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Due to an attack from Iran in 1739 ( Nadir Shah ) Mughal Empire ended

The attack by Nadir Shah was a huge blow to the Mughal empire. Nadir Shah took so much wealth from the Mughals which they had accumulated for generations including taking the famous peacock throne on which the Mughal emperor would sit and not mention the Kohinoor diamond which was the biggest diamond at the time. This attack also had other devastating side effects. Ahmad Shah Abdali also accompanied Nadir Shah to Delhi. When he saw the weakness of the Mughals, this encouraged him to carry out his own invasions into the Mughal empire and taking Punjab, Kashmir and Sindh provinces for himself. The Sikhs in Punjab were also relieved because Mughals stopped their campaigns against them in order to check the Persian army. The marathas were already on their way up north. The Jats in bharatpur created their own kingdom.
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Mughal empire started as a small empire at around 1520 and ended in late 1700's.

almost 250 to 300 years of rule.
It was very good, Pakistan and India could get rid of Mughal empire after 300 years.
Nader Shah took the Koh-i-Noor and Darya-ye Noor diamonds from the Mughals as part of the loot.

The Darya-ye Noor is currently preserved in Sonali Bank, Dhaka (Bangladesh) according to Wikipedia. I say let's sell it back to Iranians and get rich! :smokin:
The entire empire was up for grabs at this point. The marathas were already chewing on what was left before Nader Shah came along.
It is my guess that nadir shah also paved the way for Britain to colonize india if sikhs indeed came to power after the mongols , given the people sikhs are

damn those persians , they screw everyone just to survive
I was surprised by the fact that Mughal Empire in India ended due to an devastating attack from Persia ( Iran )
in 1739. After that Sikhs took the power and then Ranjjit Sing etc

Nader Shah's invasion of the Mughal Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mughal Empire ended because of internal weaknesses. Nadir Shah's invasion was just a trigger. The Mughals would not have lost, had Aurangzeb not picked up fights all over India. He persecuted Sikhs and even attacked the Muslim Golkonda/Hyderabad state(which by even his standards of those days should have been a bad thing) and spent most years of his life suppressing rebellions.
It is my guess that nadir shah also paved the way for Britain to colonize india if sikhs indeed came to power after the mongols , given the people sikhs are

damn those persians , they screw everyone just to survive

The invasion was a trigger maratha rebellion & internal problems of mughals played a big role
That's not my narrative of course , it is called historical revisionism
the mughal empire of 1739 was already a crumbling moth eaten part of itself, did not take nadir shah much to defeat mughals.
Look at the map of 1707(when aurangzeb died) and 1739 when nadir shah attacked. @tore

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