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Durga Puja Ends in Bangladesh

Even here in Bahrain, I saw more BD devotees in the very few Pujas, even more then Indians.. There seem to be a large number of BD Hindus here in Bahrain.

I am not very sure if there are many Bangladeshi Hindus in Bahrain. In Tokyo, we do not have many Hindus. But, the Hall is full of people. Most are Bangladeshi Muslims who come at the invitation of their Hindu friends. The same may be happening in Bahrain, too.

Hindus invariable go to the Mandap and do their usual Pranam. But, Muslims go to the Hall to share the happiness of the Hindus, enjoy the Prasad and the cultural program, and use this occasion to meet many friends who live at a distance.
Durga Pujo is more cultural thing than religious for Bengalis, I read a nice article by Vir Sanghvi, lemme find out and share.
What Pujo means to Bengalis

“It’s always hard to explain to somebody who does not live in Calcutta what it is about Puja that makes that period so magical.
Before I came to live in Calcutta in 1980, I was only dimly aware of the significance of Puja. I knew the boring facts and figures, of course. I knew what proportion of annual retail sales took place during the Puja period. I knew that the city shut down for the whole week. I knew that at ABP – where I was soon to work – telephone operators would, strangely enough, take the trouble of coming to work, only so that they could receive incoming calls, shout ‘Pujo’, and then hang up on irate out-of-town callers.

It’s like Christmas, they told me. Imagine Christmas in New York: Puja means that to a Bengali. Others found more home-grown parallels. It’s like Diwali in North India, they said. You know, the shopping, the parties, the festivities and all that stuff.

Actually, of course, it was nothing like Christmas; and certainly nothing like Diwali in North India.

Nothing, in fact, can prepare you for the magic of Puja in Calcutta.

To understand what it means, you have to be here.
As the years went on and as I went from Puja to Puja, I tried to work out why nobody could explain to outsiders what it was that made Puja so special. Why was that I failed as completely as everybody else in communicating the essence of Puja? Why did all the time-honoured comparisons not really ring true; with Dushera, Diwali, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and God alone knows what else?

The answer, I suspect – and after all these years, it is still a suspicion, I have no solutions – is that you can’t understand Puja unless you understand Calcutta and unless you understand Bengalis.

But if you want a city with a soul: come to Calcutta.
When I look back on the years I’ve spent in Calcutta – and I come back so many times each year that I often feel I’ve never been away – I don’t remember the things that people remember about cities. When I think of London, I think of the vast open spaces of Hyde Park. When I think of New York, I think of the frenzy of Times Square. When I think of Tokyo, I think of the bright lights of Shinjiku. And when I think of Paris, I think of the Champs Elysee.

But when I think of Calcutta, I never think of any one place. I don’t focus on the greenery of the maidan, the beauty of the Victoria Memorial, the bustle of Burra Bazar or the splendour of the new Howrah ’Bridge’.

I think of people.
Because, finally, a city is more than bricks and mortars, street lights and tarred roads.
A city is the sum of its people.

And who can ever forget – or replicate – the people of Calcutta?

When I first came to live here, I was told that the city would grow on me. What nobody told me was that the city would change my life.
It was in Calcutta that I learnt about true warmth; about simple human decency; about love and friendship; about emotions and caring; about truth and honesty.
I learnt other things too. Coming from Bombay as I did, it was revelation to live in a city where people judged each other on the things that really mattered; where they recognized that being rich did not make you a better person – in fact, it might have the opposite effect.
I learnt also that if life is about more than just money, it is about the things that other cities ignore; about culture, about ideas, about art, and about passion.
In Bombay, a man with a relatively low income will salt some of it away for the day when he gets a stock market tip. In Calcutta, a man with exactly the same income will not know the difference between a debenture and a dividend. But he will spend his money on the things that matter. Each morning, he will read at least two newspapers and develop sharply etched views on the state of the world. Each evening, there will be fresh (ideally, fresh-water or river) fish on his table. His children will be encouraged to learn to dance or sing. His family will appreciate the power of poetry. And for him, religion and culture will be in inextricably bound together.
Ah religion!
Tell outsiders about the importance of Puja in Calcutta and they’ll scoff. Don’t be silly, they’ll say. Puja is a religious festival. And Bengal has voted for the CPM since 1977. How can godless Bengal be so hung up on a religions festival?
I never know how to explain them that to a Bengali, religion consists of much more than shouting Jai Shri Ram or pulling down somebody’s mosque. It has little to do with meaningless ritual or sinister political activity.

