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Does the Muslim community deserve the hate they're getting ?

Muslims should stop hating others and then others will reciprocate.
This is generalize statement, and there is no concept of generalized statement in Islamic law and day of judgement.

Its a well known fact that around the world the Muslim community is the one that least integrates into the societies where they live. They create ghettos and their own little worlds where they only interact with each other and can at times be hostile towards the locals (irony).

Especially for the Muslim communities in the west , radicalisation is turning out to be a huge problem. At first this was only an issue at home and the middle east but now its hitting every part of the European world as well as North America. They've lost thousands in the past few years because of these terrorist activities.

And perhaps not just terrorism but overall criminal and uncivilised conduct by the community (and yes this usually involves a small amount but they're the ones who stand out ) has really blotted our image on a global scale. The influx of Muslims in Germany showed a spike in sexual assaults and other crimes. British Muslims are known to adopt this behavior (as suggested by another thread some days ago). Local clerics March around the cities calling for the implementation of sharia law.

Which brings me to the question in hand. Do we deserve to be hated ?
Well, this is very complicated situation. Because Europe gave lots of uneducated and uncivilized people refugee status and also Islamic element. But, all these foreigners need to respect the law and of land and that what Islam say. If not agree can leave , where they feel comfortable . Unfortunately , our mullah islam revolve around beard and hijab. Islam is way beyond from this.
US didn't kill Muslims but Muslims who killed Muslims

And I am not saying America is the good guy here

I expect you to offer me a sollution on what should a nation do when a foreign army forced invades and tries to enforce its values through force
Stop the nonsense when did America forced its values on anyone?
Yes they forced their political agenda on some countries but forcing others to accept their religion by the swords these are the muslims

Didnt US invaded Iraq murdering 1 million muslims on the pretext that they have the right to impose democracy by force? Am i missing something here? Isnt this a "convert to my system or die" policy?
Didnt US invaded Iraq murdering 1 million muslims on the pretext that they have the right to impose democracy by force? Am i missing something here? Isnt this a "convert to my system or die" policy?
You don't open your mouth about things you don't even know

Nobody imposed democracy the so called iraqi opposition made the deal that we will establish democracy if you remove saddam from power

The second lie you muslims always lie the so called one million death which is not true and most of these deaths were because of the animals killing each other over political or sectarian issues
You don't open your mouth about things you don't even know

Nobody imposed democracy the so called iraqi opposition made the deal that we will establish democracy if you remove saddam from power

The second lie you muslims always lie the so called one million death which is not true and most of these deaths were because of the animals killing each other over political or sectarian issues

The US staged an arbitrary invasion against the will of UN destroying a country with its policies by disbanding the army and the police and creating an artificial chaos. 14 years later Iraq continues to be in complete chaos because the secular democratic government is completely corrupt and useless and is forced to rely on foreign forces to survive(Iran and US bombs).
The US staged an arbitrary invasion against the will of UN destroying a country with its policies by disbanding the army and the police and creating an artificial chaos. 14 years later Iraq continues to be in complete chaos because the secular democratic government is completely corrupt and useless and is forced to rely on foreign forces to survive(Iran and US bombs).
What you just said prove that you don't know anything about Iraq

Nobody forced the Iraqis to electc corrupted government

Japan was destroyed nuked twice the destruction in Germany is not that different from the destruction of japan and it was divided yet within 10 years they became better than before Korea was divided into 2 states yet the southern part was backward but today it's leading developed industrial nation so there is no execuse for the so called iraqis to blame the chaos on the Americans

They destroyed the country instead of talking the opportunity to rebuild the country after the fall of the dictatorship
What you just said prove that you don't know anything about Iraq

Nobody forced the Iraqis to electc corrupted government

Japan was destroyed nuked twice the destruction in Germany is not that different from the destruction of japan and it was divided yet within 10 years they became better than before Korea was divided into 2 states yet the southern part was backward but today it's leading developed industrial nation so there is no execuse for the so called iraqis to blame the chaos on the Americans

They destroyed the country instead of talking the opportunity to rebuild the country after the fall of the dictatorship

You cannot compare Iraq with Japan or Germany that dont have sectarian problems since they are 100% Germans and 100% Japanese. Iraq is more like Yugoslavia. Either you have a central dictatorship or the country is split
You cannot compare Iraq with Japan or Germany that dont have sectarian problems since they are 100% Germans and 100% Japanese. Iraq is more like Yugoslavia. Either you have a central dictatorship or the country is split
So you admit it's the iraqis are the problem and not America
If i take a glass and throw it and break it its my fault or glass's fault?
Your logic is wrong but you are right the Americans should have kept them under dictatorship because they are savages who act like wild animals
Yep your religion is the most hated thousands are leaving it

The only scums who say your religion is fastest growing are your bullshit websites and the lying scums like Zakir manyouk

Lol you are seriously ill informed, but what should one expect from an apostate, the vermin of humanity.

Imagine if every non muslim majority country did the same to muslims- ask them to pray in private.
Does not feel right? Does it?

Lol that's how it is in most non Muslim countries genius.

Anyway, I respect the rules and don't blast the athaan from my house, nor do I pray on the street. Most Muslims keep their religion private. Maybe you idiots should think about doing the same in our countries.
Lol that's how it is in most non Muslim countries genius.

That's how it is for EVERY religion in non-muslim countries.
Opposite in Saudi. You can't even have Hindu deities even in home.
How do you know Hindus cannot keep Hindu statues in their "homes" in Saudi Arabia?

As long it is in their home.

Hindus are not even allowed vermillion in their homes in Saudi, forget statues. They won't make past the customs.

I am not complaining. Any Hindu who goes to Saudi knows exactly what he is going into and he damn well respect that countries laws.
The discussion was about respecting each other's religion, hence me pointing at how it does not happen in Islamic world, which incidentally demands the world to respect it.
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