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Does Israel Really Have a Thermonuclear Weapon?

3rd gen fighters are easy. fourth gen not so much. Iran & south Africa have even produced 3rd gen fighters (like the saegheh & cheetah ) also kfir was basically just a retrofitted locally made mirage. not an independent design.
also where is the Lavi i don't see it in the israeli air force..... it was canceled because the US didn't give ToT.
"one merkava IV was destroyed" is this defence.pk or is this debbka, everyone knows you lost more then 1 merkava IV, except for fox news apparently.
India did help make the barak 8 http://indianexpress.com/article/wo...ests-barak-8-missile-co-developed-with-india/ that is well documented.
Trophy intercepted a bunch of older ATGMs and maybe 1 or 2 modern ones. it was tested against a bunch of ill trained terrorists that can barely aim their Kalashnikovs (let alone a sagger missile). if it intercepted hezbollah's rockets that would be much more impressive. it doesn't change the fact it could be rendered useless if the sensors are destroyed on the tank. in addition with the fact people have already developed countermeasures against APSs like the RPG-32 (i also wonder if it could be hacked, that is a theory but one that i have been running through my head).
and i'm not trolling, you are the one trolling here with your propaganda nonsense. we all know Israelis love to boast and shout into the wind. a bunch of empty talk from a colonial possession.

Bro, are you seriously comparing Pakistan with Israel? Seriously?:what:
How can you even compare US trade situation with China and Frances deep ties with its and it's dictator.old boyyyyyy........tu me fais rire mon pote. lol
For one Frances relationship with Saddam were very deep from military to economic ties as I mentioned earlier. Iraq was a crucial ally for France in a region dominated by 'Anglo-American' influence. Reason France was against the war. U.S is no ally with China.

Secondly it's funny you mention morality and France while branding U S and U.K as immoral powers fighting illegal wars. Lool Holy France indeed.LMAO:lol:
Too bad I know your Countries dirty business in Africa and French speaking countries maybe better than even you. THE DAY YOU VACATE YOUR COLONIES AND STOP BASING YOUR TROOPS ON THEIR SOIL FOR YOUR INTERESTS THEN YOU CAN TALK ABOYT MORALITY. LOL
You are one of the last country on earth who can talk about morality dude.D doesn't exist in geopolitics anyway. So I wont go into too much details about this for your own sake. :P.
As for Soviet war in Afghanistan. France was part of the Western bloc/NATO who opposed communism in every corner of the globe including in Afghanistan Mr Holy.lol.

I already told you I not some naive Muslim/middle easterner (or naïve non French speaker) . I know your country's shady dealings/geo political wars very very well mate.
It's all about interests anyway, so no hard feelings. :enjoy:

he is kind of a hypocrite isn't he?
"we French can do no wrong!"
i don't hate France (in fact i kind of like france) but butthurt ultra-nationalist people like this really grind my gears.
he is kind of a hypocrite isn't he?
"we French can do no wrong!"
i don't hate France (in fact i kind of like france) but butthurt ultra-nationalist people like this really grind my gears.
To be honest, he is not the only hypocrite Ultra nationalist here. There are also Turks here(almost all of them) who have been making similar allegations against U.S and U.(seems everybody is used to blaming us for all their ills) , calling us Anglo-Saxon terrorist supporter/state due to the differences we have in Syria(Kurds/PKK vis a vis ISIS ), while claiming they have always been holy and have never done anything wrong. Lol
Sometimes it's easy to get carried away, especially when your country's interests clash with another country, in this case some people get very emotional and act irrationally.
They don't understand that it's all about interests and that's how geo politics works.
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To be honest, he is not the only hypocrite Ultra nationalist here. There are also Turks here(almost all of them) who have been making similar allegations against U.S and U.K , calling us Anglo-Saxon terrorist supporter/state due to the differences we have in Syria(Kurds/PKK vis a vis ISIS ), while claiming they have always been holy and have never done anything wrong. Lol
Sometimes it's easy to get carried away, especially when your country's interests clash with another country, in this case some people get very emotional and act irrationally.
They don't understand that it's all about interests and that's how geo politics works.
true. some of the Turk ultra-nationalists are also out of line.. it's like they aren't even interested in scholarly debate but just want to fling crap around:disagree:.
We all have vastly differing interests but we are ultimately here to learn and share knowledge, not fight an online proxy keyboard war.
No one cares,dirty Israeli.
Go die with your wretched country.
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You should be ban for such comments. I know most of you muslims hate Israel. But you can't make hate comments on a public forum and calling for a country/person to die. That's totally unacceptable.
Moreover, I don't see your beef with Israel. It's none of Bengladesh business, Bangladeshis are more worried about Islamic extremists(hanging them like rats, just like your president Hassina is doing lol) and not going to bed hungry. :)

