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Does the PA need more troops to fight terror?

Great News Batmannow Sir

Truly a wonderful job done by PA. My best wishes to your brothers-at-arms ....... they kicked the backsides right proper:enjoy:
Martyrdom a conspiracy against Pakistan
Published: June 15, 2009

LAHORE - PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif has said that martyrdom of Dr Sarfaraz Naeemi is a part of the conspiracy of dismembering Pakistan and he was killed by the terrorists for not compromising on the principles.
He expressed these views while addressing the participants at Jamia Naeemia after attending the Qul ceremony of Dr Sarfraz Naeemi.
He also offered requiem at the grave of Dr Naeemi. Later, he condoled with Jamia Naeemia chief administrator Raghib Naeemi over the martyrdom of known religious scholar.
Qul ceremony of Dr Sarfraz Naeemi was held at Jamia Naeemia, Garhi Shahu on Sunday morning. A large number of people from all walks of life attended the ceremony. Prominent among those were Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Allama Hamid Saeed Kazmi, former federal minister Haji Mohammad Hanif Tayyab, MNAs Sahibzada Fazle Karim, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Khawaja Saad Rafique, member Islamic Ideology Council Rafique Hazarvi, Chairman Ruet-i-Hilal Committee, Prof Qari Munibur Rehman and thousands of others from across the country. Special security arrangements had made been made at the ceremony.
Quran khawni was held and the participants showered rose petals at the grave of Dr Sarfraz Naeemi. The students of Jamia later staged a protest demonstration to condemn the suicide attack on Dr Naeemi.
Talking to mediamen on the occasion, he said that terrorism was spreading its tentacles to destabilize the country. He underlined the need for discouraging the trend to get accepted the demands at gunpoint.
He was of the opinion that using force to get ones purpose served would never help resolve the matter. “It is out of question that we would surrender before terrorists, saying no compromise could be done at the cost of integrity and survival of the country,” he added.
Paying rich tributes to Dr Sarfaraz Naeemi in recognition of his services, Nawaz Sharif called his martyrdom as catastrophic tragedy for the country. He said vacuum created by his death would never be filled ever.
He claimed, “Our forces are not so trained to combat against the terrorists.” He said CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif had been negotiating with federal government to form special force to check terrorism in the Punjab. He said eradication of terrorism was dire need of hour to salvage the country from destruction. He held that “it is not the time to say we are PML-N and PPP. We all are Pakistanis and getting united we could crush terrorism.”

With such a small security force, pakistan can't defend itself, from internal, & external Aggresion, this thread was bieng posted by me in 2009, & noW the situatoin, in our major cities?is getting worse? Thn in 2009?
Karachi, QUeetA, peshawar, Banu, lahore, abottAbad!
We need, extra specially trained, speciaily recruted 5, 00, 000 more troopS, to control the law & oder situation in the country !
WhAt you think, plz let's Strat agaiAn!
Frontier Corps ?

theyn are the symbol of colonillsm, they dont desrved to be a force!

in PAKISTAN?;):lol::pakistan:

Their tradition is loved all over the province. They carry more respect than Pakistan Army in KPK.

One of the advantages that the German special forces unit GSG9 has is that it is not actually part of the German army but is instead attached to the Police border guards.

This means they can carry out detective work and they also have the powers of arrest.

Adapting the Frontier Corps to at least have the power of arrest would make them a capable force to tackle lawlessness rather than just killing the enemy.

No. This power should not be given to Frontier CORPS. If necessary, these special powers could be given to FRONTIER CONSTABULARY - remember F Corps is officered by Pak Army and we don't want any finger to be raised on Army due to misuse of power.
With such a small security force, pakistan can't defend itself, from internal, & external Aggresion, this thread was bieng posted by me in 2009, & noW the situatoin, in our major cities?is getting worse? Thn in 2009?
Karachi, QUeetA, peshawar, Banu, lahore, abottAbad!
We need, extra specially trained, speciaily recruted 5, 00, 000 more troopS, to control the law & oder situation in the country !
WhAt you think, plz let's Strat agaiAn!

We need more troops but it's not job of Army to take care of law and order situation in the country. Police should be better trained. Police should stop working for politicians and should work for Pakistani's instead. Fair, free and just judicial system is also needed.
Police should stop working for politicians and should work for Pakistani's instead. Fair, free and just judicial system is also needed.

