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Attack Helicopters----Needed No More---Drones Are The Future:

There are no friends - just common interests
And, Pak can readily brings out a rabbit from her hat given any geo-political circumstances where 24 hrs is a long time......
Japanese are phasing out their attack helicopters in favor of drones.
Although requirements vary from military to military, but helicopters in current configuration are losing their relevancy rapidly. And obviously drones are taking over by providing more distributed and flexible fire power than gunships. But its still not over for "weaponized helicopters." In future if they evolved into something more robust, like Valour or Defiant, only then they will keep living the future for generations to come.

*Case is different for 3rd world militaries which still predominately employ cold war era tech and WW-II style war tactics.

What condition are their Cobras in? Do you think Pakistan will try to go for them?

Attack helicopters and helicopters in general are not flying above 50ft in most parts of the Ukrainian front lines. Modern IADs have shows their efficacy as well as MANPADs.

Drones are being jammed but they are able to take alternate routes to hit their targets - however the solution is what is already being debated in the Pentagon.

Modern CAS will he a very difficult process so the Fire support aspect is going to start coming back the army - loitering munitions, longer ranged SFW delivering ballistic systems and so on.

There will be space for Attack helicopters - but they now become the UAS control centers and launch loitering munitions from behind cover to sanitze air space they might operate in.

Pakistan UCAVs can operate in some comm jamming conditions but eventually it will revert back to indirect Fire support. India is making strides and there in their loitering munitions aspect so in 5-10 years Pakistan will simply lose the capability to blunt offensives as well.

Has any country started experimenting with raising loitering munition units in their armies?

Drones used to be american drones and then---the death from above---coming un-announced to un-suspecting victims from above---taking innocent and criminals alike without prejudice---.

The action in armenia happened---Turkiye technology shook up the world like never before in a long long time---.

And when Ukraine happened---russia was taken with its pants down and so was the rest of the world---& Turkiye was leading one more time---.

Credit to Turkiye & china---which knew which direction would the wind be blowing and nations that understood the importance of drones other than the US, Israel---.

The technology in the drones will increase by a multiplier effect in the next 5 years and by the end of next decade---you kids won't even remember where it was when it started---.
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er..a big NO. For one latency, there is a few seconds latency between what an operator sees and the events unfolding before the drone in real time. So a remote piloted drone could never replace an Apache in a pitched dynamic battle in support of ground infantry where a fraction of a second means life or death. Of course these limitations don't apply to fully autonomous AI drones but Pakistan isn't there just yet. Besides if you're fighting a well equipped adversary pretty sure they can simply jam the drones comms and GPS - then what? And how is a remotely piloted drone supposed to evade hostile fire?
Attack helicopters that cost almost as much as fighter jets, getting taken out by MANPADS like flies, may not be worth the few miliseconds of time gain
Pakistan UCAVs can operate in some comm jamming conditions but eventually it will revert back to indirect Fire support. India is making strides and there in their loitering munitions aspect so in 5-10 years Pakistan will simply lose the capability to blunt offensives as well.
There are counter drone swarm systems coming to the market. Systems using EW & energy directed weapons to fry drone swarms should be looked at.
Has any country started experimenting with raising loitering munition units in their armies?
rumors says there will be a loitering munition platoon set up in PLA's combined arms battalion.

Attack helicopters that cost almost as much as fighter jets, getting taken out by MANPADS like flies, may not be worth the few miliseconds of time gain
...don't make silly statements based on Russian incompetence in Ukraine.
Gentlemen & people,

Ukraine war has brought out some very interesting and unique changes in military combat---considering what we thought was important in the past---has turned out to be of minimal consequence or of very little concern.

Strike aircraft with dumb bombs----. These aircraft---they are totally obsolete now.

Modern strike aircraft---their only option is smart weapons but with the production of modern anti drone ---anti smart weapons---anti low flying surface to surface missiles---or air to surface missiles---in a highly contested air space---militaries that have better surface to air weapons---like shoulder carried sams---or other SA missiles---computerized / radar assisted quad barrels guns---or radar assisted rotary canons will have a severe effect against incoming strike weapons.

In heavily contested areas---air to surface weapons will have a comparatively lower success rate because of excessive anti air capabilities as long as they are coming from a predictable direction

You will also see that the role of attack helicopters severely diminish and taken over by the DRONES---so that has ended up as a good thing for pakistan army---.

We can thank the US congress for blocking the delivery of the Apache gunships that came with restrictions and Kill switches as well and NO air to air missiles either---.

Our drones will completely take over the roles of the gunship helicopters for air to ground and under certain circumstances air to air combat as well---along with surveillance.