true. some of the Turk ultra-nationalists are also out of line.. it's like they aren't even interested in scholarly debate but just want to fling crap around:disagree:.
We all have vastly differing interests but we are ultimately here to learn and share knowledge, not fight an online proxy keyboard war.

Lol You should visit their 'Euphrates shield ' thread and try say something contrary to their view there, see the response/insults you will get.lol
It's like they don't even want any debate with anyone that doesn't follow their view that the U.S/U.K are terror states and how they should leave that terrorist organisation called NATO. :lol:
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To be honest, he is not the only hypocrite Ultra nationalist here. There are also Turks here(almost all of them) who have been making similar allegations against U.S and U.K , calling us Anglo-Saxon terrorist supporter/state due to the differences we have in Syria(Kurds/PKK vis a vis ISIS ), while claiming they have always been holy and have never done anything wrong. Lol
Sometimes it's easy to get carried away, especially when your country's interests clash with another country, in this case some people get very emotional and act irrationally.
They don't understand that it's all about interests and that's how geo politics works.

No, nobody is claiming we are holy and didnt do anything wrong. There your either acting blind or in another world. PKK is a terrorist organisation and PYD is a branch of PKK. If US and UK supports them, then they are supporting terrorism end of. Nothing to argue here. We all know ISIS is not gna last for long, max 5 years.

If another country was supporting IRA branch called ERA(made up name) or something just because that ERA is fighting the Catholic state of Scotland and Ireland(made up) and IRA was killing English soldiers daily and these countries are supposedly UK's ally what would you say?
No, nobody is claiming we are holy and didnt do anything wrong. There your either acting blind or in another world. PKK is a terrorist organisation and PYD is a branch of PKK. If US and UK supports them, then they are supporting terrorism end of. Nothing to argue here. We all know ISIS is not gna last for long, max 5 years.

If another country was supporting IRA branch called ERA(made up name) or something just because that ERA is fighting the Catholic state of Scotland and Ireland(made up) and IRA was killing English soldiers daily and these countries are supposedly UK's ally what would you say?
Nope , take a look at what your brothers are saying there. To them Turkey has never done anything wrong in Syria(many people on here say otherwise not me. Lol,), and they are claiming how we are a terrorist state. Since we supported the Kurds against ISIS, forgetting we also supported(and still do) their FSA'(even though there are also extremists elements there).
We have never supported/armed PKK.
In fact we supported the Kurds simply because they were the only organised effective force against ISIS. BEFORE that they had no military support from us.
Funny thing is I don't see your brothers blaming Iran and Russia as terrorist states , since they ave never targeted the Kurds, they only focus on the FSA(thus indirectly helping the Kurds). Lol

In the region/Syria, there are no good choices. each power seem to have their own interests /view in Syria, which complicates things .
Nope , take a look at what your brothers are saying there. To them Turkey has never done anything wrong in Syria(many people on here say otherwise not me. Lol,), and they are claiming how we are a terrorist state. Since we supported the Kurds against ISIS, forgetting we also supported(and still do) their FSA'(even though there are also extremists elements there).
We have never supported/armed PKK.
In fact we supported the Kurds simply because they were the only organised effective force against ISIS. BEFORE that they had no military support from us.
Funny thing is I don't see your brothers blaming Iran and Russia as terrorist states , since they ave never targeted the Kurds, they only focus on the FSA(thus indirectly helping the Kurds). Lol

In the region/Syria, there are no good choices. each power seem to have their own interests /view in Syria, which complicates things .

Mike you keep repeating the same things about each power have interests etc, yes we know that, I'm talking about a completely different thing.

Seriously you keep repeating the same thing like a parrot, we are not supporting PKK.

