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Does Israel Really Have a Thermonuclear Weapon?

Jews share Arab genes and the urge for boastful talking.

You must have copied that from Israeli promotional bureau ads?

Israel in top? Not by a long shot.

Here I see, https://www.transformify.org/uploads/files/images/27startups.jpg

Not when half of those R&D funds come from abroad.



Do you work for their investment promotion bureau by chance?

Those folks are known for flowery language verbiage and little substance.

Bulk of global venture capital investments come from US, and US-Israel political relationship and Jewish control is well known.

Israel is not anywhere near the leading countries in science or tech in aggregate or per capita terms in anything. Number of sci/tech articles by total or per capita, number of citations of sci/tech papers by total or per capita, number of sci/tech citations per paper, number of sci tech non-self-citations per capita or total. Or if you like patents, number of patents applied for or granted per capita, or total or such.

Do not fall for Jewish braggart tendency they are just like Arabs and other Middle Easterners.

On what basis?

Because of Anglo American propaganda because France refused to join their illegal invasion of Iraq?

3rd world monkeys and their urge to ride on coatttails of Anglo Americans.

When you are not begging for EU membership, you go to Anglo Americans for alms. When refused by them, you kneel before Russia who you snubbed a few weeks ago.

And despite all that you had no history culture science or tech. All that you achieved is what a cannon? That was designed by a Hungarian person Urban, where is Turkish input? Zero.

French empire was much more global, larger, more influential, more lasting and powerful than any Turkish empire. No Turkish empire former citizens speak Turkish because of Turkish imperial rule.

La Francophonie caters to the Francophone community which spans more than 80 countries and also 5 continents. French colonies still do business, learn education in French and legal system moulded or influenced by France. Your neighbour Syria and Lebanon that is battle ground today also was snatched from you by France. And Jordan and Iraq by Britain. You are in no position to talk or compare with France.

I won't discuss any impact on science, culture, economy, technology, military or politics, industry or civilization and human rights. All these areas France leads the entire Middle Eastern world and Eastern Europe world by generations. Unless you count oil kingdoms' economies may be as richer than France in per capita basis.
You don't need to call people monkey just because they come from third world countries Mon pote.

Coming to topic, you definitely didn't read my post correctly. What you mentioned was start up hubs/cities. I mentioned R&D startup nations/countries as a whole per capital. In this regard Israel is among world leaders.

Similarly, even in venture capital investment per capita they lead the world.


You say many of the investment in this high tech sectors also comes from abroad, I don't see the problem there, shows multinationals and businessmen around the world recognise the skills, educated workforce,innovative spirit of Israel reason they invest massively there. It's not out of Pity/charity bro. In fact even big western countries also attract alot of investment from abroad , does that mean we are not capable enough? We live in a globalised world where every country tries to attract as much investment as they can afford to. the U.S is the world's largest FDI recipient(including in tech sectors) , guess that means they are incapable?instead it shows the confidence people have in their country/economy/industry/workforce etc.

For a country the size of Israel you don't expect their tech companies to be able to compete head to head with conglomerates like Google,Facebook,Apple etc for funds/capital , do you? Even European powers tech companies can't even compete with these giants dude.lol
So Israel is punching wayyyyyy above its size/weight. it's an innovation powerhouse, this has nothing to do with bragging/boasting. Mere facts.

Other facts about Israel (though a few year old but still relevant even today) and this is from international organisation OECD and WEF not me:

1st in R&D expenditure as % of GDP*
1st in quality of scientific research institutions**
1st for entrepreneurship being widespread amongst its managers*
2nd in public expenditure on education*
3rd in venture capital availability**
4th in PCT patents applications per million population**
5th for strength of investor protection**
6 Israelis in the last 10 years have been awarded Nobel Prizes in the fields of Economics or Chemistry

Source: OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2011.
* International Institute for Management Development (IMD) Global Competitiveness Yearbook 2011.
** World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013.


As for the 'Anglo American' U.K/U.S illegal invasion of Iraq and the unique French being against out of 'moral values'. Lol. France was against simply because it had massive/huge economic and military interest in Iraq and close relationship with dictator Saddam. Every power always does things for their own selfish interests, France is isn't any different. France was building nuclear reactors in Iraq, Israel even bombed the shit out of Iraq's nuclear facilities unfortunately killing some French nuclear scientist's involved in the project. France sold the Iraqis two nuclear reactors, one of which, Tamuz II, at Osirak near Baghdad, was designed to produce plutonium. Israeli fighter bombers destroyed this plant as well in 1981 as French engineers were completing work on the facility.
France also supplied Iraq with five highly sophisticated Super Etendard fighter bombers and armed them with Exocet missiles. Until the Iraq war , France was the western world's largest goods exporter to Iraqand it was the second largest (most sophisticated ) weapons supplier to Iraq (after the Soviet union) during the Iraq -iran war etc etc. Your economic and military interests with Iraq back them was too deep. Reason you opposed the war, which is normal as each power is usually after their own interests.

