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Drone attacks cannot be stopped, says Rehman Malik

^ They shoot one drone. Cool.

But the next drone will come with a F-15 escort or a F-18 escort. Then who will shoot ?
^^^^...come on people.....our corrupt head of states are absolutely not gonna shoot down US drones!!!!
MQM etc. . . .

They cannot STOP America against drone attacks. Because did anybody, any country, any political party, any minister stop American to destroy Iraq & Afghanistan??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Forget Rehman Malik.
As simple is that, that they don`t DARE to down drones.
Because after all you cannot go war against World Super Power.
Its is not F-16 vs drones, it is reluctance of army action in N.W Vs. CIA Drone attacks.

One of the above has to happen any given time.
whether pak govt.orders an attack or not,what rehman said is utter nonsense and disgrace to all vipers.
Pakistan Army, government and whole nation are united against terrorist Malik said Prime Minister Gilani’s


All these words he and others are using is for domestic consumption only He is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed beside why would we actually wanna stop an effective way of killing terrorist and their sympathizers.
By the way Lockhead martin should sue Rehman Malik for this statement. He is destroying the credibility of their product. :)
If pakistan wants to shoot down american drones indians should hand them israeli tech to do that :D.....

This guy is such a retard that he can just see the number of dollars pakistan is earning. Rise of extremism is one of this reason. At one end pakistan has resulted in a divided population wih their own versions at other end stands economically booming us....
unarmed drone, ok ....but Predators are armed .....if the f-16 brings down a drone----no loss of life ,US has enough money to produce more drones.the fact that US may declare war with Pakistan is another matter

what if the reverse happens.....1 pilot dies ........1 aircraft loss in the 50+ f-16s that Pakistan has..........shame of losing a f-16 to a drone--loss of public trust in the capablity of the airforce.....considering these....f-16 cant shoot down a predator drone

Tell an armed drone can fire A2A Missile- If yes- which radar the drone carries?-

^ They shoot one drone. Cool.

But the next drone will come with a F-15 escort or a F-18 escort. Then who will shoot ?

Bla Bla Bla- Surely they gonna come with escorts because an Indian fantasies about it- :argh:
Talk about dreams- The wet ones- :D-
downing a US Drone will mean just one thing for US, declaration of war! This is why current corrupt GOP is reluctant as they have to run back to west where they came from but i can tell you that Pak Military/ISI is sick and tired of these drones . Intel has it that they want to down at-least one only to send the message like they did by blocking NATO Supply line.
Drones are scrambling from PAF airbases itself, why you need to shoot down? capture it from under your nose..
unarmed drone, ok ....but Predators are armed .....if the f-16 brings down a drone----no loss of life ,US has enough money to produce more drones.the fact that US may declare war with Pakistan is another matter

what if the reverse happens.....1 pilot dies ........1 aircraft loss in the 50+ f-16s that Pakistan has..........shame of losing a f-16 to a drone--loss of public trust in the capablity of the airforce.....considering these....f-16 cant shoot down a predator drone

:rofl: You know you made my day....although i spilled a glass of water and some of it came through my nose....... BRAVO!! BRAVO!!
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