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DRDO developing E-bomb to paralyze Pakistani tactical weapons

That was an exaggeration. How EMP works is, you transmit pulses of electric energy at higher frequency, so that static charges accumulates on the electronic circuits and it breaks down eventually.

You achieve it by having an array of capacitors, and discharging part of it at timed intervals to imitate that electrical discharge. You cannot pack that amount of capacitors in a soft drink can.

*P.S. I'm drunk, kindly neglect my grammatical errors

Hahaha......what did you have?

I prefer San Miguel, Stella Artois, ale and Guinness stout.

Worst came when I had around 8 shots of Jack Daniels whisky in around 45 minutes, that was the first time I was drinking whisky. Horrible experience...
Hahaha......what did you have?

I prefer San Miguel, Stella Artois, ale and Guinness stout.

Worst came when I had around 8 shots of Jack Daniels whisky in around 45 minutes, that was the first time I was drinking whisky. Horrible experience...


Lets sit down someday, as for whiskey, I usually prefer Glendronach. The worst thing is, I don't mix anything, I prefer neat. The fuckers who lives with me mix Coke with it.
Lmao Your country mate has claimed here that they made it long time ago yet 40 million Pakistanis defecate in open grass field..FYI India ranks 3rd in electricity production while you poor guys are busy buying it from outsiders..:woot:
So you are still shiting outside.

Lets sit down someday, as for whiskey, I usually prefer Glendronach. The worst thing is, I don't mix anything, I prefer neat. The fuckers who lives with me mix Coke with it.

fuckin awesome......

Same here, I prefer dry shots of whiskey than to mix it with anything

seems like we will have to sit down someday and raise a glass, till then.....Cheers!
love the way you shut em up with lightning speed. kya khatay huo aur kis k leay kam kartay huo? :eek:

Whats all about this robotic voice? Didnt find any sweet voice out there?

Aaaah that wud have hurt alot :P :omghaha:
They don't want to give people SCC of the ear from their beautiful accent hence the text-to-speech software. :lol:
Russians had developed a EMP which could take out electronics and was merely of the size of tin of a soft drink.

Do you happen to know anything about this?

It's a long-standing rumor, and one that sounds more sensationalized then grounded in reality, but there are EMP generating devices that are handheld. They just lack power and range and are of limited utility because of that.

An Israeli company called Netline developed a portable EMP that's only three times the size of a M67 grenade.

A M67 for comparison, outfitted with the Mod 1 Angry Birds attachment of course.

Functionally, Netline's EMP is used as a jammer because its low power output makes it extremely localized and limits its ability to destroy electronics, as an EMP does. But its EM field will still disrupt electronics within its range.

Such a device could cause billions in lost revenue and damage if chucked into a server farm.

If close enough to a target electronic, it could cause damage though. So the Russian story is in all likelihood one part reality, and two parts sensationalism. There was a lot of the later during the Cold War.

But given Russia's familiarity with EMPs and their technical sophistication and expertise, it's not infeasible either.

Ma'am what happened to your old profile?

I closed it by changing the account credentials. I had intended to leave the forum permanently, as people here get on my nerves too much and move my entire operation to another forum - which I've done for the most part.

I'll be around for a few days, but probably no longer then a week.
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I had intended to leave the forum permanently, as people here get on my nerves too much and move my entire operation to another forum - which I've done for the most part.

I'll be around for a few days, but probably no longer then a week.
Thats a shame:(
There are very few people who have good knowledge and to loose them is a loss to everyone.
@WAJsal @waz @Oscar @Manticore
I closed it by changing the account credentials. I had intended to leave the forum permanently, as people here get on my nerves too much and move my entire operation to another forum - which I've done for the most part.

I'll be around for a few days, but probably no longer then a week

In the past 4 years, I managed to get only around 500 posts, around 200 to 300 in the initial months i joined this forum way back in 2012. The insults and filth was way too much for me to continue posting here, and i took a long break.

Now, I'm back--only to leave again. I'm finally close to getting the research position that I was looking for--If I can get it, I will probably stop posting here in few weeks.

Even though I desisted myself visiting this forum, I enjoyed being on militaryphotos.net, the quality and the professionalism of people on mp.net was something else. Unfortunately, they decided to forever shutdown the forum; while some of the mods created sister forum where many members have registered -- i believe what they lost by shutting down the forum will take years to recover. Leaving aside tons of topics, fun, photos and discussion, many of its member, who provided valuable insights into many topics got dispersed and some went on to create their own forums and all. The activity on its new sister forum is not as much as militaryphotos.net--after all, it was supposedly the largest defense forum in the world with members and serving military personnel from different corners of the world.
DRDO is well known and self praised organization for developing things...not much known for developed things!
It's not as if such it's unfamiliar to Russia though. They've EMP testing ranges - for testing a systems resilience to EMC and EM pulses - again, talk to @SvenSvensonov / @Sven about this as he did such things while in the USN. This is EMSEC's providence.

