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Does the PA need more troops to fight terror?


There are nearly 700,000 Indian security force personnel in the occupied Kashmir to control no more than 5,000 freedom fighters.

Guys you keep increasing the number of Indian Security Forces (inclusive of IA, CRPF, BSF, ITBP, RR) deployed in Kashmir with each new post/poster. Please spare us this misinformation. The accepted levels are about 450-500 x 1000 inclusive of personnel in Border Guarding roles along LoC and LAC. So the actual numbers for CI operations is not more than 300-350 x 1000.

On this basis with 2,000 Taliban fighters, PA would require some 300,000 troops. On the other hand IMO total number of PA troops in the FATA and NWFP areas is closer to 40,000.

Yes. Total force of about 200 - 250 x 1000 should see you through. The numbers include PA, FC etc. And you have more troops (PA) coming in from Punjab sector 6 x PA Brigades or anywhere between 1.5 - 2 full fledged division! So how many more coming in? And the numbers will increase as I have been stressing they should.

Besides, IA has been fighting in the IOK for last 30 years therefore is far more experienced in mountain warefare.

Not 30 years. 20. Insurgency started in 88-89 period for the first time. Yes experience is greater in Mountain, Jungle, High Altitude and CI grids .... we have all in one there for us to train in real time ...... and those who make mistakes, never repeat them again:lol:

Let us also not forget that poorly armed Vietcong defeated the mighty US army

Correction. Apart from reverses in Tet offensive there were no major military gains by NVA. OTOH the GoA lost the will to fight. The basic determinant of victory or defeat in Insurgency is the will to fight ..... that who looses it first is defeated ....... irrespective of military situation. Vietnam also defeated the Chinese in 1979. The Chinese maid substantial gains initially but got bogged down, and that gave the birth to what we so fashionably call 'limited war'. The Chinese were fighting a total war, but to convert an embarassment into something face saving this term was for first time used.

No war is limited. Only the objectives (as decided by the political view point) may be limited. When a war is waged, it is complete or "Total" in all terms, and guided by the political objectives given and parameters set.

and USSR broke up as a result of the defeat in Afghanistan.

a fallacy. it broke up due to combination of economic and political isolation as also socio-political changes taking place in Europe (some say the Pope was the final nail) a variety of factors played into it, Afghanistan was not a reason, the economic costs certainly can be said to have contributed.

I am sorry to bring IA in this discussion, but your post has insulting "innuendos" which I could not pass without a response

Best to ignore such posts?
Hey this tutu guy is quick at changing locations. Initially was an indian siting in israel, just after an hour he is an israeli 'siting' in india.

What a transition only after one reply by Niaz, imagine what would he do if some others also jump in!

@tutu: Decide for once an all about your nationality and locations, and let us know so that we can 'deal' with you accordingly :)

he is our very own heron :woot: out on recce
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Pakistan already has a well defined structure and we do not need to look at any additional structures. No need to re-invent the wheel so to speak. Instead police and civil protection units along with humint resources and community intelligence utilisation should be developed and strengthened.

Your well defined structure is severely and critically maimed by your limitations in operating in nn-conventional battlefield. While you have no doubt great experience in running an insurgency, to fight is a different aspect altogether. As such, the FC is poorly structured/trained to deal with insurgencies as has been exhibited till date. The present phase of success is primarily due to employment of overwhelming force by PA and the approach adopted by Talibs to fight in a convetional manner and hold territory. This will change as the Talibs realise that they have to contend now with PA and NOT FC, PA being a force trained to engage in and execute a convetional battle. The same was seen of US in Afghanistan too.

Schools, Colleges, NGOs and Businesses should play their part in promoting citizenship, and a department for homeland security should be developed on the basis of US DHS.

All these can only play a significant role in a secure environ, which can only be enforced and created by ensuring security and stability in miliatry terms.

