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You are right, Alasad is biggest Arab traitor in recent history. Everyone knows how he back stabbed the Iraqi army in 73 when iraq helped Syria, also he sold Guolan and territory to turkey.
Note, the reason for Arab independence from the Ottoman is because they tried to force the Turkish language on us, so we revolted and the British helped, we were perfectly fine with Turks until they ruled by nationalism instead of Islam.

WE did not revolt. King Hussien did. WE were fighting King Hussien at the time and so in effect we were fighting King Hussien who was being supplied with Arms by the British. Abdulaziz had absolutely nothing to do with Ottoman downfall you know.
WE did not revolt. King Hussien did. WE were fighting King Hussien at the time and so in effect we were fighting King Hussien who was being supplied with Arms by the British. Abdulaziz had absolutely nothing to do with Ottoman downfall you know.
Your right, but I was justifying king Hussein's revolt. The Ottomans are to blame not the Arabs.

OMG, That was back in 1939, Alasad wasn't in power, WHAT THE HECK MAN?
The Syrian government have always asked for it back until very recently when when Turkey threatened Syria. So now this territory and Guolan was sold to other countries.
Your right, but I was justifying king Hussein's revolt. The Ottomans are to blame not the Arabs.

The Syrian government have always asked for it back until very recently when when Turkey threatened Syria. So now this territory and Guolan was sold to other countries.

Get your islands back, then talk.
Your right, but I was justifying king Hussein's revolt. The Ottomans are to blame not the Arabs.

Nope both are to be blamed in a certain way. Turkey made it illegal to speak Arabic and everyone should speak Turkish this resulted in bad sentiment across the Modern day Arab world. Britain used this thing to instigate the revolt hence the word "Arab" "Arab people" and "Arabic countries" came to be which in the past never existed to begin with.

We must learn to look at history as it is not just from our point of view. and admit the mistakes of the past. and this is exactly why I say I HATE Arabism.
lol, what islands?
The lands you dont claim anymore so you dont have to get them back,


What islands? you just admit your Butchers betrayal to ummah, he sold Algolan, and haven't ever dared to get back Aleskandaronah. What a coward president.:lol:
i never admitted anything, so be quiet, selling the west bank for 99 years under "contract" and taking the plane to Tel Aviv and your still talking?? again go the embassy and do your job the israeli ambassador is mad now.
Nope both are to be blamed in a certain way. Turkey made it illegal to speak Arabic and everyone should speak Turkish this resulted in bad sentiment across the Modern day Arab world. Britain used this thing to instigate the revolt hence the word "Arab" "Arab people" and "Arabic countries" came to be which in the past never existed to begin with.

We must learn to look at history as it is not just from our point of view. and admit the mistakes of the past. and this is exactly why I say I HATE Arabism.
Well, you explained how Ottomans should be blamed, but why Arabs take some of the blame?
I am fiercely for Arab nationalism, but not the secular Nasser version of it. Remember that you are surrounded by racist countries countries, Iran and Turkey. they only care for Persian/Turks. On the other hand Arabs have never looked at race in past. We accepted Turks, Mamluks and Kurds because they ruled by Sunni Islam. What have Arabs gained from that? Remember when I say Arabs i don't mean race like Persian Aryan wannabes, I mean Arab language and culture. The Arab culture needs to be maintained. Look how Algerians and moroccans how they view Arabs, because of French colonialism and other things, they started to view the Arabs as foreign conquerors. look at some of the Egyptian guys in this forum, who claim to Pharo descendants and not Arabs. These things will destroy pan-Arabism, and eventually Arab will only mean someone living in the Arabian peninsula.

The lands you dont claim anymore so you dont have to get them back,


i never admitted anything, so be quiet, selling the west bank for 99 years under "contract" and taking the plane to Tel Aviv and your still talking?? again go the embassy and do your job the israeli ambassador is mad now.
Sanafir Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tiran Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, you explained how Ottomans should be blamed, but why Arabs take some of the blame?
I am fiercely for Arab nationalism, but not the secular Nasser version of it. Remember that you are surrounded by racist countries countries, Iran and Turkey. they only care for Persian/Turks. On the other hand Arabs have never looked at race in past. We accepted Turks, Mamluks and Kurds because they ruled by Sunni Islam. What have Arabs gained from that? Remember when I say Arabs i don't mean race like Persian Aryan wannabes, I mean Arab language and culture. The Arab culture needs to be maintained. Look how Algerians and moroccans how they view Arabs, because of French colonialism and other things, they started to view the Arabs as foreign conquerors. look at some of the Egyptian guys in this forum, who claim to Pharo descendants and not Arabs. These things will destroy pan-Arabism, and eventually Arab will only mean someone living in the Arabian peninsula.

There is no Islamic basis for Arabism. Turks are not racist at least not anymore as someone who is a frequent goer to Turkey I can see no racism there. In Iran will it there but not by all Iranians.

There is no such a thing as Arab and Arab nationalism is bound to fail as always. Remember "An Arab is no different from a non-Arab except in Taqwa"
There is no such a thing as Arab and Arab nationalism is bound to fail as always. Remember "An Arab is no different from a non-Arab except in Taqwa"

"There is no such thing as Arab"
lol,Your right. I Always secretly knew that I was Japanese!!.
Arab nationalism failed because it was secular, Umar Alkhtab said the God lifted the Arabs because we accepted Islam, and we will never be powerful without it. Nationalism and being proud of your culture/people doesn't mean racism.
"There is no such thing as Arab"
lol,Your right. I Always secretly knew that I was Japanese!!.
Arab nationalism failed because it was secular, Umar Alkhtab said the God lifted the Arabs because we accepted Islam, and we will never be powerful without it. Nationalism and being proud of your culture/people doesn't mean racism.

Definition of Nationalism: Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, i.e. a nation.

Repeat, "Identification of groups". This is another name of division. Does islam permit such divisions based on 'nations'?

If there were no nationalism and Ottoman empire was alive, a high-speed train would start from Tashkent and end up in Istanbul. That is the power of unity. :)
"There is no such thing as Arab"
lol,Your right. I Always secretly knew that I was Japanese!!.
Arab nationalism failed because it was secular, Umar Alkhtab said the God lifted the Arabs because we accepted Islam, and we will never be powerful without. Nationalism doesn't mean racism.

No but it means I am better than anyone else because I was born in this spot which is wrong. If you mean by Arab in the Pre-Islamic sense then you maybe correct as Arabian tribes were Arabs. However Islam annulled the differentiation between Arab and Non-Arab. People of the Arabian Peninsula went east and west and intermarried with the populations of those countries as if they were one and it is true they were one so Arabs as a race is an invalid statement. As a culture then perhaps as we all grow up watching the same TV eating the same food and living with each other which makes us the more likely to unite true but think bigger than Arabs and Non-Arabs.

Definition of Nationalism: Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, i.e. a nation.

Repeat, "Identification of groups". This is another name of division. Does islam permit such divisions based on 'nations'?

If there were no nationalism and Ottoman empire was alive, a high-speed train would start from Tashkent and end up in Istanbul. That is the power of unity. :)

And because there is a revive of this Unity this Train is due to start working in 2015 connecting Jeddah to Istanbul however Assad have denied the path of this Train.

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