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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Funny considering that many Arabs (non-Royals) are among the richest persons in the world including the world's richest man - Carlos Slim Helu that is a son of Lebanese Christian Arabs.

In terms of business then Arabs are extremely competent and have been that since ancient times. Whenever Arabs lived outside of the Arab world they were very high in the social ladder in old times.

Funny considering that the GCC is the richest area in the world pr capita while the vast majority of East Asians and Indians (especially) live below the poverty line.

Comparing Americans makes no sense either nor actually Chinese or Indians. Also grouping all Arabs together makes no sense either since some Arab countries/areas are extremely rich while others are less so even though they can be neighboring countries.

The claim of Arabs being more interested in politics than must I also can't recognize.

I mentioned Commodities. They tend to have bad work ethics unlike East Asians and Jews. The Average GDP per Capita of GCC Nation would be similar to Yemen had it not been for Hydro-Carbons that was in demand. And Non-Oil/Mineral exports of Arab nations barely surpassed Finland in 2008-10. And Harvard University alone published more science journals article then GCC, Egypt and N.Africa put together. Individual entrepreneurs and millionaires don't matter in an Marco-Economic point of view. South Korea practically surpasses the Arab world and they used to export Maids to Kuwait in the 1970s/early 1980s like Philippines do today.
:agree: They deal with our sworn enemy, therefore, we can't trust them, period. However, Morsi is an ex-MB member as such, he doesn't raise much of a concern to us.

I wouldn't call it a fear though but rather a concern.

Iran is a bigger enemy than Israel?
@iranigirl2 . with respect.. I dont think egytian army killed any copts or others.. they are very mindful about their role in maintaining the balance.. 1000 is a big number....

She is a radical PISSTV addict that likes to make false claims every single day. A phantast in other words that is obsessed about us Arabs, Sunnis, Muslims and in particular Saudis. At the same time she claims that Iran "is not really a Middle Eastern country but more Central Asian". Which is correct BTW since Persians came to the Iranian Plateau less than 3000 years ago from their Central Asian/Kazakh steppe homeland.
Despite all this she makes 10 new daily threads about us Arabs, Sunnis and Saudis.

The Egyptian Army never killed 1000 Copts in 2011 or people for that matter. First time I hear such a absurd claim. In short it is complete and utter nonsense and no sane person should take such a claim seriously.

Taken straight out of PissTV's top 10 of "most stupid and outrageous false claims".:omghaha:
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@iranigirl2 . with respect.. I dont think egytian army killed any copts or others.. they are very mindful about their role in maintaining the balance.. 1000 is a big number....

I didn't say 1000 copts died. But in 2011 over 1,000 Egyptians died in clashes with police and Army.

Thousands of Coptic Christians took to the streets in Cairo to protest the burning of a church in Marinab and were headed towards Maspiro, where they were met with armoured personnel carrier, APCs, and hundreds of riot police and special forces. Army vehicles charged at the protesters and reports of at least 6 protesters being crushed under APCs, including one with a crushed skull, has emerged. In addition, witnesses have confirmed that military personnel were seen firing live ammunition into the protesters, while the Health Ministry confirmed that at least 20 protesters have undergone surgery for bullet wounds.[45] In total, an estimated 24 persons were killed most of whom are Copts, while numbers as high as 36 and 50 were reported, including unconfirmed reports of the death of three army soldiers. The number of wounded protesters was estimated to be 322, of whom about 250 were transported to hospitals.[46]

Inciting more unrest, messages were broadcasted on Egyptian national television urging "honest Egyptians" to take to the streets to "protect the military" from Christian protesters. As a result, hundreds of people, presumably Muslim extremists, were seen wielding clubs and machetes alongside riot police chanting "the people want to bring down the Christians", and later "Islamic, Islamic
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But what does that matter when it turns out that they are trying to make changes that the majority of Egyptians are against or when nearly half of the Egyptian population turn up in public to demonstrated against them? So-called democratically elected regimes can also get toppled during their term if they make themselves unpopular which clearly happened in Egypt if the peoples voice is to be taken as sincere.

Open some history book and don't act like a phantast. Everyone knows how spineless Iranians are. You have been ruled by fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's for 35 years and barely had any uprisings. Foreigners, Arabs included, have conquered you plenty of times and had a field day. Changed your whole cultural, religious and social setup.

Let alone all the non-Persian ruling families that have ruled you from the Safavids to the Qajar to the Pahlavis who were peasants and one of them (a officer) took the throne of "Shah" (LOL) and his son (the Officer-Son as I like to call him) was the last one before your heretical and satanical fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's started to rule you and since 1979 they have ruled you good, I must say.

