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Duties of a Muslim towards a non-Muslim

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Muslims duty towards non Muslims is " live and let live". Plzzzzzzzz
As per Islamic theology, there are three options a Muslim should offer people of the book (Christians and Jews (some even include Zoroastrians))
1. Ask the kafir to submit to Islam and become a Muslim.
2. If the kafir doesn't accept the first option, make him a dhimmi and force him to pay the jiziya tax with submission and humiliation.
3. If the kafir doesn't accept options 1 or 2, the Muslim should wage jihad against him until he is martyred or the kafir accepts options 1 or 2.

There are only two options a Muslim can offer all other pagans and non-Muslims
1. Ask the kafir to submit to Islam and become a Muslim.
2. If the kafir doesn't accept options 1, the Muslim should wage jihad against him until the Muslim is martyred or the kafir submits to Islam.
There is no option of dhimmitude for non-Muslims, who are not Christians or Jews.

A true Muslim is not allowed to be friends with a non-Muslim. In an Islamic state, a non-Muslim can only be dhimmi or a slave. Muslims living in a place where non-Muslims are dominant, they are only allowed to pretend to be friendly to the non-Muslims, until Muslims become dominant.
{There shall be no compulsion in religion…} (Al-Baqarah 2:256)

"A Jewess used to abuse the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and disparage him. A man strangled her till she died. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) declared that no recompense was payable for her blood.” (Sunan Abu-Dawud 38.4349)
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How about just love for all man kind and every other species and organisms on Earth? Because we really are in one galaxy among millions, one planet among trillions, and maybe one dimension among many too.
But Islam teaches different. Lol

As per Islamic theology, there are three options a Muslim should offer people of the book (Christians and Jews (some even include Zoroastrians))
1. Ask the kafir to submit to Islam and become a Muslim.
2. If the kafir doesn't accept the first option, make him a dhimmi and force him to pay the jiziya tax with submission and humiliation.
3. If the kafir doesn't accept options 1 or 2, the Muslim should wage jihad against him until he is martyred or the kafir accepts options 1 or 2.

There are only two options a Muslim can offer all other pagans and non-Muslims
1. Ask the kafir to submit to Islam and become a Muslim.
2. If the kafir doesn't accept options 1, the Muslim should wage jihad against him until the Muslim is martyred or the kafir submits to Islam.
There is no option of dhimmitude for non-Muslims, who are not Christians or Jews.

A true Muslim is not allowed to be friends with a non-Muslim. In an Islamic state, a non-Muslim can only be dhimmi or a slave. Muslims living in a place where non-Muslims are dominant, they are only allowed to pretend to be friendly to the non-Muslims, until Muslims become dominant.
This is damn true .
You are lucky...I lived in UK and US for ten years. I personally know many Muslims who were simply discriminated just because they were Muslims but were otherwise qualified in all other way.
Muslims are more happy in non Muslims countries than Muslims countries. But still they wants to convert the world into Islam. This is a height of ignorance.
Isn't this verse from the Meccan period and has been abrogated by later Medinan verses which calls for jihad against all non-Muslims?
Yes here Jihad reflects the existing relation between muslims(believers) and Kaffur.
I am going to have some free time, 3 weeks at most. I think I can spare 10 days. So, what places do you think I should visit ? Of course I want to visit Lahore.

Not a tourism expert, not sure which type of places you like.
In my opinion visit Lahore and Islamabad.

Some other members may guide you @OrionHunter @Armstrong
@nForce, I have visited Lahore but not Islamabad. Lahore is a terrific place to visit especially if you want to savor the delights of the delicacies there, like the famous Lahori Kababs in Anarkali Bazar! But do ensure you pay for it as they refused to take any money from me saying that I was their honored guest from India!! Rather embarrassing!! But great and friendly guys out there. You'll feel at home! :-)

Do take time to visit Shish Mahal (Palace of Mirrors) at the Lahore Fort, and Shalimar Gardens. And don't forget Minar-e-Pakistan especially at night.

Cheers! Have a nice trip!
I'm a proud Kaafir...
"We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve because they ascribe partners unto Allah for which no warrant has been revealed” (Aale-Imran 3:151)

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends, helpers), they are but friends of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as friend’), then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)” [Al-Maa'idah 5:51]

It says Islam is pure religion. ..others are wrongdoers. ..Even, curse of Allah be upon him if he is among them.

[ Al-Baqra-191]

"And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid-al-Haram (the sanctuary at Makkah), unless they (first) fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers"
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This is BS in reality...and we all know it.

Non Muslims do much much more for Muslims in non Muslim countries than Muslims do for non Muslims in Muslim countries overall.
This is BS in reality...and we all know it.

Non Muslims do much much more for Muslims in non Muslim countries than Muslims do for non Muslims in Muslim countries overall.
I agree with you..
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Wow, a theological debate. Let me step in

"Repent for your days of sin are being counted by the Holy One. Forsake the worship of words from Prophets and Gods, the worship of images and the prayer to nature for I am your one and only true salvation. Forsake your wealth and pay every bit of your earning into My banking account (on request) to receive My full blessings, for the day of My judgement is upon you. I am the One, the Only, the Original...God of Gods" [Book of PlanetWarrior..chapter 9] :angel:
For academic reasons .. would some enlightened one explain to a dumbo like me the reason for this ?

Also, has anyone questioned this dictat ? If so were you satisfied with the answer ?

How would you like to be greeted?

And still people says Islam is religion of peace..
I agree with you.. Majority getting aids and there are international NGOS working for humanity irrespective of any religion.
But look the ayats and hadees, what Islam says about Jews and non muslims(Non beleivers of Islam).

Cruel barbarians right .............................. :D
How would you like to be greeted?

The point to which I asked the question is :

'But with regard to celebrating their festivals, the Muslim should not take part in celebrating their festivals'

What does it have to do greetings ?

In answer to your question, I would like to be greeted in exactly the same way as the follower of any other religion would on a happy occasion of his religion.
I am greeted by my Muslim friends on all our festivals. Don't tell me there is some taboo on that also ...
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