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British Iranian woman wins case for religious discrimination

Lolz why would Pakistanis groom sikh girls. As a pathan who have lived in UK, im telling u these indian girls throw themselves at us. Not trying to brag but indian girls were crazy abt us and were so easy to get. Most indian girls had Pakistani bfs and i remember how the indian guys would be jealous.

Because of bollywood movies, Indian girls have this fascination with the name "Khan " Plus we are fairer than them and pretty good looking.

I remember when i was at university here and we all did our introduction and i said my name is Imad Khan, after that all the girls wanted to be my friend while all the guys started hating me, and me being ignorant couldn't figure it out until one guy told me about it.
I found generally the same. I don't know why though. Maybe because it is taboo for them, but culturally we aren't that far? It was also stronger in Sikh females than the Hindu ones.

If anything they are doing reverse love jihad on us.

I found Hindu girls/boys converting to Muslims, but how many Muslims have you found converting to Hinduism. I am not a religious bigot, but facts are facts and I am just stating the way things are in the West.

Of course no one has Hindu/Muslim written on their foreheads, and there are good people in every religion.

But this Modi-model bigotry will spell fines/adverse judgments for Western nations, when they publicly claim themselves to be so holy when it comes to bigotry and have laws on the books to enforce such.

In the US, they could not get halfway like this, there would be an uproar in the media.

In Silicon valley some overly zealous Hindu Modi fanatics have gotten fired over being Islamophobic to their subordinates and colleagues. Laws are laws, go try it in India if you want.
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Because of bollywood movies, Indian girls have this fascination with the name "Khan " Plus we are fairer than them and pretty good looking.

I remember when i was at university here and we all did our introduction and i said my name is Imad Khan, after that all the girls wanted to be my friend while all the guys started hating me, and me being ignorant couldn't figure it out until one guy told me about it.

The name Khan makes girls pull down their pants, I will name myself Khan from now on
Lolz why would Pakistanis groom sikh girls. As a pathan who have lived in UK, im telling u these indian girls throw themselves at us. Not trying to brag but indian girls were crazy abt us and were so easy to get. Most indian girls had Pakistani bfs and i remember how the indian guys would be jealous.

True, but sikh girls and indians are generally very below average to ugly looking. They despise their own men and run after better looking Pakistani guys, who, if they choose to drop their standards, will just use them for easy fun. No need for 'grooming' these fat nosed, toothy, hairy girls.
True, but sikh girls and indians are generally very below average to ugly looking. They despise their own men and run after better looking Pakistani guys, who, if they choose to drop their standards, will just use them for easy fun. No need for 'grooming' these fat nosed, toothy, hairy girls.

Out of all the races of women, indian females are the most ugliest and physically repulsive. :bad:
“He asked if she was a Muslim and she replied that she came from a Muslim family
seems like she is an agnostic based on the answer or reluctant to be identified as a Muslim. He didn't ask about your family he asked about you but good for her getting justice.
These Sikhs and Hindus should understand that if their daughters are going to Muslim men, it’s because we have something they lack. Simple, just accept Darwinian theory of evolution and pray your octopus god makes you a Muslim in your next life 😂
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