Our Anti Terrorism assets are being developed and this step is in the process. Pakistan boasts some of the best trained EOD(Explosive Ordinance Disposal) technicians in the region,

Do you know how to deal with IEDs? You need on-the-job training for that .......

We should not try to think that the military will re-invent the wheel; this is a pipe dream and will never happen. Mashallah we have a very powerful and capable standing army. It is very easy for a snotty nosed journalist/analyst to say that (we are not trained in CI/AT Ops), this is a total fallacy.

US has a far superior army and there are no two perspectives on this......and we see them in Afghanistan still struggling to enforce that elusive peace

So far the reason we have been having problems was the constant reliance on the Frontier Constabulary, rather then using full time professional soldiers. FC (not Frontier Corps) are just like regular police, they are not trained or equipped any better then police in Combat.

:woot: on one hand you say that you have all the set up necessary for CI ops and now this?:rofl: Do you know the cost of inducting a regular infantry battalion into a. clearing and b. holding ground (which includes policing the locals too) in terms of blunting of its capabilities to wage conventional war?

If you think I am talking out of my hat, please take a visit the Frontier Constabulary camp outside the Marriott in Islamabad, you can clearly see their tasks are limited to security and peace enforcement.

No, am not thinking that. But your approach is certainly too ill-informed at best.

They are not designed or trained, or equipped for combat operations in very hostile terrain (terrain that is very helpful for the opposing force).

What is the role of FC then?

Foreign and local observers with little understanding of such facts are quick to come to the conclusion, "our army is incapable", just like they witness fire fighters tackle a fire with limited equipment and claim "they are not capable".

Who has said incapable? They are. But they shall take time to orient towards CI ops ......

He was happily citing the secondary fire at the Marriot during its reconstruction and how the Islamabad Fire Brigade was a useless force. Now I am a reasonable man, but hear this on national made me feel like wanting to throttle his neck.

Does this reaction of yours serve to highlight the effectiveness of your services?

Haha… So let me get this straight, what you just said up there is tantamount to saying “Doctor’s don’t need to goto college for 7 years and do another 3 years house work”… They can just get “on the job training”… Haha

You Need Training, it accompanies you basic infantry and solidering skills and becomes part of your “trade skills” similar to Signals Training or Engineer “Pioneer” training etc…

If you are from the military you will most likely be trained by the Army Corps of Engineers as either ATO: Ammo Tech officer then move up to EOD technician and if you are police you will be trained by Civil Defence or Police Academy in the relevant skills.

And yes you need training. EOD is not simply about cutting the “Red” Wire or the “Green” wire as Hollywood/Bollywood would have you think… In EOD you need to understand both passive and active searches, understand and have the ability to
determine which tool will be suitable for the task.

You will need to understand how to use Technical search detection equipment such as Explosive Detector, Cable Detector, Portable X-Ray Unit, How to don a EOD suit properly.

You will need to learn how to read circuits, understand the construction and deployment of IEDs and these include but are not limited to knowledge of basic formulations, binary agents, initiation devices, transportation vessels, basic and advanced switches such as (Thermostat, timed, kill switch, pressure switch etc).

You will need to learn use basic and intermediate countermeasures against EOD these can include water gels, agitators, disruptors, controlled demolition, remote(rigged/electronic) and manual disposal techniques.

Now Coming to your second ridiculous point:

What is the role of FC then?

The mere fact you asked this question tells me you didn’t even bother to read my post thoroughly, it is like asking what is the point of the NLI or the Baloch Regiment or Punjab Regiment… Are you even a military man?

No, am not thinking that. But your approach is certainly too ill-informed at best.

Firstly no body sought your opinon, and secondly...Ill Informed, so I guess that is why I served as senior advisor to Special Branch Punjab police and have been on the personal protection details for heads of state and worked along side multiple agencies, and trained the Afghani National Police Force officers batch No2, and been visiting lecturer at National Police Academy and been senior instructor at Anti Terrorist Squad Training centre, Islamabad.

