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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

I despise the Hasina government in Bangladesh. Many BD posters on PDF share similar disapproval. However, I strongly oppose any move by the military to take down the Hasina government.

They have no choice, millions of people on the streets, if they do nothing these millions will not simply go home, riot police cannot control them.
Egypt arrests 2 top MB leaders​


Egyptian security forces have detained two senior leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood close to ousted President Mohamed Morsi, security officials say.

after so many years of facing jails MB is again thrown in prison very bad result is awaiting if this continues.they should at least be allowed to contest freely after their government is thrown unconstitutionally.

bro, none of any reason could legitimate that military coup againist an democratically elected government which ruled just for one year...
bro, it is not like the problem of an offended kid that you could pacify him by giving some sweets..MB is the largest and most well organized politic and socail front of Egyptian...Without MB nothing can be done well..Without MB nothing could run on its right path...

Now,im very anxiety about the future of Egypt...politic and economic turmoils will increase and problem will multiply..
after toppling dictator Mobarak i was hopeful about Egypt's new role that could contribute staability and peace to ME

What is B plan ?...if MB win next election then another military coup should be conducted again??

That Military coup may has high risk of breaking morale of FSA....cause MB is the largest largest opponent group of Syria as well..

But what does that matter when it turns out that they are trying to make changes that the majority of Egyptians are against or when nearly half of the Egyptian population turn up in public to demonstrated against them? So-called democratically elected regimes can also get toppled during their term if they make themselves unpopular which clearly happened in Egypt if the peoples voice is to be taken as sincere.

What would your solution otherwise be? For the protests to continue in all eternity and cause more problems for Egypt?

As I said, if you read my post, then all political parties in Egypt need to be included in the "new Egypt" and they should jointly make the new constitutions and try to work together and not only care about the power.

The problems Egypt faces now would be the same regardless of the rulers, bro. The problems will not disappear. Mursi or no Mursi.

The future only Allah (swt) knows and let the Egyptians decide themselves. It is a internal Egyptian issue after all.

But yes, it is worrying and can turn ugly. It is in the hands of the Egyptians only to solve their own mess. We can only try to help if they want our help.

Well the Egyptian military has basically ruled the country for 60 years since the kingdom was toppled. Historically most Egyptians were not politically active. Vast majority of the people were illeterates or poor as many still are. It first really started to change under Nasser and the Arab nationalism period.

Now people are getting more and more politically conscious which is only a good thing. They are a new "democracy" as you wrote in another thread and I thanked your post because you were right. Let them learn the lessons the hard way as you (Turkey) and others have learnt. It is a learning process.

No, FSA will not lose anything. Don't worry bro. We (GCC, Sunni Arab world and Turkey) will not allow that to happen.

Oh, as Muslims we should not worry. Egypt and Egyptians are still Muslims (vast majority). Nothing has changed overnight. Remember that Mursi or the MB has no patent on Islam nor are they perfect. They are a political party not clerics. A Egyptian organization moreover.

To the grandson of Hitler:

Open some history book and don't act like a phantast. Everyone knows how spineless Iranians are. You have been ruled by fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's for 35 years and barely had any uprisings. Foreigners, Arabs included, have conquered you plenty of times and had a field day. Changed your whole cultural, religious and social setup.

Let alone all the non-Persian ruling families that have ruled you from the Safavids to the Qajar to the Pahlavis who were peasants and one of them (a officer) took the throne of "Shah" (LOL) and his son (the Officer-Son as I like to call him) was the last one before your heretical and satanical fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's started to rule you and since 1979 they have ruled you good, I must say.
sorry, I dont believe you.. middle east is like this just because it has always been so.. its not like they were democracy and people started to prefer autoritarianism..
most countries were like that in last 100 years.. just that ME people never were in a position to decide... one day they will...

well thought out post :tup:

you are a mature poster keep it up & don't fall for baits

@JUBA you just hate Assad because he is an Alawite.

Egyptian army wasn't very nice in 2011. over 1,000 people died in in 2011.

.Egyptian army killing male and female citizens MUST SEE !!!!! - YouTube

Eyewitnesses to the Coptic Christians Massacre by Egyptian Muslim army-Maspiro P-1 - YouTube

More nonsense from the Baha'i (something sect) and PissTV addict.

Since when did the Egyptian army kill 1000 Copts in 2011? One of your many hallucinations IraniMale2?
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They have no choice, millions of people on the streets, if they do nothing these millions will not simply go home, riot police cannot control them.
Military just overturned the will of the people. Only the people of Egypt should have the option of replacing Morsi
I think it's a good outcome for Egypt.

They need a good technocratic leadership that will address the socio-economic problems and take the country forward, especially economically speaking. This guy was just issuing statements and his recent address was very provocative and with harsh language.

I congratulate the Egyptian people for being ONE NATION and mobilizing to fight for their cause. Some disagree with me on this - but i believe that a religious agenda alone is empty. What matters are the policies that actually bring CHANGE and empower people and improve their lives.
President Obama: U.S. "deeply concerned" by Egypt military's move to oust president, suspend constitution.

Obama is threatening they will cut billion dollars in aid.

Here is the full statement, released moments ago by the White House:

"As I have said since the Egyptian revolution, the United States supports a set of core principles, including opposition to violence, protection of universal human rights, and reform that meets the legitimate aspirations of the people. The United States does not support particular individuals or political parties, but we are committed to the democratic process and respect for the rule of law. Since the current unrest in Egypt began, we have called on all parties to work together to address the legitimate grievances of the Egyptian people, in accordance with the democratic process, and without recourse to violence or the use of force.

"The United States is monitoring the very fluid situation in Egypt, and we believe that ultimately the future of Egypt can only be determined by the Egyptian people. Nevertheless, we are deeply concerned by the decision of the Egyptian Armed Forces to remove President Morsy and suspend the Egyptian constitution. I now call on the Egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process, and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of President Morsy and his supporters. Given today’s developments, I have also directed the relevant departments and agencies to review the implications under U.S. law for our assistance to the government of Egypt.

"The United States continues to believe firmly that the best foundation for lasting stability in Egypt is a democratic political order with participation from all sides and all political parties – secular and religious, civilian and military. During this uncertain period, we expect the military to ensure that the rights of all Egyptian men and women are protected, including the right to peaceful assembly, due process, and free and fair trials in civilian courts. Moreover, the goal of any political process should be a government that respects the rights of all people, majority and minority; that institutionalizes the checks and balances upon which democracy depends; and that places the interests of the people above party or faction. The voices of all those who have protested peacefully must be heard – including those who welcomed today’s developments, and those who have supported President Morsy. In the interim, I urge all sides to avoid violence and come together to ensure the lasting restoration of Egypt’s democracy.

"No transition to democracy comes without difficulty, but in the end it must stay true to the will of the people. An honest, capable and representative government is what ordinary Egyptians seek and what they deserve. The longstanding partnership between the United States and Egypt is based on shared interests and values, and we will continue to work with the Egyptian people to ensure that Egypt’s transition to democracy succeeds."

Military just overturned the will of the people. Only the people of Egypt should have the option of replacing Morsi

The millions on the street are the people.
Look I dont defend any party I dont follow their politics, but I think they did a good job.

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