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Does the Muslim community deserve the hate they're getting ?

Muslims are ok till below 2 to 3 % in populn.
Above that they want schools, workplace, airports, everything to revolve around their beliefs.
Muslims are ok till below 2 to 3 % in populn.
Above that they want schools, workplace, airports, everything to revolve around their beliefs.
And whose beliefs they should revolve around? Off course they would do what they are convinced by. Like Hindus are convinced to worship a dildo shaped god called Shev Lengam, you don't see Muslims complaining about it.
And whose beliefs they should revolve around? Off course they would do what they are convinced by. Like Hindus are convinced to worship a dildo shaped God called Shev Lengam, you don't see Muslims complaining about it.
Just proved my point. Since u feel safe in a muslim majority and controlled PDF , u indulge in abuse at will.
Just proved my point. Since u feel safe in a muslim majority and controlled PDF , u indulge in abuse at will.
I think Hindus are unfit to rule. They expect minorities to follow Hindu religion.
What do you mean by Secular?

Saudi Arabia is not secular like France, Canada or the Republic of India.

Saudi Arabia is tolerant of other faiths, as long as they practice in private and they do not preach their faith.
This is the reason why it should be be allowed to be a part of civilized society. In fact that is what the world has started doing. Keep up with your regressive thoughts and ideology.

I think Hindus are unfit to rule. They expect minorities to follow Hindu religion.
That has always been the general Muslim elite line of thinking.
This is the reason why it should be be allowed to be a part of civilized society. In fact that is what the world has started doing. Keep up with your regressive thoughts and ideology.

That has always been the general Muslim elite line of thinking.
The Saudi government doesn't care about what you think Ganguly or your opinion.

Saudi Arabia has a different culture and that is enough justification for them to do what they believe is right.

All you can do about it is sputter on an online forum.
Its a well known fact that around the world the Muslim community is the one that least integrates into the societies where they live. They create ghettos and their own little worlds where they only interact with each other and can at times be hostile towards the locals (irony).

Especially for the Muslim communities in the west , radicalisation is turning out to be a huge problem. At first this was only an issue at home and the middle east but now its hitting every part of the European world as well as North America. They've lost thousands in the past few years because of these terrorist activities.

And perhaps not just terrorism but overall criminal and uncivilised conduct by the community (and yes this usually involves a small amount but they're the ones who stand out ) has really blotted our image on a global scale. The influx of Muslims in Germany showed a spike in sexual assaults and other crimes. British Muslims are known to adopt this behavior (as suggested by another thread some days ago). Local clerics March around the cities calling for the implementation of sharia law.

Which brings me to the question in hand. Do we deserve to be hated ?

Dear lahoriguy, your question begs the question, what is islam? Do people who claim to be muslims understand the message in the quran therefore actual deen of islam? My answer is a huge majority of people who claim to be muslims have no idea at all what the message in the quran is. Why not? Because most of them are ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained or unskilled or inexperienced in thinking things through properly.

When a people have no sense of making proper sense of things because they did not make any effort to learn it then how can they understand message of God? Such people therefore have make beliefs and follow harmful and destructive practices. This is not only true about people who claim to be muslims but also those who claim to be nonmuslims.

Ask hindus why they believe in need for God to incarnate? Ask the same of christians. Ask all religious people including muslims why they believe in concept of miracles instead of two acts of God ie creation and revelation? Creation of God is before our very eyes to learn from by directly experimenting with it and revelation of God is there for us to explain things to us rationally for our understanding of things on basis of our life experiences. All this involves learning to make sense of things. This neither needs incarnations of God nor miracles just sense of making proper sense of things. Which people are great at learning about creation and revelation? Till humanity answers this question properly they will carry on fighting with each other and blaming each other for all the wrongs they do to each other for their personal gains at the expense of each other. For a detailed explanation of things see

regards and all the best.

Muslims should stop hating others and then others will reciprocate.

Dear mulubja, people can never stop hating each other till they learn to live for each other to ensure well being of each other. This needs a formula which is provided by the quran but people are not yet interested or ready in knowing that formula as it ought to be known. So nothing can stop people from fighting with each other for getting what they want of each other. People have chosen to live their lives on basis of personal gains at the expense of each other. What they need is a way of life that can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence based upon unity, peace, progress and prosperity. This way of life is taught only and only by the quran which sets standard for humanity to reach and adopt. However people have not yet reached that state of knowledge whereby they could understood the message in the quran and adopt its advised way of life. So till humanity gets educated to that degree we will have to put up with all kind of nonsense by each other.

regards and all the best.

The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. So Great! Do 'Muslims' deserve the hate, No. Do Islamist spreading hate deserve the hate, Yes. The problem is the silence of moderate Muslims. Moderate Muslims need not only to stand apart but actually be the first line of defense and offence against radicals and fundamentalists in the community.

Dear Fireurimagination, the problem is not only human population which claims to be muslim but also the huge nonmuslim population as well. How? When an educated muslim explains the message in the quran on the basis principles in a different way than it is understood by ignorant mullahs and their followers not only such a person is targeted by muslims but also by nonmuslims who say this is not the message of the quran. So in my view blame equally rests on all ignorant people who rather have things their way instead of the way they should be. Once humanity realises this problem and tries to overcome it only then we can expect things to start getting better.

regards and all the best.

Well what if I put the question other way around , why do muslims hate others ? call them kafirs..etc.

Dear jetray, all people hate each other not just muslims why? Hindus hate other hindus, parsees hate parsees, jews hate jews, christians hate christians, muslims hate muslims, sikhs hate sikhs etc etc. In each country jails are full of people and many kill their so called blood related family members why? It is because people have adopted a way of life based upon their personal gains at the expense of each other. So long as things go their way they are ok but when they do not then they do what they think is good for themselves regardless of what happens to others.

If we want a blissful, dignified and secure existence then we must learn and adopt a way of life that can unite us on basis of peace for making progress to be prosperous. This way of life is told about in the quran and is called deen of islam. People claim to be muslims but they have little or no knowledge of the quran or deen of islam. In fact people have no idea how to make sense of message of God. So we will have to wait till people become educated enough to be able to understand the quran properly and be able to adopt its advised way of life faithfully.

regards and all the best.
The Saudi government doesn't care about what you think Ganguly or your opinion.

Saudi Arabia has a different culture and that is enough justification for them to do what they believe is right.

All you can do about it is sputter on an online forum.
That is true.
Every Non-Muslim should be forced to read Quran and Hadeeths.
I like most indians on this forum but you are truly a pathetic troll please delete your existence.

What's wrong?

Why Allah has sent you in this world?

To type on PDF?

No pagle, the purpose of existence of Muslim is to spread Islam.

What have you done to spread Islam?

I being a kuffar have served Allah's interests better than you namesake Muslim.
This needs a formula which is provided by the quran but people are not yet interested or ready in knowing that formula as it ought to be known.

That is why perhaps the formula is practiced rigorously in Islamic Countries.
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