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Does the Muslim community deserve the hate they're getting ?


May 12, 2017
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Its a well known fact that around the world the Muslim community is the one that least integrates into the societies where they live. They create ghettos and their own little worlds where they only interact with each other and can at times be hostile towards the locals (irony).

Especially for the Muslim communities in the west , radicalisation is turning out to be a huge problem. At first this was only an issue at home and the middle east but now its hitting every part of the European world as well as North America. They've lost thousands in the past few years because of these terrorist activities.

And perhaps not just terrorism but overall criminal and uncivilised conduct by the community (and yes this usually involves a small amount but they're the ones who stand out ) has really blotted our image on a global scale. The influx of Muslims in Germany showed a spike in sexual assaults and other crimes. British Muslims are known to adopt this behavior (as suggested by another thread some days ago). Local clerics March around the cities calling for the implementation of sharia law.

Which brings me to the question in hand. Do we deserve to be hated ?
The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. So Great! Do 'Muslims' deserve the hate, No. Do Islamist spreading hate deserve the hate, Yes. The problem is the silence of moderate Muslims. Moderate Muslims need not only to stand apart but actually be the first line of defense and offence against radicals and fundamentalists in the community.
Non Muslims should learn about Islam and distinguish the people from the religion, where possible.
Unfortunately most people fail at this.

We need to realize that mslims follow Islam to varying degrees, those who take the texts too seriously like the sallafis will only see "the filth of the kuffar", spl in the west with their open liberal societies and free women, free association and personal freedoms in general.

These types of muslims are incompatible with all non muslim majority societies/countries, in fact, even within muslim majority countries, the salafis only see bad western influence and more "filth of the kuffar" even with their fellow muslims.
Acceptance of others is the first step towards being a cosmopolitan. It's the only way to put an end to radicalization.

There will be people who believe in some other god then Allah and they have every right to exist, as much as any Muslim. Moderate Muslims need to step up encourage love and acceptance and pass the baton to the next generation.
The day muslims will understand that all religions are equal and that each are ultimately praying to the same person with different names and different ways is the day when everything will stop.

All religions or people are not and will never be equal. We need to understand this and if this is understood, I do not think that there will be any problem.
All religions or people are not and will never be equal. We need to understand this and if this is understood, I do not think that there will be any problem.

Ekam sat and not asat. What about the religions preaching hate and violence and butchering of people. They are neither sat not their prophets are vipra. So this do not apply to Abrahamic religions.
Ekam sat and not asat. What about the religions preaching hate and violence and butchering of people. They are neither sat not their prophets are vipra. So this do not apply to Abrahamic religions.
bhai ab ap aise baat ghused doge toh ab hum kya bol sakte hai

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