Like this is not even debatable. They see their as the same as PKK leader who's in prison now. Do you know all the weapons that USA, UK etc that give to ypg do you know many of them end up in pkk hand? Do you know how many advanced weapons we captured from pkk that was given by ypg. Ypg is just another name for pkk in Syria. They keep changing it when it suits them. If you support ypg /pyd you are helping pkk DIRECTLY.

I don't understand what is so hard to grasp of what I'm saying. We are not blaming Iran and Russia as much because USA and UK is supposed to be our ''NATO allies'' right? If you get this from your supposedly ally what can I say more..

End of the story is this. Is supporting ypg (a side which aims to take part of Syria and create their own terrorist state by removing Arabs etc from their homes) worth it just to try to remove isis which every person in the world with a brain knows isn't going to last long expecially if everyone really wants to destroy it.
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You should be ban for such comments. I know most of you muslims hate Israel. But you can't make hate comments on a public forum and calling for a country/person to die. That's totally unacceptable.
Moreover, I don't see your beef with Israel. It's none of Bengladesh business, Bangladeshis are more worried about Islamic extremists(hanging them like rats, just like your president Hassina is doing lol) and not going to bed hungry. :)

Israel is not recognized by Pakistan,and this is a Pakistani forum not an Israeli one or a British one.I can insult an unrecognized terrorist country as much as I like.

Plus,why do you think only Muslims hate Israel? Almost everyone with a heart and a brain does,even jews.Get outta NATO proganada and see what they are doing in Palestine.

Bangladesh stands against Israel for its genocide on Palestinians.
And do you have anything against executing terrorists?
Israel is not recognized by Pakistan,and this is a Pakistani forum not an Israeli one or a British one.I can insult an unrecognized terrorist country as much as I like.

Plus,why do you think only Muslims hate Israel? Almost everyone with a heart and a brain does,even jews.Get outta NATO proganada and see what they are doing in Palestine.

Bangladesh stands against Israel for its genocide on Palestinians.
And do you have anything against executing terrorists?
Nope, whether or not Pakistan recognised Israel doesn't matter. You can't call for the destruction of a country no matter the case. Radical Islamic extremists/terrorists can do such things and people will understand, not so for 'moderates'. In this case you seem to be no different from your 'Islamic extremists/TERRORIST brothers who you condemn in your country and whom your government have been hanging in large numbers. Lol

Funny enough Pakistan/China and many countries didn't recognised your small illegally Indian created country Bengladesh until years later. So by that measure Pakistani should have be calling for the destruction of your terrorist illegal country as well and you will not be making comments on here as well.
I'm using your delusional logic here:)
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Funny enough Pakistan/China and many countries didn't recognised your small illegally Indian created country Bengladesh until years later. So by that measure Pakistani should have be calling for the destruction of your terrorist illegal country as well and you will not be making comments on here as well.
I'm using your delusional logic here:)

Pakistan had to recognize us as part of the surrender agreements.China and USA were reluctant to recognize because they were Pakistan's allies in the war.They all recognized us by 1975,and this is 2016,so I think you are a "little" late in saying that.

Radical Islamic extremists/terrorists can do such things and people will understand, not so for 'moderates'. In this case you seem to be no different from your 'Islamic extremists/TERRORIST brothers

You guys also called for destruction of Hitler's Germany,using your logic,you are also an terrorist.
Europeans and Americans called for destruction of their enemy Nazi Germany,and people call them as heroes.We call for destruction for our enemy,Israel and people call us terrorists? Are you sure of your logic?
Pakistan had to recognize us as part of the surrender agreements.China and USA were reluctant to recognize because they were Pakistan's allies in the war.They all recognized us by 1975,and this is 2016,so I think you are a "little" late in saying that.

You guys also called for destruction of Hitler's Germany,using your logic,you are also an terrorist.
Europeans and Americans called for destruction of their enemy Nazi Germany,and people call them as heroes.We call for destruction for our enemy,Israel and people call us terrorists? Are you sure of your logic?