The essence of Puja is that all the passions of Bengal converge: emotion, culture, the love of life, the warmth of being together, the joy of celebration, the pride in artistic _expression and yes, the cult of the goddess.
It may be about religion. But is not about much more than just worship.
In which other part of India would small, not particularly well-off localities, vie with each other to produce the best pandals? Where else could puja pandals go beyond religion to draw inspiration from everything else? In the years I lived in Calcutta, the pandals featured Amitabh Bachchan, Princes Diana and even Saddam Hussain!
Where else would children cry with the sheer emotional power of Dashimi, upset that the Goddess had left their homes? Where else would the whole city gooseflesh when the dhakis first begin to beat their drums?
Which other Indian festival – in any part of the country – is so much about food, about going from one roadside stall to another, following your nose as it trails the smells of cooking?

To understand Puja, you must understand Calcutta. And to understand Calcutta, you must understand the Bengali.
It’s not easy. Certainly, you can’t do it till you come and live here, till you let Calcutta suffuse your being, invade your bloodstream and steal your soul.
But once you have, you’ll love Calcutta forever. Wherever you go, a bit of Calcutta will go with you.

I know, because it’s happened to me. And every Puja, I am overcome by the magic of Bengal. It’s a feeling that’ll never go away.”

~copied from mail, couldn't find the link.
While such festivities are great and do well to revive the culture.

I have a concern about the the manner the immersion takes place post puja and the damage the chemicals do to the rivers and water bodies.

This applies to Ganpati and Durga Puja. Wish we could be more sesitive and use water soluble colours etc.
I am not very sure if there are many Bangladeshi Hindus in Bahrain. In Tokyo, we do not have many Hindus. But, the Hall is full of people. Most are Bangladeshi Muslims who come at the invitation of their Hindu friends. The same may be happening in Bahrain, too.

Hindus invariable go to the Mandap and do their usual Pranam. But, Muslims go to the Hall to share the happiness of the Hindus, enjoy the Prasad and the cultural program, and use this occasion to meet many friends who live at a distance.

Is it necessary to enjoy such program? Having Hindu friend is one thing, enjoying and sharing with them in religious gathering is same as supporting shirk. Shirk is haram in every possible ways in Islam.

I just wanted to say that although you probably know it.

Is it necessary to enjoy such program? Having Hindu friend is one thing, enjoying and sharing with them in religious gathering is same as supporting shirk. Shirk is haram in every possible ways in Islam.

I just wanted to say that although you probably know it.


I understand your feeling. But, not many Muslims in BD will share your feeling. Hindu citizens of Bangladesh who live in a foreign country like Japan need all our assistance when they celebrate Durga Puja. They used to be humiliated by the Indians in their Mandap. I have personally talked to a man from west Bengal. He complained that our people are uncultured, so they are not welcome. Without the presence of many people these BD Hindus will be discouraged again. It is a matter of national pride that BD citizens organize such a festival.

By the way, in Bangladesh also do not many Muslims go to the Mandaps and see their performance, too? Muslims do not certainly participate, but they give support with their presence. Same happens during Eid. Do not we invite our Hindu friends to share a meal and our happiness?

Communal harmony must be maintained and Hindus should not feel alienated by the majority Muslims. We have been living together for the last thousand years. Majority Muslims do not have to be worried about losing something by protecting the rights of Hindus.
I understand your feeling. But, not many Muslims in BD will share your feeling. Hindu citizens of Bangladesh who live in a foreign country like Japan need all our assistance when they celebrate Durga Puja. They used to be humiliated by the Indians in their Mandap. I have personally talked to a man from west Bengal. He complained that our people are uncultured, so they are not welcome. .

This is where beauty of Islam lay. In Masjid, we are like blood brothers. No difference.

Without the presence of many people these BD Hindus will be discouraged again. It is a matter of national pride that BD citizens organize such a festival.

Good gesture will turn in to negative propaganda. It will be used as tool to denigrate Bd Muslims that we celebrate Hindu holidays.

