bad can it! There are literally 50 + Pakistanis here who live in Arab countries. Amazing.

I told you this a few times already. The day that you even reach the knees of what Arabs and our ancient Semitic ancestors (who funded the earliest civilizations on the planet and basically invented the first civilized societies on the planet) achieved, you can talk about who is thick and who is not. Speaking about racism, crybaby.

The only thick behavior and racism that I have seen in this thread derived from your compatriots.

As if KSA is bankrolling the military of every single Arab country and Egypt of all freaking countries. The stupidity and when challenged rightly, the crying and shouting racism. What a pathetic victim mentality. If I had an inherent problem, I would not waste even a second on PDF. Just too stupid but not surprised. You do have a few screws loose after all.
Arabs talk a lot but let me remind you

Rome and Persia were undisputed superpower of their time and Arabs and non Arab Muslims fought with few weapons and even fewer men and achieved victory.
Difference is today's Arabs ate not worthy of the genetic crap of yesterday's Arabs....you are all mouth and no action. Regarding what the west has done to our countries.....well at least we have countries and we dontvtalk to your Jewish masters in secret meeting in Cyprus. Your combined armies can't even beat Yemen which has a few houtis who don't even have shoes let alone being properly armed or trained. Jog on rabbi shit all arab
And what have you done since those Arabs...

I repeatedly tell you that you and modern Arabs are not even the genetic crap of those Arabs....today you are just jew worshippers. Good talkers and good eater...Excellent fat bellies both men and women.


Keep obsessing. Meanwhile the largest number of your compatriots that go abroad are desperate/dreaming about reaching Arab lands. What those same compatriots of yours earn in Arab lands, thanks to Arabs, is one of your largest income sources (remittances).

I know who needs who the most in this relationship but your usual Arab obsession is what it is.

In all seriousness, did an Arab steal your online girlfriend or what is going on with you and your obsession?

@The SC @Gomig-21 @SALMAN F

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