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DRDO developing E-bomb to paralyze Pakistani tactical weapons

Another Indiot with false flags.

Speaking of idiots, how's life treating you?

I'm this girl:


No false flags, just new ones reflecting my current whereabouts. I left this forum for a while, and will do so again in a few days, because of people like you who ask questions or argue without putting two iotas of time into basic reading and comprehension, i.e. "idiots".

Only the electrical components are hardened, tell me why I need a cage around the tires?

To ground the vehicle to allow for a Faraday cage to work... or didn't you bother reading the whole post and the one I responded to?

You didn't did you:disagree:? Read first, then understand or seek more info, then respond or risk looking like an *ss... unless you like doing so:D.

Cars aren't grounded, their tires act as insulators and their electronics as massive antenna that direct EM pulses towards them. As noted with a Faraday cage, large EM spikes will still penetrate the shielding. So the vehicle would need to be grounded for a Faraday cage to work.

A NASR tel would need the same treatment, it's cool, but it doesn't violate the laws of physics.
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Dumb head..Do you know Japan's population?:eek:Always hops in with garbage posts..Electricity is not only used for households..

Exactly thats my point, Japan has lower total electricity producing capability than India, just like Pakistan produces lower total electricity compared to India. But compared to Indians a Pakistani has a better life.
Exactly thats my point, Japan has lower total electricity producing capability than India, just like Pakistan produces lower total electricity compared to India. But compared to Indians a Pakistani has a better life.
Why Pakistan produces 12 times lower amount of electricity for 180 mn people than what Japan produces for 120 mn people?You should know your mouth size before shouting..
Lmao Your country mate has claimed here that they made it long time ago yet 40 million Pakistanis defecate in open grass field..FYI India ranks 3rd in electricity production while you poor guys are busy buying it from outsiders..:woot:


Pakistan has surpassed India in improving water and sanitation access for its citizens, according to a performance index released on Friday.

Pakistan ranked five in the new index developed by The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health in the US, while India occupied an unenviable 92nd

Time to dive in the sewer you pop up from.

India is the THIRD highest electricity producer in the WORLD


With the worlds largest population or second largest?

And ;


Hello! Per Person Electricity consumption in india is 101 Watt and pakistan in 47 watt, So here is your average pakistani living standard on your face.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_electricity_consumption
(I hope no load shedding happens when you go through this link)
Don't give us Wikipedia.. Pak has a vibrant middle class .. India has a non existent one..
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Your news papers jokes, please reffrain
And BBC,http://waterinstitute.unc.edu/wash-performance-index-report/ and others work for Pakistan?

Please provide news from a neutral source, the news papper seems like a daily dose of shit to brainwash pakistanis.

To the average indian feed a hefty dose of unadulterated shyt by the indian state & media .. Those source mean nothing ... Delusions are a bliss for you..

And no matter what baseless facts you provide Indian per capita income, electricity consumption, education level,sanitation,HDI is much higer than pakistan
And the per capita (that surpassed Pakistan much recently with a merely few dollars is somehow your sole achievement)... What use it it when less than 10-15% of your country's being classified as MC ? Vs above 45% that exists in Pakistan?
No the only vibrant thing in pakistan is the fools paradise in which most Pakistanis are found of living.

Please get out of your well of falsies ... Don't be a toad.

After getting slapped with international sources .. The only thing you can come up with is ? Pathetic one liners .. What a joke.
Do you know this fourm uses cloudflare which is now served from New Delhi datacenter.

Thanks to power reliablity here you can get some enlightement

Might aswell die of starvation rather than couldn't talking about "reliability" and stuff.. Such thing don't suite indians.. "indian & reliability in the same sentence = oxymoron..
I have mentioned in a few times that a initial attack would be Brahmos/Cyber/EMP
Yeah we can reach mars without reliablity. Where as daddy realible china ..boom

Congrats .. Now work on improving sanitation for your 700 million Countrymen .. Of ask your "daddy" China ..

I'll tell u what cant be in a single sentence

Pakistan and standerd of living

Learn to spell .. Fukwit.
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