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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

Mosa, i'm a well wisher of everyone, i believe in "Live and let live" concept, just don't want a certain ideology spreading in my country more than it has already, i want it eradicated.

Then Help us help you... Because this ideology that you despise is also being fought here. Do not confuse renegade groups with state officials. We are eradicating this ideology as well you know.
man why do you always make me do this, i hate doing this but you always ask for it.




So you are justifying the massacring of Syrian people who you term "terrorists" by a few pictures??? Interesting.
So you are justifying the massacring of Syrian people who you term "terrorists" by a few pictures??? Interesting.

:rofl: you support the killing of million Iraqi and Afghanistan, and Palestinians, so BE QUIET.

Hey Mosa you should follow blackeagle and mind you own business, he learned that he should not throw stones because he is living a glass house.

Who is supporting a Massacre ?

Al-Assad is committing a massacre... You are supporting Assad. Thus you are supporting a massacre.

I guess to you guys it doesn't matter if Al-Assad kills every last Syrian Sunni as long as he is Anti-Western (In theory) He is a cool person in your books.

Ironically you who display the most anti-western attitude come from western backgrounds yourselves.
You wish. It merely stems from disappointments on the members here. Seeing people supporting a massacre against your own people is always..Mind wrecking.

Before deciding anything, it is necessary to take the wider picture into account. We do not support the massacre of Syrian people. In the horizon, a peaceful regime change should come to effect. However, answer one question of mine: Why now? Why wasn't there any uprising in the past 40 years the Assad regime ruled? Have you considered the possibility of your enemy (Zionists) wanting to remove this regime to further their agenda at this point of time?

Change will come to Syria in their own time, but the time and method of change must not be dictated by the Zionists
Al-Assad is committing a massacre... You are supporting Assad. Thus you are supporting a massacre.

I guess to you guys it doesn't matter if Al-Assad kills every last Syrian Sunni as long as he is Anti-Western (In theory) He is a cool person in your books.

Ironically you who display the most anti-western attitude come from western backgrounds yourselves.

They don't support Alasad, where did you get that claim, oh wait your from the Gulf so you make your own lies like your media.
Anyway they support peace however, and they support the Syrian people decision

Syrians Rally - YouTube
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:rofl: you support the killing of million Iraqi and Afghanistan, and Palestinians, so BE QUIET.

Hey Mosa you should follow blackeagle and mind you own business, he learned that he should not throw stones because he is living a glass house.


So you put up conspiracy theories which are yet to proven and hold as much claim as existence of Aliens as an excuse of Al-Assad(Jahash) massacres?? Also Interesting.
So you put up conspiracy theories which are yet to proven and hold as much claim as existence of Aliens as an excuse of Al-Assad(Jahash) massacres?? Also Interesting.

There is no conspiracy anymore, everything is obvious, way to change the topic ;)

MOSA this is for you :rofl:

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Then Help us help you... Because this ideology that you despise is also being fought here. Do not confuse renegade groups with state officials. We are eradicating this ideology as well you know.

I ask again who is supporting a Massacre.
Totally agree to your model. Actually, any model is okay as long as the entity (state) submits to the authority of God and follows his commands. Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Laisezz Faire etc. all are compatible.

Personally I would vouch for a capitalist state because this was at work during the reign of the early prophet's companions, but obviously without the interest-based banking system

Communism is influenced by Marxian Socialism, in fact it's just another name for Marxian Socialism, who's principle, among many others, is that all religion should be abolished, and that all people become slaves to the state, and this is against Islam. Communism AKA Marxian Socialism was founded by Bolshevik Zionists, and their sick ideology is responsible for the deaths of between 60,000,000-113,000,000 people. On top of that, Communism/Marxian Socialism discourages individual efficiency/innovation and private property, so therefore this is completely incompatible with Islamic principles.

Capitalism is also not compatible with Islamic Principles since in Capitalism money and material wealth hold more value in society then moral values and ethics, even more value than human life, and you can see the results in the west itself, especially Laisezz Faire Capitalism.
They don't support Alasad, where did you get that claim, oh wait your from the Gulf so you make your own lies like your media.
Anyway they support peace however, and they support the Syrian people decision

Syrians Rally - YouTube

You always put this video up it reminds greatly of the Videos also published by Yemen's Saleh and Egypt's Mubarak in his own national TV which also were extremely similar.

So does these videos make those revolutions illegitimate as well???The answer is...No.. Neither does your video.
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Communism is influenced by Marxian Socialism, in fact it's just another name for Marxian Socialism, who's principle, among many others, is that all religion should be abolished, and that all people become slaves to the state, and this is against Islam. Communism AKA Marxian Socialism was founded by Bolshevik Zionists, and their sick ideology is responsible for the deaths of between 60,000,000-113,000,000 people. On top of that, Communism/Marxian Socialism discourages individual efficiency/innovation and private property, so therefore this is completely incompatible with Islamic principles.

Capitalism is also not compatible with Islamic Principles since in Capitalism money and material wealth hold more value in society then moral values and ethics, even more value than human life, and you can see the results in the west itself, especially Laisezz Faire Capitalism.

Agreed with the communism part. In the capitalism one, as I said, the authority must be submitted to God. This means to obey Koran and sunnah as the constitution to govern a country. Our moral and ethical guidelines are already outlined in the Koran, we do not need to define them separately.
Then Help us help you... Because this ideology that you despise is also being fought here. Do not confuse renegade groups with state officials. We are eradicating this ideology as well you know.

Of course, Mosa i don't blame all Saudis for the terrorism and the ideology, but there are a certain few both in your country as well as mine who are responsible for ruining the lives of thousands even millions of people.

Some people from your side send the money and funds while some people on our side use the money and fund to brainwash little children and strap them with vests that go booom and send them into crowded market places, hospitals, even Mosques where they kill people in hundreds while they are prostrating to God in prayer, and they do all this in the name of Islam.
But yes, mubarak supporters didn't last, and they were nothing comparing to Syrians.
Trust me , Alasad wouldn't last a week if the majority of Syrians were against him.

Lol this got way off topic.

Plus this recent one right here,
March 15, 2012
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