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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

Why would I bother Musa. When you try clarify sth clarify the complete pic, not just saying king Hussien got armed from British. Haven't you read about Jamal Basha Alsafah? and his horrendous massacres against Arabs? what about forcing Arabs to pay money to the Turkish nationalist government? what about fighting Islam and Arab language? and you come here to blame king Hussein? he was deceived by British. yes, but he had no choice. I am wondering if you know that King Hussein is a direct descendant of Mohammed PBAH. **** Arabism, I wish Jordan could be moved to pacific ocean, so we live alone and away.

How desperate can you get to defend the traitorness of your highness of a monarchy?
Authority can still belong God, it doesn't necessarily have to belong to the people, and if i'm correct, Nationalism doesn't mean abandoning Gods authority and replacing it with man made laws, it doesn't always have to be like that.

Why i support Nationalism? Because it unites a nation not based on religion, even though religion can still be there, but it unites people based on a common nationhood, and there are reasons why i support Nationalism:

1). Due to so many ethnic, sectarian, and cultural differences amongst Muslims of (for example Pakistan) the only way to unite them on a common basis is their Nation, because that is the only thing they have in common, but Gods authority in no way diminishes.

In theory that is possible (nationalism with declaring authority to God). But what do we see everywhere? Only the secular, Godless model planted by the British/French, disguised in various names of "dictatorship" or "democracy". No Islamic country, including Saudi arabia and Pakistan submit authority to God. All of them have their own constitution which requires that the citizens submit authority to the "state", not God and his messenger (Koran and Sunnah).

eg. God says Alcohol is haram. However Pakistani constitution implies selling alcohol in 5-star hotels is okay. :)
Yes we are divided because we ******* losers **** Arabisim. let them burn in hell. Why do I even bother? no one hurt Jordan. I am here only to defend my brothers, religion and Arabs. And what I get, Egyptians defending the tyrants and traitors while their history fucked up because of traitors and losers. I wouldn't bother anymore, all I care about is my own country and let the rest burn in hell.

Well, you seem to be more ticked off now than you were when arguing with Iranians and Pakistanis, i'm guessing its because you Arabs have more bad blood amongst each other than you have with non-Arabs?
Weren't Moroccans and Algerians not Arabs before they were conquered by the Arab armies sometime in the 8h or 9th century ?
As I said before, Arabs at the dawn of Islam were just a race, but now they encompass all people who speak Arabic/have Arab culture. while a lot of Arabs are decedents of Arab tribes, the term now compasses Arab tribes, Berbers,Assyrians...
The problem is that french colonialism implanted the idea that Arabs just means race, to make Berbers and others view us as foreign people though we share almost everything with Morrocons, Algerians, Its a way of further dissecting the Islamic world. The west has always used the method of divide and rule, whether its Kashmier to seed conflict in south Asia, or exporting racist western ideology to Arabs.
Arabization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, you seem to be more ticked off now than you were when arguing with Iranians and Pakistanis, i'm guessing its because you Arabs have more bad blood amongst each other than you have with non-Arabs?

You wish. It merely stems from disappointments on the members here. Seeing people supporting a massacre against your own people is always..Mind wrecking.
Mosamania nightmare is Syria and Syrian people :rofl:. SYRIANS WILL NEVER FORGET NEVER FORGIVE.
In theory that is possible (nationalism with declaring authority to God). But what do we see everywhere? Only the secular, Godless model planted by the British/French, disguised in various names of "dictatorship" or "democracy". No Islamic country, including Saudi arabia and Pakistan submit authority to God. All of them have their own constitution which requires that the citizens submit authority to the "state", not God and his messenger (Koran and Sunnah).

eg. God says Alcohol is haram. However Pakistani constitution implies selling alcohol in 5-star hotels is okay. :)

Which is why i'm against present Western installed systems, and no that doesn't mean i will go out on the streets and start burning stores and tires, smashing windows and throwing stones at the police, that's anarchy, something i'm against.

I believe in National Socialism, and contrary to common belief Socialism has been a part of Islam, but its just that people only know it from its Western name.

By National Socialism, i don't mean Communist/Marxian Socialism, which is not Socialism at all in fact, unlike National Socialism (the true Socialism), Marxism abolishes all religions and forces Atheism upon everyone by force. True Socialism is for the benefit of the common man, for the citizen, where both rich and poor work together for the benefit of society and fellow countrymen.

National Socialism preserves moral values and discourages materialism.

National Socialism abolishes Usury and Interest dealing

National Socialism preserves religion and protects people irrespective of their religious beliefs, and this is in accordance with Islam where Muslims, as the majority, are responsible for the security and well being of their fellow citizens who beling to religious minorities.

"I believe that Pakistan should follow the National Socialist model, both politically and economically.