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8U_sWfvgToQC&pg=PA103&lpg=PA103&dq=france+interests+in+saddam's+iraq&source=bl&ots=17a9fh8v1o&sig=tf6NTThne1nPnjUQoLD0CrRQ9b0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjen8THjPPOAhWfHsAKHY3oD7sQ6AEINjAI#v=onepage&q=france interests in saddam's iraq&f=false

As for France and Turkey , obviously it's true France is far ahead in all fields. Even in its proud military history of colonial conquest around the globe.
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As for France and Turkey , obviously it's true France is far ahead in all fields. Even in its proud military history of colonial conquest around the globe.

lol obviously as France rose in the last 200-300 years mainly which is why it had such an expansion when the world was discovered, americas etc. Go back a few hundred years before that and french was begging us for help to save them. Even we saved french kings from their enemies lol.

''The alliance provided strategic support to, and effectively protected, the kingdom of France from the ambitions of Charles V. It also gave the opportunity for the Ottoman Empire to become involved in European diplomacy and gain prestige in its European dominions. According to historian Arthur Hassall the consequences of the Franco-Ottoman alliance were far-reaching: "The Ottoman alliance had powerfully contributed to save France from the grasp of Charles V, it had certainly aidedProtestantism in Germany, and from a French point of view, it had rescued the North German allies of Francis I."
Pretty much any country that can build a fission bomb can probably build a fusion one as well. Yes, even North Korea.
Up till four centuries back and for a thousand years, these Ashkenazi were no match for the Arabs, so where is the logic behind these statements?

In today's context Ashkhenaz rules Israel. Vast Majority of Jews living in Europe and America are Ashkhenaz. How influential do you think they are ? Why do you think Nazi's hated and killed them in millions ? Educate !
that true

with all due respect no personal assaults

The Western World will intervene to stop a war where Israel attacks Arab countries as well, big deal...
They will do so together with others in the UNSC,
The Western World will intervene to stop a war where Israel attacks Arab countries as well, big deal...
They will do so together with others in the UNSC
thats called relying on bad men's gratitude
nevertheless hope they do
plus thats an old thread
Tremors inspected by US and other nations suggest it wasn't of enough yield to be thermonuclear. Same with Pakistan and same with North Korean recent thermonuclear claim.
There was Reason for low American readings different as said by KALAM himself :

"American seismologists said that they had detected only one blast and that it appeared to be much smaller than the first Indian estimates, no bigger than the equivalent of 25,000 tons of TNT. But the Indian scientists said American confusion over the size of the biggest blast have arisen from the fact that the Shakti-1 device was detonated in a shaft separated by 1,100 yards from a second shaft containing Shakti-2, the device with 12,000 tons of TNT equivalent. The scientists said the simultaneous detonation of the two devices had caused ''interference'' in the seismic signatures of the two blasts that misled American experts."

I once saw the interview of Kalam on DD National (Yes ,it was that old ,,,Tried to find it on Internet but no help) Interview asked about Hydrogen Bomb and how much India poses at that time and he laughed and said more than 6 , Interviewer again asked and tried its best , But Kalam then with smile said its more than One .
There was Reason for low American readings different as said by KALAM himself :

"American seismologists said that they had detected only one blast and that it appeared to be much smaller than the first Indian estimates, no bigger than the equivalent of 25,000 tons of TNT. But the Indian scientists said American confusion over the size of the biggest blast have arisen from the fact that the Shakti-1 device was detonated in a shaft separated by 1,100 yards from a second shaft containing Shakti-2, the device with 12,000 tons of TNT equivalent. The scientists said the simultaneous detonation of the two devices had caused ''interference'' in the seismic signatures of the two blasts that misled American experts."

I once saw the interview of Kalam on DD National (Yes ,it was that old ,,,Tried to find it on Internet but no help) Interview asked about Hydrogen Bomb and how much India poses at that time and he laughed and said more than 6 , Interviewer again asked and tried its best , But Kalam then with smile said its more than One .
btw dr. kalam was rocket engineer right? not a nuclear scientist.
Coming to topic, you definitely didn't read my post correctly. What you mentioned was start up hubs/cities. I mentioned R&D startup nations/countries as a whole per capital. In this regard Israel is among world leaders.

