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Does Israel Really Have a Thermonuclear Weapon?

@mike2000 is back

Mike I agree with you about "despotizm" in some section of PDF forum.

I also agree that Britain never armed PKK .
We have never supported/armed PKK.

But when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk wanted to take Mossul and Kirkuk and making a referandum like in HATAY Province, Britain threatened Turkey with war and organized "Kurdish Sheikh Said REVOLT" in Turkey.

Today you make a big mistake again. After the Brexit you will need good relations to Turkey.
In fact we supported the Kurds simply because they were the only organised effective force against ISIS. BEFORE that they had no military support from us.

Please read my post and try to explain, how it can happen ?
Bad taste and smell. DAESH moving to Dabiq to assist YPG/PKK against FSA and Turkish Forces or fighting SAA in Deiz-Es Sur ?


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