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Duties of a Muslim towards a non-Muslim

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Did you visit Pakistan?

it costs very little for an Indian to take a bus to Amritsar, then a taxi ride to border.

Why I say this? I have met Indians who followed this trek

Onnce you have made a trip, only then you will have a better picture.

Ohh the picture is a bit different in PDF. Now why is that ? Most of the Pakistani members in this forum are well-educated, barring a few. And they seem to behave more radically than the taliban extremists.
The reason is very simple, in my opinion. Religious intolerance is something very intrinsic to most Pakistanis if not all.
And that comes out upon slightest bit of confrontation.
Well what do you mean by self-segregation? There are people from different cultures/religion follow different beliefs and worship their own God and visit their own places of worship be it temple, madirs, gurdawra, mosques, chucrch etc. You can call it self-segregation but that's the beauty of multi-cultural society and its right of people. You cannot paint all religious beliefs as one when they all differ in theory and practices. My point was that some peopel take some words like kafirs and idol worshipper as an insult when they are not insulting words in reality if you bother to check their meaning with calm head :D

Now you being a Muslim and living in west should understand the meaning of segregation.

Let me explain it to your little elaborately, but I warn you some of the following may hurt you.

-Islam being one of the major religion, still much of the world look Muslims suspiciously.

-You are called terrorists, intolerant, extremists and non loyal.

-You are discriminated on jobs, in places, and everywhere

-Few people believe in Muslims, and would take efforts to avoid one.

- A Muslim is considered a lesser human being and majority of world would never condemn violation of basic human rights of a person who happens to be a Muslim. (ex: Rohiynga)

I can go on...

But I hope you understand what I am saying.

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Ohh the picture is a bit different in PDF. Now why is that ? Most of the Pakistani members in this forum are well-educated, barring a few. And they seem to behave more radically than the taliban extremists.
The reason is very simple, in my opinion. Religious intolerance is something very intrinsic to most Pakistanis if not all.
And that comes out upon slightest bit of confrontation.

Didn't expect a good member like you to rely on forum posts.
Since when 20+ frustrated boys (mostly settled in the West) should be used to judge the whole country? since when?
Now you being a Muslim and living in west should understand the meaning of self-segregation.

Let me explain it to your little elaborately, but I warn you some of the following may hurt you.

-Islam being one of the major religion, still much of the world look Muslims suspiciously.

-You are called terrorists, intolerant, extremists and non loyal.

-You are discriminated on jobs, in places, and everywhere

-Few people believe in Muslims, and would take efforts to avoid one.

- A Muslim is considered a lesser human being and majority of world would never condemn violation of basic human rights of a person who happens to be a Muslim. (ex: Rohiynga)

I can go on...

But I hope you understand what I am saying.

Its what you think. I am feeling proud to call myself Muslim and i never felt any racism because of my religion during my 10/11 years stay in united kingdom. Western judge people on individuals basis and not all westerns are bigot and such narrow mind that they will paint all muslins with one brush. You are looking at Islam/Muslims through your own negative perception and feel that everyone else have same negative perception about Muslims. I will say that i get along well with people from all beliefs even atheist and agnostics. I recognise the differences but that don't mean i hate or insult them if they are non Muslims, kafirs or atheists. I also debate with them whether religious or politics. My senior manager in previous job was jews and i told him openly what i felt about Israel-Palestinian conflicts and guess what he was even giving me separate room for offering prayers as he did not took that seriously. Every one has right of opinion and its free world. so think outide of the box and no need to suppress your identity or religious beliefs in order to please others
Didn't expect a good member like you to rely on forum posts.
Since when 20+ frustrated boys (mostly settled in the West) should be used to judge the whole country? since when?

Think about it keenly. 20+ boys are very important and yes, their opinion portray how the society is. They are the products of a full course of what the society and education system of a country has to offer. They easily give away what they really think, to speak of their heart, as we call it, while an experienced fellow will not easily give away what's going on in his mind.