(Get a clue)…

All these can only play a significant role in a secure environ, which can only be enforced and created by ensuring security and stability in military terms.

NO, that is a reactionary approach, we need a proactive approach where such actions are not needed at the scales we have seen in SWAT and WANA. What do you want the military to do, start deploying Heavy Arty in Lahore and Islamabad the next time some mullah cries Jihad?

A DHS coupled with grassroots level Intel and community programs will counter such future threats from emerging.

Judging by your post, it would seem you see your self as some self styled experts… If I only had a rupee for every time I met one of those on an online forum, I would not need to do this thankless job.

Dear Sir

Haha… So let me get this straight, what you just said up there is tantamount to saying “Doctor’s don’t need to goto college for 7 years and do another 3 years house work”… They can just get “on the job training”… Haha

Was that the contention here?:undecided:

You Need Training, it accompanies you basic infantry and solidering skills and becomes part of your “trade skills” similar to Signals Training or Engineer “Pioneer” training etc…

Training can train you for certain set patterns of operations. What part of training imparted at Pakistani Army Institution or any world army institution incorporates and stresses on how to fight when an ambush is triggered at 10 meters and your adrenalin is running too high for you to understand anything except to save yourself? I would really like to understand your perspective on this. When I said you learn on the job, I meant it. And you statement about house job previously only served to highlight this essential fact. You do house job in medicine to gain "PRACTICAL" exposure and mistakes happen. Same ways, in CI you learn INSIDE the environment as TIME PASSES and the difference here is the mistakes cost lives ....... and others learn from it.

And yes you need training. EOD is not simply about cutting the “Red” Wire or the “Green” wire as Hollywood/Bollywood would have you think… In EOD you need to understand both passive and active searches, understand and have the ability to
determine which tool will be suitable for the task.

How do you detect an IED, buried 3 feet underground and use your "technical skills" under fire? I really would love your opinion on this.

You will need to understand how to use Technical search detection equipment such as Explosive Detector, Cable Detector, Portable X-Ray Unit, How to don a EOD suit properly.

I can show you equipment which "smells" explosives inside buildings ... so what? Whats the relevance in CI ops in FATA or other open spaces for such techs? How can you afford to ignore basic operational patterns employed by ANEs? Is that not attained through exposure and hands on training?

You will need to learn use basic and intermediate countermeasures against EOD these can include water gels, agitators, disruptors, controlled demolition, remote(rigged/electronic) and manual disposal techniques.

I really want to know your countermeasures for an IED buried 3 feet under ground on a road WITH a concomitant ambush ...... I need lessons here, being a novice

The mere fact you asked this question tells me you didn’t even bother to read my post thoroughly, it is like asking what is the point of the NLI or the Baloch Regiment or Punjab Regiment… Are you even a military man?

Did I EVER say am one? Batmannow, Enigma have asked the same.

Firstly no body sought your opinon, and secondly...

Ok SO BAN ME ........ or write ..... PLEASE DONT COMMENT ON ME. If you cant defend your comment and still want to post ... it shall be useful for others .....

Ill Informed, so I guess that is why I served as senior advisor to Special Branch Punjab police

I can see what good is happening ....... especially the way Sri Lankan Team incident was handelled ..........

and have been on the personal protection details for heads of state and worked along side multiple agencies, and trained the Afghani National Police Force officers batch No2, and been visiting lecturer at National Police Academy and been senior instructor at Anti Terrorist Squad Training centre, Islamabad.

(Get a clue)…

doesnt matter a cent if you make gaffes ........ and this is not the first time I have challenged a member to prove his credentials once he claimed them.

NO, that is a reactionary approach, we need a proactive approach where such actions are not needed at the scales we have seen in SWAT and WANA. What do you want the military to do, start deploying Heavy Arty in Lahore and Islamabad the next time some mullah cries Jihad?

In fact if you read my posts in another thread pertaining to Dir and Buner(I think) .... I have questionedthe rationale for any artillery/air/armour employment.

