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Dozens arrested at Sweden riots sparked by planned Quran burnings

More than 40 people have been arrested after violent clashes in Sweden between police and people angry at plans by a far-right group to burn copies of the Quran.

Three people were injured in Norrkoping on Sunday when officers fired warning shots at rioters, police said.

The violence was sparked by a series of rallies organised by the Danish-Swedish politician Rasmus Paludan.

He says he has burned a copy of Islam's holy book and wants to do so again.

Muslims consider the Quran the sacred word of God and view any intentional damage or show of disrespect towards it as deeply offensive.

Saudi Arabia has condemned what it called the "deliberate abuse of the holy Quran by some extremists in Sweden, and provocation and incitement against Muslims".

Iran and Iraq earlier summoned the Swedish ambassadors to lodge protests.

Sweden's national police chief, Anders Thornberg, said he had never seen such violent riots following Sunday's clashes in Norrkoping, which is about 160km (99 miles) south-west of Stockholm, and nearby Linkoping.

The two cites also witnessed riots on Friday, along with the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby and the western city of Orebro. On Saturday, there was a riot in the southern city of Malmo.
On Monday, police said 26 police officers and 14 members of the public had been injured in the violence and that more than 20 vehicles had been damaged or destroyed.

They said that around 200 people had been involved in the violence, adding they believed it was organised by networks of criminal gangs. Some of the individuals are already known to police and Sweden's security service, Sapo.

Sunday's violence in Norrkoping came after Rasmus Paludan said he planned to hold a rally there. However, he never showed up in the city.

In a statement posted by his far-right, anti-immigrant Stram Kurs (Hard Line) party, Paludan said he cancelled the rally because Swedish authorities had "shown that they are completely incapable of protecting themselves and me".

He had earlier appeared on Thursday in the central city of Jonkoping, but as he talked into a megaphone while holding a Quran, his words were drowned out by a priest ringing the bells of a local church in protest.

Protests against plans by Stram Kurs to burn the Quran have turned violent in Sweden before. In 2020, protesters set cars on fire and shop fronts were damaged in clashes in Malmö.

Paludan represented Stram Kurs party in the last Danish elections in 2019, where it received 1.8 % of the vote, failing to win a seat.

In 2020, he was jailed in Denmark for a month for a string of offences including racism.
He plans to stand in Swedish elections in September, but he reportedly does not yet have the necessary number of signatures to secure his candidature.

If they burn the Qur'an in a Kaafir country then there is nothing we can do about it.

But if Kaafirs burn Qur'an in a Muslim country, then we have every right to arrest that person and put that person in jail.
The better approach would be to have a website that

1. Tracks these actions across the world and identifies the countries involved.
2. List companies and consumer products from these countries.
3. Publicize this website across the Muslim world.

Then individual consumers can decide whether they find the action offensive and whether to boycott products from these countries.

It is futile to say people should not be offended. No one dares to tell anyone they shouldn't be offended when someone denies or questions anything about the Holocaust.
No, more and more people will realise how intolerant, violent and regressive the Muslim community is. Such incidents will continue to increase, as they have been, and the next generation of Muslims in these countries will realise the follies of their community all the more keenly and abandon it in even greater numbers.

Isnt it ironic u mentioning intolerance while they r the one showing intolerance to a religion by burning its holy book. I guess to u, that is not intolerance?? How much chamchageeri u think muslims need to do before they are tolerated and respected?
Isnt it ironic u mentioning intolerance while they r the one showing intolerance to a religion by burning its holy book. I guess to u, that is not intolerance?? How much chamchageeri u think muslims need to do before they are tolerated and respected?
Well if Kaafirs burn religious holy books in Kaafir countries there is nothing we can do about that.

But if they burn or desecrate the Qur'an in our countries or lands, then we have every right to throw them in jail.

That is my opinion.
Isnt it ironic u mentioning intolerance while they r the one showing intolerance to a religion by burning its holy book. I guess to u, that is not intolerance?? How much chamchageeri u think muslims need to do before they are tolerated and respected?
I never said that far-right party was not intolerant. Read the full conversation.
how about them going to india to save the asses of indian Muslims from terrorist RSS goons of terrorist Modi?

