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Nader Shah - The second Alexander

You maynot know where I studied but I have read your Sarkari school crap of maligning Gupta empire on your government sites. I can also tell what else I read there.

Forget out Indians of different language stock, tell me do you consider Punjabi and Sindhi culture as one or different.

As I told Pashtuns are an East Iranian language while ancient Gandharians were Indo-Aryans speaking people identical to culture of the people of other regions of India, its the main reason we consider history of ancient Gandhara as ours and not that of modern Pashtuns.

Can you please post the link of this sarkari school stuff in Pakistan ?

You maynot know where I studied but I have read your Sarkari school crap of maligning Gupta empire on your government sites. I can also tell what else I read there.

Forget out Indians of different language stock, tell me do you consider Punjabi and Sindhi culture as one or different.

As I told Pashtuns are an East Iranian language while ancient Gandharians were Indo-Aryans speaking people identical to culture of the people of other regions of India, its the main reason we consider history of ancient Gandhara as ours and not that of modern Pashtuns.

Can you please post the link of this sarkari school stuff in Pakistan ?
Gupta empire is reason for modern day hinduism, again you are ignoring important part of history. No wonder RSS history teachers have zero respect in world. Thats why current day punjabi-sindhi hindus are like Indian hindus unlike Vedic people.

No offence but our punjabi culture is nothing like dravidians like biharis, marathis etc If Indic culture mean historical Bharatvarsha which according to RSS include Afghanistan as well. Ahmed Shah Abdali should be honored in India just like Maurya. Because i though you guys were secular unlike us?

Biharis are not dravidian. First you guys need to get your concept of Aryan and Dravidian sorted.


But Indians include Eastern Afghanistan in Maha Bharat. Also there are other sources where it says Ahmed Shah was born in Multan. I just dont understand how Indians hate pashtun rulers over others who invaded for similar reasons. For exemple how Gupta Empire invaded Punjab & Sindh and converted many people in to hinduism from Bhudism.

Damn there is nothing called Punjab back then, but India was there million of years ago. lol What is indic culture? Do you think punjabi culture is similar to marathi, bihari, tamil, bengali etc lolllllll

And what about culture of Ghandara? Which culture was that?

The same culture that makes a parents name their children Gandhari. All the way in the Southern States of India as well! You won't understand it. Stick to your religion based unity project. Has already done you a great deal of good.

Gupta empire is reason for modern day hinduism, again you are ignoring important part of history. No wonder RSS history teachers have zero respect in world. Thats why current day punjabi-sindhi hindus are like Indian hindus unlike Vedic people.

No offence but our punjabi culture is nothing like dravidians like biharis, marathis etc If Indic culture mean historical Bharatvarsha which according to RSS include Afghanistan as well. Ahmed Shah Abdali should be honored in India just like Maurya. Because i though you guys were secular unlike us?

Stop Trolling. RSS does not run any schools, nor does it give any certificates. RSS is not equivalent to your madrassas.
Can you please post the link of this sarkari school stuff in Pakistan ?

I read that few years back on a Pakistan government website. I will need time to find it out but I can tell you what I read there and most of the Pakistanis write same crap here.
No he was not. Alexander defeated porus but gave him back his kingdom coz of some wise remarks he made in front of him.

alexander the butcher got injured in the first battle with Raja Porus and on his way back died near peshawar.
The same culture that makes a parents name their children Gandhari. All the way in the Southern States of India as well! You won't understand it. Stick to your religion based unity project. Has already done you a great deal of good.

Its much more than Gandhari. Ashtadhayi written by Panini or the heritage Takshashila Vishwavidyalaya. These are inseparable heritage of ancient Indian culture.
alexander the butcher got injured in the first battle with Raja Porus and on his way back died near peshawar.

Alexander reached the bank of Beas river, from there his troops refused to march ahead to fight the Nanda Empire.

