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Dozens of Shia muslims killed and injured in Baghdad blasts


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
At least 17 people have been killed and dozens injured in a series of bomb attacks targeting mainly Shia areas of Baghdad, police and medical sources have said.

Eight vehicles rigged with explosives were detonated in neighbourhoods across the Iraqi capital on Monday, an interior ministry official and a medical source told the AFP news agency.

A police source told Al Jazeera that the bombs struck the Nahrawan, Jadidah and Jihad neighbourhoods in the southwest of the city, Ma'amel in southeast Baghdad, Karada and Amanah in the centre of the capital, and Shurtah and Husseniyah in the northeast.

All bombs were packed inside parked cars, the source said, with targets including a market place and restaurant. The source said 17 people had been been killed and 79 injured, although the Reuters news agency put the death toll at 39.

The attacks struck Baghdad as Shia Muslims marked Shabaniyah, the anniversary of the birth of Imam Mehdi, a key figure in their faith.

Violence has been increasing in Iraq, with more than 1,000 people killed last month - the deadliest since the sectarian bloodletting of 2006-07.

Dozens killed and injured in Baghdad blasts - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Syria-Iraq-Lebanon.....list goes on. Seems like when barbarian Bedouin's are not killing others(Israelis), they spend their spare time killing each other. Keep it up. Nice way to control population explosion !
All hail US imposed "Democracy''.
still think Saddam was a tyrant?

More important is who is behind this and what country is giving Izzat ibrahim al douri the freedom to operate secretly, by this alone it is evidence there are countries behind all these bombings.. hes certainly not in Iraq.


Keep blaming other people for your own country's security incompetence, you are no different from Iran either :bounce:

Yep, only could you answer me this 1.

Where is Izzat hiding, what government is giving him safety ?
Besides, I think Qatar not KSA, the picture is irrelevant.
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More important is who is behind this and what country is giving Izzat ibrahim al douri the freedom to operate secretly, by this alone it is evidence there are countries behind all these bombings.. hes certainly not in Iraq.


This does not look like a new picture. I like Izzat though. Great Arab individuals together.
This does not look like a new picture. I like Izzat though. Great Arab individuals together.

Old pic

Only who is hiding Izzat ?, this alone is evidence that countries are behind the unrest.
Old pic

Only who is hiding Izzat ?, this alone is evidence that countries are behind the unrest.

Ok, I thought so. They both look much younger than today. I have no idea. I heard from Iraqi television channels that he was caught a few times. I mean they said that he was in place x or y but they never actually found him. In his newest video (1 hour long or so) he said that he was in Salah-ad-Din province.

R.I.P. to the victims btw.

I don't know where he is. Maybe Qatar or somewhere else. I don't think he is in KSA. Maybe Yazid Khalifa would know more than me.

He might be in Syria even. Only Ba'athi state left and many former Iraqi Ba'ath members are living there or lived there. Maybe even Jordan.

EDIT: I loved Izzat's stance towards the Safavids. He dealt with a lot of them to put it simple. Now you have a Safavid puppet who even fought alongside the Kurds against your countrymen during the Iraq-Iran war. A disgrace really no matter how you look at it.
Yep, only could you answer me this 1.

Where is Izzat hiding, what government is giving him safety ?
Besides, I think Qatar not KSA, the picture is irrelevant.

How exactly sure are you that he's hiding in KSA. If he were then believe me we will announce it with not even a sense of regret. Lets just refrain from pointing our fingers at people/nations with no evidence, weren't you the one who told us that no body knows about the quality of ME intelligence agencies beside the Mossad? If so, then you should learn from your own words that not to jump into a conclusion haphazardly.
How exactly sure are you that he's hiding in KSA. If he were then believe me we will announce it with not even a sense of regret. Lets just refrain from pointing our fingers at people/nations with no evidence, weren't you the one who told us that no body knows about the quality of ME intelligence agencies beside the Mossad? If so, then you should learn from your own words that not to jump into a conclusion haphazardly.

I didnt say KSA, I assume Qatar.

If you look at our neighbours GCC has the biggest chance of hiding him, since Iraq relations with some GCC countries do not even exist or are bad.
Jordan,Syria,Iran can be ruled out, Turkey is unlikely if you ask me, Kuwait hates that entire government neither them.

Yes I know what I said about the intelligence agencies, only if you look Syria today, ( the iranian safavid proxy ).
Qatar has been supporting the FSA, as you guys see Iraq aswell as a ( safavid proxy ) how hard is it to assume who is behind it and who is hiding Izzat ?

I cannot prove it, but these are the most likely options.
Syria-Iraq-Lebanon.....list goes on. Seems like when barbarian Bedouin's are not killing others(Israelis), they spend their spare time killing each other. Keep it up. Nice way to control population explosion !

Will someone explain to me how this guy hasn't been banned for racism? I get it the Pakistanis aren't personally offended, and I'm not the most Arab loving person myself but comeon! "BARBARIAN BEDOUINS?"
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