Look at the current spurt in war of words across both sides of the border and how people from both sides of the border are reacting. I tell you, whatever we are headed to, it's vehemently wrong.
Its what you think. I am feeling proud to call myself Muslim and i never felt any racism because of my religion during my 10/11 years stay in united kingdom. Western judge people on individuals basis and not all westerns are bigot and such narrow mind that they will paint all muslins with one brush. You are looking at Islam/Muslims through your own negative perception and feel that everyone else have same negative perception about Muslims. I will say that i get along well with people from all beliefs even atheist and agnostics. I recognise the differences but that don't mean i hate or insult them if they are non Muslims, kafirs or atheists. I also debate with them whether religious or politics. My senior manager in previous job was jews and i told him openly what i felt about Israel-Palestinian conflicts and guess what he was even giving me separate room for offering prayers as he did not took that seriously. Every one has right of opinion and its free world. so think outide of the box and no need to suppress your identity or religious beliefs in order to please others

You are lucky...I lived in UK and US for ten years. I personally know many Muslims who were simply discriminated just because they were Muslims but were otherwise qualified in all other way.
That's the historical meaning. The modern meaning is anyone who doesn't follow an Indian religion.
who care you can call us whatever you want. It dont matter to us as long as we are content with our beliefs :D We are not that insecure who need approval form others
Think about it keenly. 20+ boys are very important .
20 something boys doing muth maari on PDF are only important if you are teenage girl (or may be an ignored aunty).

Otherwise they are useless when it comes to forming an opinion about 200 million strong country like Pakistan.
You are lucky...I lived in UK and US for ten years. I personally know many Muslims who were simply discriminated just because they were Muslims but were otherwise qualified in all other way.
People will never respect you if you dont have respect for yourself. You have to respect your religion, culture and beliefs before others. I will give tit for tat reply and will not be quiet if i ever meet some racist or bigot
People will never respect you if you dont have respect for yourself. You have to respect your religion, culture and beliefs before others. I will give tit for tat reply and will not be quiet if i ever meet some racist or bigot

Yes...you have to stand for yourself

I am just saying what is happening around the world....and they are certainly not my views.
20 something boys doing muth maari on PDF are only important if you are teenage girl (or may be an ignored aunty).

Otherwise they are useless when it comes to forming an opinion about 200 million strong country like Pakistan.

Their opinions give us a picture of how the new generation has been brought up and what the youth thinks. Their opinions are that of what the society taught them affirmed by their own conviction. Anyways, I will not drag that any further than it is required.
Duties of a Muslim towards a non-Muslim - islamqa.info

Praise be to Allaah.

The duty of the Muslim towards a non-Muslim includes a number of things:


Da‘wah or calling him to Allah, may He be glorified and exalted. He should call him to Allah and explain to him the reality of Islam when possible, with regard to whatever issues he has knowledge about, because this is the greatest kindness that he can give to his fellow-citizens and to those whom he meets of Jews, Christians and others who may be mushrikeen (polytheists), because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The one who guides others to goodness will have a reward like that of the one who does it.” And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), when he sent him to Khaybar and instructed him to call the Jews to Islam: “By Allah, if Allah were to guide one man through you, that would be better for you than having red camels (the best kind).” And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever calls others to right guidance will have a reward like that of those who follow him, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.”

So calling him (the non-Muslim) to Islam, conveying Islam to him and being sincere towards him in that are among the best means of drawing close to Allah.


He should not wrong him, with regard to his physical well being, his wealth or his honour. If he is a dhimmi (non-Muslim living under Muslim rule), musta’man (one who is granted security in a Muslim land) or mu‘aahid (one with whose country the Muslims have a peace deal), then he should give him his due rights, and not transgress against his wealth by stealing, betraying or deceiving, and he should not harm him physically by striking or killing him, because the fact that he is a mu‘aahid or dhimmi, or musta’man, means that he is protected by sharee‘ah.


There is no reason why we should not interact with him, buying, selling, renting, hiring and so on. It is narrated in saheeh reports that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) bought from kuffaar who were idol worshippers, and he bought from the Jews, and these are interactions. When he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) died, his shield was being held in pledge by a Jew for some food he had bought for his family (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).


With regard to greeting, the Muslim should not initiate the greeting, but he may return it, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not initiate the greeting of salaam with the Jews or Christians.” And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “If the people of the Book greet you with salaam (by saying al-salaamu ‘alaykum), say ‘Wa ‘alaykum.’” So the Muslim should not initiate the greeting to a kaafir, but if the kaafir initiates it, and the Jew or Christians etc. greets you with salaam, then you should say “wa ‘alaykum,” as the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said.