This is like asking which countries are leaders in baseball, per capita.

Meaningless, because no country except US and a few other satellites play this sport seriously.

I don't see relation to that index. Anglo Americans have a habit of making indices every year out of anything and everything, most often for frivolous reasons.

You say many of the investment in this high tech sectors also comes from abroad, I don't see the problem there, shows multinationals and businessmen around the world recognise the skills, educated workforce,innovative spirit of Israel reason they invest massively there. It's not out of Pity/charity bro. In fact even big western countries also attract alot of investment from abroad , does that mean we are not capable enough? We live in a globalised world where every country tries to attract as much investment as they can afford to. the U.S is the world's largest FDI recipient(including in tech sectors) , guess that means they are incapable?instead it shows the confidence people have in their country/economy/industry/workforce etc.

They come overwhelmingly from the US. Probably more than 80% of the times.

Not without a reason, a political reason.

Other facts about Israel (though a few year old but still relevant even today) and this is from international organisation OECD and WEF not me:

1st in R&D expenditure as % of GDP*
1st in quality of scientific research institutions**
1st for entrepreneurship being widespread amongst its managers*
2nd in public expenditure on education*
3rd in venture capital availability**
4th in PCT patents applications per million population**
5th for strength of investor protection**
6 Israelis in the last 10 years have been awarded Nobel Prizes in the fields of Economics or Chemistry

Source: OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2011.
* International Institute for Management Development (IMD) Global Competitiveness Yearbook 2011.
** World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013.


I was right when I said
You must have copied that from Israeli promotional bureau ads?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, huh.

As for the 'Anglo American' U.K/U.S illegal invasion of Iraq and the unique French being against out of 'moral values'. Lol. France was against simply because it had massive/huge economic and military interest in Iraq and close relationship with dictator Saddam. Every power always does things for their own selfish interests, France is isn't any different. France was building nuclear reactors in Iraq, Israel even bombed the shit out of Iraq's nuclear facilities unfortunately killing some French nuclear scientist's involved in the project. France sold the Iraqis two nuclear reactors, one of which, Tamuz II, at Osirak near Baghdad, was designed to produce plutonium. Israeli fighter bombers destroyed this plant as well in 1981 as French engineers were completing work on the facility.
France also supplied Iraq with five highly sophisticated Super Etendard fighter bombers and armed them with Exocet missiles. Until the Iraq war , France was the western world's largest goods exporter to Iraqand it was the second largest (most sophisticated ) weapons supplier to Iraq (after the Soviet union) during the Iraq -iran war etc etc. Your economic and military interests with Iraq back them was too deep. Reason you opposed the war, which is normal as each power is usually after their own interests.

As for France and Turkey , obviously it's true France is far ahead in all fields. Even in its proud military history of colonial conquest around the globe.

Long story short, you do not know what you are talking about.

No French scientist was killed in Osirak.

France like Germany and Russia and China and the entire civilized world opposed the illegal invasion of Iraq for the same reason that most people nowadays oppose it. It was morally wrong, it was illegal, it set the wrong precedents and nullified the importance of the UNSC, it created a vacuum leading to chaos and instability in the entire Middle East and beyond, and Europe is not exempt from the aftershocks.

Anybody with some memory of the pre 2003 events knows how much peaceful and safe life was in Europe and the developed world before the surge in American created and caused violence in Iraq Afghanistan and everywhere else. This whole menace of terrorism has everything to do with American actions because as the world remembers, not much of the world faced this prospect before 2003.

lol obviously as France rose in the last 200-300 years mainly which is why it had such an expansion when the world was discovered, americas etc. Go back a few hundred years before that and french was begging us for help to save them. Even we saved french kings from their enemies lol.

''The alliance provided strategic support to, and effectively protected, the kingdom of France from the ambitions of Charles V. It also gave the opportunity for the Ottoman Empire to become involved in European diplomacy and gain prestige in its European dominions. According to historian Arthur Hassall the consequences of the Franco-Ottoman alliance were far-reaching: "The Ottoman alliance had powerfully contributed to save France from the grasp of Charles V, it had certainly aidedProtestantism in Germany, and from a French point of view, it had rescued the North German allies of Francis I."

Begging is a term restricted to Turks who begged all of last few decades for European Union membership.

Begging is a term restricted to Turks who begged Americans after shooting down Russian jets and hides under NATO umbrella whereas France is incomparable in this regard, of strategic independence in nuclear deterrence, independent foreign policy, scientific and technological power and defence industry.