Its not the Muslim Brotherhood's fault that they are the most active and organized. That's like saying it's Saudi Arabia's fault that they haven't created a unified Muslim nation. Come on.

If I go and vote for the US Presidential Elections and my neighbor doesn't does he have any right to criticize what the US President does in his/ her 4 years?

Its not the MB's fault that other groups decided to boycott the elections in 2011 or 2012.

Lets watch this name calling. They can easily say the same to you.
If 50 million Americans start protesting Obama then they will not wait till his time is done, they will remove him to save the state from worse matters, this is similar.
Its better to violate law to save something instead of following law knowing the result will be far worse.

Nixon was removed rather resigned from the office facing high crimes and misdemeanors.

Does the Egyptian Constitution allow such move?

These military coups set bad example for the next group of people who are not happy with their Govt. It's a slippery slope of a vicious cycle.
@hinduguy2011 Egyptian revolution.

Violent clashes between security forces and protesters resulted in at least 846 people killed and 6,000 injured.

Source:2011 Egyptian revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, that still does not mean that the Egyptian Army killed 1000 Egyptians let alone Copts. Those casualties happened due to a lot of reasons. Infighting between the police (mainly), infighting between various supporters etc.

The Egyptian military has made a peaceful transition until now. Not like your heretical Child-Murderer that you support in Syria and a Child-Murderer that your fake Wannabe-Arab and satanical Mullah's in Qom support with all their "might".
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Soon Al-Nusrah Front and SIC will be wiped out soon.

Mark my words, if you are smart you will know the pattern and why.
Nixon was removed rather resigned from the office facing high crimes and misdemeanors.

Does the Egyptian Constitution allows such move?

These military coups set bad example for the next group of people who are not happy with their Govt. It's a slippery slope of a vicious cycle.

I dont know their constitution.
If economy recovers then I think the problems will be solved.
To the grandson of Hitler:

Open some history book and don't act like a phantast. Everyone knows how spineless Iranians are. You have been ruled by fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's for 35 years and barely had any uprisings. Foreigners, Arabs included, have conquered you plenty of times and had a field day. Changed your whole cultural, religious and social setup.

Let alone all the non-Persian ruling families that have ruled you from the Safavids to the Qajar to the Pahlavis who were peasants and one of them (a officer) took the throne of "Shah" (LOL) and his son (the Officer-Son as I like to call him) was the last one before your heretical and satanical fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's started to rule you and since 1979 they have ruled you good, I must say.

so funny so incorrect. your knowledge about the history of iran is like your knowledge about your arab world military power.non iranian? you mean our government is not iranian then what is the reason that you should still see persian gulf name on the map ? they are not iranian ? then why iran has gone to the first 5 countries in science growth during last 10 years? and much more samples. if the government was non-iranian then believe me now you were dancing of happiness instead of burning inside. your way of posting is obvious you are burning inside from the growth of iran and decrease of everything in arab world.and about the cultural effect still its obvious you have not read even one book about your literature. even salam in your lang has a persian root.sabah al khair has a persian root.you didn't know what salt is before coming to iran.your lang didn't have any d(o)t before persian people made them for you and thousands of samples. buddy the effect of persian culture on yours was much more than yours on persian. and would you please name only one non-persian family that ruled my country after safavi ? i am really sorry but the style of your writing shows how pathetic you are. read more books then post comments .
I didn't say 1000 copts died. But in 2011 over 1,000 Egyptians died in clashes with police and Army.

Thousands of Coptic Christians took to the streets in Cairo to protest the burning of a church in Marinab and were headed towards Maspiro, where they were met with armoured personnel carrier, APCs, and hundreds of riot police and special forces. Army vehicles charged at the protesters and reports of at least 6 protesters being crushed under APCs, including one with a crushed skull, has emerged. In addition, witnesses have confirmed that military personnel were seen firing live ammunition into the protesters, while the Health Ministry confirmed that at least 20 protesters have undergone surgery for bullet wounds.[45] In total, an estimated 24 persons were killed most of whom are Copts, while numbers as high as 36 and 50 were reported, including unconfirmed reports of the death of three army soldiers. The number of wounded protesters was estimated to be 322, of whom about 250 were transported to hospitals.[46]

Inciting more unrest, messages were broadcasted on Egyptian national television urging "honest Egyptians" to take to the streets to "protect the military" from Christian protesters. As a result, hundreds of people, presumably Muslim extremists, were seen wielding clubs and machetes alongside riot police chanting "the people want to bring down the Christians", and later "Islamic, Islamic

this wiki entry is not neutral(it has the warning on top), you can figure out from the tone and style if not from content.. am not saying that the event never occured but it seems exaggerated.
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