These are some of the rights between a Muslim and a kaafir.

Another right is being a good neighbour. So if he is a neighbour, be kind to him and do not annoy him; give charity to him if he is poor, give him gifts, give him beneficial advice, because these are things that will attract him to Islam and to become Muslim; and because the neighbour has rights. The Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Jibreel kept urging me to be kind to my neighbour until I thought that he would make him my heir.” Saheeh - agreed upon. If the neighbour is a kaafir, he still has the rights of a neighbour; if he is both a relative and a kaafir, then he has two rights: the rights of a neighbour and the rights of a relative.

One of the rights of the neighbour is that you should give him charity, but not zakaah, if he is poor, because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Allaah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allaah loves those who deal with equity” [al-Mumtahanah 60:8]. According to the saheeh hadeeth narrated from Asma’ bint Abi Bakr (may Allah be pleased with her), her mother, who was a mushrik, entered upon her during the truce between the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and the people of Makkah, seeking help. Asma’ asked the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) for permission - should she uphold ties of kinship with her? The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Uphold ties of kinship with her.”

But with regard to celebrating their festivals, the Muslim should not take part in celebrating their festivals, but there is nothing wrong with offering them condolences if a loved one dies, such as saying “May Allah compensate you in your loss” and other kind words. But he should not say “May Allah forgive him” or “May Allah have mercy on him” if the deceased was a kaafir, and he should not pray for the deceased if he was a kaafir. But he may pray for the one who is alive to be guided and to be compensated and so on. End quote.

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him).

Fataawa Noor ‘ala al-Darb, 1/289-291.


@monitor @extra terrestrial @khair_ctg @kalu_miah @Saiful Islam @kobiraaz @Bilal9 @aazidane @asad71 @idune @MBI Munshi @iajdani @Skallagrim @UKBengali @mb444 @fallstuff @the just @Khalid Newazi @Jay12345 @Loki @Al-zakir @Bengal.Tiger @Abdullah Bangladeshi @T-Rex @masud

@Akheilos @Armstrong @balixd @chauvunist @pkuser2k12 @Sedqal @Zarvan @Donatello @Pakistanisage @PWFI @S.U.R.B. @airmarshal @patriotpakistani @Abu Zolfiqar @aks18 @Horus @Chak Bamu @qamar1990 @Musalman @tesla @Arabian Legend @Saif al-Arab @al-Hasani @Al Bhatti @Falcon29 @karakoram @American Pakistani @Hakan @IbnTaymiyyah @TankMan @AXO4D @K-Xeroid @Pakistani sipahi @terry5

@Jamaal Yelmaaz @syedali73 @Rakan.SA @JUBA @DRaisinHerald @Umair Nawaz @Alienoz_TR @Oublious @Sage @DV RULES @farhan_9909 @SipahSalar @WebMaster @azzo @Arsalan @Azad-Kashmiri @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Psychic

@flamer84 @C130 @xenon54 @Koovie
Minorities in Islamic world or state should have full protection. Its responsibility of state to protect them and provide them with best education and health facilities and they can do any job except being the head of state or Armed Forces but other than that if they are qualified for a job and come on merit they should be given the job. They have also full freedom to worship and maintain their places of worship and celebrate their festivals and if their faith allows than they can also sell and drink alcohol among them. Once a jew met Hazrat UMAR RA the caliph asked him why are you not pay jizya these days the jew replied that I am very old now and can't work so Hazrat UMAR RA not only forgave his Jizya and but also established monthly income from him from state. In one Hadith RASOOL SAW said if some one does injustice to Dhimi in a Muslim state for example if some one is selling apples and he sells those apples to Muslims on cheap price but when a Dhimi comes to buy he sells him expensive than on day of judgement RASOOL SAW will stand on that Dhimi behalf against that Muslim. In the end Muslims have to be very careful Dhimis in Muslim world have massive rights about which we have to answer on day of judgement.
@Gufi @syedali73 @Bratva @TankMan and others
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