Turks did not arrive in Constantinopole until 1453, you were nothing for 5000 years, just nomads chased by Chinese and quashed under their boots, like today, all Turkic countries like Uzbekistan Turkmenisan Kazakhstan are quashed under Russian boots, and Uyghurs are quashed under Chinese boots.

You were still nothing as Ottoman empire because you were not a source of science, technology, enlightenment or progress. Your cannon was designed by a Hungarian called Urban.

You were still more of nothing when Ottomans were called the sick man of Europe and when France and Britain saved it from being sliced up by Russian Empire.

And you are still nothing without Europe and NATO, no matter how much you cry or complain or beat your chest like Arabs.

You still have to beg your American bosses for protection, you still have no scientific technological significance or independent defence industry. Even Israel alone is maybe 4 times ahead of you, maybe 3 times ahead of you, in technological sophistication and military industrial independence.
This is like asking which countries are leaders in baseball, per capita.

Meaningless, because no country except US and a few other satellites play this sport seriously.

I don't see relation to that index. Anglo Americans have a habit of making indices every year out of anything and everything, most often for frivolous reasons.

They come overwhelmingly from the US. Probably more than 80% of the times.

Not without a reason, a political reason.

I was right when I said

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, huh.

Long story short, you do not know what you are talking about.

No French scientist was killed in Osirak.

France like Germany and Russia and China and the entire civilized world opposed the illegal invasion of Iraq for the same reason that most people nowadays oppose it. It was morally wrong, it was illegal, it set the wrong precedents and nullified the importance of the UNSC, it created a vacuum leading to chaos and instability in the entire Middle East and beyond, and Europe is not exempt from the aftershocks.

Anybody with some memory of the pre 2003 events knows how much peaceful and safe life was in Europe and the developed world before the surge in American created and caused violence in Iraq Afghanistan and everywhere else. This whole menace of terrorism has everything to do with American actions because as the world remembers, not much of the world faced this prospect before 2003..
Seriously??? 'civilised' France was against the illegal 'Anglo U.S/U.K Iraq invasion for moral reasons? LMAO . :rofl:. France and morality in geo politics?:lol: I have seen it all on PDF
Lol Dude , I'm not some naive Arab/Muslim etc . I'm half French(mum's side though) and fluent in French as well. . I also studied international relations and political science in Uni. I know all about France's foreign policy and geo political interests, especially in its current African COLONIES today(and in the past).To say France carries out its foreign policy bases in morality is the biggest joke of the century :omghaha:
Don't ever give me this stuff about morality when it comes to a world power interests . That's lure bullshit and we all know it.
As I already said, France was among Iraq's largest weapons(which was used against Iran and suppressing/killing Iraqi people) and goods exporter(including nuclear materials) to Iraq. France was also among the country with the largest oil interests in Iraq as it's oil giants like the elsewhile Total Fina Elf, which negotiated extensive oil contracts to develop the Majnoon and Nahr Umar oil fields in southern Iraq. Both of which were estimated to contain as much as 25 percent of Iraq's oil reserves. :cheesy:
In fact, Iraq owed France an estimated $6 billion in foreign debt accrued from arms sales in the 1970s and '80s prior to U.S/U.K invasion of the country. Similarly, from 1981 to 2001, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), France was responsible for over 13 -15% percent of Iraq's arms imports(behind only Russia and China)

France's elsewhile Prime Minister Jacques Chirac cultivated France's special relationship with Iraq during the 1970s to maintain an influence in a region dominated by 'Anglo-Saxons' U.K/U.S and boost trade links with the oil-rich nation. Simple.
So as you can see , France had a lot to lose by losing Iraq and its dictator Saddam. Since it jeopardised all it's huge interests and relations it had forged during these past decades with Saddam's Iraq. I won't even mention/go in details with France's exploitation if it's colonies in Africa and presence of its soldiers in almost all it's colonies there to secure its interests by all means necessary. I don't see any morality here. Lol
Dont get me wrong though, im not blaming France or anything. I know it's normal every power from U.S, U.K, Russia and even China are all after securing their own interests globally. France isn't any different.
Morality is hmm...............:lol:

As for Islamic Terrorism/suicide bombings. Lol So according to you, there was no suicide bombings/terrorism prior to 2003?lool
You definitely need to read abit more mon pote.
That's a funny statement you just made. Moreover, who provoked the Taliban/Al Qaeda into punching suicide attacks on WTC in new York? Was it because of U.S invasion of Iraq as well? Loool I'm sure the Muslim Chechen terrorists who stiked and fought Russia several times killing hundreds/thousands of Russians citizens waa also because Russia invaded Iraq. Lol
Any power with the capabilities will have retaliated just like your very own country did when ISIS striked France , France also retaliated as much as it could against ISIS in Syria and Iraq . As far as a country has the capabilities and influence necessary they will strike to protect their interests or when under threat/attacked. It's normal dude. :)
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@mike2000 is back :