Why don't these outraged Muslims in Sweden instead go to Libya and Syria and help the progressive Muslims there throw out Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood criminals rampaging there on behalf of NATO ? Do these rioting Muslims in Sweden have the courage ?
If you belive in God, then you belive all the things are controlled by God , if he has no problem with the burning of Quran or damaging it. I don't think you guys are bigger than him.
This is why you shouldn’t speak if you don’t know about Islam.
This world is a test for God’s creations. We are tested in this world. We are suppose to worship God in this world so we go heaven in the next. Surely God controls everything and nothing happens without God’s approval. If a non believer is burning the Quran, he is failing in the test and his destination is hell in the next world unless he repents. For the believers, if we see a non believer burning the Quran, it is mandatory for us to prevent it and save the Quran because that is our test. If we have the power to prevent it and we don’t, we will be punished in the next world because we failed to do so.
Well if Kaafirs burn religious holy books in Kaafir countries there is nothing we can do about that.

But if they burn or desecrate the Qur'an in our countries or lands, then we have every right to throw them in jail.

That is my opinion.

What u mean u cant do anything abt it? U cant even condemn it? Those protesting are mostly western nationals. By the way, if something happens to a minority in our country, everyone loses their mind and goes crazy, but now its in west so ur argument is that we cant do anything??? Cant even use ur damn tongue???

I never said that far-right party was not intolerant. Read the full conversation.

You never said they were intolerant either. Infact u seemed to put the entire blame on muslims and how these protests will anger the white man and give muslims bad name. As if obliging westerners should only be the aim of every moderate muslim.
What u mean u cant do anything abt it? U cant even condemn it? Those protesting are mostly western nationals. By the way, if something happens to a minority in our country, everyone loses their mind and goes crazy, but now its in west so ur argument is that we cant do anything??? Cant even use ur damn tongue???

You never said they were intolerant either. Infact u seemed to put the entire blame on muslims and how these protests will anger the white man and give muslims bad name. As if obliging westerners should only be the aim of every moderate muslim.
I would condemn the burning of any holy book with my tongue.
Islam says to respect all religions.

But in the Kaafir countries they do their abominable acts under the freedom of expression and all that bullcrap nonsense.

What u mean u cant do anything abt it? U cant even condemn it? Those protesting are mostly western nationals. By the way, if something happens to a minority in our country, everyone loses their mind and goes crazy, but now its in west so ur argument is that we cant do anything??? Cant even use ur damn tongue???

You never said they were intolerant either. Infact u seemed to put the entire blame on muslims and how these protests will anger the white man and give muslims bad name. As if obliging westerners should only be the aim of every moderate muslim.
You misunderstood me.
What u mean u cant do anything abt it? U cant even condemn it? Those protesting are mostly western nationals. By the way, if something happens to a minority in our country, everyone loses their mind and goes crazy, but now its in west so ur argument is that we cant do anything??? Cant even use ur damn tongue???

You never said they were intolerant either. Infact u seemed to put the entire blame on muslims and how these protests will anger the white man and give muslims bad name. As if obliging westerners should only be the aim of every moderate muslim.
I never blamed Muslims for anything. If you see my posts, I have criticized the hypocritical west on many issues.
I do agree with you that the West call for minority rights in countries in Pakistan, but when it comes to countries in the west they too should practice what they preach about minority rights when in reality they discriminate against their minorities.
What about muslims that pee on verses written on walls? Is that also pleasing Allah?
What type of question are you even asking?
You’re well aware of the answer to that.
A “Muslim” peeing on Quranic verses is an act which takes them out of the fold of Islam and makes them an apostate.

The attachments below show what can take a person out the fold of Islam.


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sssshhhhhh. keep quite or u will be banned from this forum🤫🤫
The Holocaust did happen, and as Muslims we must condemn the holocaust, because innocent people were slaughtered.
But whenever I get into an arguement with a westerner I say it was Europeans who are the most barbaric to do a holocaust against innocent peoples.
The Holocaust did happen, and as Muslims we must condemn the holocaust, because innocent people were slaughtered.
But whenever I get into an arguement with a westerner I say it was Europeans who are the most barbaric to do a holocaust against innocent peoples.
one of the biggest scam in the history of mankind
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