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Nader Shah - The second Alexander

I have read English translation of Plutarch history of Alexander written in 75 AD.

Alexander was not injured during the battle with Porus. He was injured in a battle near modern day Multan. His admiral Nearchus sailed along the Makran coast and main army marched on land.
Alexander was very much alive when he reached Susa in 324 BC. He died of fever in 323 BC at Babylon.

Ptolemy stole his body which was being carried to Pella and took it to Egypt to be buried at Memphis. Alexander’s body was taken to Alexandria by Ptolemy II and reburied. Historical records show that Alexander’s tomb was visited by Pompey, Julius Caesar and Augustus. Tomb was open to public until AD 200 until closed by the emperor Septimus Serevus in 200AD.

People have in the past written fables about Alexander. For example Firdausi in Shahnameh mentions that Alexander visited Kaaba. But Firdausi was a poet not a historian thus allowed “poetic licence”

Alexander buried at Peshawar! Don’t know who is writing this distorted version of history and what will they gain by teaching such nonsense. It implies that Pompey, Julius Caesar & Augustus Caesar were all ignorant and wasting their time by paying homage to a fictitious person!

However, fabrication of history is nothing new. For example Imam Ali (RA) was martyred in Kufa and buried at Najaf, a short distance away. There was no dispute until a local mullah in the 12th Century (500 years later) dreamed up that Hazrat Ali (RA) was secretly buried near Balkh in Afghanistan and Sultan Sanjar built a tomb there; the place is today called Mazaar Sharif. How the body of Hazrat Ali (RA) ended up nearly 3000 kilometres away from Kufa is never asked.

Naïve people will believe anything.
I understand your question of Gandhara being important for India but not now , however it is absolutely incorrect to say that any land beyond Punjab wasn't important for ancient India. The very Mahabharat that you cited has references to almost all parts of India.

As for the Gandhara and Indic question and why they aren't a part of the Indic culture today, I will allow the more knowledgeable Mr. @Joe Shearer to answer. Sir please take this one.

I said for Rig Vedic people land beyond Punjab wasn't important.

Only Pashtun invaders are hated. Locally born and/or bred Pashtuns are not as a mentioned before. Invaders are disliked in almost all self-respecting countries and cultures. There is nothing unusual about it.

I never said pashtuns are hated, dont twist my words. Maurya and Asoka invaded many regions of subcontinent and slaughtered thousands of people. There are other examples of Hindu Kings also apart from these.
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You maynot know where I studied but I have read your Sarkari school crap of maligning Gupta empire on your government sites. I can also tell what else I read there.

Forget out Indians of different language stock, tell me do you consider Punjabi and Sindhi culture as one or different.

As I told Pashtuns are an East Iranian language while ancient Gandharians were Indo-Aryans speaking people identical to culture of the people of other regions of India, its the main reason we consider history of ancient Gandhara as ours and not that of modern Pashtuns.

Speaking indo-aryan language make punjabi culture similar to bihari, marathi, bengali. orissa etc? lol And where does that leave Dravidian speaking regions of India? You do realize there is nothing in common between Brahui people and Indian dravidians apart from speaking Dravidian language.

Which language did Gandharians spoke? And also why you i forget about legitimate question of how punjabi culture is similar to marathi, tamil, bengali, bihari etc.

Biharis are not dravidian. First you guys need to get your concept of Aryan and Dravidian sorted.



I know who Biharis are. According to that map Brahui people have common culture with South India instead of Baloch? lol Considering Brahui have nothing in common with Indian dravidians, Brahui have least amount of ASI genes in them out of any other Pakistani group. Since when did common language group become common genetics and culture?
Gāndhārī language

"Scholars believe that the language featured elements from the languages native to the area (pre-Indo-European population) which are related to the Indo-Aryan family to which all prakrits belong, as well as Dardic and Iranian ethnic languages (i.e. Pashto) native to Peshawar."

The same culture that makes a parents name their children Gandhari. All the way in the Southern States of India as well! You won't understand it. Stick to your religion based unity project. Has already done you a great deal of good.

Stop Trolling. RSS does not run any schools, nor does it give any certificates. RSS is not equivalent to your madrassas.

