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No but it means I am better than anyone else because I was born in this spot which is wrong. If you mean by Arab in the Pre-Islamic sense then you maybe correct as Arabian tribes were Arabs. However Islam annulled the differentiation between Arab and Non-Arab. People of the Arabian Peninsula went east and west and intermarried with the populations of those countries as if they were one and it is true they were one so Arabs as a race is an invalid statement. As a culture then perhaps as we all grow up watching the same TV eating the same food and living with each other which makes us the more likely to unite true but think bigger than Arabs and Non-Arabs.

And because there is a revive of this Unity this Train is due to start working in 2015 connecting Jeddah to Istanbul however Assad have denied the path of this Train.

Really? i never heard of that project, i like how you always bring up Alasad, he must be your nightmare, muwahahahaah
No but it means I am better than anyone else because I was born in this spot which is wrong. If you mean by Arab in the Pre-Islamic sense then you maybe correct as Arabian tribes were Arabs. However Islam annulled the differentiation between Arab and Non-Arab. People of the Arabian Peninsula went east and west and intermarried with the populations of those countries as if they were one and it is true they were one so Arabs as a race is an invalid statement. As a culture then perhaps as we all grow up watching the same TV eating the same food and living with each other which makes us the more likely to unite true but think bigger than Arabs and Non-Arabs.
I disagree, but I don't think this forum is the right place to discuss these matters.
And because there is a revive of this Unity this Train is due to start working in 2015 connecting Jeddah to Istanbul however Assad have denied the path of this Train.

I don't really support the AlAssad regime, which is composed of a minority ruling over the majority. The French bought this regime into power. However, at this point of time I still want stability in Syria because bringing a CIA backed govt (through the present FSA) would only help the plan of Greater Israel.
I don't really support the AlAssad regime, which is composed of a minority ruling over the majority. The French bought this regime into power. However, at this point of time I still want stability in Syria because bringing a CIA backed govt (through the present FSA) would only help the plan of Greater Israel.

How did the french bring this regime into power? The french left Syria in 1946, and Alasad gained power in 1970. Wouldn't that also mean Syria should be the allies of the west??
Definition of Nationalism: Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, i.e. a nation.

Repeat, "Identification of groups". This is another name of division. Does islam permit such divisions based on 'nations'?

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism as long as it is in conformity with Islam.

AFAIK, Tribal Nationalism which plagues Arab countries is forbidden, and we all know how negatively Tribal Nationalism has affected Arab countries.
There is nothing wrong with Nationalism as long as it is in conformity with Islam.

AFAIK, Tribal Nationalism which plagues Arab countries is forbidden, and we all know how negatively Tribal Nationalism has affected Arab countries.

Most Arab countries with the exception of a few egypt one of them, most arab countries have a tribal structure.
Nope both are to be blamed in a certain way. Turkey made it illegal to speak Arabic and everyone should speak Turkish this resulted in bad sentiment across the Modern day Arab world. Britain used this thing to instigate the revolt hence the word "Arab" "Arab people" and "Arabic countries" came to be which in the past never existed to begin with.

We must learn to look at history as it is not just from our point of view. and admit the mistakes of the past. and this is exactly why I say I HATE Arabism.

Why would I bother Musa. When you try clarify sth clarify the complete pic, not just saying king Hussien got armed from British. Haven't you read about Jamal Basha Alsafah? and his horrendous massacres against Arabs? what about forcing Arabs to pay money to the Turkish nationalist government? what about fighting Islam and Arab language? and you come here to blame king Hussein? he was deceived by British. yes, but he had no choice. I am wondering if you know that King Hussein is a direct descendant of Mohammed PBAH. **** Arabism, I wish Jordan could be moved to pacific ocean, so we live alone and away.
Most Arab countries with the exception of a few egypt one of them, most arab countries have a tribal structure.

Which explains why they are so divided internally, like for example, would the Saudis allow fellow countrymen from another tribe take the throne as King?

I doubt it.

Tribalism divides a nation internally, which is why you see Arab monarchs (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain) and dictators (Mubarak of Egypt, Gaddafi of Libya, and Assad of Syria) pi$$ing their pants at the slight indication of their power seat being occupied by someone from rival tribe or sect.
How did the french bring this regime into power? The french left Syria in 1946, and Alasad gained power in 1970. Wouldn't that also mean Syria should be the allies of the west??