Under National Socialism interest and Usury are abolished, the Government's top most priority is the benefit of the Nation and its people and the preservation of its heritage and culture. National Socialism must not be confused with Marxian/Communist Socialism, because unlike Marxian/Communist Socialism, National Socialism respects the individuality and property of its citizens, true Socialism values the individual and in fact encourages the individual in efficiency, which National Socialism exactly does.

Under National Socialism, it is mandatory for both male and female to have education, however the role of male and female is different in society, for example, unlike the western countries of today, the woman cannot have the same positions as a man, woman are not allowed in armed forces therefore they can't take the place of a male worker in positions where only the male is well suited to do the job and vice versa.

Under National Socialism, there are no classes in society, everyone must work together, the poor and the rich side by side working for the common good of their nation and its future."

Where did anyone support massacre anywhere? :meeting:
he is talking about Syria, and how Syrians are massacring terrorists, which i totally support massacring terrorists, but against killing innocent lives which is hard to avoid when terrorists hide between innocent people.
Mosamania nightmare is Syria and Syrian people :rofl:. SYRIANS WILL NEVER FORGET NEVER FORGIVE.

You are wrong. I am not against Syria... I am however against Assad. Assad =/= Syria or the Syrian people. In fact it is quite the opposite. And I know the Syrians will not forget or forgive the massacres done to them by Assad, I mean they are rising the same way they did when the jahash's father massacred them. This time however success is on the horizon. Simply put a Regime that uses its artillery and send armed gangs to butcher the Syrian protesters have simply lost all legitimacy to rule.

he is talking about Syria, and how Syrians are massacring terrorists, which i totally support massacring terrorists, but against killing innocent lives which is hard to avoid when terrorists hide between innocent people.

Where have I heard these words before??? Oh yes Israel says the same exact thing and you are repeating it to the letter. I guess after birds with feather flock together.
You are wrong. I am not against Syria... I am however against Assad. Assad =/= Syria or the Syrian people. In fact it is quite the opposite. And I know the Syrians will not forget or forgive the massacres done to them by Assad, I mean they are rising the same way they did when the jahash's father massacred them. This time however success is on the horizon. Simply put a Regime that uses its artillery and send armed gangs to butcher the Syrian protesters have simply lost all legitimacy to rule.

You wish. It merely stems from disappointments on the members here. Seeing people supporting a massacre against your own people is always..Mind wrecking.

Mosa, i'm a well wisher of everyone, i believe in "Live and let live" concept, just don't want a certain ideology spreading in my country more than it has already, i want it eradicated.
Which is why i'm against present Western installed systems, and no that doesn't mean i will go out on the streets and start burning stores and tires, smashing windows and throwing stones at the police, that's anarchy, something i'm against.

I believe in National Socialism, and contrary to common belief Socialism has been a part of Islam, but its just that people only know it from its Western name.

By National Socialism, i don't mean Communist/Marxian Socialism, which is not Socialism at all in fact. Socialism is for the benefit of the common man, for the citizen, where both rich and poor work together for the benefit of society and fellow countrymen.

National Socialism preserves moral values and discourages materialism.

National Socialism abolishes Usury and Interest dealing

National Socialism preserves religion and protects people irrespective of their religious beliefs, and this is in accordance with Islam where Muslims, as the majority, are responsible for the security and well being of their fellow citizens who beling to religious minorities.

I believe that Pakistan should follow the National Socialist model, both politically and economically.

Under National Socialism interest and Usury are abolished, the Government's top most priority is the benefit of the Nation and its people and the preservation of its heritage and culture. National Socialism must not be confused with Marxian/Communist Socialism, because unlike Marxian/Communist Socialism, National Socialism respects the individuality and property of its citizens, true Socialism values the individual and in fact encourages the individual in efficiency, which National Socialism exactly does.

Under National Socialism, it is mandatory for both male and female to have education, however the role of male and female is different in society, for example, unlike the western countries of today, the woman cannot have the same positions as a man, woman are not allowed in armed forces therefore they can't take the place of a male worker in positions where only the male is well suited to do the job and vice versa.

Under National Socialism, there are no classes in society, everyone must work together, the poor and the rich side by side working for the common good of their nation and its future.

Totally agree to your model. Actually, any model is okay as long as the entity (state) submits to the authority of God and follows his commands. Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Laisezz Faire etc. all are compatible.

Personally I would vouch for a capitalist state because this was at work during the reign of the early prophet's companions, but obviously without the interest-based banking system
You are wrong. I am not against Syria... I am however against Assad. Assad =/= Syria or the Syrian people. In fact it is quite the opposite. And I know the Syrians will not forget or forgive the massacres done to them by Assad, I mean they are rising the same way they did when the jahash's father massacred them. This time however success is on the horizon. Simply put a Regime that uses its artillery and send armed gangs to butcher the Syrian protesters have simply lost all legitimacy to rule.

Where have I heard these words before??? Oh yes Israel says the same exact thing and you are repeating it to the letter. I guess after birds with feather flock together.

man why do you always make me do this, i hate doing this but you always ask for it.




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