A DHS coupled with grassroots level Intel and community programs will counter such future threats from emerging.

You could have countered it in first place by not kowtowing to the Talibs in Swat and handing over the valley to them. Had you the guts to put in troops to prevent them from building up there, you would not have seen todays mess.

Judging by your post, it would seem you see your self as some self styled experts… If I only had a rupee for every time I met one of those on an online forum, I would not need to do this thankless job.

Have always said am non-military and have a very deep interest in defence ..... as such am not an expert ...... but I see what expertise is here ... claimed and exhibited .... a variation.

Dear Sir

Haha… So let me get this straight, what you just said up there is tantamount to saying “Doctor’s don’t need to goto college for 7 years and do another 3 years house work”… They can just get “on the job training”… Haha

Was that the contention here?:undecided:

You Need Training, it accompanies you basic infantry and solidering skills and becomes part of your “trade skills” similar to Signals Training or Engineer “Pioneer” training etc…

Training can train you for certain set patterns of operations. What part of training imparted at Pakistani Army Institution or any world army institution incorporates and stresses on how to fight when an ambush is triggered at 10 meters and your adrenalin is running too high for you to understand anything except to save yourself? I would really like to understand your perspective on this. When I said you learn on the job, I meant it. And you statement about house job previously only served to highlight this essential fact. You do house job in medicine to gain "PRACTICAL" exposure and mistakes happen. Same ways, in CI you learn INSIDE the environment as TIME PASSES and the difference here is the mistakes cost lives ....... and others learn from it.

And yes you need training. EOD is not simply about cutting the “Red” Wire or the “Green” wire as Hollywood/Bollywood would have you think… In EOD you need to understand both passive and active searches, understand and have the ability to
determine which tool will be suitable for the task.

How do you detect an IED, buried 3 feet underground and use your "technical skills" under fire? I really would love your opinion on this.

You will need to understand how to use Technical search detection equipment such as Explosive Detector, Cable Detector, Portable X-Ray Unit, How to don a EOD suit properly.

I can show you equipment which "smells" explosives inside buildings ... so what? Whats the relevance in CI ops in FATA or other open spaces for such techs? How can you afford to ignore basic operational patterns employed by ANEs? Is that not attained through exposure and hands on training?

You will need to learn use basic and intermediate countermeasures against EOD these can include water gels, agitators, disruptors, controlled demolition, remote(rigged/electronic) and manual disposal techniques.

I really want to know your countermeasures for an IED buried 3 feet under ground on a road WITH a concomitant ambush ...... I need lessons here, being a novice

The mere fact you asked this question tells me you didn’t even bother to read my post thoroughly, it is like asking what is the point of the NLI or the Baloch Regiment or Punjab Regiment… Are you even a military man?

Did I EVER say am one? Batmannow, Enigma have asked the same.

Firstly no body sought your opinon, and secondly...

Ok SO BAN ME ........ or write ..... PLEASE DONT COMMENT ON ME. If you cant defend your comment and still want to post ... it shall be useful for others .....

Ill Informed, so I guess that is why I served as senior advisor to Special Branch Punjab police

I can see what good is happening ....... especially the way Sri Lankan Team incident was handelled ..........

and have been on the personal protection details for heads of state and worked along side multiple agencies, and trained the Afghani National Police Force officers batch No2, and been visiting lecturer at National Police Academy and been senior instructor at Anti Terrorist Squad Training centre, Islamabad.

(Get a clue)…

doesnt matter a cent if you make gaffes ........ and this is not the first time I have challenged a member to prove his credentials once he claimed them.

NO, that is a reactionary approach, we need a proactive approach where such actions are not needed at the scales we have seen in SWAT and WANA. What do you want the military to do, start deploying Heavy Arty in Lahore and Islamabad the next time some mullah cries Jihad?

In fact if you read my posts in another thread pertaining to Dir and Buner(I think) .... I have questionedthe rationale for any artillery/air/armour employment.