I'm speaking of the Alawi sect which now is the ruling elite of Syria. During French mandate, the alawi sect helped the French immensely. A period of Sunni rule in Syria commenced from 1946 - 63. The coup around 66 was backed by the French government bringing the same Aalawi sect into power. Now, its purpose is finished, so it is being bought down.

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism as long as it is in conformity with Islam.

AFAIK, Tribal Nationalism which plagues Arab countries is forbidden, and we all know how negatively Tribal Nationalism has affected Arab countries.

The concept in Islam is that of "Dar-al-Islam". A 'Dar-al-islam' is like a United States of Islam. A 'Dar-al-Islam' declares that authority rests in the hand of God, and the Caliph is his representative to carry out duties according to the command of God (Koran). Whereas, in Nationalism, the "state" is deemed the highest authority, not God. Thus nationalism is not compatible with Dar-al-Islam and thus, may be an indirect 'shirk', as authority is rested over 'state' not God.
Look how Algerians and moroccans how they view Arabs, because of French colonialism and other things, they started to view the Arabs as foreign conquerors. look at some of the Egyptian guys in this forum, who claim to Pharo descendants and not Arabs.

Weren't Moroccans and Algerians not Arabs before they were conquered by the Arab armies sometime in the 8h or 9th century ?
I am wondering if you know that King Hussein is a direct descendant of Mohammed PBAH.

Does this excuse him from his mistakes? Does him being descendant of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) make him any better than others? Or will it save him on the day of Judgment? Will it be a ticket to heaven for him?

No wonder Arab countries are so divided internally, they all want to prove they are special or better for one reason or another.

Tell me, would your King allow another Arab from a different tribe take his throne? Will he allow a democratic process in his nation in which the people will decide the leader and not him or his clan/tribe? (not that i'm in favor of democracy, but just asking)
I'm speaking of the Alawi sect which now is the ruling elite of Syria. During French mandate, the alawi sect helped the French immensely. A period of Sunni rule in Syria commenced from 1946 - 63. The coup around 66 was backed by the French government bringing the same Aalawi sect into power. Now, its purpose is finished, so it is being bought down.

Syria and France were never allies, at one point stuff got neutral but after 2005 especially, sanctions and cold talks were going on, so i dont know where you got your claims from.
Does this excuse him from his mistakes? Does him being descendant of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) make him any better than others? Or will it save him on the day of Judgment? Will it be a ticket to heaven for him?

No wonder Arab countries are so divided internally, they all want to prove they are special or better for one reason or another.

Tell me, would your King allow another Arab from a different tribe take his throne? Will he allow a democratic process in his nation in which the people will decide the leader and not him or his clan/tribe? (not that i in favor of democracy, but just asking)
Yes we are divided because we ******* losers **** Arabisim. let them burn in hell. Why do I even bother? no one hurt Jordan. I am here only to defend my brothers, religion and Arabs. And what I get, Egyptians defending the tyrants and traitors while their history fucked up because of traitors and losers. I wouldn't bother anymore, all I care about is my own country and let the rest burn in hell.
Yes we are divided because we ******* losers **** Arabisim. let them burn in hell. Why do I even bother? no one hurt Jordan. I am here only to defend my brothers, religion and Arabs. And what I get, Egyptians defending the tyrants and traitors while their history fucked up because of traitors and losers. I wouldn't bother anymore, all I care about is my own country and let the rest burn in hell.

Thank you, so now leave us alone, and mind your own business as we also mind our own business.
The concept in Islam is that of "Dar-al-Islam". A 'Dar-al-islam' is like a United States of Islam. A 'Dar-al-Islam' declares that authority rests in the hand of God, and the Caliph is his representative to carry out duties according to the command of God (Koran). Whereas, in Nationalism, the "state" is deemed the highest authority, not God. Thus nationalism is not compatible with Dar-al-Islam and thus, may be an indirect 'shirk', as authority is rested over 'state' not God.

Authority can still belong God, it doesn't necessarily have to belong to the people, and if i'm correct, Nationalism doesn't mean abandoning Gods authority and replacing it with man made laws, it doesn't always have to be like that.

Why i support Nationalism? Because it unites a nation not based on religion, even though religion can still be there, but it unites people based on a common nationhood, and there are reasons why i support Nationalism:

1). Due to so many ethnic, sectarian, and cultural differences amongst Muslims of (for example Pakistan) the only way to unite them on a common basis is their Nation, because that is the only thing they have in common, but Gods authority in no way diminishes.

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