US systems like this B-52 undergo similar testing, as this trestle at Kirkland AFB shows.

Right, mainly we're using EMSEC to ensure an adversary can't intercept signals that are leaked through unofficial channels, these being anything we didn't intend to have EM leaked through.

For instance, when you turn on a radio and start talking, you expect radio waves to travel from point A to point B. This is intentional leakage and can be encrypted if needed. But your radio and radio receiver will also leak signals that may or may not be encrypted, and this is unintentional leakage and is called Van Eck phreaking, a type of side-channel attack

It's any easy attack too. All you need is to remain hidden, or else the signal will be terminated, to have an antenna capable to intercepting side-channel leakage, and to be close enough to get a good "read" on the signals.


But we do so for EM hardening too.

For the B-52 in that photo, it's undergoing an EMP hardening test to ensure a nuclear detonation and the ensuing EMP wouldn't render the aircraft a flying paper weight. They are tested to ensure they are radiation hardened and their avionics can survive a nuclear EMP.


We'd also have EMSEC done on its downlink or radios to ensure adversaries can't eavesdrop on orders given to the aircraft - via its downlink (SATCOMs are highly directional though, so to eavesdrop you'd need to be between the satellite and downlink and have a persistent presence. Anything persistently between a satellite and its downlink is going to be noticed and the link will be severed until the interloper is dealt with). Or to ensure the aircraft's communications with allied forces, say for target identification, validation and attack order isn't intercepted and used by an adversary to coordinate their counter-actions like defensive weapons, troop movements outside of the attack area or decoys.

Radiation hardening is done a few ways, and is tested at large ranges like that trestle at Kirkland AFB.

Methods include using certain materials on chips, such as the SOS configuration:

Or using specific chipset types, like a bipolar integrated circuit, which has a greater resilance to KRAD overloading:

To shield the circuits themselves, one can use depleted Boron, which absorbs KRADs:

Scrubber circuits can correct memory defaults or inconsistencies and auto-repair them. This is done with ECC memory for the most part:

There's a whole host of ways to shield electronics against neutron or EMP overloading, but the threat of an EMP is still a valid concern as civilian infrastructure tends not to be shielded due to cost concerns.

It is not a reliable solution. Experts will tell you as much.

Correct. Faraday cages aren't a valid source of protection outside of controlled environments like labs or EMSEC testing facilities because we need to be sure of the frequencies we're dealing with when trying to stop EM radiation. On the battlefield, you aren't going to know that type of information and thus your Faraday cage may be totally ineffective against the type of threat you're facing.

The better course of action is to conduct EM(C) testing before sending a platform onto the battlefield to ensure it can operate in an EM heavy environment:

This depends on how we classify EMP.

What separates a radar from an EMP device? Power. Crank up the power on a radar and it'll burn electronics rather then jam them.

This is another great point. All militaries have access to EMPs, but only against certain classes of targets and from certain, often prohibitively limited distances, even when maxing the power of their radar system .

The less secure the target, the greater the effect EM emissions will have against it. While small or ill-equipped militaries wont have standoff EMP capacities, they'll still be able to use their radar platforms as makeshift jammers or as EMPs against ill-defensed infrastructure from a certain distance and within a certain class.

The problem faced is that while they can be used as jammers or as an EMP, the distances needed to attack with a low-powered radar often mean you're simply going to be "cooking" your target with EM radiation, much like a microwave can, or you need to be too close to your target and thus it's an impractical solution. If you need to be in the same room as the server farm you're trying to jam, you're better off resorting to other options.

As you stated, to get a credible and realistic EMP effect, one that doesn't require you to be ontop of your target, you just need to ratchet up the power levels.

Large radars like THAAD's AN/TPY-2 or the SPY-1D (not smaller SPY series radars like SPY-1F) have power outputs that can allow the radar to act as an EMP or counter-jammer jammer and this allows them a realistic opportunity to be used as such operationally.

That'd need to be a very large EM pulse as EM radiation has a difficult time penetrating large amounts of metal, like tanks often are made from. Same with submarines. In addition to the mountain of water they're under, and that they're often receiving instead of trasponding, a submarine's hull acts to lessen EM emissions.

It's probably an electro-optical jammer for hindering the sights of enemy tanks. China's Type-99 has a similar system, acting as a laser-defense counter measure for blinding thermal and gunnery sights.

This is the Type 99's laser dazzler.

To penetrate a tank with a laser and be able to effect critical functions like engine operability - by targeting electrical components within the engine - that'd need to be big, powerful and something the world doesn't yet have.


Anyone else have a question?
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