A DHS coupled with grassroots level Intel and community programs will counter such future threats from emerging.

You could have countered it in first place by not kowtowing to the Talibs in Swat and handing over the valley to them. Had you the guts to put in troops to prevent them from building up there, you would not have seen todays mess.

Judging by your post, it would seem you see your self as some self styled experts… If I only had a rupee for every time I met one of those on an online forum, I would not need to do this thankless job.

Have always said am non-military and have a very deep interest in defence ..... as such am not an expert ...... but I see what expertise is here ... claimed and exhibited .... a variation.

Haha... I cannot defend my comments? That is a major laugh coming from a civillian foreigner"observor"... Please listen to yourself before you type.

Now why on earth would i want to see you Banned? This is a free fourm and we can comment on each other as much as we like...Afterall did i say anything offensive or non-factual? No! So i have breached no fourm rules and neither have you, so no need to BAN anyone!

Now coming to your question about "IED" Placement and detection in combat. Whilst i cannot divulge these tactics online and offline, i will be more then happy to explain some basic concepts.

It is what we call a sweep my friend… Depends on the scenario, you can have active or passive. If it is a non hostile or passive environment you can use a series of tools such as remote or rigged tools, prior to detection, you can use cable detectors, prods.

In active theatre you need to conduct a route search prior to deployment, in old days this would have been done with a tank with a “plough” attached to the front, now a days we have far better tactics (sadly I cannot disclose those).

For your education:

Bellow Active Examples:
Active (Manual Sweep) “Low Risk Combat Arena”:

Active (Remote Sweep) “Hi Risk Combat Arena”:

I can show you equipment which "smells" explosives inside buildings ... so what? Whats the relevance in CI ops in FATA or other open spaces for such techs? How can you afford to ignore basic operational patterns employed by ANEs? Is that not attained through exposure and hands on training?

Haha, so what is your point? I have used tech far more sophisticated then the one you have cited above, try a thermal camera that can detect BBIED (Suicide Bomb) 100 meters away!

Also, i hope you understand that for field experience you need the "Foundational" training. Without trainig the soldier/asset is ineffective and will not survive a combat enviroment.

Do you know the number of IEDs disposed by Pakistani forces on a regular basis? Why do you keep mentioning field experience? We have more experience firghting in this enviroment then anyone else.

I can see what good is happening ....... especially the way Sri Lankan Team incident was handelled ..........

You know that was a low blow... good honest people died in that attack, defending the srilankan's, and whilst there was a security lapse by senior officials. The officers did their best, the Srilankan's only got 1 pilot and 1 squad. What they should have had as a full red light "presidential" protocol.

And i hope you understand Islamabad and Lahore are two different cities... Yes? (I am in Islamabad)... And furthermore, what do you can see what is happening? What is happening? You only see what the TV shows you, what they want you to see... You dont see the everyday stuff we get to see..

doesnt matter a cent if you make gaffes ........ and this is not the first time I have challenged a member to prove his credentials once he claimed them.

Acha... Okay if that is your attitude and if you know it all, then why are we even having this debate? :what:

In fact if you read my posts in another thread pertaining to Dir and Buner(I think) .... I have questionedthe rationale for any artillery/air/armour employment.

Two very different eviroments, WANA and SWAT are very rural, massive and sparcely populated areas, i was referring to MOUT with ARty in densly populated built up terrain. So I see no comparision and i trust the judgement of Gen. Khattak and the rest of the brass at GHQ.

You could have countered it in first place by not kowtowing to the Talibs in Swat and handing over the valley to them. Had you the guts to put in troops to prevent them from building up there, you would not have seen todays mess.

Ohh. Another lecture about guts from a "observor" yes it is easy for you all to say... (If you had the guts, if you had the will)... If you are in Pakistan then one day i will take you to Fauji Kabristan in Rawalpindi and show you the 12 graves of those dearest to me who have been killed serving their nation against the Taliban... We do have the guts and the will... Better then you could understand.

