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Drugged Indian college student held captive, raped repeatedly: police Read

Edison Chen

Aug 21, 2013
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The 20-year-old woman confined for 17 months after drinking spiked juice at TRR College of Technology in Hyderabad, police say. Satyaprakash Singh, 33, has been charged with kidnapping, wrongful confinement and criminal intimidation apart from sexual assault.


An Indian college student was held prisoner and repeatedly raped for 17 months after someone spiked her juice in a college dining hall, police said.

The 20-year-old woman drank the drugged fruit juice at the TRR College of Technology in Hyderabad on April 3, 2012, according to the Times of India.

Police told the Mumbai-based newspaper that the hall's owner, Satyaprakash Singh, 33, held the student captive in several houses on the outskirts of the city in southern India and raped her repeatedly. The sexual abuse even led to an abortion, but the doctor and staff did not try to save her from captivity, she told police.
The young woman said that she screamed and cried for help as Singh chained her with a belt and tortured her, according to a police report.

"He used to abuse me, saying that he will rape all Muslim girls like this," she told police. "He used to say that I am the fifth Muslim girl who he has raped and killed and thrown in a river."
At one point, she alleged that three police officers showed up after a neighbor complained but wound up raping her as well with Singh’s encouragement.

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