By the way, in Bangladesh also do not many Muslims go to the Mandaps and see their performance, too? Muslims do not certainly participate, but they give support with their presence. Same happens during Eid. Do not we invite our Hindu friends to share a meal and our happiness?

We may invite Hindus so that they can experience the beauty of Islam, not the other way around.

Communal harmony must be maintained and Hindus should not feel alienated by the majority Muslims. We have been living together for the last thousand years. Majority Muslims do not have to be worried about losing something by protecting the rights of Hindus

I will remind you the surah Kafiroon on this regard. We do not want to cross the limit in the name of communal harmony or what ever you want to call it.
Bangladeshi Hindus never stop complaining about the "ill treatment" they receive from Indian Bengalis.

About 10 years back Bangladeshi Hindus started their own puja group in Sydney. Now they have split up in 13 different groups:cheesy: Their ego swells up and becomes fragile when it comes to puja I think. Everyone of them want to boss around the others. And they keep splitting up.

Go figure who mistreated them this time:lol:
Bangladeshi Hindus never stop complaining about the "ill treatment" they receive from Indian Bengalis.

About 10 years back Bangladeshi Hindus started their own puja group in Sydney. Now they have split up in 13 different groups:cheesy: Their ego swells up and becomes fragile when it comes to puja I think. Everyone of them want to boss around the others. And they keep splitting up.

Go figure who mistreated them this time:lol:

Well that part is quite true.
Mostly Bangladeshi accent gets ridiculed by Indian Bengalis specially by those from Calcutta. But it wouldn't happen that a Bangladeshi Hindu comes to offer prayer and Indians won't let him. They were probably fighting to be head honchos of Puja committee, like the urban legend goes -

One Bengali is a poet
Two Bengalis is a film society
Three Bengalis is a durga puja committee
Four Bengalis is two durga puja committee

..the urban legend goes -

One Bengali is a poet
Two Bengalis is a film society
Three Bengalis is a durga puja committee
Four Bengalis is two durga puja committee

My version is:

One Bengali is a poet
Two Bengalis is a film society
Three Bengalis is a 'inclub jindabad' ["long live revolution"]
Four Bengalis is two political parties.

I guess, any committee or club works too.
a) This is where beauty of Islam lay. In Masjid, we are like blood brothers. No difference.

b) Good gesture will turn in to negative propaganda. It will be used as tool to denigrate Bd Muslims that we celebrate Hindu holidays.

c) We may invite Hindus so that they can experience the beauty of Islam, not the other way around.

d) I will remind you the surah Kafiroon on this regard. We do not want to cross the limit in the name of communal harmony or what ever you want to call it.

a) Yes, I agree with you. You are right about Islam. This is what our Hindus in Japan asked those Indians, 'When Muslims of any country can go to a mosque built by any other country's people, then why we the Hindus of Bangladesh cannot come to a Puja festival organized by the Indians?

b) No way, good gestures will not turn to negative propaganda. We do not have to follow Taliban way. Talibanism has become a negative propaganda against Islam. Bangali Muslims have always been liberal minded. I have seen many Muslims of many countries who would lie and cheat others all in the name of Qasam. Go to Mecca during Hajj, you will see it is a City of garbage. Does Islam mandate an unclean atmosphere in your neighbourhood? These things bring shame and negative propaganda against Islam and the Muslims.

c) Every religion has beauty. No religion has asked anyone not to be nice with others. We live in a multi-faceted society. We must live in harmony with others. Only fundamentalism, be it with Hindus or with muslims, are dangerous to the society. A get together of both sects is a necessary ingredient to build a better society.

d) Only Allah knows which ones are crossing the limits. But, all along Muslims have been big hearted, and they are not like the Talibans. This is why Islam spread throughout the 3 Continents. When Islam loses its liberalism and follows the path of Talibanism, Islam will lose its beauty and will be resisted by others. If we follow your path we will be like narrow-minded Hindus.
This is where beauty of Islam lay. In Masjid, we are like blood brothers. No difference.
dear premium member, has it occurred to you that you can be like brothers without religion attached to it? its called empathy and its universal.

Good gesture will turn in to negative propaganda. It will be used as tool to denigrate Bd Muslims that we celebrate Hindu holidays.
you will be remembered for tolerance much better ideal.

We may invite Hindus so that they can experience the beauty of Islam, not the other way around.
hypocrisy at its peak!
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