What is clear by you claiming "If you did not Kowtowing" to the Taliban, is that you have no understanding of the SWAT area or its history. SWAT people demanded the Sharia law, they have demanded this as a right since the early 1950's and have fought three insurgencies, this region also gave birth the the TSNM that Sufi Mohammad is the leader of.

You are lacking in knowledge, that is clear. I would suggest some more reading on the political aspects of the conflict before commenting on our will and resolve.

Have always said am non-military and have a very deep interest in defence ..... as such am not an expert ...... but I see what expertise is here ... claimed and exhibited .... a variation.[/

(Smiles), rest assured i on the other hand will extend an invitation to you, come down to Islamabad and you can see first hand what i do for a living. Mashallah, whatever i claim i have done is true and honest... As such i have no reason to "Fake It"... So please do come on down, i promise you will have the hospatality of me and my extended family. :)

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gentlemens plz come back on the topic!:)
lets not make , ego domminated posts , just to win the arguments?
this is open secret that, even for now PAKARMY is doing a great job in fata, but we need a special force , which can take things in its own control.:agree:
Now as lots of green bags ,been showring in, its very ezy to create such a force, to have long time peace in the troubled FATA.
if some of our respected, mates thought that after , this militry opreation the things will comeback on normal, they are living in fools paradise!:lol::smokin:
thanks to hellfire sir, rescue ranger sir!:tup:
sorry my post was late in getting up

back to topic

thanks Batmannow Sir
Levies to be trained to fight militancy

Sunday, May 10, 2009
KHAR: The government has initiated a comprehensive programme aimed at providing latest training to the Levies Force besides equipping it with modern weapons to improve its professional skill, Political Agent Khyber Agency, Shafeerullah Khan said on Saturday.

Khan, while addressing the passing out ceremony of the newly trained jawans of the Bajaur Levies Force, said the government had taken various measures to improve professional competence of the force and to equip it with latest weaponry.

To achieve the desired goals the Levies Training Centre has been setup at a cost of Rs 20 million, he said.

The government has taken decision to equalize the salary and allowances of the Levies Force with that of the Frontier Constabulary (FC). Notification to this effect is expected in coming two months, he added.

Khan said, the Levies’ performance against the militants in the agency was matchless and government’s measures would further improve its professional capabilities. He said the process to recruit jawans for the Levies Force had started.

Levies to be trained to fight militancy
I put a simple question on your forum...

((" how many troops pakistan need to counter some 2000 talibans ?..........

what high-tech weapon talibans has , so pakistan keep asking for militery add from US to counter them........?

Pakistan is just try to make fool of US...."))

and i was banned .....

it's not me only who is sayig such things.....the US administration saying it for long..that's way they are now put a audit to every single cent they willl give to pakistan now onward........

Well PA dont need more troops, only few thounds of troops are deployed in Sawat Valley to counter terrorist and these are more then enough.
There is a clear support to Talibans from other countries nad Pakistan dont want them to interfare besides that Pakistan never asked miltary aid infact they asked the amount that Pakistan spent against terrorism which is approx 36 Billion$.
Yes Pakistan asked for few choopers to tackle terrorist in mountian areas but Pakistan is paying for that.
I bold ur one statement which is "Pakistan is just try to make fool of US"
Now, Is there any need for any one to make you fool?

U said "the US administration saying it for long..that's way they are now put a audit to every single cent they willl give to pakistan now onward"

Ofcourse the previous aid was to dectator (Mr Mushraf) for his life and favourism, The aid was not for the infacted places or for Pakistan and I think that was the foolish step of US administration.
We are facing all this terrorism issue because of the failure of US miltary in Afghanistan. That what we were saying for last few years. Now I think, things are cleared in ur mind!!!!
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I put a simple question on your forum...

((" how many troops pakistan need to counter some 2000 talibans ?..........

what high-tech weapon talibans has , so pakistan keep asking for militery add from US to counter them........?