Ok i get it, the myth that is Mahabhrat is taken as historical fact. And people naming their children after it is considered common culture. I gues that make every muslim an arab. :laughcry:
This link claim that Urdu is 70% Persian and rest 30% is Arabic-Turkish, without any mention of Khariboli which forms the core of Urdu language.. It also claims Urdu originated in Central Asia( instead of North India). You can't imagine the extent of falsification of history proving anything as non-Indic.


While Hindu & Sikhs have clear minds when they say Hindi and Indian punjabi doesn't use any arabic/persian words considering 70% of vocabulary is foreign. ouch
Gāndhārī language

"Scholars believe that the language featured elements from the languages native to the area (pre-Indo-European population) which are related to the Indo-Aryan family to which all prakrits belong, as well as Dardic and Iranian ethnic languages (i.e. Pashto) native to Peshawar."


This link says Gandhari was a Prakrit dialect Prakrit originated out of Sanskrit.

Speaking indo-aryan language make punjabi culture similar to bihari, marathi, bengali. orissa etc? lol And where does that leave Dravidian speaking regions of India? You do realize there is nothing in common between Brahui people and Indian dravidians apart from speaking Dravidian language.

Which language did Gandharians spoke? And also why you i forget about legitimate question of how punjabi culture is similar to marathi, tamil, bengali, bihari etc.

Forget about Indians. I asked you a simple question, do you consider Punjabis and Sindhis related to each other. :laughcry:
This link claim that Urdu is 70% Persian and rest 30% is Arabic-Turkish, without any mention of Khariboli which forms the core of Urdu language.. It also claims Urdu originated in Central Asia( instead of North India). You can't imagine the extent of falsification of history proving anything as non-Indic.


Hindus and Sikhs have clear minds when they say Indian punjabi(doabi, malwi) and Hindi doesn't have arabic/persian words right? Considering 70% of vocabulary is foreign.
While Hindu & Sikhs have clear minds when they say Hindi and Indian punjabi doesn't use any arabic/persian words considering 70% of vocabulary is foreign. ouch

I asked for the proof of this 70% claim. Your history book teach you false thing that Urdu originated in central Asia(instead of North India) and that Urdu is 100% Persian-Arabic-Turkish with no native Indian influence. :omghaha::omghaha:
This link says Gandhari was a Prakrit dialect Prakrit originated out of Sanskrit.

Forget about Indians. I asked you a simple question, do you consider Punjabis and Sindhis related to each other. :laughcry:

Again you are dogging the simple question and in turn asking me the same question. I will respond after you explain how punjabi culture is similar to marathi, bengali, bihari, orissa, sri lanka, bihari etc

This link says Gandhari was a Prakrit dialect Prakrit originated out of Sanskrit.

Forget about Indians. I asked you a simple question, do you consider Punjabis and Sindhis related to each other. :laughcry:

Again you are dogging the simple question and in turn asking me the same question. I will respond after you explain how punjabi culture is similar to marathi, bengali, bihari, orissa, sri lanka, bihari etc
@INDIC - This is an exercise in futility. You can't talk sense to a zombie. :coffee:
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I know who Biharis are. According to that map Brahui people have common culture with South India instead of Baloch? lol Considering Brahui have nothing in common with Indian dravidians, Brahui have least amount of ASI genes in them out of any other Pakistani group. Since when did common language group become common genetics and culture?

It shows they are descendants of ASI. Brahui is a Dravidian language.
I asked for the proof of this 70% claim. Your history book teach you false thing that Urdu originated in central Asia(instead of North India) and that Urdu is 100% Persian-Arabic-Turkish with no native Indian influence. :omghaha::omghaha:

Source? Especially when brainwahsed hindus like you believe persian/arabic had no influence on Hindi/Indian punjabi. There is huge and i mean absolutely huge list of arabic/persian words in Hindi. Even that list is incomplete, i will post it later.
Again you are dogging the simple question and in turn asking me the same question. I will respond after you explain how punjabi culture is similar to marathi, bengali, bihari, orissa, sri lanka, bihari etc

Hey tell me do you think Sindhis and Punjabis related to each other.
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