He made a ship to sail through Indus river, near to the city of Multan his troops massacred people, there Alexander was poisoned by poisoned arrow of local fighters. It is said to be the main cause of his death.
I read that few years back on a Pakistan government website. I will need time to find it out but I can tell you what I read there and most of the Pakistanis write same crap here.

Okay. Please see if you can find it and post it. Would be very interesting to read it. I have always wondered what version of history Pakistanis grew up reading. Thanks anyway.

alexander the butcher got injured in the first battle with Raja Porus and on his way back died near peshawar.

He died in Babylon, modern day Iraq.
Alexander reached the bank of Beas river, from there his troops refused to march ahead to fight the Nanda Empire.

He made a ship to sail through Indus river, near to the city of Multan his troops massacred people, there Alexander was poisoned by poisoned arrow of local fighters. It is said to be the main cause of his death.

his troops never reached Beas river. he got injured in battle with Raja Porus and died in peshawar,while half his army was taking him to his land, other half marched on, got into clash at Multan, the surviving few ran out through arabian sea into Iran.
his troops never reached Beas river. he got injured in battle with Raja Porus and died in peshawar,while half his army was taking him to his land, other half marched on, got into clash at Multan, the surviving few ran out through arabian sea into Iran.

Where you read that.
his troops never reached Beas river. he got injured in battle with Raja Porus and died in peshawar,while half his army was taking him to his land, other half marched on, got into clash at Multan, the surviving few ran out through arabian sea into Iran.

Fail,alexander died of fever[caused by malaria or poison] after bouts of heavy drinking in his capital babylon.He was preparing for an invasion of arabia and then carthage.He did defeat porus but suffered very heavy casualities.It was the thought that if 80-140 war elephants could wreak this much havoc,what would the kingdoms on the other side[gangardai and magadha] which had thousands of elephants could that panicked macedonian forces and forced a retreat.
Also at hydaspes prus's longbowmen and chariots had not taken effective part in battle due to muddy ground and heavy rain.This would not always be the case.
One misconception is porus outnumbered alexander.Infact alexander outnumbered porus.
Fail,alexander died of fever[caused by malaria or poison] after bouts of heavy drinking in his capital babylon.He was preparing for an invasion of arabia and then carthage.He did defeat porus but suffered very heavy casualities.It was the thought that if 80-140 war elephants could wreak this much havoc,what would the kingdoms on the other side[gangardai and magadha] which had thousands of elephants could that panicked macedonian forces and forced a retreat.
Also at hydaspes prus's longbowmen and chariots had not taken effective part in battle due to muddy ground and heavy rain.This would not always be the case.
One misconception is porus outnumbered alexander.Infact alexander outnumbered porus.

Another theory says Alexander was poisoned at Multan when local fighters shot him with a poisoned arrow. This lead to his slow death.
Okay. Please see if you can find it and post it. Would be very interesting to read it. I have always wondered what version of history Pakistanis grew up reading. Thanks anyway.

It was written by some lady. Whole motive of the article was to show India and Pakistan as separate civilizations since the time of Indus valley civilization. It was full of badmouthing every Hindu empire while claiming all ancient Pakistanis were purely Buddhists. The Gupta Empire was also badmouthed as an oppressive Hindu empire.

The article claimed how can Indians claim Indus valley civilization and Buddhist heritage of Pakistani ancestors like Taxila, it argued can Indians claim Buddhist heritage of China. But at the very next paragraph the article starting claiming the language, culture and cuisine developed in Indian cities(like Delhi, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Agra or Lucknow) during Delhi Sultanate or Mughal Empire as purely Pakistani.

Surprisingly you will find most of the Pakistan telling you same crap. :lol:
Okay. Please see if you can find it and post it. Would be very interesting to read it. I have always wondered what version of history Pakistanis grew up reading. Thanks anyway.

This link claim that Urdu is 70% Persian and rest 30% is Arabic-Turkish, without any mention of Khariboli which forms the core of Urdu language.. It also claims Urdu originated in Central Asia( instead of North India). You can't imagine the extent of falsification of history proving anything as non-Indic.

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