Pakistan is just try to make fool of US...."))

and i was banned .....

it's not me only who is sayig such things.....the US administration saying it for long..that's way they are now put a audit to every single cent they willl give to pakistan now onward........

You have asked this question before and you have been given an indepth answer before, please stop trolling.

Coming back to topic, with the training of the levies and the situation with the IDP's, it is nice to see GOV and civil society taking concrete steps:

Doctors volunteer services for IDPs

Relief activities for IDPs
the entire fight against taliban is a drama by the pakistan to get some quick money as militry_aid from USA.......

Thank you very much for your observation, now answer me this... If we are staging one big drama, why would we risk creating (potentially)1million IDPs as a result of the operation?

Furthermore why would we move troops from the eastern front to the west?

And despite your observation, everyone including the west aggree that the operation is one of national survival and everyone from the chaprasi on the street to the jawan on the front line know's what is at stake...

Some sources for your enlightenment:
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistan steps up Swat offensive

Anti-Taliban operation has national backing, says Petraeus
Thank you very much for your observation, now answer me this... If we are staging one big drama, why would we risk creating (potentially)1million IDPs as a result of the operation?

Furthermore why would we move troops from the eastern front to the west?

And despite your observation, everyone including the west aggree that the operation is one of national survival and everyone from the chaprasi on the street to the jawan on the front line know's what is at stake...

Some sources for your enlightenment:
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistan steps up Swat offensive

Anti-Taliban operation has national backing, says Petraeus

Hey RR bro why are you burning your blood.

he is another of the trolls, previously when i reported got the tutu idiot banned, reporting him would also get the job done.
Relax we have other things to do:)
Levies to be trained to fight militancy

Sunday, May 10, 2009
KHAR: The government has initiated a comprehensive programme aimed at providing latest training to the Levies Force besides equipping it with modern weapons to improve its professional skill, Political Agent Khyber Agency, Shafeerullah Khan said on Saturday.

Khan, while addressing the passing out ceremony of the newly trained jawans of the Bajaur Levies Force, said the government had taken various measures to improve professional competence of the force and to equip it with latest weaponry.

To achieve the desired goals the Levies Training Centre has been setup at a cost of Rs 20 million, he said.

The government has taken decision to equalize the salary and allowances of the Levies Force with that of the Frontier Constabulary (FC). Notification to this effect is expected in coming two months, he added.

Khan said, the Levies’ performance against the militants in the agency was matchless and government’s measures would further improve its professional capabilities. He said the process to recruit jawans for the Levies Force had started.

Levies to be trained to fight militancy

well i would like to differ, on that Levies Force & Frontier Constabulary training thing , i can bet on that , how much you train these forces the fact will remain same, i mean thier ability to fight talibans.:disagree:
i already tried to paint a new force which should be trainned on the lines of US MARINES with mountain combat training in the nights, its written on the wall , whenever PAKARMY will come out of FATA , the terrorists will be holding the grounds again.pakistan needs to build a force which should be a part of PAKARMY , & have the ability to take action by itself .spending money on FC & on Levies will not bring the results what pakistan is willing?:azn:
well i would like to differ, on that Levies Force & Frontier Constabulary training thing , i can bet on that , how much you train these forces the fact will remain same, i mean thier ability to fight talibans.:disagree:
i already tried to paint a new force which should be trainned on the lines of US MARINES with mountain combat training in the nights, its written on the wall , whenever PAKARMY will come out of FATA , the terrorists will be holding the grounds again.pakistan needs to build a force which should be a part of PAKARMY , & have the ability to take action by itself .spending money on FC & on Levies will not bring the results what pakistan is willing?:azn:

why not for the sake of intellectual parleys dwelve on recommended force structures for the same? I mean you do know the limitations of manuevering in mountains ... and also the capabilities you have ...... so for the sake of intellectual discourse .... suggestions?

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