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Dyson engineer wins unfair dismissal claim after Sikh manager told her ‘I don’t like Muslims’

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Dont compare one bad example with all sikh community. I live with them very closely and they are wonderful people and love pakistani people. We also dont forget it in histroy of 1947 the spark of rage was started from our end and turn into flame fueling by Brahmin to use sikh against us.
For those Pakistanis who think that sikhs are our allies, please read this article of how a sikh manager for the Dyson company bullied and harrassed an Iranian female engineer because she was a Muslim. He did this mainly because of his hatred of Pakistanis:


How can you judge whole community by wrongdoing of an individual?
Dont compare one bad example with all sikh community. I live with them very closely and they are wonderful people and love pakistani people. We also dont forget it in histroy of 1947 the spark of rage was started from our end and turn into flame fueling by Brahmin to use sikh against us.

Does the genocide of 1 million innocent Pakistanis by the sikhs in August 1947 not mean anything to you?
screw there Khalistan movement and all.

include the Bangladeshis for our silly Pakistanis still talk of brotherhood

maybe some of you should take your woman folk to IOK then come back here and tell us all how Sikhs soldiers behaved with them ? And still call them as friends

I cringe when I hear some Pakistanis call Sikhs , Bangladeshis as bro’s. I got no time for any of these groups they can all get lost in my book
Dont compare one bad example with all sikh community. I live with them very closely and they are wonderful people and love pakistani people. We also dont forget it in histroy of 1947 the spark of rage was started from our end and turn into flame fueling by Brahmin to use sikh against us.
our end? are you a descendant of dogra sikhs who carried out massacres in Bagh (which started the whole tit-for-tat cycle)?
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For those Pakistanis who think that sikhs are our allies, please read this article of how a sikh manager for the Dyson company bullied and harrassed an Iranian female engineer because she was a Muslim. He did this mainly because of his hatred of Pakistanis:

The sikh religion and faith is based upon their blood thirsty hatred of Pakistan, Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam. NEVER forget the holocaust of 1947 against Pakstani people by sikhs.
sikhs don't like pakistan that is true .
As a British born & bred Pakistani I can tell you the Sikh community here are no friend of Muslims, particularly Pakistanians.

There hate for brit Pakistanis runs deep (obviously not in all cases).

Two-faced - and only a straightener sorts them out! - AND IT ALWAYS DOES.

Additionally, I managed out a few Indians who discriminate with Muslim candidates - I can't go into much detail on that but it's rampant in the UK employment market.

Thanks to @PAKISTANFOREVER for reminding us Pakistanis; who often have a tendency to confuse enemies with friends.
Sikh religion is vehemently anti-Muslim. To them, we are killers of their gurus and deniers of their empire. Most of all they hate Pukhtoons and Afghans.

They are a bit nice to Muslim Punjabis of Pakistan, but only on superficial level.

As for Islam, I remember when 2001 attacks happened in NYC, they went to the street to hold signs saying "Sikhs are not Muslims" and had placards showing the different attire between the two.

They could have came out in support of Muslims, but they did not. It was obvious they supported crimes against Muslims.

It did not stop Sikhs from being the major victims of White racists though in the US.

In my university days, I remember in student government one Sikh student went on a hate campaign against an Arab student. He even openly called him terrorist multiple times. They were not fighting any sort of campaign so it was unwarranted, but it shows their real mentality.
For those Pakistanis who think that sikhs are our allies, please read this article of how a sikh manager for the Dyson company bullied and harrassed an Iranian female engineer because she was a Muslim. He did this mainly because of his hatred of Pakistanis:

The sikh religion and faith is based upon their blood thirsty hatred of Pakistan, Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam. NEVER forget the holocaust of 1947 against Pakstani people by sikhs.
It depends on the person.

There are Indian Muslims who would do the same thing to Pakistanis and who are completely loyal to the Indian State.

As we keep reiterating again and again on this forum, stop making generalizations about ANY community.

No community is monolithic in terms of opinions.

What we should do is seek out individuals within communities who are sympathetic to our goals. Don't just assume that because you meet some Sikhs who are sympathetic to Pakistan that ALL Sikhs are the same, or that ALL Indian Muslims have 'seen the light' after what the BJP has done.

Thread closed for making derogatory generalizations about an entire community (Sikhs).
This ba$tard coward is a councillor. The campaign is just starting against him. Likes to bully women and a bigot against Muslims

All U.K. Pakistanis write your complaints here;

really need a groundswell of emails - it's very simple - similar emails can go to:

Conservative Party (national): complaints@conservatives.com
Harrow Conservatives: conservatives@harrow.gov.uk
Leader of Harrow Council: graham.henson@harrow.gov.uk
Local MP for the area: gareth.thomas.mp@parliament.uk

And online to the Council: https://www.harrow.gov.uk/elections/complain-councillors
Template letter:

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to formally complain about the actions of a Conservative Party Councillor in Harrow named Kamaljit Chana as reported in the Sunday Times on 20 September (link here: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/i-dont-like-muslims-dyson-manager-told-engineer-bw3fl2hnw)

He said (amongst many statements) “Muslims are violent” & “I do not like Muslims" and a third party - Bristol employment tribunal - found against Chana.

These demonstrate a clear breach of the Party's Code of Conduct.

It is deeply disappointing that no action was taken by the Party after the Sunday Times shared this information.

I hope that this formal complaint will remove any bureaucratic excuse from taking immediate action.

Thank you
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