As I said, your country is an illegal Indian creation. It shouldn't be existing at all if not for India.I t should still be East Pakistan's territory. So be grateful to them instead of being ungrateful like many of you are on this forum. lol

Obviously, China, Pakistan and the westhad no choice after your illegal country was created by India. So we had to accept the fait accompli. Just like you Islamist radicals have to accept Israel as a fait accompli. :)

In fact, we should be having this discussion with the Arabs, not wannabe Arabs who are trying to be more Arab than the Arabs themselves, instead of focusing on their living standards by making sure their hungry people can have a meal a day. :sick:
As I said, your country is an illegal Indian creation. It shouldn't be existing at all if not for India.I t should still be East Pakistan's territory. So be grateful to them instead of being ungrateful like many of you are on this forum.

LoL,India or no India,we would have won the war anyway,because the Soviets were the ones who helped the most.India just helped us politically,but in reality,Russia passed its help through India to us.

I support India as much as Pakistan,I'm not like the others,I'm just special… ^_^

Obviously, China, Pakistan and the westhad no choice after your illegal country was created by India.

China and US both were trying to get as close as possible to Pakistan as possible,USA sent their 7th fleet to assist,while Russia sent ships armed with nuclear missiles and nuclear submarines to intercept the threat.

So we had to accept the fait accompli. Just like you Islamist radicals have to accept Israel as a fait accompli. :)

UK and France stood against Pakistan and USA in the UN.The western countries recognized us within 6 months of independance.And China was the last to do so,on 1975 but Israel hasn't recognized us.Who said that we are Islamic radicals? Its no Iran here,we are a secular democratic country.And BTW,we will NEVER recognize Israel unless they recognize Palestine.

In fact, we should be having this discussion with the Arabs, not wannabe Arabs who are trying to be more Arab than the Arabs themselves

Then please go and talk to an Arab.

instead of focusing on their living standards by making sure their hungry people can have a meal a day. :sick:

Theres hardly any one in Bangladesh whos too poor to afford food.Its not the same old Bangladesh as it was in the 1980s.
LoL,India or no India,we would have won the war anyway,because the Soviets were the ones who helped the most.India just helped us politically,but in reality,Russia passed its help through India to us.

I support India as much as Pakistan,I'm not like the others,I'm just special… ^_^

China and US both were trying to get as close as possible to Pakistan as possible,USA sent their 7th fleet to assist,while Russia sent ships armed with nuclear missiles and nuclear submarines to intercept the threat.

UK and France stood against Pakistan and USA in the UN.The western countries recognized us within 6 months of independance.And China was the last to do so,on 1975 but Israel hasn't recognized us.Who said that we are Islamic radicals? Its no Iran here,we are a secular democratic country.And BTW,we will NEVER recognize Israel unless they recognize Palestine.

Then please go and talk to an Arab.

Theres hardly any one in Bangladesh whos too poor to afford food.Its not the same old Bangladesh as it was in the 1980s.

Nope, without India as I said you will still not be a country, you will rightly be East Pakistan lol.
You say it's the Soviet union who saved you and made you a country?lol ne it's not. With all due respect Bengladesh(east Pakistan back then lol) was(and still is) irrelevant to Soviet Russia interests. You simply have nothing to offer them. The Soviets got involved due to India(who is a large country) as India was aligned with the Soviets, while Pakistan was aligned with the UNS/UMK/West in a cold war showdown around the globe. so you were just a playing ground for these powers. You are lucky India got involved, thereby drawing the U.S U.K and Russia in this cold war game to limit the spread of soviet influence. If India had not come to carve out your country from Pakistan, then your little rebellion of independence would have been crushed by Pakistan and nobody in the world would have given a shit. :agree:.
Nope, without India as I said you will still not be a country, you will rightly be East Pakistan lol.
You say it's the Soviet union who saved you and made you a country?lol ne it's not. With all due respect Bengladesh(east Pakistan back then lol) was(and still is) irrelevant to Soviet Russia interests. You simply have nothing to offer them. The Soviets got involved due to India(who is a large country) as India was aligned with the Soviets, while Pakistan was aligned with the UNS/UMK/West in a cold war showdown around the globe. so you were just a playing ground for these powers. You are lucky India got involved, thereby drawing the U.S U.K and Russia in this cold war game to limit the spread of soviet influence. If India had not come to carve out your country from Pakistan, then your little rebellion of independence would have been crushed by Pakistan and nobody in the world would have given a shit. :agree:.

Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok,dude,you want me to worship India? No,sorry,I can only be thankful to Indira Gandhi for her invaluable efforts to help us.But I will worship God,not her,thank you!

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