Sory mate,
These words looks too good, on the fourms , like these, if our politicians & judicial system, had delivered , what you were suggesting , then , there should be no, worsing law & order situations, in pakistan , 1/3rd of our, troops are engaged in , oops against, talibans, & the rest, were , positioned at indian , borders?
This gives, terrorsits open permission, to attack, our forces, inSide pakistan, incidents like mehran base, salLa, abottabad, could had been, never happenend, if we have the , extra 3,00000 , rapid reaction force,our relationship with nato, is getting down, & I don't , have high hopes, about, it!
What if, nato decides, to have a joint, attack with india on pakistan, we can , put our nukes on , india, but what about, nato attacking, from different, sides? Then can your police, would be helpfull, to defend pakistan? No. I don't think so, with police in politicians hands, they are going , to sell pakistan, without a single, shot been fired on nato?
Frist thing , we can do is,to put police in army,s command, then. Trained them, specialy in urban warfare, our judges can not decided, a fate of a, alleged terrorsits, in 11 dam yearS, instead jail breaks like banu are happening,&instead our dam, judges are showing, their dam somomoto actions, against army, its chief, its. --------ISI chief, & they let, hussain haqani fly away?
We need to move, forward & we have to , provide , defence to our, forces, if we can double the, numbers of our , troops in 3 years, our law & order situation, will become, better & then we, will never be neEded to call, rangers & fc in sindh & in baluchistan, or in KPK?
Strong defence, brings economic stability, china, india, Usa n IRan ,already hve proven, this theory is bound to make massive,job creation cou ld be, another bright, prospect.
This is for all members who belong or have family in the PAK Army.

Please read this small article from Wikipedia. The Rhodesian Security Forces didn't have USA support. It just shows if there is will there is away.

Rhodesian Security Forces
Main article: Rhodesian Security Forces - Wikipedia

In June 1977, Time magazine reported that "man for man, the Rhodesian army ranks among the world's finest fighting units."
The army was always a relatively small force, consisting of just 3,400 regular troops in 1970. However, by 1978–79 it had grown to some 10,800 regulars nominally supported by about 40,000 reservists – though by the last year of the war, perhaps as few as 15,000 were available for active service. While the regular army consisted of a professional core drawn from the white population
(and some units, such as the Rhodesian SAS and the Rhodesian Light Infantry, were all-white),

The war saw the extensive operation of Rhodesian regulars as well as elite units such as the Selous Scouts and the Rhodesian SAS. The Rhodesian Army fought bitterly against the black nationalist guerrillas. The Rhodesian Army also comprised mostly black regiments such as the Rhodesian African Rifles. As the war went on, the frequent callup of reservists was increasingly utilized to supplement the professional soldiers and the many volunteers from overseas. By 1978 all white males up to the age of 60 were subject to periodic call-up into the army; younger men up to 35 might expect to spend alternating blocks of six weeks in the army and at home. Many of the overseas volunteers came from Britain, Ireland, South Africa, Portugal, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America with the latter three being held in high regard for their recent Vietnam War experience.

The Rhodesian Army was, considering the arms embargo, well-equipped. The standard infantry weapon was the Belgian FN FAL Rifle as produced in South Africa under license as the R1 Rifle and supplemented by the H&K G3 rifle that came from Portuguese forces. However other weapons such as the British L1A1 variant of the FAL and the older British Lee-Enfield bolt action rifle were used by reservists and the British South Africa Police. Other weapons included the Bren LMG, Sten SMG, Uzi, Browning Hi-Power pistol, Colt M16 rifle (very late in the war), FN MAG general-purpose machine-gun, 81 mm mortar, and Claymore mines. After UDI Rhodesia was heavily reliant on South African and domestically-produced weapons and equipment, as well as international smuggling operations, commonly referred to as "sanction-busting". The Rhodesian Air Force (RhAF) operated a variety of equipment and carried out numerous roles, with air power providing the Rhodesians with a significant advantage over their enemy. When the arms embargo was introduced, the RhAF was suddenly lacking spare parts from external suppliers and was forced to find alternative means of keeping their aircraft flying. The RhAF was also relatively well equipped and used a large proportion of equipment which was obsolete, such as the World War II vintage Douglas Dakota transport aircraft and the early British jet-fighter the de Havilland Vampire. It also used more modern types of aircraft like the Hawker Hunter and Canberra bombers, the Cessna Skymaster as well as Aérospatiale Alouette III helicopters until they were supplemented by the Augusta Bell 205. Very late in the war, the Rhodesian forces were able to obtain and use a very few smuggled in Augusta Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopters.

At the beginning of the war much of Rhodesia's military hardware was of British and Commonwealth origin but during the course of the conflict new equipment such as armoured cars were procured from the South Africans. Several Polish-madeT-55 tanks destined for Idi Amin's regime in Uganda were diverted to Rhodesia by the South Africans, though only in the last year of the war. The Rhodesians also produced a wide range of wheeled mine-proofed armoured vehicles, often using Mercedes Unimog, Land Rover and Bedford truck components, including unlicensed copies of the Mercedes-Benz UR-416. The means with which the Rhodesians procured weaponry meant that the arms embargoes had little effect on the Rhodesian war effort. During the course of the war most white citizens carried personal weapons, and it was not unusual to see white housewives carrying submachine guns. A siege mentality set in and all civilian transport had to be escorted in convoys for safety against ambushes. Farms and villages in rural areas were frequently attacked.

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