US was interfering in the Muslim world before 2001 and so that was the reason it was targeted.
Chechs attacked Russia as the Russians would not let them go independent.
U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

This report provides an overview of U.S. foreign assistance to Israel. It includes a review of past
aid programs, data on annual assistance, and an analysis of current issues. For general
information on Israel, see CRS Report RL33476, Israel: Background and U.S. Relations, by Jim
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date,
the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in
bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance,
although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional
support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for
example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the
United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance
earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other
recipients normally receive aid in installments, and Israel (as is also the case with Egypt) is
permitted to use cash flow financing for its U.S. arms purchases. In addition to receiving U.S.
State Department-administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense
appropriations bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those
programs jointly with the United States.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/u-s-foreign-aid-to-israel.448478/#ixzz4JzMDYyaZ
This is like asking which countries are leaders in baseball, per capita.

Meaningless, because no country except US and a few other satellites play this sport seriously.

I don't see relation to that index. Anglo Americans have a habit of making indices every year out of anything and everything, most often for frivolous reasons.

They come overwhelmingly from the US. Probably more than 80% of the times.

Not without a reason, a political reason.

I was right when I said

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, huh.

Long story short, you do not know what you are talking about.

No French scientist was killed in Osirak.

France like Germany and Russia and China and the entire civilized world opposed the illegal invasion of Iraq for the same reason that most people nowadays oppose it. It was morally wrong, it was illegal, it set the wrong precedents and nullified the importance of the UNSC, it created a vacuum leading to chaos and instability in the entire Middle East and beyond, and Europe is not exempt from the aftershocks.

Anybody with some memory of the pre 2003 events knows how much peaceful and safe life was in Europe and the developed world before the surge in American created and caused violence in Iraq Afghanistan and everywhere else. This whole menace of terrorism has everything to do with American actions because as the world remembers, not much of the world faced this prospect before 2003.

Begging is a term restricted to Turks who begged all of last few decades for European Union membership.

Begging is a term restricted to Turks who begged Americans after shooting down Russian jets and hides under NATO umbrella whereas France is incomparable in this regard, of strategic independence in nuclear deterrence, independent foreign policy, scientific and technological power and defence industry.

Turks did not arrive in Constantinopole until 1453, you were nothing for 5000 years, just nomads chased by Chinese and quashed under their boots, like today, all Turkic countries like Uzbekistan Turkmenisan Kazakhstan are quashed under Russian boots, and Uyghurs are quashed under Chinese boots.

You were still nothing as Ottoman empire because you were not a source of science, technology, enlightenment or progress. Your cannon was designed by a Hungarian called Urban.

You were still more of nothing when Ottomans were called the sick man of Europe and when France and Britain saved it from being sliced up by Russian Empire.

And you are still nothing without Europe and NATO, no matter how much you cry or complain or beat your chest like Arabs.

You still have to beg your American bosses for protection, you still have no scientific technological significance or independent defence industry. Even Israel alone is maybe 4 times ahead of you, maybe 3 times ahead of you, in technological sophistication and military industrial independence.

lol sorry but your retarded. I have no other words for. Surrender monkey french talking to me about history. Turkic empires rolled over nearly every single state at the time was known. Most of the generals in the Mongol army was Turk and the Golden Horde with Berke Khan. Just some of our ancestors list below that absolutely p..... all over europe lol. Gosh you had to call a holy alliance against Ottomans need I say more?

Huns destroyed the Romans- The Godfather Empire of the western world.
The Ottomans then destoryed what was left of Rome(called Byzantine but actually rome)- Then went all the way up to austria which is not very far off france. Its not hard going and destroying africans with stick and stones lol. Napoleon tried taking over europe and got smashed after a few conquests. It was the turks who defeated the Crusaders many times. As well as defeating the mongols.
Great Seljuk Empire -
Turkic Khaganate -
Cuman-Kipchak Confederation
Golden Horde
Khazar Empire-
Timurid Empire
Mughal Empire
Hun Empire
and many more powerful countries that was at the time the most powerful or one of the most poweful. As we say 20th century was the worst or one of the worst centuries for Turks. But you french dont worry, we are getting more powerful and like always stamping our name on history we will do it again. Being powerful in the world for 300 years if nothing. Since year 500 AD our name is in every part of the world.

And talking about begging hahah. This is coming from a french? Sorry cant discuss this with a surrender monkey french. Your french king begged us for protection.
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