I wanted to share this good news with my pakistani colleagues. At age 66---I don't have the energy---intensity and the patience to write long drawn out articles---so this short version.

Now about the helicopters---helicopters will still have mission specific capabilities---like dropping off and picking up personal and equipment and things like that----.

But what the apache gunships were bringing to the table---mostly---we have fulfilled it with our drones---and with much much better capabilities.

In weapons world---nothing is for certain---battle plans change---modern technology acts as a force multiplier---Global positioning satellites bring new tactics to the battlefield---.

Now don't get me wrong---the fighting helicopters will still have their place on the battlefield---which many a posters may write about.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Already was discussed that tanks and choppers are outdated..

What you need is strong airforce and strong small weapons
Mobile arterilleRY drones missiles etc
Attack helicopters that cost almost as much as fighter jets, getting taken out by MANPADS like flies, may not be worth the few miliseconds of time gain
Flares will be the answer for MANPADS, no such things on drones so far
Gentlemen & people,

Ukraine war has brought out some very interesting and unique changes in military combat---considering what we thought was important in the past---has turned out to be of minimal consequence or of very little concern.

Strike aircraft with dumb bombs----. These aircraft---they are totally obsolete now.

Modern strike aircraft---their only option is smart weapons but with the production of modern anti drone ---anti smart weapons---anti low flying surface to surface missiles---or air to surface missiles---in a highly contested air space---militaries that have better surface to air weapons---like shoulder carried sams---or other SA missiles---computerized / radar assisted quad barrels guns---or radar assisted rotary canons will have a severe effect against incoming strike weapons.

In heavily contested areas---air to surface weapons will have a comparatively lower success rate because of excessive anti air capabilities as long as they are coming from a predictable direction

You will also see that the role of attack helicopters severely diminish and taken over by the DRONES---so that has ended up as a good thing for pakistan army---.

We can thank the US congress for blocking the delivery of the Apache gunships that came with restrictions and Kill switches as well and NO air to air missiles either---.

Our drones will completely take over the roles of the gunship helicopters for air to ground and under certain circumstances air to air combat as well---along with surveillance.

I wanted to share this good news with my pakistani colleagues. At age 66---I don't have the energy---intensity and the patience to write long drawn out articles---so this short version.

Now about the helicopters---helicopters will still have mission specific capabilities---like dropping off and picking up personal and equipment and things like that----.

But what the apache gunships were bringing to the table---mostly---we have fulfilled it with our drones---and with much much better capabilities.

In weapons world---nothing is for certain---battle plans change---modern technology acts as a force multiplier---Global positioning satellites bring new tactics to the battlefield---.

Now don't get me wrong---the fighting helicopters will still have their place on the battlefield---which many a posters may write about.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
You are most likely correct! I feel its just how evolution of technology works.
In world war 1 and 2 tanks were a nightmare from hell for regular infantry soil soldiers and cavalry units and after the invention of so many anti tanks weapons and specially helicopters, Tanks nowadays are almost becoming obsolete and almost useless.

Same goes for attack Helicopters , with modern drones up in air which are doing a much better and easier job, not to forget in a much cheaper and economical way and not to forget no liability for pilots lives.
Helicopters are fazing out faster than you think.

just an example alot of farmers are moving from helicopter pesticides spraying to drones just for economic feasibility and less operational maintenance. i can share other examples too but my point is moving faster than we think and its definitely the future!
Ah yes drones apologists.

I bet these people are big fan of Obama and jerk off to drone footages in which people are dying.
Different roles!

No substitution exists... war over the horizon and stand-off distances is going to bots... call it a progression... gunpowder, bullet etc.

Bots/drones take both ground and aerial offensive roles... i.e. expendable.
Japanese are phasing out their attack helicopters in favor of drones.
Although requirements vary from military to military, but helicopters in current configuration are losing their relevancy rapidly. And obviously drones are taking over by providing more distributed and flexible fire power than gunships. But its still not over for "weaponized helicopters." In future if they evolved into something more robust, like Valour or Defiant, only then they will keep living the future for generations to come.

*Case is different for 3rd world militaries which still predominately employ cold war era tech and WW-II style war tactics.
Japan is an island nation and not facing thousands of tanks and armored vehicles rolling across its borders. It makes sense for them to cost cut in this dept.
chopper and drone combos worked good for a certain country a few decades ago. if your chopper is threatened you move back a little and call in a high altitude drone strike.

other than that drone is only good for assassinations
chopper can carry small drones, long range missiles and can target from stand of ranges, they are still important.
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