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Dozens arrested at Sweden riots sparked by planned Quran burnings

Expect the numbers of such "properly groomed Muslims" to become smaller and smaller with time.
Some of my Europe friends informed me that Sweden is one of the most racist countries, even to follow Europeans. So maybe that kinda narrow it down why protest turn into riot. We all know France pushed it Muslim minorities into immigrants gettos.

Despite all the war and islamophobia, Why there are no riots in US? Because US law provides Muslims breathing room to practice, protest and live like a normal citizen.

As far as numbers are are concerned, If I had to take a probability bet how many next generations of these enlightened folk will stop calling themselves Muslim vs reduction in the numbers of properly grooming folk, I will always bet on properly groomed side.
Some Swedish people dont want immigration and they are not listened.

They dont know how to protest and be listened and they do these things, that's all.

It's not a anti-religious protest, it's a anti-immigration protest.

I think every people in world should have the right to at least say they dont want people from abroad.

These kinds of acts only exhibit a psychological sickness. Why do Muslim react to it?
It cannot damage Islam.
If Muslims learn to ignore it these people will just move on.

no joke that works. we used to have right wing bnp do regular trips to our town centre for chaos n fights. This time, our leaders said dont go watch they will look like fools just standing there. so the community listened and the bnp made fools out of themselves by fighting amongst them selves and police.
We true Muslims value the Quran more then our lives. Anything harming the Quran in any way will have to face us. The world can think of us as violent, extremist, terrorists or whatever they want it won’t matter to us. We don’t care about what people think about us we only care about Islam and about pleasing Allah. Anyone burning the Quran will be severely dealt with and made an example out of. We are believers in Allah and his messenger (ﷺ) so we don’t fear anyone or anything other than Allah. Everyone who dares harm our religion or religious text will have to face us and Allah is with the believers so we will surely be victorious.
I have a question though has a Quran never damaged or burnt in the last 1400 years not by people but say a wild fire or earthquake.
You can list down what you want. Doesnt change the fact that its completly in line with law here and a fundamental right in Europe.

Of course your bullshit can be easily dismissed.

US war crimes can be openly talked about here and is in evry nedia. Infact we have a whole antiamerican bullshit bingo faction in europe.

RT is not banned, its not alternative view, its kremlin bullshit aimed to spread misinformation. You can still see it if you want. I have no problem acessing that rubbish if i wanted too.

As i said learn to accept that different cultures value different things.
Can you question the holocaust or deny it in public too? In the press and in swedish universities? Asking for a friend.
We shouldn't resort to violence and damaging property of innocent. These far right want attention this is how they get it. The Quran is eternal idiots burning wont change that.
We won’t do anything to innocents but the ones responsible we’ll make the world hell for them! They won’t find a hole to hide in! The perpetrators will be made an example out of and it will be a very violent example!

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

Three because one won't do.
Oh no not this murtad commie again 🤦‍♂️

You are quite arrogant if you believe to know what god wants.

That said, we have freedom of speech in Europe. Burning a book is bad taste but in full spectrum of the law. Infact such idiotic clashs and riots trigger more quran burnings. Its exactly the reaction such stunts want to provoke.
If your not Muslim don’t tell us not to react.

It’s not just a “book” to us Muslims. We value Quran more then our lives.

F**k your freedom of speech if your freedom of speech means disrespecting our religion then we’ll use the freedom of force and make an example out of those who disrespect our religion. We don’t care if riots are caused or clashes, ww3 could be started we don’t care. If you disrespect our religion, be ready to see many heads roll.
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Very surprising to read about religious riots in Sweden :pop:
I have a question though has a Quran never damaged or burnt in the last 1400 years not by people but say a wild fire or earthquake.
That’s different. That’s natural.
This was out of hate and disrespect.
The intention was out of hate and disrespect and burned the Quran which Muslims believe is the words of God.
While I disagree with the reaction they had, as I don't believe riots are the correct way to respond, it's not unimaginable that (some) people will react in a similar manner when you intentionally try to disrespect something they hold dear to them.

We could say "it's just a book", well racial slurs and insults are just words, why do people react against those? It's about the intention behind the action. They wanted to disrespect them.
That’s different. That’s natural.
This was out of hate and disrespect.
The intention was out of hate and disrespect and burned the Quran which Muslims believe is the words of God.
If you belive in God, then you belive all the things are controlled by God , if he has no problem with the burning of Quran or damaging it. I don't think you guys are bigger than him.
To submit to Islam is not an universal requirement.
If the law of the land states that you can burn religious books, then you can burn religious books.
Anyone who doesn't like it can pack their bags and move to any other place of their choosing.
Yup, as i said bad taste but completly under the law. One can burn any book he wants.

Learn to live with it, because thats how it is.

Freedom of speech trumps religion and is a fundamental right in the west. That wont change.
Freedom of speech is a smoke screen in the west, it does not exist
I am against burning holy books that stupid and it will not gain anything besides riots. If someone will burn the Torah i also would be angry. What i am not against is relegation dictatorship that dictact other people what to study /eat/ say. If you live in a country that have certain value you should respect that. There county there rules

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